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Negoi Ioana Bianca


4. Write an essay on the importance of academic skills to your future career

showing how your current responsibilities match your plans for future professional

In my opinion,learning is a process that never stops or at least,should never

stop. Life is becoming increasingly complex and everyone should gain academic
skills for his/her professional development and for a bright future career. It is
something we could see if only we kept our eyes wide open for things around
us.This is why I think we learn both through studying and life experience.
One reason in favour of my opinion is the fact that compulsory education lasts
only for a few years.It would be extremely wrong to assume that a fixed period of
time and a limited number of books can be the solution for my future professional
development. Studying at university can be quite different to studying at school.
Making the transition to a new way of studying and writing is a challenge and
requires new academic skills.
On the other hand,it would be a great mistake to assume that academic skills
can be developed only during university time.Studying is an essential part of our
professional development.Studying means reading a lot,both books and many other
materials,it means attending seminars and conferences on topics that are connected
to my future profession,it means browsing the internet,it means staying in libraries
and also talking to specialists.For all these activities,good time management is
essential. Our ability to manage our time will determine whether we succeed or fail
in university.
However, no matter how extensive my academic skills may get, it could never
replace life experience. I plan to develop my academic skills by evaluating how I
learn in the workplace and how I can improve my professionalism using this. By
looking at my own strengths and weaknesses I can then consider how to progress
myself further. Even though I have no practical experience, I have gained strong
leadership skills. I can show great confidence when leading a group of people.
People share a lot of similarities, but they are extremely different, too .The only
way to handle certain issues, is to combine the wisdom gained from academic
study with my own life experience.
To conclude with , academic skills are essential for successful study. Some of
the essential academic skills are independent study skills, digital and numeracy
skills, communication, and writing. Skills are something that can be learnt.

Negoi Ioana Bianca

Because of this, virtually anybody can succeed in academic studies, with enough
hard work, effective time-management, and proper study habits. I strongly believe
that I should learn from everything, both university and what life has to offer. I
hope to gain extra knowledge and experience, allowing myself to become
increasingly skilled and further develop my career.

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