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EEMPA N° 1020-6020-7020


Name:________________________ Class: 4th________

Correos electrónicos de los profesores de Inglés:

 Fain, Susana :

 Olivo, Lumila:
 Ramirez, Julio:
 Schaumburg, Silvia:

ACTIVITIES (Actividades)

1. Read the following text (leer el siguiente texto) : Computer Addiction


Computer addiction can be defined

as the excessive or compulsive use
of the computer and has serious
negative consequences for personal,
social, or occupational function. The
addiction involves online and/or
offline computer usage and consists
of at least three subtypes: excessive
gaming, sexual preoccupations, and
e-mail/text messaging".

Offline and online computer


The concept of computer addiction is broadly divided into two types,

namely offline and online computer addiction. The term offline computer
addiction is generally used when speaking about excessive gaming behavior,
which can be practiced both offline and online. Online computer addiction, also
known as Internet addiction, is related to the excessive use of the Internet.

The symptoms of computer addiction include

 Feelling fascination and delight of using the computer as soon as one

wakes up and before one goes to bed.
 Replacing old hobbies
 Lacking physical exercise and/or outdoor exposure. This could contribute
to many health problems such as obesity

Causes and effects

Researchers link internet/computer addiction with mental health issues, most

notably depression, interpersonal difficulties and stress and that those
addicted to online games specifically responded that they hoped to avoid reality.

There are many social consequences resulting from computer addiction, such
as lack of face to face social interaction. It may also lead to Computer Vision
Syndrome (CVS), a condition that results in headaches, blurred vision, neck
pain, fatigue, eye strain, dry eyes, irritated eyes, double vision, vertigo or

2. Try to sum up the text briefly. Complete the sentences.(Resumir

brevemente el texto leído. Completar las oraciones).

a) Computer addiction is the ……………………… use ……………………….


b) There are 2 types of addition: ……………………. and ……………………..

c) 3 subtypes of addition: excessive …………………….., sexual …………....

and ………………………..

3. Match terms and definitions. ( Unir con flechas los términos 1-5 con sus
definiciones a-e)

1. Online addiction
2. Offline addiction
3. Symptons
4. Serious physical problems
5. Causes and effects

a. Computer fascination, no physical exercises, probably obesity.

b. Excessive use of internet.
c. Depression, stress, no social interaction.
d. Dry/irritated eyes, headaches, fatigue, double/blurred vision, vertigo
e. Excessive computer games.

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