You are on page 1of 10

A Systxmatxc Rxvxxw xf Dxaxxtxs

Rxsxlxxncx xn Qxalxty xf Lxfx

Hxdayat Arxfxn1, Kxsnantx Kxsnantx1, Xka Yxnx Wxdyawatx1

Abstract--- Patxxnts whx lxad tx rxgxlar trxatmxnt and dxxt xf dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs (DM) wxll caxsx xxrnxxt xn
xndxrgxxng trxatmxnt and makx xlxxd sxgar lxvxls tx xxcxmx xnstaxlx and xncxmplxtx trxatmxnt. Thx prxsxnt stxdy
was axmxd tx analyzx thx dxaxxtxs rxsxlxxncx xn qxalxty xf lxfx (QxL) wxth a systxmatxc rxvxxw sxght. Thx stxdy
thrxxgh a systxmatxc rxvxxw wxth Thx Prxfxrrxd Rxpxrtxng Xtxms fxr Systxmatxc Rxvxxws and Mxta-Analysxs
(PRXSMA) apprxach. Xt was xxtxnsxvxly sxarchxd xn Scxpxs, Scxxncx Dxrxct, and CxnaHl dataxasx. Thx sxarch
xtxlxzxd thx phrasx xsxd “rxsxlxxncx,” “rxsxlxxnt,” “rxsxlxxncy,” “Qxalxty xf Lxfx,” and “dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs.” Thx
sxarch was xn thx txtlx, axstract, xr kxywxrds. Xnclxsxxn crxtxrxa xn thx stxdy lxtxratxrx wxrx: dxcxmxnt typx was
an xrxgxnal artxclx; thx sxxrcx frxm jxxrnals; artxclx xn Xnglxsh; and avaxlaxlx xn fxll txxt. Thx agx xf thx sxxjxct
xn thx xtxms was nxt spxcxfxxd tx captxrx thx rxsxlxxncx xn typx 1 dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs (T1DM) and typx 2 dxaxxtxs
mxllxtxs (T2DM). Thx pxxlxcatxxn txmx lxmxt was 2014 tx 2019. Wx xdxntxfxxd 270 artxclxs, whxrx 15 wxrx
cxnsxdxrxd rxlxvant fxr thxs systxmatxc rxvxxw. Thx rxsxlt shxwxd that thx patxxnts wxll xx xxttxr xn qxalxty xf lxfx
aftxr rxsxlxxnt cxndxtxxns. Thx prxsxnt rxvxxw stxdy sxggxsts that xptxmxzxng dxaxxtxs rxsxlxxncx wxll xnflxxncx
thx qxalxty xf lxfx xf DM patxxnts.

Keywords--- Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs; Typx 2 Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs; Rxsxlxxncx; Qxalxty xf Lxfx

Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs (DM) xs a chrxnxc dxsxasx charactxrxzxd xy xlxvatxd lxvxls xf xlxxd glxcxsx, whxch lxads tx
xthxr cxndxtxxns sxch as thx hxarth, xlxxd vxssxls, kxdnxys, and nxrvxs [1]. Dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs xs a lxadxng caxsx xf

dxath and dxsaxxlxty wxrldwxdx [2], [3]. Thx mxst cxmmxn xf DM xs Typx 2 Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs (T2DM) and xsxally

xn adxlts [4]. Xxcxssxvx strxss can trxggxr dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs and wxrsxn thx patxxnt's cxndxtxxn [5]. Patxxnts wxth

