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ASM Sci. J.

, Special Issue 6, 2019 for SKSM26, 28-33

Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) Method for Solving

Two Dimensional (2-D) Transient Heat Equation
Norzilah Abdul Halif1 and Nursalasawati Rusli2

Centre of Excellence for Frontier Materials Research, School of Materials Engineering,
University Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia, Taman Pertiwi Indah,
Jalan Kangar-Alor Setar, Seriab, 01000 Kangar, Perlis.
Institute of Engineering Mathematics, University Malaysia Perlis, Pauh Putra Campus,
02600, Arau, Perlis.

Heat equation is widely used in engineering problem specifically for prediction of temperature
distribution during heating or cooling of solid material in high temperature furnace. This paper
presents the implementation of Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method to solve the two-
dimensional (2-D) heat equation with Dirichlet boundary condition. The boundary condition, initial
condition, space and time step are programmed and executed in MATLAB to approximate the
temperature distribution within the studied solid material. ADI formulation is validated by the semi-
analytical method and is proven to be used successfully to solve 2-D heat equation.
Keywords:2-D Transient Heat Equation; ADI; Dirichlet boundary condition

(FVM) and Finite Difference Method (FDM).

I. INTRODUCTION FDM has been used extensively to estimate the
temperature profile in metal slab (Banerjee et al., 2004) or
The heat conduction equation is categorized as a
billet (Dubey et al., 2012) or during the skid cooling
parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) and generally
(Abuluwefa & Alfantazi, 2014) when reheating furnace is
can be solved analytically or numerically. Analytical
operated. Validation of the numerical solution is frequently
methods, namely Laplace transform (Lawal et al., 2015),
compared with the analytical solution (Dubey & Srinivasan,
conformal mapping (Fan et al., 2013), and homotopy
2013) or based on the measured temperature from the
analysis (Mahalakshmi et al., 2012) have been used to solve
experimental work (Abuluwefa & Alfantazi, 2014).
transient heat conduction. Yet, they were successfully
Researchers also incorporated other factors during the
resolved the equation, provided that the problems are
numerical work such as temperature-dependent properties
highly simplified and has regular geometries. In contrast,
of furnaces (Chen et al., 2005) and including the
numerical methods serve the practical solution to the real
significances from the temperature variation to the
problems involving irregular shape and non-uniform
formation of oxide on the surface of the metal (Anton et al.,
thermal conditions (Cengel, 2003) and have shown an
excellent accuracy (Sameti et al., 2014).
Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) is recognized as
To date, the reports that available in the literature are
simple and efficient method for solving 2-D parabolic
focusing on the estimation of temperature distribution
problems particularly the heat equation. This method was
inside the walking-beam type reheating furnace or inside
originally proposed by Peaceman and Rachford in 1955
the heated metal slab or billet. Four numerical methods
(Peaceman & Rachford, 1955). The main principle of the
that commonly used are Finite Element Method (FEM),
method is to break a 2-D problem into two 1-D problems
Boundary Element Method (BEM), Finite Volume Method

*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
ASM Science Journal, Volume 12, Special Issue 6, 2019 for SKSM26

solved by implicit schemes without forgoing the stability 1.25Btu/hr.m o F .The heat conduction is subjected to the
limitation (Li & Chen, 2008). Since then this method has following boundary and initial conditions as follows:
been used widely in heat transfer analysis for engineering
design. T (0, y,t) = T (x,0,t) = T (Lx , y,t) = T (x, Ly,t ) = 0 (2)
In the present paper, one problem of transient 2-D heat
T ( x , y,0) = 30 (3)
equation is solved using ADI method and the approximated
temperature is validated by semi-analytical solution.
The process of discretisation is presented thoroughly and where L x =3m and L y =3m are the length of the
simulated using MATLAB. The algorithm is believed can be
solution domain in x and y directions, respectively.
extended to be used for various heat conduction problem
involving Dirichlet boundary condition. B. ADI Method

II. MATERIALS AND METHOD 1. Discretisation of 2-D heat equation

The main principle of ADI method is solving the x -sweep

A. Problem
implicitly and y sweep explicitly. First, the equation is
A square solid material is cooled from its initial discretised using forward differencing for the time
temperature of 30°F with boundary condition for each derivative and central differencing for the space derivatives.
The discretised equation is then producing two equations
sides are fixed at 0°F (Bruh & Zyvoloski, 1974). as shown
that will be solved sequentially from time level of n to
in Figure 1.
n+ and finally to n +1 as illustrated on the grid
system in Figure 2.



Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the problem

Figure 2. Illustration of the grid system for the ADI method

A transient 2-D heat conduction in the material can be [15]
mathematically expressed by [14]:
For the time level of 𝑛to 𝑛 + 1, the Equation (1) is
discretised into the following forms:
  T    T  T
 kx  +  ky  = C p (1) 1  1 1 1 
x  x  y  y  t T
2 −Tn  n+ 2
 i +1 − 2T
2 + T
2 T n − 2T n + T n

i, j i, j i, j i −1, j i +1 i, j i −1, j
=  +  (4)
 t   2 2 
   ( x ) ( y ) 
 2   
 
where the density,  and the heat capacity, Cp of the
material are 1Ibm /m and 1Btu/Ibm , respectively. The
1 
 n+
1 

T n +1 − T 2  T n +1 − 2T n +1 + T n +1 T 2 − 2T 2 +T 2 
i, j i, j  i +1 i, j i −1, j i +1 i, j i −1, j 
heat conductivity for both axis, kx and k y is =  +  (5)
 t  2 2
 

( x ) ( y ) 

 2   
 

ASM Science Journal, Volume 12, Special Issue 6, 2019 for SKSM26

Where t = time spacing; x = x spacing and y = y solved in the next step.

1 1 t
spacing. By substituting d2 = dx =  into C. Development of Numerical Algorithm
2 2 ( x )2 of ADI Method

Equation (4), yields: Numerical algorithm of ADI for Equation (8) is developed
for all grid points to produce set of linear algebraic
1 1 1
2 + ( 2d +1 ) T
n+ n+
2 = d Tn n n
equations. At initial condition, D1 is the same at all grid
2 i, j +1 + (1 − 2d 2 ) Ti, j + d2Ti, j −1 (6)
−d1T 2 −d T
i −1, j 1 i, j 1 i +1, j
points. Based on Equation (8), at i = 2 and j = 2 :
1 1 t
by replacing d2 = dy =  , the Equation (5)
2 2 ( y )2 1 1 1
n+ n+ n+
a1T1,2 2 + b1T2,2 2 + c1T3,2 2 = D1 (12)
1 1 1
n+ n+ n+ 1
(1 + 2d 2 ) Tin, j+1 − d2Tin, j++11 − d2Tin, j+−11 = d1Ti +1,2j + (1 − 2d 1 ) Ti, j 2 + d1Ti −1,2j (7)
Since T1,2 is located at the boundary, the equation

By introducing the coefficients as follows:
1 1 1
a1 = −d1 , n+ n+ n+
b1T2,2 + c1T3,2 = D1 − a1T1,2
2 2 2 (13)
b1 = 1 + 2d1 ,
c1 = −d1 , At i = IN −1 and j = 2 (at the boundary), yields:
the Equation (6) becomes:
1 1 1
n+ n+ n+
a1TIN −22,2 + b1TIN −21,2 = D1 − c1TIN,22 (14)
1 1 1
n+ n+ n+
2 = d Tn n n
2 i, j +1 + (1 − 2d 2 ) Ti, j + d2Ti, j −1 (8)
a1T 2 +b T 2 +c T
i −1, j 1 i, j 1 i +1, j
Where IN =Number of i, and JN = Number of j.

