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IEC 62305-1

Edition 2.0 2010-12


Protection against lightning –

Part 1: General principles

ICS 29.020; 91.120.40 ISBN 978-2-88912-280-6
® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission
–2– 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

FOREW ORD ................................................................................................................ . 5
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... . 7
1 Scope .................................................................................................................... . 8
2 Normativ e ref erences .............................................................................................. . 8
3 Terms and def initions .............................................................................................. . 8
4 Lightning current param eters ................................................................................. . 14
5 Dam age due to li ghtning ........................................................................................ . 14
5.1 Dam age to a structure................................................................................... . 14
5.1.1 Ef f ects of li ghtning on a structure ....................................................... . 14
5.1.2 Sources and types of dam age to a structure ......................................... 16
5.2 Types of loss ................................................................................................ . 16
6 Need and econom ic justif ication f or li ghtning protection ............................................
6.1 Need f or li ghtning protection ......................................................................... . 18
6.2 Econom ic justif ication of li ghtning protection .................................................. . 19
7 Protection m easures.............................................................................................. . 19
7.1 General ....................................................................................................... . 19
7.2 Protection m easures to reduce injury of liv ing beings by electri c shock ............. 19
7.3 Protection m easures to reduce physical dam age .............................................. 20
7.4 Protection m easures t o reduce f ailure of electri cal and electroni c system s ........
7.5 Protection m easures selection ....................................................................... . 20
8 Basic criteria f or protection of structures................................................................. . 21
8.1 General ....................................................................................................... . 21
8.2 Lightning protection lev els (LPL) ................................................................... . 21
8.3 Lightning protection zones (LPZ) ................................................................... . 23
8.4 Protection of structures ................................................................................. . 25
8.4.1 Protection to reduce physical dam age and li f e hazard ........................... 25
8.4.2 Protection to reduce the f ail ure of internal system s ............................... 26
Annex A (inf ormativ e) Param eters of li ghtning current .................................................. .
Annex B (i nf orm ativ e) Tim e f unctions of the lightning current f or analysis purposes ........
Annex C (inf ormativ e) Sim ulation of the li ghtning current f or test purposes .....................
Annex D (i nf orm ativ e) Test param eters sim ulating the ef f ects of lightning on LPS
com ponents ................................................................................................................ . 48
Annex E (inf ormativ e) Surges due to li ghtning at dif f erent install ation points...................
Bibli ography ............................................................................................................... . 67

Figure 1 – Connection between the v arious parts of IEC 62305 ......................................... 7

Figure 2 – Types of loss and corresponding ri sks resulting f rom dif f erent types of
dam age ...................................................................................................................... . 18
Figure 3 – LPZ def ined by an LPS (IEC 62305-3) .......................................................... . 24
Figure 4 – LPZ def ined by an SPM (IEC 62305-4) ......................................................... . 25
Figure A.1 – Def initions of im pulse current param eters (typi cal ly T 2 < 2 m s) ....................
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) –3–
3.22 A.2 – Def initions of long duration stroke param eters (typi cal ly 2 m s <T LONG
<1 s) .......................................................................................................................... . 28