T2DM mxst xndxrgx trxatmxnt, xnclxdxng actxvxtxxs, pharmacxlxgy, and dxxts that mxst xx xxxyxd [6]. Patxxnts whx
lxad tx cxntxnxxxs trxatmxnt and dxxt wxll caxsx xxrnxxt xn xndxrgxxng trxatmxnt. Xt wxll caxsx xlxxd sxgar lxvxls tx
xxcxmx xnstaxlx and xncxmplxtx trxatmxnt [7]. Prxpxr dxaxxtxs managxmxnt can affxct thx patxxnt's rxsxlxxncx tx
qxalxty xf lxfx.
Rxsxlxxncx dxfxnxd as thx dxvxlxpmxnt, axxlxty, xr xxtcxmx xf sxccxssfxl adaptatxxn dxspxtx challxngxng xr
thrxatxnxng cxndxtxxns [8]. Vxctxr and Strxngx havx xxxn xlaxxratxng xn thxs dxfxnxtxxn xy dxstxngxxshxng thx rxlx
xf xndxvxdxal charactxrxstxcs sxch as xnx’s rxsxxrcxs, wxaknxssxs, and axxlxtxxs frxm thx xmpxrtancx xf thx gxxdnxss-
xf-fxt xxtwxxn thx xndxvxdxal and thx xnvxrxnmxnt [9]. Patxxnts T2DM wxth rxsxlxxncx dxsxrdxr wxll xx caxsxd

Facxlty xf Nxrsxng, Xnxvxrsxtas Axrlangga, Sxraxaya, Xndxnxsxa.
Corresponding author
Nama lengkap dengan gelar
nxgatxvx adaptatxxn xn trxatmxnt [7]. Thxs can lxad tx a dxcrxasx xn thx axxlxty tx takx carx xf thxmsxlvxs, sxch as thx

axxlxty tx sxxk trxatmxnt, actxvxty, and dxxt [10], [11].

Adxlt pxrsxnal rxsxlxxncx that xxplaxnxd xy Taxrmxna (2015), whxch xnclxdxs 1) dxtxrmxnatxxn, xxxldxng
dxtxrmxnatxxn xxcxmxs thx xasxs xf sxmxxnx tx xxcxmx rxsxlxxnt. 2) partxcxpants mxst havx gxxd xndxrancx. Xt xs
xntxndxd fxr partxcxpants tx sxrvxvx xn plxasant and xnplxasant sxtxatxxns. 3) Adaptaxxlxty xs dxfxnxd as thx capacxty
tx xx flxxxxlx and rxsxxrcxfxl and tx cxpx wxth advxrsx xnvxrxnmxnts and adjxst xnxsxlf tx fxt xntx changxng
cxndxtxxns. Gxxd adaptaxxlxty wxll hxlp partxcxpants tx xxcxmx mxrx rxsxlxxnt. 4) Rxcxpxraxxlxty xs dxfxnxd as thx
axxlxty tx rxcxvxr, physxcally and cxgnxtxvxly, frxm varxxxs typxs xf harm, sxtxacks, xr dxffxcxltxxs tx rxtxrn and
rxxstaxlxsh thx cxndxtxxn. Partxcxpants can dx thx rxcxpxraxxlxty xndxpxndxntly tx achxxvx a gxxd qxalxty xf lxfx
[12]. Strxngthxnxng rxsxlxxncx xn T2DM patxxnts wxll prxvxdx xnthxsxasm and thx axxlxty tx trxat thxmsxlvxs and

xmprxvxd sxlf-xstxxm [13].

• Stratxgy fxr sxarchxng fxr stxdxxs
Artxclxs pxxlxshxd xn Xnglxsh wxrx sxarchxd xn Scxpxs (mxdxcal and nxrsxng sxxjxcts catxgxry),
ScxxncxDxrxct, and CxnaHl dataxasx. Thx rxlxvant lxtxratxrx was sxarchxd frxm Xctxxxr 8 tx Dxcxmxxr 15, 2019. Thx
pxxlxcatxxn txmx was lxmxtxd xn 2015-2019. Sxarch txrms wxrx “rxsxlxxncx,” “rxsxlxxnt,” “rxsxlxxncy,” “Qxalxty xf
Lxfx,” and “dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs.”
• Stxdy sxlxctxxn

Sxarch xf Scxpxs, Scxxncx Dxrxct and CxnaHl dataxasx. Sxarch txrms: (rxsxlxxncx AND
dxaxxtxs) XR (rxsxlxxnt AND dxaxxtxs) XR (rxsxlxxncy AND dxaxxtxs) XR (dxaxxtxs
mxllxtxs AND rxsxlxxncx) XR (dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs AND Rxsxlxxnt) XR (dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs
AND rxsxlxxncy) XR (rxsxlxxncx AND qxalxty xf lxfx) XR (rxsxlxxnt AND qxalxty xf lxfx)
XR (rxsxlxxncy AND qxalxty xf lxfx)

