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00/0 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 88(4):1428 –1432

Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2003 by The Endocrine Society
doi: 10.1210/jc.2002-021260

Classification of Thyroid Diseases: Suggestions for
a Revision
Department of Endocrinology, University G. D’Annunzio, 66100 Chieti, Italy

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The last comprehensive classification of thyroid diseases stressed, and the need to update the nomenclature of thyroid
has been reported by the American Thyroid Association in diseases was acknowledged (22). Some recent books on in-
1969. It was based largely on thyroid function; classification ternal medicine have begun to report some of the newly
by etiology was considered premature, by pathology non- identified thyroid diseases as special topics, taking into ac-
useful to the clinician (1), and the clinical evolution and count molecular mechanisms of thyroid diseases and the
follow-up have not yet been evaluated. Goiter, without spec- evolution of autoimmune thyroid diseases (23, 24). The new
ifying the dimension of the enlargement, was a focal point of classification of thyroid diseases presented herein is a pro-
the classification, divided into nontoxic and toxic forms (2). posal to stimulate discussion of previous classification to
With the adoption of American Thyroid Association classi- codify these diseases in a clinically useful manner. New
fication, the American Thyroid Association voted that the terms are often forged to eliminate the criticism of those
classification “. . . . be reviewed periodically and revised as already existing; in turn, they become similarly criticized.
further knowledge might require” (1). The writer is perfectly aware that his proposal is based on
During the last 30 yr books on thyroid (3, 4) and endocrine his own experience, and he hopes that it will be subject to
diseases have not revised the classification or nomenclature the positive criticism needed to generate an updated
of thyroid diseases (5–7). No revision has been made despite classification.
our greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms un-
derlying hormonogenesis. We now distinguish thyroid dys-
Thyroid function
function at the target tissue level and can identify receptor
and postreceptor pathophysiology as syndromes of resis- The functional behavior of the thyroid is fundamental in
tance to thyroid hormones (8, 9). We now recognize genetic most thyroid diseases and represents the basis for diagnosis
defects of thyroid hormonogenesis (3, 4), postpartum thy- and therapy. Euthyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and hypothy-
roiditis (10), the evolution of diffuse to nodular goiter (11– roidism, clinical states reflecting normal, excessive, or de-
14), and the complex effects of iodine on the function of fective levels of thyroid hormones, were the basis of classi-
endemic goiter (15). However, recent technology has allowed fication (1, 2). Today it is necessary to distinguish whether
many countries to screen for congenital hypothyroidism, so hormone levels reflect a primary biosynthetic problem of the
that the clinical consequences of this syndrome should dis- thyroid gland, destruction of thyroid cells with release of
appear as a clinical entity throughout the world in the next thyroid hormones, iatrogenic causes, or changes resulting
10 –20 yr (15, 16). We now better recognize the clinical evo- from target tissue abnormalities. Thus, the suggestion is to
lution of thyroid diseases that frequently change their func- define as hyper-, eu-, or hypothyroidism a disease with in-
tional behavior with time from that observed at the onset of creased, normal, or low levels of thyroid hormones at the
disease, i.e. from hyper- to hypofunction (17–20). The clinical cellular level.
evolution of thyroid function is of fundamental clinical im- Euthyroidism means normal production of thyroid hor-
portance, because it implies continuous follow-up with con- mones by the thyroid and normal levels in the circulation
sequent updating of therapy. Today the presence of goiter and at the cellular level. For example, diffuse goiter that
cannot be considered a basis for classification, but only a with time becomes nodular (11, 12) should be called eu-
parameter. We often see diseases before goiter onset, and thyroid if it is accompanied by normal circulating hor-
environmental factors can affect thyroid function without a mones. It seems improper to define this type of goiter as
modification of thyroid morphology. In fact, many thyroid nontoxic, because hypothyroidism is not considered. In
diseases occur without the presence of goiter, i.e. thyrotox- fact, relative hypofunction due to a partial insufficiency of
icosis factitia, postpartum thyroiditis, and even Graves’ hormonogenesis occurs relatively often as the diffuse goi-
disease. ter becomes nodular with time. Subgroupings of sporadic
In the 1980s, the importance of environmental contribu- or endemic should be reserved for epidemiological, not
tions and the reversibility of some thyroid diseases were functional, purposes (1).
recognized (21). In the 1990s the importance of the transient Hyperthyroidism means clinical symptomatology due to
and bipolar clinical evolution of several thyroid diseases was excessive circulating and intracellular thyroid hormones. It

