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By: Efa Abate…………………………………RCS /1159/O8

Hawi Dejene………………………………RCS/1218/08
Marta Waktola……………………………RCS/1261/08
Lebesu Amenu……………………………RCS/1268/08

Advisor: Mr. Bikila B(MSc.)

A Project Paper Submitted to Faculty of Natural Science Under
Department of Mathematics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of
the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Mettu, Ethiopia
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Statement of the problem ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Objectives of the project........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.1. General objective ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.2. Specific objectives ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Significance of the study ......................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Study Area .............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2. Study period ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3. Sources of information .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.4. Data collection procedures .................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................................ 4
3. FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION ................................................................................. 4
3.1 Definition of ODE and Examples ......................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Differential Equation (DE) ................................................................................................................ 4
3.1.2 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation ...................................................................................... 4
3.2 Order of a Differential Equation, Linear and Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation .................... 5
3.2.1 Order of Differential Equation ......................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Classification of Differential Equation ............................................................................................. 5
3.3 Nature of Solutions of ODE ................................................................................................................. 5
3.3.1 Particular and General Solutions ..................................................................................................... 5
3.3.2. Solution of a Differential Equation ................................................................................................. 6
3.3.3. General, Particular and trivial Solution of a Differential Equation ................................................. 6
3.4 Homogeneous Differential Equations ..................................................................................................... 6
3.4.1 Homogeneous Differential Equation ............................................................................................... 6
3.4.2 Method of Solution of Homogeneous Differential Equation........................................................... 7
3.4.3 Exact Differential Equation, Non Exact Differential Equation and Integrating Factor..................... 8

3.5 Applications of first-order ordinary differential equations .................................................................. 12
3.5.1. Radioactive Decay ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.5.2. Carbon Dating ................................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 15
4. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 15
References .................................................................................................................................................. 16



1.1. Background
Differential equation is an equation one or more dependent variable with respect to one or more
independent variables. It is a mathematical tool invented by Isaac Newton 1676 and Gottfried
Leibniz[1993].Newton Leibniz years, the exact chronological origin and history to the subject of
differential equation is habit of a murky subject for what seems to be a number of reasons; one
being secretiveness, two being private publication issues [private works published only decades
latter] and three being the nature of the battle of mathematical and scientific discovery, which is
a type of intellectual “war”[in worlds of English polymath Thomas physicist Isaac Newton wrote
his then unpublished].The method of fluxions and infinite series [published in1736] n which the
classified first order differential equation, known to him as fluxional equations into three classes
as follows ( )

In this chapter we define basic definitions of DEs (differential equations). It is often desirable to
describe the behavior of some real-life system or phenomenon, whether physical, in
mathematical terms. Thus the mathematical description or mathematical model of phenomena,
experiments, observations, or theories may be a differential equation.

We define first-order differential equations, separable differential equations, homogeneous

differential equations, exact and non exact differential equations and linear differential equations
and integrating factor; and we derive solution methods to solve these DEs. Standard form for a
first-order differential equation in the unknown function y(x) is y′ = f (x, y). We can see also
some application of first order ordinary differential equation in radioactive decay and Carbon
Dating, but this course is very vast incase we are prepare solely first order ordinary differential
equation and its applications.

1.2. Statement of the problem

The study is assessing and discussing about solving first order ordinary differential equation. The
project was attempted to answer the following basic questions.
 What is first order ordinary differential equation?
 How do we find the solution of first order ordinary differential equation?
 How we site the application of first order ordinary differential equation in
radioactive decay, Exponential Growth, Carbon Dating, Heating and Cooling

1.3. Objectives of the project
1.3.1. General objective

The general objectives of this project is assessing, discussing and compiling definition, concepts
of first order ordinary differential equation and its application in radioactive decay and Carbon

1.3.2. Specific objectives

 To define first order ordinary differential equation.

 To provide & rules, then solving first order ordinary differential equation.
 To site the application of first order ordinary differential equation & its application in
radioactive decay and Carbon Dating

1.4. Significance of the study

The result of the project expected to be used many peoples of different purposes.

 It would help mathematics teachers and students as one reference as there is a shortage of
 It would help other researchers who want to further study on this under the same
 It provides organized information on the application of mathematics.