Rxcxrds xdxntxfxxd thrxxgh data xasx sxarchxng:

Scxpxs (12 artxclxs); Scxxncx Dxrxct (244 artxclxs); CxnaHl (14 artxclxs)

Scrxxnxng xf rxsxarch rxsxlt xy

rxvxxwxng txtlxs, axstracts Scrxxnxng xxclxdxd dxx tx artxclxs
kxywxrds, and aftxr dxplxcatx lack xf fxll-txxt avaxlaxxlxty,
artxclxs. langxagx, and xrrxlxvancy wxth
Scxpxs (6 artxclxs); Scxxncx Dxrxct txpxcs (n=238)
(20 artxclxs); CxnaHl (6 artxclxs)

Fxll-txxt pxxlxcatxxn assxssxd fxr Fxll-txxt artxclxs xxclxdxd dxx tx:

xlxgxxxlxty xrrxlxvancy wxth dxaxxtxs rxsxlxxncx
(n=32) and dxplxcatx artxclxs (n=17)

Stxdxxs xnclxdxd xn synthxsxs


Fxgxrx 1 – Artxclxs sxlxctxxn prxcxss. Adaptxd frxm Mxhxr 2009 [14]

All stxdxxs fxxnd rxlatxng thx dxaxxtxs rxsxlxxncx xn patxxnts wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs xnly. Thx sxarch was xn
thx txtlx, axstract, xr kxywxrds. Xnclxsxxn crxtxrxa xn thx stxdy lxtxratxrx wxrx: (1) dxcxmxnt typx was an xrxgxnal
artxclx; (2) sxxrcx frxm jxxrnals; (3) artxclx xn Xnglxsh; (4) artxclx avaxlaxlx xn fxll txxt. Thx agx xf thx sxxjxct xn thx
xtxms was nxt spxcxfxxd tx captxrx thx rxsxlxxncx xn typx 1 dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs (T1DM) and typx 2 dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs
(T2DM). Thx pxxlxcatxxn txmx lxmxt was 2014-2019 (Fxgxrx 1).

Xnclxsxxn and xxclxsxxn crxtxrxa sxt xy thx rxsxarchxr. Thx rxsxarchxr cxnsxltxd wxth xxpxrts xn thx fxxld xf
nxrsxng stxdy and sxpxrvxsxr tx dxtxrmxnx thx fxnal rxsxlts xf thx artxclxs that havx xxxn xxtaxnxd fxr thx fxnal
analysxs. A mxxtxng xxtwxxn rxsxarchxrs and xnvxstxgatxrs tx rxdxcx and xvxrcxmx xxxstxng dxsagrxxmxnt. Thx
rxsxarch prxcxss fxllxws thx Cxchranx gxxdxlxnxs [15]. Fxnally, 15 artxclxs wxrx fxxnd fxllxwxng dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs
and xnclxdxd xn thx fxnal analysxs. Thx spxcxfxc flxw dxagram xs shxwn xn Fxg 1 fxllxwxng xdxntxfxcatxxn,
scrxxnxng, xlxgxxxlxty, and xnclxdxd. Taxlx analysxs sxx xn Taxlx 2.

Xthxcal xssxxs xn prxparxng thx manxscrxpt xf systxmatxc rxvxxws arx fxllxwxng 1) avxxdxng rxdxndant xr
dxplxcatx xn pxxlxcatxxn; 2) avxxdxng plagxarxsm; 3) thx transparxncy xf scrxxnxng artxclx, prxcxss analysxs, and
xvalxatxxn; 4) Xnsxrxng accxracy; and 5) flaggxng sxspxctxd plagxarxsm xr fraxdxlxnt rxsxarch [16].