–4– 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

3.13 A.3 – Possible com ponents of downward f lashes (typi cal in f lat territory and
to lower structures) ..................................................................................................... . 28
Figure A.4 – Possible com ponents of upward f lashes (typi cal to ex posed and/or
higher structures) ........................................................................................................ . 29
Figure A.5 – Cum ulativ e f requency di stri bution of lightning current param eters (l ines
through 95 % and 5 % v alue) ....................................................................................... . 34
Figure B.1 – Shape of the current rise of the f irst positi v e im pulse ..................................
Figure B.2 – Shape of the current tail of the f irst positi v e i m pulse ...................................
Figure B.3 – Shape of the current rise of the f irst negativ e i m pulse .................................
Figure B.4 – Shape of the current tail of the f irst negativ e i m pulse ..................................
Figure B.5 – Shape of the current rise of the subsequent negativ e im pulses .................... 42
Figure B.6 – Shape of the current tail of the subsequent negativ e im pulses ..................... 42
Figure B.7 – Am pli tude density of the li ghtning current according to LPL I ....................... 43
Figure C.1 – Ex am ple test generator f or the sim ulation of the specif ic energy of the
f irst positi v e im pulse and the charge of the long stroke.................................................. . 45
Figure C.2 – Def inition of the current steepness in accordance with Table C.3 ................. 46
Figure C.3 – Ex am ple test generator f or the sim ulation of the f ront steepness of the
f irst positi v e i m pulse f or large test items ...................................................................... .
Figure C.4 – Ex am ple test generator f or the sim ulation of the f ront steepness of the
subsequent negativ e im pulses f or large test items ......................................................... .
Figure D.1 – General arrangem ent of two conductors f or the cal cul ation of
electrodynam ic f orce ................................................................................................... . 54
Figure D.2 – Typical conductor arrangem ent in an LPS.................................................. . 55
Figure D.3 – Diagram of the stresses F f or the conf iguration of Figure D.2....................... 55
Figure D.4 – Force per unit length F’ along the hori zontal conductor of Figure D.2 ........... 56

Table 1 – Ef f ects of li ghtning on typical structures ........................................................ . 15

Table 2 – Dam age and l oss relev ant to a structure according to di f f erent points of
strike of li ghtning ........................................................................................................ . 17
Table 3 – Max im um v alues of li ghtning param eters according to LPL ..............................
Table 4 – Minim um v alues of lightning param eters and rel ated rol ling sphere radi us
corresponding to LPL .................................................................................................. . 22
Table 5 – Probabil iti es for the lim its of the li ghtning current param eters ..........................
Table A.1 – Tabulated v alues of lightning current param eters taken f rom CIGRE
(Electra No. 41 or No. 69) [3], [4] ................................................................................. . 31
Table A.2 – Logari thm ic norm al distri bution of lightning current param eters – Mean
m and dispersion σ log cal cul ated f rom 95 % and 5 % v alues from CIGRE (El ectra No.
41 or No. 69) [3], [4] .................................................................................................... . 32
Table A.3 – Val ues of probabi lity P as f unction of the l ightning current I ..........................
Table B.1 – Param eters f or Equation (B.1).................................................................... . 38
Table C.1 – Test param eters of the f irst positi v e im pulse ................................................
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) –5–
3.22 C.2 – Test param eters of the long stroke ............................................................. . 45
Table C.3 – Test param eters of the im pulses ................................................................ . 46
Table D.1 – Sum m ary of the lightning threat param eters to be considered i n the
cal cul ation of the test v alues for the dif f erent LPS com ponents and f or the dif f erent
LPL 49
Table D.2 – Physical characteri stics of typi cal m ateri als used in LPS com ponents ............
–6– 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

3.13 D.3 – Tem perature rise f or conductors of dif f erent sections as a f unction of
W/R ........................................................................................................................... . 52
Table E.1 – Conv entional earthing i m pedance v alues Z and Z 1 accordi ng to the
resistiv ity of the soil .................................................................................................... . 63
Table E.2 – Ex pected surge ov ercurrents due to l ightning f lashes on low-v oltage
system s...................................................................................................................... . 64
Table E.3 – Ex pected surge ov ercurrents due to l ightning f lashes on
telecom m unication system s ......................................................................................... . 65
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) –7–



Part 1: General principles

1) T he International Elec trotec hnic al Commiss ion (IEC ) is a worldwide organization f or standardization c ompris
ing all national elec trotec hnic al c ommittees (IEC National Committees ). T he objec t of IEC is to promote
international c o-operation on all ques tions c onc erning s tandardization in the elec tric al and elec tronic f ields . T
o this end and in addition to other ac tivities , IEC publis hes International Standards , T ec hnic al Spec if ic
ations , T ec hnic al R eports , Public ly Available Spec if ic ations (PAS) and Guides (hereaf ter ref err ed to
as “IEC Public ation(s )” ). T heir preparation is entrus ted to tec hnic al c ommittees ; any IEC National C
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governmental and non-governmental organizations liais ing with the IEC als o partic ipate in this preparation. IEC
c ollaborates c los ely with the International Organization f or Standardization (ISO ) in ac c ordanc e with
conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations .
2) T he f ormal dec is ions or agreements of IEC on tec hnic al matters expres s , as nearly as pos s ible, an
international c ons ens us of opinion on the r elevant s ubjec ts s inc e eac h tec hnic al c ommittee has
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3) IEC Public ations have the f orm of rec ommendations f or international us e and are ac c epted by IEC N
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8) Attention is drawn to the Normative ref erenc es c ited in this public ation. Us e of the ref erenc ed publications
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9) Attention is drawn to the pos s ibility that s ome of the elements of this IE C Public ation may be the s ubjec t
of patent rights . IEC s hall not be held res pons ible f or identif ying any or all s uc h patent rights .