This project developed through number of resources and material which are quite relevant to
paper, reference books, internet and etc. The project was elaborated by definitions and examples.
Collected materials were examined in detail. Techniques or methods used to solve first order
differential equation and its application were examined detail.

2.1. Study Area

This project is conducted in Mettu University under Faculty of natural and Computational
science in department of mathematics which is 3.4km far from Mettu town as well as 600km far
from Addis Ababa. This project was focused on first order ordinary differential equation and its

2.2. Study period

The study period was from May to June 2018.

2.3. Sources of information

The sources of information for this project were from secondary data such as reference books,
internet, existing theories and facts such as interview to some students to those who had done the
project in this method.

2.4. Data collection procedures

To gather this information on the instrument that used to collect data are paper, flash, pen, and
secondary document sources like books and internet.



3.1 Definition of ODE and Examples

3.1.1 Differential Equation (DE)
An equation containing the derivatives of one or more unknown functions with respect to one or
more independent variables is said to be a differential equation (DE).Forms of first order
differential equation is written as ( ) in which f(x,y) is a function of two variables
defined on a region in xy-plane. The equation is the first order because it involves only the first
derivative .

3.1.2 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation

A differential equation is an ordinary differential equation if the unknown function depends on
only one independent variable. If the unknown function depends on two or more independent
variables, then the differential equation is called a partial differential equation.


1)The following are differential equations involving the unknown function y.





e) .

3.2 Order of a Differential Equation, Linear and Nonlinear Ordinary
Differential Equation

3.2.1 Order of Differential Equation

The order of a differential equation is the highest derivative appearing in the given equation.

Notation: The expressions ′ , ′′ , ′′′ , ( ) ,…, ( ) are often used to represent, respectively, the
first, second, third, fourth, . . ., nth derivatives of y with respect to the independent variable under
consideration, but we focus on only first order. Thus, ′ ( ) represents the first derivative of y
with respect x if the independent variable is x, but ′ ( ) represents the first derivative of y with
respect p if the independent variable is p.

3.2.2 Classification of Differential Equation

Classification by Type If a differential equation contains only ordinary derivatives of one or
more unknown functions with respect to a single independent variable, it is said to be an ordinary
differential equation (ODE).

Classification by Order: The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest derivative
in the equation. We classify differential equations based on their order as first order, second
order… etc, but we focus on only first order.


a) is first order ordinary differential equation.

b) is a first -order ordinary differential equation;

Classification by Linearity: An first order ODE for y(x) is said to be linear if it can be written
in the form ( ) ′ ( ) ( ), where ( ) ( ) and ( ) are functions of x and
( ) . That is, the first-order ordinary differential equation in one dependent variable is
expressed by the general form ( ,where F is a real-valued function of n + 2 variables
′ ′
in . This differential equation is said to be linear if F is linear in .A nonlinear ordinary
differential equation is simply one that is not linear.

3.3 Nature of Solutions of ODE

3.3.1 Particular and General Solutions

We have defined an first-order ordinary differential equation in one dependent variable by the
′) ′
general form ( , where F is a real-valued function of n + 2 variables .

Any function ( ) defined on an interval I and possessing at least n derivatives that are
continuous on I, which when substituted into first-order ordinary differential equation reduces
the equation to an identity, is said to be a solution of the equation on the interval.

A solution of first-order ordinary differential equation is a function ( ) that possesses at least n
derivatives and for which ( ( ) ′ ( )) for all x in I.We say that ( ) satisfies the
differential equation ( on the interval I.

3.3.2. Solution of a Differential Equation

A solution of a differential equation in the unknown function y and the independent variable x on
the interval I is a function y(x) that satisfies the differential equation identical for all x in I.
1) Show that satisfies the differential equation for any scalar .
Solution: Using implicit differentiation of functions technique, we have

Dividing both sides of an equation by 2, we obtain

Hence satisfies the differential equation for any scalar .

3.3.3. General, Particular and trivial Solution of a Differential Equation

A solution of a differential equation with arbitrary parameters is called a general solution.
A solution of a differential equation that is free of arbitrary parameters is called a particular
solution. Solution of a differential equation that is identically zero on an interval I is said to be a
trivial solution.
1) For is the general solution of the differential equation for any scalar
, whereas is the particular solution of the differential equation .
As we saw in example (1), satisfies the differential equation for any
scalar . Since this solution contains arbitrary parameter , it is the general solution of the
differential equation .