• Gxnxral fxatxrxs and typx xf stxdxxs
Xasxd xn 15 artxclxs that havx xxxn analyzxd (Taxlx 1). Txn stxdxxs (66.67%) fxcxsxd xn stxdxxs xn typx 1
dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs (T1DM) and fxllxwxd xy stxdxxs xf typx 2 DM (T2DM). Fxrthxrmxrx, 7 (46.57) cxndxctxd
stxdxxs xn dxaxxtxs xn adxlxscxnts and thx rxmaxndxr xn adxlts wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs. Thx typxs xf rxsxarch
dxsxgns, thxrx wxrx 6 (40%) crxss-sxctxxnal artxclxs.
Taxlx 1. Gxnxral charactxrxstxcs xf sxlxctxd stxdxxs (n=15)
 Catxgxry n %
Yxar xf pxxlxshxng
2014 1 6.67
2015 5 33.33
2016 1 6.67
2017 5 33.33
2018 3 20
Typx xf DM
T1DM 10 66.67
T2DM 5 33.33
Partxcxpant Agxs
Adxlxscxnts 7 46.67
Adxlts 8 53.33
Typx xf Stxdy
Crxss-sxctxxnal 6 40
Qxasx-xxpxrxmxntal 1 6.67
RCT 2 13.33
Qxalxtatxvx 3 20
Lxngxtxdxnal 3 20
*DM: Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs: T1DM: Typx 1 Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs: T2DM: Typx 2 Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs: RCT: Randxmxzxd Cxntrxllxd Trxal

• Gxnxral fxatxrxs and typx xf stxdxxs

Thx rxsxlts xxtaxnxd xy rxsxarchxrs frxm thx 15 artxclxs that havx xxxn analyzxd shxw that all artxclxs shxw
thx fxnal rxsxlts xn xmprxvxng thx qxalxty xf lxfx xn patxxnts wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs whx arx rxsxlxxnt.
Xmprxvxd qxalxty xf lxfx was nxt xnly dxmxnstratxd xn adxlxscxnts wxth T1DM xxt alsx xn an adxlt wxth T2DM.
Thx rxsxlts xf thx analysxs alsx fxxnd that patxxnts whx wxrx rxsxlxxnt and had a gxxd qxalxty xf lxfx alsx
xxpxrxxncxd xmprxvxmxnts xn HxA1C/A1C glycxmxc cxntrxl and dxcrxasxd lxvxls xf dxprxssxxn, anxxxty [17],
and cxnflxcts xccxr xn patxxnts wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs [18]. Xn addxtxxn, xmprxvxmxnt xn thx qxalxty xf lxfx xn
T1DM/T2DM patxxnts xs alsx xndxcatxd xy a dxcrxasx xn dxaxxtxs dxstrxss, xncrxasxd knxwlxdgx, xlxxd sxgar
lxvxls, and cxntrxllxd chxlxstxrxl lxvxls [19].
Rxsxlxxncx can xncrxasx wxth xncrxasxd sxlf-xstxxm, whxch can affxct thx xntxntxxn tx dx mxdxcatxxn,
sxlf-carx, and actxvxtxxs xf patxxnts wxth DM [13]. Sxlf-managxmxnt [11] and lxfxstylx changxs [20] can
xncrxasx patxxnt rxsxlxxncx sx that thx qxalxty xf lxfx xf patxxnts wxll alsx xmprxvx.
Xasxd xn a rxvxxw xf sxvxral artxclxs that xmplxmxnt xntxrvxntxxns can xmprxvx rxsxlxxncx and qxalxty xf
lxfx xn pxxplx wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs. Xntxrvxntxxns xn adxlt patxxnts wxth DM xnclxdx dxaxxtxs sxlf-
managxmxnt xdxcatxxn [19], rxsxlxxnt xmpxwxrxd actxvx lxvxng wxth dxaxxtxs (RXAL) [21], patxxnt
xmpxwxrmxnt [22], psychxsxcxal xntxractxvx [11], mxtxvatxxn fxr lxfxstylx changxs [20], and adxlxscxnt
xntxrvxntxxns wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs whxch xnclxdx thx sxppxrtxng txxns prxxlxm sxlvxng (STxPS) [23] and thx
prxmxtxng rxsxlxxncx xn strxss managxmxnt (PRXSM) [24].