International Standard IEC 62305-1 has been prepared by IEC techni cal com m ittee
81: Lightning protection.

This second edition cancels and repl aces the f irst edition, published in 2006, and
consti tutes a techni cal rev ision.

This edition i ncl udes the f ollowing signif icant techni cal changes with respect to the prev
ious edition:

1) It no longer cov ers protection of serv ices connected to structures.

2) Isolated i nterf aces are introduced as protection m easures to reduce f ailure of electri
c and electroni c system s.
3) First negativ e im pulse current i s introduced as a new lightning param eter f or cal cul
ation purposes.
4) Ex pected surge ov ercurrents due to lightning f lashes hav e been m ore
accurately speci f ied f or l ow v oltage power system s and f or telecom m unication system
–8– 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

3.13 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) –9–

3.22 tex t of this standard i s based on the f ollowing docum ents:

FDIS Report on voting

81/370/FDIS 81/380/R VD

Full inf orm ation on the v oting f or the approv al of this standard can be f ound in the report
on v oting i ndicated i n the abov e table.

This publi cation has been draf ted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Di rectiv es, Part

A list of all the parts in the IEC 62305 seri es, under the general title Protection against
lightning, can be f ound on the IEC website.

The com m ittee has decided that the contents of this publi cation will rem ain unchanged
until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under " h tt p :// web st ore .i ec . ch " in the
data rel ated to the specif ic publ ication. At this date, the publication will be

• reconf irm
• withdrawn,
• repl aced by a rev ised edition,
• am ended.

A bi lingual v ersion of this standard m ay be issued at a later

– 10 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 11 –


There are no dev ices or m ethods capable of m odif yi ng the natural weather phenom ena
to the ex tent that they can prev ent lightning discharges. Lightning f lashes to, or
nearby, structures (or lines connect ed to the structures) are hazardous to people, to the
structures them selv es, their contents and installations as well as to lines. This is why the
application of lightning protection m easures is essential.

The need f or protection, the econom ic benef its of installing protection m easures and
the selection of adequate protection m easures should be determ ined in term s of
ri sk m anagem ent. Risk m anagem ent is the subject of IEC 62305-2.

Protection m easures considered in IEC 62305 are prov ed to be ef f ectiv e in ri sk


Al l m easures f or protection against lightning f orm the ov eral l lightning protection.

For practical reasons the criteri a f or design, installation and m aintenance of lightning
protection m easures are considered in two separate groups:

– the f irst group concerning protection measures to reduce physical dam age and lif
e hazard in a structure i s giv en in IEC 62305-3;
– the second group concerni ng protection measures to reduce f ailures of electri cal
and electroni c system s in a structure i s giv en in IEC 62305-4.

The connection between the parts of IEC 62305 is il lustrated in Figure 1.

The lightning threat – 12 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
IEC 62305-1


Lightning ri sk IEC 62305-2

Lightning protection L


Protection m easures IEC 62305-4

IEC 62305-3

IEC 2612/10

Figure 1 – Connection between the various parts of IEC 62305


Part 1: General principles

1 Scope

This part of IEC 62305 prov ides general pri nci ples to be f ollowed f or protection of
structures against lightning, incl uding their i nstallations and contents, as well as persons.

The f ollowing cases are outside the scope of this standard:

– rai lway system

– v ehicl es, ships, aircraf t, of f shore
– underground high pressure pipelines;
- pipe, power and telecom m unication lines placed outside the structure.