3.4 Homogeneous Differential Equations

3.4.1 Homogeneous Differential Equation
Definition: A first-order DE of the form ( ) ( ) is said to be
homogeneous if both coefficient functions M and N are homogeneous functions of the same

Example: The differential equation ( ) ( ) is ahomogeneous
differential equation because both ( ) and ( ) are homogeneous
functions of degree 1.

3.4.2 Method of Solution of Homogeneous Differential Equation

Let ( ) ( ) be a homogeneous differential equation of first-order.

If we assume that ( ) and ( ) a homogeneous functions of degree , then ( )

( ) possesses the property ( ) ( ) and ( ) possesses the property
( ) ( ) for some real number .

This implies that

( ) ( ) , provided .

Let .

It follows that and

This implies that

( ) ( )( )

It follows that
( )
( )
, where .
( )

If we set , then the homogeneous differential equation of first-order

( ) ( ) Can be converted to separable differential equation

( )
( )
( )

( )
Therefore, ∫ ∫ ( )
is method of solution of homogeneous differential
( )
equations ( ) ( ) , where .


1. Solve

Solution: The differential equation is a homogeneous differential equation
because both ( ) and ( ) are homogeneous functions of degree 1.

Take ( ) and ( ) .

For , ( ) and ( ) .

It follows that

⇒∫ ∫

⇒ ( ) | |

⇒ ( )
| |

⇒ ( ) | |

If we set , then is the implicit solution.

3.4.3 Exact Differential Equation, Non Exact Differential Equation and Integrating
Exact differential equation: The differential equation is said to be exact if
there exist a function ( ) such that that is if there exist the function
( ) such that

Solution of an exact differential equation: To solve the solution of exact differential equation
it is necessary to find the function of ( ).

Integrate with respect to

∫ ∫ ∫ ( )

(∫ )
( )

(∫ )

(∫ ) ( )

The term of RHS of equation (2) is independent of because on differentiating with respect to
, it gives which is zero.

Integrating (2) with respect to . ( ) ∫ (∫ )

∫ ∫ (∫ ) which gives the

solution of exact differential equation as ∫ ∫ (∫ ) .

Thus, to find the solution of exact differential equation (1), integrate ∫ as if is constant
and integrate the terms of which is do not contain with respect to

Example1 Solve ( ) ( )

Solution we have and

Here hence the differential equation is exact.

Now ∫ ∫( ) take as constant.


∫ ∫( ) (the term not containing ).

Therefore the solution is .

It is sometimes possible to find a function ( ) so that after multiplying non exact

differential equation ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
is an exact DE. Such a function ( ) is called an integrating factor.

If the differential equation ( ) ( ) is non exact differential equation and

an integrating factor is a function of x, then ∫ , where

( )

If the differential equation ( ) ( ) is non exact differential equation

and an integrating factor is a function of y, then ∫ , where

( )

Let ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) be an exact DE. It follows that

( ) ( )

If is a function of x, that is, ( ), then .


⇒ ( )

( )

( )
⇒ ∫ ∫ , where

( )
Therefore, ∫ is an integrating factor, where .

Similarly, if is a function of y, that is, ( ), then .

From equation , we have

( )

( )

( )
∫ ∫ , where

( )
Therefore, ∫ is an integrating factor, where .

Example: Solve ( )
Solution ( ) and ( )
First check that the first ordinary differential equation is exact or not

i) ( )

ii) ( )
From i & ii that is therefore the given first ordinary differential equation
is non-exact.

iii) Which is a function of and .

iv) which is the function of y only. That is ( )

( )

∫ ( ) ∫( ) ∫( )

Therefore . is an integrating factor.

The next step is multiplying the original equation by integrating factor, ( ).

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

Now it is exact after multiplying by integrating factor. Finally we have to find the general
solution by ( ) .
There exist ( ) ( ) ∫ ( ) ( ) ∫ ( )
( ) ∫ ( ).

∫ ( ) ( )

Differentiate (*) with respect to .