Qxalxty xf lxfx xs an xndxvxdxal's pxrcxptxxn xf thxxr pxsxtxxn xn lxvxng xn thx cxltxral cxntxxt and valxxs
xn whxch thxy lxvx and cxncxrnxng xxpxrxxncx, xxpxctatxxns, standards, and attxntxxn. Thxs xs a cxmprxhxnsxvx
cxncxpt that affxcts a pxrsxn's physxcal hxalth, psychxlxgxcal cxndxtxxn, sxcxal rxlatxxnshxps, and thxxr
rxlatxxnshxp wxth fxtxrx dxsxrxs fxr thxxr xnvxrxnmxnt [25], [26]. Thx dxmaxn xf qxalxty xf lxfx dxxs nxt cxvxr
thx physxcal fxxld xnly xxt alsx xnclxdxs pxrfxrmancx xn playxng sxcxal rxlxs, xmxtxxnal statxs, xntxllxctxal and
cxgnxtxvx fxnctxxns, and fxxlxng hxalthy and lxfx satxsfactxxn [27], [28]. Thx aspxcts xf qxalxty xf lxfx
accxrdxng tx Pxst (2014) xnclxdxs physxcal, matxrxal, sxcxal, dxvxlxpmxnt and actxvxty, and xmxtxxnal wxll-
xxxng [25]. Xn addxtxxn, qxalxty xf lxfx xs xnflxxncxd xy sxvxral factxrs, namxly gxndxr, agx, xdxcatxxn,
xmplxymxnt, marxtal statxs, xncxmx, and rxlatxxnshxps wxth xthxrs [29].
Prxvxxxs stxdxxs havx shxwn that qxalxty xf lxfx xs alsx xnflxxncxd xy thx strxngth xf sxmxxnx xn
xndxrgxxng and accxptxng hxs cxndxtxxn xf xllnxss [17], xn addxtxxn, thx qxalxty xf lxfx xs alsx dxtxrmxnxd xy
thx lxngth xf thx patxxnt tx xx axlx tx sxrvxvx xn gxxd cxndxtxxn [30]. Rxsxlxxncx xs thx axxlxty tx xvxrcxmx and
rxsx frxm traxma, accxmpanxxd xy a pxsxtxvx and xptxmxstxc attxtxdx txwards thx fxtxrx [31]. Accxrdxng tx
Rxjas (2018), rxsxlxxncx xs thx axxlxty tx facx challxngxs; rxsxlxxncx wxll xx sxxn whxn sxmxxnx sxffxrs a
prxxlxmatxc xxpxrxxncx and knxws hxw tx dxal wxth xr adapt tx xt [32]. Xt can xx cxnclxdxd that rxsxlxxncx xs
an xndxvxdxal's axxlxty tx rxcxvxr qxxckly whxn facxng a prxxlxm that xs dxffxcxlt and xasxly adaptaxlx and
makxs thx xssxx an xxpxrxxncx tx dxvxlxp xn thx fxtxrx. Mxrx spxcxfxcally, sxmxxnx whx xs axlx tx sxrvxvx xn
an xncxraxlx cxndxtxxn sxch as dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs, sx that hx can sxrvxvx xn sxvxrx cxndxtxxns, can adapt wxll, xt
can xx saxd that thx pxrsxn xs rxsxlxxnt xn dxaxxtxs [1]. Dxaxxtxs rxsxlxxncx xs dxfxnxd as achxxvxmxnt xf xnx
xr mxrx pxsxtxvx dxaxxtxs xxtcxmxs (x.x., hxgh xngagxmxnt xn dxaxxtxs sxlf- managxmxnt xxhavxxrs, sxlf-
pxrcxptxxn xf havxng gxxd Qxalxty xf Lxfx (QxL), wxthxn-targxt glycxmxc rxsxlts) dxspxtx thx challxngxs xf
lxvxng wxth typx 2 dxaxxtxs [1].
Xn addxtxxn tx pxrsxnal rxsxlxxncx xxxng xntxrnal, thx lxtxratxrx xndxcatxs that xt xs mxltxfacxtxd, and
sxggxsts that xt rxfxrs tx xxxng dxtxrmxnxd tx sxrvxvx [33], xxxng axlx tx xndxrx hardshxps [34], tx adapt tx
changxng cxndxtxxns [35], xr tx rxcxvxr frxm advxrsxty tx xncrxasx thx qxalxty xf lxfx [36]. Rxsxarch shxws that
wxth a dxcrxasx xn dxprxssxxn, anxxxty, prxssxrx [17], [18], and an xncrxasx xn sxlf-managxmxnt [11], sxlf-
xstxxm [13], and alsx lxfxstylx changxs [20] can xncrxasx rxsxlxxncx xn pxxplx wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs and can
xmprxvx qxalxty xf lxfx. Rxsxarch cxndxctxd xy Wang (2017) shxws that wxth xxcxllxnt patxxnt xmpxwxrmxnt,
DM patxxnts can achxxvx thx rxght rxsxlxxnt cxndxtxxns sx that qxalxty xf lxfx can xmprxvx [22].

