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Hoarding and its connection to OCD, anxiety, and its rightful

treatment, for a step closer to solving "Gomi-yashiki"

Hinako Otsuka
OCD and OCPD what is the difference??

obsessive compulsive disorder
obsessive compulsive personality disorder

• believing what they

• faces a great deal
are doing is right
of anxiety
• behavior of
• unwanted feelings

Connection between
hoarding and OCD

"where someone acquires an excessive number of items

"a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a
and stores them in a chaotic manner, usually resulting in
person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts
unmanageable amounts of clutter. The items can be of little
(obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she
or no monetary value" (~NHS)
feels the urge to repeat over and over" (~National Institute of

↪︎ connection to depression Mental Health)

and OCD (~Mayo Clinic)


to get rid of anxiety, people

repeatedly perform a certain
Relationship of Hoarding and Anxiety
Mental Health Foundation

One main element that leads to anxiety is

the feeling of fear or worry.

To tackle this feeling, people do what they

feel like they need to do.

In the case of hoarding

hoarding emerge when a patient is seeking to get rid of fear or anxiety

knowing this gives distress for the people around

anxiety them makes themselves feel uneasy
One Affective Treatment

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

focuses on the effort to change the thinking
and the behavioral pattern. (~APA)
acknowledging the existence of negative thoughts and changing the pattern of behavior
Cases of Hoarding in Japan
Acknowledgement of
"Gomi-yashiki" Enactment of regulations



Do not

(~Ministry of Environment in Japan,2018)

Existent regulations for "Gomi-Yashiki"

offer a hand to the residents

guide and recommend them for a better living environment

execution of disposing the trash

This is only a TEMPORALLY solution!

Need: Rightful treatment and
a spotlight

To reduce the number and solve "Gomi-yashiki"....

understanding the aspect of those who hoard
introduce a rightful treatment
spotlight from the authorities

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