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Planning and Pre-Production

Unit 6: Visual Production


o Production Schedule
o Script / Shooting Script
o Storyboard
o Props List
o Crew List
o Location Recces
o Clearances and Confirmations
o Contingency Plan
Production Schedule
Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and teams members including actors

Date: 1st – 7th March

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Planning Planning Planning Planning Start
filming, in
the woods
Laura and
Film the
and middle

Date: 8th – 14th March

Monday Tuesday Wednes Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Carry on Finish off
filming anything
that isn’t
Laura and
Film the rest
of the short
film and
film sounds

The Watcher

By Keira Anderson


The Watcher Zeke Anderson

The Girl Laura Dalaimo

Ext. In the woods- Dusk

Alana, a 16-year-old teenager, goes for a peaceful evening walk in the woods.
She walks up the road and approaches the woods, towered over with tall
trees. She has her earphones in and listens to music to make the silence

(head bopping to the music)

Camera turns towards the ‘Watcher’ and zooms in on him watching Alana’s
every move. The Watcher hides behind a tree to make sure Alana can’t see him.
Alana carries on walking with earphones in. She looks behind her and sees a
dark figure behind a tree but ignores it.

Alana pauses her music and takes out her earphones. She hears someone
walking closely behind and begins to walk a bit faster.

Alana trips over something from the ground and the Watcher catches up to her.
She struggles to get up. The Watcher grabs Alana and reaches into his pocket.
The camera turns away from them.

The Watcher
(Grabs knife from pocket)

(Gets stabbed) *Screams*

The Watcher walks away from Alana’s body. When he gets home, he goes to
the sink and begins to wash up the bloody knife that he had used to stab the girl.
Props List

Item Item Description Who uses it When it is

Knife It is a sharp kitchen Zeke
knife and will be the
attempted murder
Earphones Girl uses for music Laura
whilst walking in the
Crew List

Person Role Dates Needed

Zeke Anderson Psycho 4th, 5th, and 6th March

Laura Dalaimo Victim 4th, 5th, and 6th March

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Type of room/area: Woods

Location Address: Bisham

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station: Marlow

Nearest Bus stop: Bisham,

Marlow SL7 1SD

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Could look dark in some shots Bring lighting equipment (a torch as I don’t
have access to anything else)

Sound Information: Solutions:

Could be loud from public or nature Film when it’s quite or cut sound out

Power Information Solutions:

No power sockets Bring portable sockets

Hazards Solutions:

Could trip over logs/sticks Move to a different part of the woods or move
these objects out of the way
Clearances and Confirmations
You need confirmation emails from everyone that is featuring in your music
video. Please screenshot these emails including the dates and times they are agreeing to paste
them below.

If you are filming somewhere that requires permission, please obtain permission and paste the
confirmation below.

I do not need confirmation for the location that I am using as it is public so anyone can use it.
Contingency Plan
What are your plans for if something goes wrong? What back up actors,
locations and equipment do you have?
Bisham woods is open for everyone but if anything went wrong, I could find a different
woods that is near, such as Marlow Common woods.
I have a backup actor for the girl if the actor that I have asked can’t do it but for the psycho,
my brother can definitely be in it.

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