Monaco • Clinical Perspective J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2003, 88(4):1428 –1432 1429

TABLE 1. Abridged classification of thyroid diseases is now necessary to distinguish whether the excess is due to
thyroid hyperfunction and overproduction of thyroid hor-
I. Diseases characterized by (tissue) euthyroidism
mones or to excess levels without thyroid hyperfunction and
A. Euthyroid goitera
1. Diffuse (chronic) increased biosynthesis, i.e. excess intake, excess release with-
2. Nodular (chronic) out synthesis, or syndromes of pituitary resistance to thyroid
3. Diffuse (transient) hormones. In the latter cases it is more appropriate to use the
B. Tumors term thyrotoxicosis, which indicates the presence of an ex-
1. Benign (single nodule)
2. Malignant cessive amount of thyroid hormones not overproduced by
a. Differentiated (papillary and follicular) the gland. If the hormones are produced by the thyroid, we
b. Undifferentiated (anaplastic) have hyperthyroidism with thyroid gland hyperfunction; if
c. Medullary the excess level of thyroid hormones is not derived from the
C. Thyroiditis
thyroid or is derived from the thyroid by excess secretion
1. Acute thyroiditis
2. Subacute thyroiditis (De Quervain’s) (in the euthyroid rather than production, we have thyrotoxicosis without thy-

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phase: polar disease)b roid gland hyperfunction.
3. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s disease (in Hypothyroidism is almost always due to the lack of thy-
the euthyroid phase: polar disease)c roid hormone production and inadequate replacement ther-
4. Postpartum and silent thyroiditis (in the euthyroid phase:
polar disease)c apy. Yet today we must distinguish generalized and periph-
5. Riedel’s thyroiditis eral resistance to thyroid hormones in which there is normal
II. Diseases characterized by (tissue) hyperthyroidism thyroid function, but the receptor/postreceptor recognition
A. With thyroid gland hyperfunction system in target organs is defective.
1. Hyperthyroid goiter with thyroid-associated
ophthalmopathy or Basedow-Graves’ diseased
2. Multinodular hyperthyroid goiter or Plummer’s disease Clinical evolution
3. Autonomous nodule (hyperthyroid) The function of the thyroid in many thyroid diseases
4. Rare forms: excessive exogenous iodine, hyperthyroidism
due to Hashimoto’s disease (Hashitoxicosis), postpartum frequently changes from that observed at the onset of
thyroiditis (in the hyperthyroid phase), pituitary resistance disease. Diffuse goiter, which becomes nodular with time
to thyroid hormones, TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma, (11–14), may maintain normal hormonal production for
chorionic gonadotropin-secreting tumor, adenoma or many years, but may be associated with hypothyroidism
carcinoma (follicular) of the thyroid
or hyperthyroidism depending on iodine supply (25, 26).
B. Thyrotoxicosis (without thyroid gland hyperfunction)
1. Excessive, exogenous thyroid hormones (thyrotoxicosis Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are frequently due
factitia and iatrogenic) to autoimmune thyroid diseases (27, 28). Autoimmune
2. Postinflammatory or from destruction of the thyroid hyper- or hypothyroidism may depend on the presence of
3. Amiodarone-induced stimulating or blocking autoantibodies whose presence
C. Transient hyperthyroidism