NO TE T hes e s ys tems us ually f all under s pec ial regulations produc ed by various s pec ialized
authorities .

2 Normative references

The f ollowing ref erenced docum ents are indispensable f or the application of this docum
ent. For dated ref erences, only the edition ci ted applies. For undated ref erences, the
latest edition of the ref erenced docum ent (i ncl uding any am endm ents) appl ies.

IEC 62305-2:2010, Protection against lightning – Part 2: Risk management

IEC 62305-3:2010, Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage to structures and
life hazard

IEC 62305-4:2010, Protection against lightning – Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems
within structures

3 Terms and definitions


For the purposes of this document, the f ollowing term s and def initions

lightning flash to earth
electri cal discharge of atm ospheri c ori gin between cl oud and earth consisting of one
or m ore strokes

downward flash
lightning f lash initiated by a downward l eader f rom cl oud to

NOT E A downward f las h cons is ts of a f irs t impuls e, which c an be f ollowed by s ubs equent impuls es . One or
more impulses may be followed by a long stroke.
upward flash
lightning f lash initiated by an upward l eader f rom an earthed structure to cl
NOT E An upward f las h c ons is ts of a f irs t long s troke with or without multiple s uperimpos ed impuls es . One or
more impulses may be f ollowed by a long s troke.

lightning stroke
single electri cal discharge in a l ightning f lash to eart h

short stroke
part of the lightning f lash which corresponds to an im pulse current

NO T E T his c urrent has a time T 2 to the half peak value on the tail typically les s than 2 ms (s ee Figure A.1).

long stroke
part of the lightning f lash which corresponds to a continuing current

NOT E T he duration time T LONG (time f rom the 10 % value on the f ront to the 10 % value on the tail) of
this c ontinuing current is typic ally more than 2 ms and les s than 1 s (s ee Figure A.2).

multiple strokes
lightning f lash consisting on av erage of 3-4 strokes, with typi cal tim e interv al between
them of about 50 m s

NOT E Events having up to a f ew dozen s trokes with intervals between them ranging f rom 10 ms to 250 ms
have been reported.

point of strike
point where a l ightning f lash strikes the earth, or protrudi ng structure (e.g. structure,
LPS, li ne, tree, etc.)

NO T E A lightning f las h may have more than one point of s trike.

lightning current
current f lowing at the poi nt of stri ke

current peak value
m ax im um v alue of the l ightning current

average steepness of the front of impulse current
av erage rate of change of current within a tim e interv al Δt = t 2 – t 1

NO T E It is expres s ed by the dif f erenc e Δi = i(t 2 ) – i(t 1 ) of the values of the c urrent at the s tart and at the end of
this interval, divided by the time interval Δt = t 2 – t 1 ( s ee Figure A.1).

front time of impulse current
v irtual param eter def ined as 1,25 tim es the tim e interv al between the instants when
10 % and 90 % of the peak v alue are reached (see Figure A.1)

– 10 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

virtual origin of impulse current
point of intersection with tim e ax is of a strai ght line drawn through the 10 % and the 90 %
ref erence points on the stroke current f ront (see Figure A.1); it precedes by 0,1 T 1 that
instant at which the current attains 10 % of its peak v alue

time to half value on the tail of impulse current
v irtual param eter def ined as the tim e i nterv al between the v irtual ori gin O 1 and the i
at which the current has decreased to hal f the peak v alue on the tail (see Fi gure A.1)

flash duration
tim e f or which the lightning current f lows at the point of stri ke

duration of long stroke current
tim e duration during which the current in a long stroke i s between 10 % of the peak v alue
duri ng the increase of the continuing current and 10 % of the peak v alue duri ng
the decrease of the continuing current (see Figure A.2)

flash charge

v alue resulting f rom the tim e i ntegral of the l ightning current f or the entire lightning f

impulse charge
v alue resulting f rom the tim e integral of the lightning current in an i m pulse

long stroke charge
v alue resulting f rom the tim e integral of the lightning current in a l ong stroke

specific energy
v alue resulting f rom the tim e i ntegral of the square of the l ightning current f or the
entire f lash duration

NO T E It repres ents the energy dis s ipated by the lightning c urrent in a unit res is tanc e.

specific energy of impulse current
v alue resulting f rom the tim e integral of the square of the lightning current f or the
duration of the im pulse

NO T E T he s pec if ic energy in a long s troke c urrent is negligible.

