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*additions to this guideline will be made as questions are asked and feedback given. 


● Aim to do 30 days of SP workouts between December 1 & 30. 

● ANY SP workout counts - main workout and/or accessory 

● Rest Days: 

○ Rest days DO NOT count towards the 30 days but: 

■ It’s recommended that you be proactive and schedule 1 or 2 

per week to simply give your central nervous system (CNS) a 

break, especially if you are doing the main wods PLUS any of 

the other accessory wods on the same day AND at full 

intensity. ​Listen to your body! 

■ Utilize an active rest day instead of a full one IF you want to 

simply move your body without the kind of intensity provided 

by the main wods. ​I.e. go do other activities outside of your 

gym/garage or wherever you work out. These aren’t meant to 

tax you.  

■ IF you do nothing else, rest days are perfect days to utilize the 

Maintenance wods. 

● Pick up your count of the 30 days where you left off before taking a rest 


● Utilize SHIFT (if you currently usually do A/B/C) wods on the days your 

feeling less than 100 but still want to get a workout in. 

● If you intend to do this for 30 days straight​: 

○ Clean up your nutrition as much as possible​​. If you’ve 

done any of the challenges, you should have an idea of what this is. 
If not keep it simple by making sure you’re hydrated and your plate 

is as balanced as possible (i.e. with lean protein, veggies, some 

healthy fats and sensible carbs).  

○ Take care of the other aspects of your health - get good quality 

sleep, downtime before bed, find ways to minimize the other 

stresses. WORKOUTS themselves ARE, so tending to other areas 

helps to counter. 

● Share on Social Media and use the hashtag #30daysofSP so others can 

check you out and show you some love and you can go give high fives to 

other members as well. If you’ve not been sharing on the members page, 

this is now the time to come out of the woodwork. We all want to support 


Let’s Do This! 

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