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mites, and ticks. (See also insects and dis-

ease; mites and disease; ticks and disease).
circulate continuously in the heart and
take over from the sinoatrial node.
ARC An abbreviation for AIDS-related Rapid, irregular beats that originate in
complex. (See also AIDS.) the ventricles are called ventricular
arcus senilis A grey-white ring near the tachycardia. In atrial flutter, the atria
edge of the cornea overlying the iris (see atrium) beat regularly and very
(the coloured part of the eye). Arcus rapidly, but not every impulse reaches
senilis is caused by degeneration of the ventricles, which beat at a slower
fatty material in the cornea and devel- rate. Uncoordinated, fast beating of the
ops gradually during adult life. The ring atria is called atrial fibrillation and pro-
does not affect eyesight. Development duces totally irregular ventricular beats.
of the condition in early adult life may Ventricular fibrillation is a form of car-
be associated with an abnormality of diac arrest in which the ventricles twitch
fats in the blood (see hyperlipidaemia). very rapidly in a disorganized manner.
areola The pigmented circular area sur- Sinus bradycardia is a slow, regular
rounding the nipple. The term is also beat. In heart block, the conduction
used to describe an inflamed area of electrical impulses through the
around a pimple (see pustule). heart muscle is partially or completely
aromatherapy A form of complemen- blocked, leading to a slow, irregular
tary medicine that uses aromatic oils heartbeat. Periods of bradycardia may
extracted from plants. The oil is applied alternate with periods of tachycardia
in small quantities through massage; or due to a fault in impulse generation
it is inhaled, incorporated into creams (see sick sinus syndrome).
or lotions, or, very occasionally, taken
internally. There is no conclusive scien- ARRHYTHMIA, CARDIAC
tific evidence of the benefits.
Sinoatrial node (pacemaker)
arousal The awakening of a person from
unconsciousness or semiconsciousness. Electrical pathway
The term is also used to describe any to left atrium
state of heightened awareness, such as
that caused by sexual stimulation or Atrioventricular
fear. Arousal is regulated by the reticu-
lar formation in the brainstem. Atria
arrhenoblastoma A rare tumour of the
ovary that occurs in young women. The
tumour is noncancerous but secretes Normal
androgen hormones (male sex hormones) electrical
that cause virilization (the development
of male characteristics). Treatment is by
surgical removal of the affected ovary. electrical
arrhythmia, cardiac An abnormality pathway
of the rhythm or rate of the heartbeat.
Arrhythmias, which are caused by a dis- SUPRAVENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA
turbance in the electrical impulses in
the heart, can be divided into 2 main A common cause of arrhythmia is
groups: tachycardias, in which the rate coronary artery disease, particularly
is faster than normal, and bradycardias, after myocardial infarction. Some tachy-
in which the rate is slower. cardias are due to a congenital defect in
In sinus tachycardia, the rate is raised, the heart's conducting system. Caffeine
the rhythm is regular, and the beat can cause tachycardia in some people.
originates in the sinoatrial node (see Amitriptyline and some other antidepres-
pacemaker). Supraventricular tachycar- sant drugs can cause serious arrhythmias
dia is faster and the rhythm is regular. It if they are taken in high doses.
may be caused by an abnormal electri- An arrhythmia may be felt as palpita-
cal pathway that allows an impulse to tions, but in some cases arrhythmias
A can cause fainting, dizziness, chest
pain, and breathlessness, which may be
common cause of thickening and nar-
rowing of arteries, and it increases the
the 1st symptoms. risk of a stroke or kidney failure. Arteritis
Arrhythmias are diagnosed by an ECG. is inflammation of artery walls that
If they are intermittent, a continuous causes narrowing and sometimes block-
recording may need to be made using age. Aneurysm is ballooning of an
an ambulatory ECG. artery wall caused by the pressure of
Treatments for arrhythmias include anti- blood flowing through a weakened area.
arrhythmic drugs, which prevent or slow Thrombosis occurs when a blood clot
tachycardias. With an arrhythmia that forms in a blood vessel, causing obs-
has developed suddenly, it may be pos- truction of the blood flow. Blockage of
sible to restore normal heart rhythm by an artery by a fragment of blood clot or
using electric shock to the heart (see other material travelling in the circula-
defibrillation). Abnormal conduction path- tion is called an embolism. Raynaud’s
ways in the heart can be treated using disease is a disorder involving intermit-
radio frequency ablation during cardiac tent spasm of small arteries in the
catheterization (see catheterization, car- hands and feet, usually due to cold.
diac). In some cases, a pacemaker can arteriography An alternative name for
be fitted to restore normal heartbeat by angiography, an X-ray technique for
overriding the heart’s abnormal rhythm. imaging arteries.
arsenic A poisonous metallic element arteriole A blood vessel that branches
that occurs naturally in its pure form off an artery. Arterioles branch to form
and in various compounds. Arsenic poi- capillaries. They have muscular walls,
soning, which is now rare, used to occur and their nerve supply enables them to
as a result of continuous exposure to be narrowed or widened to meet the
industrial pesticides. blood-flow needs of tissues they supply.
arterial reconstructive surgery An arteriopathy Any disorder of an artery
operation to repair arteries that are nar- (see arteries, disorders of).
rowed, blocked, or weakened. Arterial arterioplasty Surgical repair of an art-
reconstructive surgery is most often ery (see arterial reconstructive surgery).
performed to repair arteries that have arteriosclerosis A group of disorders
been narrowed by atherosclerosis. It is that cause thickening and loss of elas-
also used to repair aneurysms and ticity of artery walls. Atherosclerosis is
arteries damaged as a result of injury. the most common type , and the 2 terms
(See also angioplasty, balloon; coronary are often used synonymously. Other
artery bypass; endarterectomy.) types are medial arteriosclerosis (in
arteries, disorders of Disorders of which muscle and elastic fibres in larger
the arteries may take the form of abnor- arteries are replaced by fibrous tissue)
mal narrowing (which reduces blood and Monckeberg’s arteriosclerosis (in
flow and may cause tissue damage), which there are calcium deposits in the
complete obstruction (which may cause arterial lining).
tissue death), or abnormal widening arteriovenous fistula An abnormal
and thinning of an artery wall (which communication directly between an art-
may cause rupture of the blood vessel). ery and a vein. An arteriovenous fistula
Atherosclerosis, in which fat deposits may be present at birth or result from
build up on artery walls, is the most injury. A fistula can also be created
common arterial disease. It can involve surgically for easy access to the blood-
arteries throughout the body, including stream in dialysis.
the brain (see cerebrovascular disease), arteritis Inflammation of an artery wall,
heart (see coronary artery disease), and causing narrowing or complete block-
legs (see peripheral vascular disease). age of the affected artery, reduced
Atherosclerosis is the main type of art- blood flow, and, in some cases, throm-
eriosclerosis, a group of disorders that bosis and tissue damage. There are
cause thickening and loss of elasticity several types, including Buerger’s dis-
of artery walls. Hypertension is another ease, an arteritis that affects the limbs,


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