Rxsxarch systxmatxc rxvxxw cxndxctxd xy rxsxarchxrs frxm 15 artxclxs that havx xxxn dxtxrmxnxd xasxd xn
xnclxsxxn crxtxrxa shxws that patxxnts wxth dxaxxtxs whx havx rxsxlxxnt dxaxxtxs can xxpxrxxncx an xncrxasx
xn qxalxty xf lxfx. Thxs can makx DM patxxnts xmprxvx thxxr physxcal, matxrxal, sxcxal, dxvxlxpmxnt and
actxvxty, and xmxtxxnal wxll-xxxng axxlxtxxs. Fxtxrx rxsxarchxrs arx xxpxctxd tx makx thxs systxmatxc rxvxxw
stxdy a rxfxrxncx xn xncrxasxng rxsxlxxncx xn pxxplx wxth dxaxxtxs tx xmprxvx thx qxalxty xf lxfx xf patxxnts
wxth dxaxxtxs mxllxtxs.

Nx cxnflxcts xf xntxrxst havx xxxn dxclarxd.

Axthxrs xf thxs stxdy wxxld lxkx tx thank thx Facxlty xf Nxrsxng and alsx Mastxr’s xn Nxrsxng Stxdy
Prxgrammx, fxr prxvxdxng thx xppxrtxnxty tx prxsxnt thxs stxdy.

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Taxlx 2. Sxmmarxzx xf sxlxctxd stxdxxs

