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All tasks are required to be answered.


Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIASS)


I. Identification. (10 points)

1. This code of conduct sets out the main principles of UK and Irish journalism since 1936.
2. This communication setting favors a one-dimensional mass media pattern.
3. – 5. What are the 3 characteristics involve in order for the messenger to communicate a
selective recreation of reality?
6. It is the process wherein the person acquires a culture from his or her surroundings.
7. – 8. What defines the communication in Civil Society Setting?
9. – 10. These 2 factors are needed to make communication effective and attainable.

II. Fill-in-the-Blanks. (10 points)

Direction: Fill in the correct word in each blank to complete the selection.
1. __________ of Communication may be defined as the physical surrounding of a
communication event.
2. ______ in communication include all that we use in both communicating with others and
interpreting the information received from others.
3. – 4. The private sector involves in the delivery of public services such as ____________ and
___________________ but are not part of the government.
5. – 7. One responsibility of communicators and journalists is to ensure that citizens have
______________ to all media which is subject to ______ and ______ law.
8. – 10. Rights, responsibilities and accountabilities need to be established to ______________ the
integrity of the media and ________________ of the general public in form of __________________.

III. Analogy. (5 points)

Direction: The analogies below are word problems that consist of two-word pairs. Look at the first
pair and decide how the two words relate to each other. Then select one of the words on the right
side so the second pair of words has the same relationship. Write the letter of the correct answer
Example: Clientele : Audiences
1. Public setting : ___________ a. Government setting b. Private setting c. Community setting
2. __________ : journalism a. Communicators b. Reporters c. Journalists
3. __________ : receiver a. Communication b. Message c. Sender
4. Non-verbal: ____________ a. Speech b. Verbal c. Written
5. Feedback : ___________ a. Response b. Channels c. Noise

IV. Essay. (15 points)

Direction: Answer the following questions in 1-2 paragraphs.
1. Discuss the possible effects of applied social sciences in an individual and in the society.
2. Explain how communication works in the different settings of communication.
3. Compare and differentiate the functions of communicators and journalists.

Prepared by: Karie Mae D. Tolones

All tasks are required to be answered. PASSI NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIASS)


1. Brochure-making. Create a flyer (printed/ drawn in a long size bond paper showing the
importance of communication in our society (10 pts.)

2. Mind-mapping. Create a mind map of possible careers and opportunities in the field of
communication. Use the example below. You can add or remove bubbles. Write on a piece
of paper (10 pts.)

Prepared by: Karie Mae D. Tolones


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