III. Diseases characterized by (tissue) hypothyroidism can vary with time (28). The natural history of Graves’
A. With thyroid gland hypofunction disease is now characterized by remissions and exacerba-
1. Primary hypothyroidism tions; 10 –15% of patients will progress to hypothyroidism
a. Adult (iatrogenic (surgery, 131I therapy, external (29 –32). It is now clear that Hashimoto’s can remit or can
radiotherapy), chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (in the
progress to hyperthyroidism because of the presence of
hypothyroid phase), Graves’ disease (end-stage), diffuse
and nodular goiter, iodine deficiencyf TSH receptor autoantibodies or destructive changes caus-
b. Neonatal congenital (ectopia, agenesis, ing excess hormone secretion (27, 28). It can also progress
dyshormonogenesis) to hypothyroidism because of the appearance of blocking
2. Secondary: hypothalamic-pituitary hypothyroidism (or antibodies or because the gland is destroyed. Graves’ dis-
3. Dyshormonogenetic congenital goiter ease may spontaneously culminate in Hashimoto’s thy-
B. Without hypothyroidism
1. Generalized and peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones
(receptor and postreceptor defects)
C. Transient hypothyroidism d
It is improper to define Basedow-Graves’ disease as diffuse goiter
IV. Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathyg
because there are either forms without goiter or the goiter with time
V. Abnormal thyroid parameters without thyroid diseases
may change from diffuse into nodular. It has to be noted that no
(nonthyroidal illness, deficit of TBG, etc.)
exhaustive studies on the frequency of the change of function as well
Goiter is an increase of the thyroid volume (⬎40 ml, twice the as of the goiter prevalence are available up to now.
normal volume of the adult thyroid), determined by ultrasound. It is It has to be noted that, probably, now the most frequent forms of
insufficient now to define goiter as indefinite enlargement of the hypothyroidism are iatrogenic and those due to chronic autoimmune
thyroid (i.e. based only on clinical parameters) when by imaging thyroiditis can not be accompanied by goiter in the atrophic variant.
techniques it is possible to detect lesions as small as 2 mm. Thus, the term goiter is specified only when present. It has to be
Subacute thyroiditis can manifest three clinical phases: initially emphasized that no exhaustive studies on the most frequent forms of
hyperthyroid, due to thyroid destruction, a middle phase, euthyroid, hypothyroidism are available today.
and a final end-stage hypothyroid. Thus, the disease is classified in In severe iodine deficiency areas, in which it is observed endemic
the three functional states: hyper-eu-hypothyroidism. goiter, hypothyroidism can develops over the years due to progressive
Autoimmune thyroiditis manifests generally two clinical phase: impairment of thyroid hormone biosynthesis or concurrent autoim-
a hyperthyroid phase in general due either to iodine intake (Hashi- mune thyroid disease.
moto) or to derepression of the immune system (postpartum and silent I suggest to use this definition instead of eye changes of Graves’
thyroiditis) and an end-stage hypothyroid phase. The euthyroid disease because eye changes can occur in many autoimmune thyroid
phase, lasting sometimes for decades, is asymptomatic. diseases.
1430 J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2003, 88(4):1428 –1432 Monaco • Clinical Perspective