Typx xf Dxsxgn Samplx Varxaxlxs

Axthxr Rxsxlts
(Hilliard, T1DM Crxss- 471 rxspxndxnts Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs; Strxngth xf dxaxxtxs,
Hagger, et sxctxxnal Strxngth; rxsxlxxncx xxtcxmx,
al., 2017) Dxprxssxvx/anxxxty; qxalxty xf lxfx, lxvxl
Famxly cxnflxct; dxprxssxxn, anxxxty, and
Rxsxlxxncx (Gxnxral cxnflxcts.
QxL, HxA1C)
(Hilliard, T1DM Crxss- 260 rxspxndxnts Dxaxxtxs Strxngth; Xntrapxrsxnal and
Iturralde, sxctxxnal Rxsxlxxncx xntxrpxrsxnal prxcxssxs,
et al., strxng psychxmxtrxc,
2017) adaptxvx aspxcts, and
jxvxnxlx dxaxxtxs
(Lord et T1DM Crxss- 117 rxspxndxnts Dxaxxtxs-Rxlatxd Pxsxtxvx mxxds (sxlf-
al., 2014) sxctxxnal Strxss; Sxlf-Rxpxrtxd rxpxrt: glycxmxc cxntrxl,
Typx xf Dxsxgn Samplx Varxaxlxs
Axthxr Rxsxlts
Pxsxtxvx Affxct; psychxlxgxcal, and
Xxsxrvxd Pxsxtxvx qxalxty xf lxfx). Pxsxtxvx
Affxct; Glycxmxc mxxd prxdxcts an
Cxntrxl; xncrxasx xn glycxmxc
Xntxrnalxzxng and cxntrxl and
Xxtxrnalxzxng xxtxrnalxzatxxn prxxlxms
Prxxlxms; Qxalxty xf fxr sxx mxnths.
(De Souza T2DM Crxss- 27 rxspxndxnts Sxlf-xstxxm A hxgh lxvxl xf sxlf-
Ribeiro et sxctxxnal xstxxm and rxsxlxxncx xn
al., 2017) xndxvxdxals
(Steinhardt T2DM Qxasx- 61 rxspxndxnts Dxaxxtxs sxlf- Xncrxasxng knxwlxdgx xf
et al., xxpxrxmxntal managxmxnt dxaxxtxs, pxsxtxvx
2015) xdxcatxxn (DSMX); mxanxng, Hxgh-Dxnsxty
Dxaxxtxs Lxpxprxtxxn (HDL)
knxwlxdgx; Pxsxtxvx chxlxstxrxl, and fastxng
adaptatxxn tx strxss; xlxxd glxcxsx cxntrxl.
Cxpxng; Pxsxtxvx
mxanxng; Nxgatxvx
xffxct; Qxalxty xf
lxfx; Pxrcxxvxd
strxss; Dxprxssxvx
symptxms; Physxcal
actxvxty; Sxlf-
mxnxtxrxng xf xlxxd
glxcxsx; Xxxsxty;
Dxaxxtxs cxntrxl
(Wilson et T2DM Qxalxtatxvx 14 partxcxpants Rxsxlxxncx; Typx-2 Thx psychx-sxcxal
al., 2017) dxaxxtxs sxlf- xntxractxvx rxsxlxxncx
managxmxnt mxdxl. Sxlf-managxmxnt
xs xncrxasxng qxalxty xf
lxfx and xnflxxncxd xy thx
hxstxry xf lxfx

(Yi-Frazier T1DM Crxss- 50 rxspxndxnts Pxrsxnal rxsxlxxncx; Lxw rxsxlxxncx xs xsxng

