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Onboarding To-Do List

for New-in-Practice

Starting a new position is stressful, but it doesn’t need be.

Use this onboarding to-do list as you orientate yourself in YOUR NEW POSITION.

Before You Go Basics Access and Contact Info Technology and Office Logistics and Location People

New hire paperwork ID badge/employee IT support Mandatory trainings Introductions to key

Dress code number Computer or laptop (in person and online) colleagues and staff
Identification, social Keys and door access with software Occupational Health Mentors and/or official
security card, medical Network login with LIS/ Encryption for devices clearance sponsor
license, degrees, etc. APLIS access Remote or mobile Access to laboratory Administrative
Commute route Work email account access policies and protocols assistance
Parking or commuter pass with signature Cell phone and/or pager Emergency procedures Organizational chart
Department/group Set up office voicemail Microscope (if and plans, exits Access to directory with
website Complete your directory applicable) with camera Tour/maps contact information
Human Resources information/profile Printer/scanner/copier Restroom locations Expectations regarding
orientation/website Work address Office furniture Where to find food schedule/assignments
Benefits enrollment Office supplies Shared calendars and
Direct deposit for Business cards recurring meetings
paycheck Embroidered laboratory Addition to mailing lists
coat and scrubs Professional head shot

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