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Salado, Berlyn Joy A.

BSA 2-5

The Importance of Time

Time has been one of the most complicated things in the world. As Harvey
Mackey once said, time is free but it’s priceless, it is not yours and you can’t
keep it but you can use it and spend it, and lastly, when you’ve already lost it,
you can never get it back.
Why is time so important? It is true, that time governs our lives; the world
is spinning round and the time’s running even though we’re not. We are always
like, “if only I could stop the time”, but we are not capable, we can’t even change
Time is always equivalent to life. You can only do things, be with someone,
achieve something and master yourself when you still have time. Time flies really
fast, but let it be you, who’ll control and drive your time as it flies.
For me, the importance of time includes the following:
1. Time is our beginning and end.
Eternal is endless, yes, but the Bible’s concept about time said that
it is measured only by beginning and the end, in other words, we are going
to finish our journey here on Earth once your end has come. And as a
human, how are we going to use our time before the end times? Time, as
described by Carl F.H. Henry is the divinely created sphere of God’s
preserving and redemptive work, and the arena of man’s decision on his
way to an eternal destiny. Life is short, and so our time.
2. Time is an invaluable gift.
We cannot measure the value of time. It is even more valuable than
money, luxuries, and wealth of the world. It is so precious that we are
given a certain amount of time in our lives, and so we need to make sure
that we use it wisely.
3. Time is irreplaceable.
“Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing”, said MiIes David. We
don’t have any other luxury or resource in the world, not money, not
popularity, only time. We can’t replace time, because nothing can buy it,
and no one can trade time with others when it’s gone.
4. Time decides.
When something is meant to happen, it will, at the right time, with
the right reason. So, it is time that decides, we can’t force something to
happen, because if we do, it might lead us to something that we don’t want.
That is probably why, Leo Tolstoy said that time and patience are the most
are the most powerful warriors. When you’re not successful today, you will
be someday. When you’re not happy now, you will be when time comes.
5. Experience is not the best teacher, time is.
Not all our experiences lead us into something new or change us as
if it taught us something. Time can only tell if we really learn something
from our experiences or not. There are people who only wanted to absorb
and apply what they got from their experiences as time goes on, as soon
as they realize the essence of that experience.
6. Time bewilders our emotion.
The more we think of the bad memories from the past or worry our
future even though we don’t really know it affects our peace of mind and
happiness. We only have to live with what’s going on in the present
because we can’t bring back our past nor predict the future. Enjoy life and
be happy.
7. Time heals everything.
When you’re into something, in pain or in confusion, in grief or in
heartache, we often say that time is all you need. It’s true! Because as time
goes by, and based on everyone’s story and testimony, time really heals.
We need it because healing can’t be rush because even a real wound on
your knees doesn’t heal immediately.
8. It is limited, your time’s up.
Everything comes to an end. You only need to make all your time
worthy instead of doing things that will just waste your time and bring you
to something you are not worthy to be. Life is short, and so your time is.

Today, we should start doing things that makes us happy and vital,
things that might somehow help others understand and see the real
beauty of life. We cannot tell how much time we have but at least, one day
we can really tell that we have already fulfilled our purpose here in the
world, that we used our time in better ways that it doesn’t gone to waste.

We don’t need to count the time that we still had, we only need to
work out the things that we need to do in order to maximize the time that
we are given.

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