The right-hand side of Equation (7) can be represented as Therefore, the ADI algorithm for x -sweep can be written

D1 = d2Tin, j +1 + (1 − 2d 2 )Tin, j + d2Tin, j −1 (9)

 n+ 

 b1 c1 0  D1 − a1C1,2 2 
   C2,2   
In addition, by inserting the following coefficients into  a1 b1 c1     D1 
C = (15)
Equation (7):  a1 b1 c1   3,2   D1 
   CNI −1,2   
a2 = −d2 , 0 a1 b1   n+ 

 D1 − c1CIN,2 
b2 = 1 + 2d2 ,
c2 = −d2 , Using the same step, the ADI algorithm for y -sweep can
produces: be presented as:
1 1 1
n+ n+ n+
a2T n +1 + b2T n +1 + c2T n +1 = d1T 2 + (1 − 2d ) T 2 +d T 2 (10)  D2, j = 2 − c2C2,1n +1

i , j +1 i, j i, j −1 i +1, j 1 i, j 1 i −1, j  b2 c2 0
 
 C2,2   
 c2 b2 a2     D2, j = 2 
 C2,3  =   (16)
The right-hand side of Equation (10) can be represented as:  c2 b2 
a2  D
  C   2, j =3

0 c2 b2   2,4   D2, j = IN −1 − a2C2,n +IN1 
 
1 1 1
n+ n+ n+
D2 = d1T 2 + (1 − 2d ) T 2 +d T 2 (11)
i +1, j 1 i, j 1 i −1, j
The tridiagonal system of equations (15) and (16) are then
solved for all 𝑖 and 𝑗.The approximated temperature will be
𝐷1 and𝐷2 are the important elements in the matrix
validated with analytical method.
formulation of Equations (8) and (10) that need to be

ASM Science Journal, Volume 12, Special Issue 6, 2019 for SKSM26

D. Semi-Analytical Solution

The semi-analytical solution for this problem is:

     
2 2 k j 2 2
 n x   j y    
T ( x , y, t ) = An sin   sin   exp  −  kx n  + y t  (17)
 L   Ly  2
 x      Lx L2
y  
n =1 j =1    


An = ( −1 )n − 1  ( −1 ) j − 1  (18)

E. Error Analysis Figure 4. Comparison between ADI method with semi-

analytical method for the heat conduction problem along x-
Both methods are compared and evaluated based on axis at y = 0.3 m and y = 1.5 m for 1.2 hr

percentage of relative error calculated as follows

Table 1. Relative Error percentage (%) at y=0.3 along x-
(Hoffmann& Chiang, 2000): direction

 ADI value -Analytical value  error
Relative error (%) =    100 (19) x TADI Tanalytical
 Analytical value  (%)
0.300 0.175 0.173 0.578
0.600 0.332 0.329 0.912
0.900 0.457 0.453 0.883
1.200 0.537 0.533 0.750
1.500 0.565 0.560 0.893
The temperature distribution is depicted in Figure 3. After
1.800 0.537 0.533 0.750
1.2 hrs, the temperature at the middle of the square domain 2.100 0.457 0.453 0.883
2.400 0.332 0.329 0.912
is estimated to reach 1.8266oF. The comparison between
2.700 0.174 0.173 0.578
the ADI method with the semi-analytical solution is
illustrated in Figure 4 and the error analysis is depicted
numerically in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively. Table 2. Relative Error percentage (%) at y=1.5 along y-

x error
TADI Tanalytical
0.300 0.565 0.560 0.893
0.600 1.074 1.065 0.845
0.900 1.478 1.466 0.819
1.200 1.737 1.723 0.813
1.500 1.827 1.812 0.828
1.800 1.737 1.723 0.813
2.100 1.478 1.466 0.819
2.400 1.074 1.065 0.845
2.700 0.564 0.560 0.893

Figure 3. Surface plots of temperature distribution

using ADI method In overall, the ADI method successfully predicted the
temperature distribution with Dirichlet boundary condition
with the percentage of error less than 1%. The same method
can also be applied to predict the 2-D transient mass

ASM Science Journal, Volume 12, Special Issue 6, 2019 for SKSM26

diffusion problem particularly the kinetics of percentage

carbon penetration during carburising heat treatment.


The insightful and helpful comments of the reviewers are


ASM Science Journal, Volume 12, Special Issue 6, 2019 for SKSM26


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