( )
( ) ( ) but we know that ( )

( )
( )
∫ ( ) ∫
( )
Therefore ( )
From (*) ( ) ( )
( )
Hence the general solution is ( )

3.5 Applications of first-order ordinary differential equations

3.5.1. Radioactive Decay

Definition: The Half-life of a radioactive element is the time required for half of the radioactive
nuclei present in a sample to decay (i.e. for the quantity to be reduced by one-half).The half-life
of an element is totally independent of the number of nuclei present initially, because this decay
occurs exponentially, i.e. according to the differential equation =ky, where k is some negative
constant. (The value of the constant differs for the various radioactive elements.)

Let be the n umber of radioactive nuclei present initially. Then the number y of nuclei present
at time t will be given by:

y= ekt

Since we are looking for the half-life, we wish to know the time t at which only ( ) nuclei


⇒ ekt=


(Since k is negative, is positive.) Thus the half-life depends only on k.

The formula above is worth noting for future use:

Hal-life= .

Example 1) Uranium 237 has a half-life of about 6.78 days. If there are 10 grams of
Uranium 237 now, how much will be left after 2 weeks?

Solution: We have = ky for some constant k and we know that there are y0 = 10 grams

present initially, so the amount left at time t is given by y = 10ekt. To find the value of k, we
use the half-life, i.e. the fact that half will be gone in about 6.78 days, so that y(6.78) = 5.
We have:
10e6.78k= 5
⇒ e6.78k=

⇒ 6.78k=ln( )=-ln2

⇒k= -0.1022

We could also have found this by rearranging the previously stated formula for half-life to

solve for k in terms of the half-life as k = .

Now, substituting for k in our general solution, y = 10ekt, we see that the function y =
10e−0.1022t gives the approximate amount remaining after t days. Therefore, after 2
Weeks (i.e. 14 days), the amount still remaining will be y(14) = 10e(_0.1022)(14)≈ 2.39

3.5.2. Carbon Dating

One particular application of radioactive decay is its use in determining how long tissue which
was once alive has been dead, using Carbon Dating. This is possible because Carbon 14 is a
radioactive element which is present in all living tissue. While the tissue is alive, Carbon 14 is
replaced by absorption from the atmosphere at the same rate at which it decays. By this means,
the ratio of Carbon 14 to the non-radioactive (i.e. stable) Carbon 12 remains constant in the
tissue. However, when the living tissue dies, it stops absorbing Carbon 14, and so the quantity of
this element is not replenished as it decays, causing the ratio of Carbon 14 to Carbon 12 to
decrease. That is, there is exponential decay of the Carbon 14, while the stable Carbon 12 does
not decay and hence remains at a constant level. Thus, given a sample of tissue which was once

alive, it is possible to discover how long ago it died by determining what proportion of its
Carbon 14 is still present, using the fact that the half-life of Carbon 14 is about 5570 years.

Example 1) Find the age of an object that has been excavated and found to have 90% of its
original amount of radioactive Carbon 14.
Solution: Using the equation y = we see that we must find two things:
The value of k

The value of t for which ekt = , i.e., find t such that ekt = .

Find the value of k:

Rearranging the half-life equation and using the fact that the half-life is known to be 5570
years, we have

-k= =

So k = −.0001244.

Find the value of t which makes ekt = :

( )
e−.0001244t = 0.9 ⇒−.0001244t = ln(0.9)⇒ t=

Therefore the sample is approximately 878 years old.


Differential equation is an equation involving one or more dependent variable with respect to one
or more independent variable/s. In this project some definitions, examples and application of first
order ordinary differential equations in radioactive decay and Carbon dating are considered.

[1] Arnold, V. I., Ordinary Differential Equations. 3rd ed. New York: Springer, 1997.

[2] Bhatia, N. P. and G. P. Szego, Stability Theory of Dynamical Systems. New York: Springer,
1997, 2002.

[3] Recardo H., Modern Introduction to Differential equations, Elsevier Academic Press,
London, 2009.

[4] Boyce, W.E., DiPrima, R.C, Elementary Differential Equations, 7th ed. New York: John
Wiley, 2001.

[5] Brauer, F. and J. A. Nohel, Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. Mineola,
NY: Dover, 1994.

[6] Coddington, E. A. and R. Carlson, Linear Ordinary Differential Equations. Philadelphia:

SIAM, 1997.


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