TABLE 2. Detailed classification of thyroid diseases TABLE 2. Continued

I. Diseases characterized by (tissue) euthyroidism 1. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (with or without goiter)e
A. Euthyroid goiter (chronic)a 2. Iatrogenic (surgery, 131I-therapy)e
1. Diffuse 3. Diffuse and nodular goiter
a. Sporadic 4. Severe iodine deficiencyf
b. Endemic (iodine deficiency) b. Neonatal congenital (ectopia, agenesis,
2. Nodular dyshormonogenesis (iodine metabolism, thyroglobulin
a. Uninodular biosynthesis, enzymatic defects)
1. Sporadic 2. Pituitary (or secondary) hypothyroidism (tumor,
2. Endemic (iodine deficiency) inflammation, infiltration, trauma, TSH deficiency, isolated
b. Multinodular or panhypopituitarism)
1. Sporadic 3. Hypothalamic (or tertiary) hypothyroidism (tumor,
2. Endemic (iodine deficiency) inflammation, infiltration, trauma)
3. Euthyroid diffuse goiter (transient) B. Without hypothyroidism
a. Menarche, pregnancy, menopause (in iodine-deficient 1. Generalized and peripheral resistance to thyroid hormones

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environments) (receptor and postreceptor defects)
b. Iatrogenic (antithyroid substances), iodide (deficiency/ C. Transient hypothyroidism
excess), environmental/diet (goitrogens, drugs, etc.) 1. Adult forms [iodine deficiency/excess, drug induced,
B. Tumors environmental/diet, postpartum and subacute thyroiditis
1. Benign (single nodule) (hypothyroid phase)]
a. Adenoma 2. Neonatal forms (iodine deficiency/excess, maternal
b. Unusual tumors (teratoma, lymphoma, etc.) goitrogen ingestion/antithyroid substances, maternal
2. Malignant antibodies)
a. Differentiated IV. Thyroid associated ophthalmopathyg
1. Papillary 1. Only signs
2. Follicular 2. Soft tissue involvement with signs and symptoms
b. Undifferentiated (anaplastic) 3. Proptosis (exophthalmos)
1. Small cell 4. Extraocular muscle involvement
2. Giant cell 5. Corneal involvement
c. Medullary 6. Sight loss
d. Other malignant (lymphoma, sarcoma, metastatic tumors) V. Abnormal thyroid parameters without thyroid diseases
C. Thyroiditis (nonthyroidal illness, deficit of TBG, etc.)
1. Acute thyroiditis
See Table 1 for footnotes.
2. Subacute thyroiditis (De Quervain’s) (in the euthyroid
phase: polar disease)b
3. Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s disease (in
the euthyroid phase: polar disease)c roiditis and hypothyroidism; conversely, Hashimoto’s
4. Postpartum and silent thyroiditis (in the euthyroid phase: thyroiditis, may change to Graves’ disease associated with
polar disease)c hyperthyroidism. Even if Graves’ disease and Hashimo-
5. Riedel’s thyroiditis to’s thyroiditis have separate genetic backgrounds, it is
II. Diseases characterized by (tissue) hyperthyroidism
A. With thyroid gland hyperfunction clear they are closely related diseases. Postpartum thy-
1. Diffuse hyperthyroid goiter with thyroid associated roiditis occurs in approximately 5–12% of all postpartum
ophthalmopathy or Basedow-Graves’ diseased women, and many patients will suffer recurrences after
2. Multinodular hyperthyroid goiter or Plummer’s disease subsequent pregnancies. Postpartum thyroiditis can have
3. Autonomous nodule (hyperthyroid)
4. Rare forms: excessive exogenous iodine, chronic
a hyperthyroid phase, similar to that observed in silent
autoimmune (i.e. Hashitoxicosis) and postpartum thyroiditis, followed by a transient hypothyroid phase
thyroiditis (in the hyperthyroid phase, polar diseases), (33, 34).
pituitary resistance to thyroid hormones, TSH-secreting From all of the above, it is evident that the physician must
pituitary adenoma, chorionic gonadotrophin-secreting know both the natural history of the disease and the mod-
tumors (choriocarcinoma, hydatiform mole, embryonal
carcinoma of the testis), follicular adenoma or carcinoma of ification of the disease induced by therapy. Graves’ and
the thyroid postpartum thyroiditis are treated with antithyroid drugs at
B. Thyrotoxicosis (without thyroid gland hyperfunction) the onset of disease, but when patients become hypothyroid,
1. Excessive, exogenous thyroid hormones (thyrotoxicosis thyroid hormone supplementation is needed. Polar means
factitia, iatrogenic thyrotoxicosis) (see also transient
that the function and clinical characteristics of disease can
2. Postinflammatory (subacute thyroiditis) or from destruction change, as evident in postpartum thyroiditis (33, 34), sub-
of the thyroid (see also transient hyperthyroidism) acute thyroiditis (35, 36), Hashimoto’s disease (37), or even
3. Amiodarone induced Graves’ disease (18 –20, 38); I suggest polar, and not bipolar,
C. Transient hyperthyroidism because the function can change from hyper- to hypo- to
1. Adult forms (excessive exogenous iodine intake, excess of
thyroid hormone intake, post-131I therapy, hyperthyroid euthyroidism and vice versa. The term bipolar is, in fact, used
phase of polar diseases ⫽ postpartum, silent and subacute in multiple medical diseases; for example, in manic-depres-
thyroiditis) sive illnesses (39) or affective disorders manifest by se-
2. Neonatal forms (maternal antibodies) quential periods of anorexia and bulimia. Stimulating and
III. Diseases characterized by (tissue) hypothyroidism
A. With hypothyroidism
blocking receptor antibodies causing opposite clinical man-
1. Primary hypothyroidism: ifestations are argued to exist in pituitary hypophisitis, caus-
a. Adult ing hyper- or hypofunction (40 – 45), and in adrenal cortical
disease, causing Cushing’s or Addison’s disease (46 –53).
Monaco • Clinical Perspective J Clin Endocrinol Metab, April 2003, 88(4):1428 –1432 1431

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