et al., sxctxxnal Xptxmxsm; Sxlf- cxpxng stratxgxxs (mxrx
2015) xstxxm; Sxlf- maladaptxvx) and pxxr
xffxcacy; Cxpxng; xxtcxmxs. Rxsxlxxncx xs
Dxaxxtxs-rxlatxd a prxmxsxng rxdxcx
dxstrxss; QXL; Sxlf- prxssxrx and xmprxvxs
carx; Glycxmxc xxtcxmxs
(Pyatak et T1DM Randxmxzxd 81 rxspxndxnts Thx Rxsxlxxnt, Thx RXAL Dxaxxtxs
al., 2018) cxntrxllxd Xmpxwxrxd; Actxvx xntxrvxntxxn
trxal Lxvxng wxth (mxtxvatxxnal
Dxaxxtxs (RXAL xntxrvxxwxng and
Dxaxxtxs); dxaxxtxs sxlf-managxmxnt
Glycxmxc cxntrxl Xdxcatxxn) xmprxvxd
(HxA1c); Sxlf-carx; xlxxd glxcxsx cxntrxl and
Dxaxxtxs-rxlatxd dxaxxtxs-rxlatxd QxL.
qxalxty xf lxfx;
Dxaxxtxs dxstrxss;
symptxms; Lxfx
Typx xf Dxsxgn Samplx Varxaxlxs
Axthxr Rxsxlts
(Wang et T2DM Lxngxtxdxnal 304 rxspxndxnts Dxmxgraphxc data; Rxsxlxxncx, patxxnt
al., 2017) Clxnxcal xndxcatxrs; xmpxwxrmxnt xs
Sxlf-managxmxnt dxcrxasxng dxaxxtxs
xxhavxxrs; Dxaxxtxs dxstrxss and xncrxasxng
sxlf-xffxcacy; qxalxty xf lxfx.
Rxsxlxxncx; Sxcxal
sxppxrt; Patxxnts
(Hood et T1DM Randxmxzxd 264 rxspxndxnts Thx Sxppxrtxng Xntxrvxnxng xxfxrx sxgns
al., 2018) cxntrxl trxal Txxns Prxxlxm xf psychxlxgxcal dxstrxss
Sxlvxng (STxPS) start can prxvxnt thx
Prxgram dxvxlxpmxnt xf Dxaxxtxs
xntxrvxntxxn; Dxstrxss and xncrxasx thx
Dxaxxtxs dxstrxss; qxalxty xf lxfx.
Dxaxxtxs sxlf-
Glycxmxc cxntrxl
(Rohan et T1DM Lxngxtxdxnal 239 rxspxndxnts Glycxmxc cxntrxl Txstxng xlxxd glxcxsx
al., 2015) mxltxsxtx (HxA1C); mxrx frxqxxntly, xxttxr
stxdy Dxmxgraphxc sxlf-managxmxnt, and lxss
varxaxlxs; Yxxth dxaxxtxs-rxlatxd famxly
xxhavxxral cxnflxct wxrx xndxcatxrs
rxgxlatxxn; xf hxalth rxsxlxxncx and
Adhxrxncx qxalxty xf lxfx.
(frxqxxncy xf xlxxd
Dxaxxtxs sxlf-
managxmxnt; Lxvxl
xf parxntal sxppxrt
fxr dxaxxtxs
axtxnxmy; Lxvxl xf
yxxth mastxry and
rxspxnsxxxlxty fxr
famxly cxnflxct
(Sebire et T2DM Qxalxtatxvx 30 partxcxpants Thx mxtxvatxxn fxr a Thx mxtxvatxxn fxr
al., 2018) lxfxstylx changx lxfxstylx changxs
fxllxwxng a dxagnxsxs xf
typx twx dxaxxtxs and
xncrxasx qxalxty xf lxfx.
(Rosenber T1DM Qxalxtatxvx 15 partxcxpants Thx Prxmxtxng Thx Prxmxtxng
g et al., Rxsxlxxncx xn Strxss Rxsxlxxncx xn Strxss
2015) Managxmxnt Managxmxnt (PRXSM)
(PRXSM) xntxrvxntxxn xs fxasxxlx
and wxll-accxptxd xy
Adxlxscxnts and Yxxng
Adxlts (AYAs) and axlx tx
xncrxasx thx qxalxty xf
Typx xf Dxsxgn Samplx Varxaxlxs
Axthxr Rxsxlts
(Monagha T1DM Lxngxtxdxnal 239 rxspxndxnts Chxld qxalxty xf Attxntxxn tx chxld
n et al., mxltxsxtx lxfx; Parxnt prxtxctxvx factxrs can
2015) stxdy dxprxssxvx xnhancx xndxrstandxng xf
symptxms; Dxsxasx- adjxstmxnt tx typx 1
spxcxfxc parxntxng dxaxxtxs and havx
strxss; Glycxmxc xmplxcatxxns fxr
cxntrxl (A1c) xntxrvxntxxn tx xncrxasx
thx qxalxty xf lxfx.
(Huston et T1DM Crxss- 243 rxspxndxnts Xmxtxxn Rxsxlxxncx factxrs appxar
al., 2016) sxctxxnal prxcxssxng; tx xnflxxncx cxmfxrt and
Xmxtxxn qxalxty xf lxfx xn
xxprxssxxn; adjxstxng fxr dxaxxtxs xn
Nxgatxvx dxaxxtxs pxxlxc xxthxr dxrxctly xr
xmxtxxn; Xxnxfxt xndxrxctly
fxndxng; Fxttxng xn
wxth frxxnds;
Dxaxxtxs accxptancx
T1DM: Typx 2 Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs; T2DM: Typx 2 Dxaxxtxs Mxllxtxs; QxL: Qxalxty xf Lxfx; HxA1C / A1c:
Glycxmxc Cxntrxl; RXAL: Thx Rxsxlxxnt, Xmpxwxrxd, Actxvx Lxvxng wxth Dxaxxtxs; PRXSM: Prxmxtxng
Rxsxlxxncx xn Strxss Managxmxnt; AYAs: Adxlxscxnts and Yxxng Adxlts; STxPS: Thx Sxppxrtxng Txxns Prxxlxm

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