62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 11 –

structure to be protected
structure f or which protection is required agai nst the ef f ects of lightning in accordance
with this standard

NO T E A s truc ture to be protec ted may be part of a larger s truc


power l ine or telecom m unication line connected to the structure to be

telecommunication lines
lines intended f or com m unication between equipm ent that m ay be located in
separate structures, such as a phone l ine and a data line

power lines
distri bution lines f eeding electri cal energy into a structure to power electri cal and electroni
c equipm ent located there, such as low v oltage (LV) or high v oltage (HV) el ectri c m ains

lightning flash to a structure
lightning f lash striki ng a structure to be

lightning flash near a structure
lightning f lash stri ki ng cl ose enough to a structure to be protected that it m ay
cause dangerous ov erv oltages

electrical system
system incorporating l ow v oltage power supply com

electronic system
system incorporating sensitiv e electroni c com ponents such as telecom m
unication equipm ent, com puter, control and instrum entation system s, radio system s,
power electroni c installations

internal systems
electri cal and el ectroni c system s within a

physical damage
dam age to a structure (or to its contents) due to m echani cal , therm al, chem ical
and ex plosiv e ef f ects of lightning

injury of living beings
perm anent injuri es, incl uding loss of lif e, to people or to anim als by electri c shock due
to touch and step v oltages caused by lightning
– 12 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

NOT E Although living beings may be injured in other ways , in this s tandard the term ‘injury to living beings ’
is limited to the threat due to elec tric al s hoc k (type of damage D1).
– 12 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

failure of electrical and electronic systems
perm anent dam age of electri cal and electroni c system s due to

lightning electromagnetic impulse
all electrom agnetic ef f ects of lightning current v ia resistiv e, inductiv e and
capacitiv e coupl ing that create surges and radi ated el ectrom agnetic f ields

transient created by LEMP that appears as an ov erv oltage and/or an ov

lightning protection zone
zone where the l ightning el ectrom agnetic env ironm ent is def

NOT E T he zone boundaries of an LPZ are not nec es s arily phys ic al boundaries (e.g. walls , f loor and c

v alue of probabl e av erage annual loss (hum ans or goods) due to l ightning, relativ e to
the total v alue (hum ans or goods) of the structure to be protected

tolerable risk
m ax im um v alue of the ri sk which can be tolerated f or the structure to be

lightning protection level
num ber rel ated to a set of lightning current param eters v alues relev ant to the
probability that the associ ated m ax im um and m inim um design v alues will not be ex
ceeded in natural ly occurring lightning

NOT E Lightning protec tion level is us ed to des ign protec tion meas ures ac c ording to the relevant s et of
lightning c urrent parameters .

protection measures
m easures to be adopted f or the structure to be protected in order to reduce the ri

lightning protection
com plete system f or protection of structures against lightning, incl uding their
internal system s and contents, as well as persons, in general consisting of an LPS and SPM

62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 13 –

lightning protection system
com plete system used to reduce physical dam age due to lightning f lashes to a

NO T E It c ons is ts of both external and internal lightning protec tion s ys

– 14 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

external lightning protection system
part of the LPS consisting of an air-term ination system , a down-conductor system and an
earth-term ination system

internal lightning protection system
part of the LPS consisting of lightning equipotential bonding and/or el ectri cal insulation of
ex ternal LPS

air-termination system
part of an ex ternal LPS using m etallic elem ents such as rods, m esh conductors or
catenary wires intended to i ntercept lightning f lashes

down-conductor system
part of an ex ternal LPS intended to conduct lightning current f rom the air-term
ination system to the earth-term ination system

earth-termination system
part of an ex ternal LPS which is intended to conduct and di sperse lightning current into the

external conductive parts
ex tended m etal item s entering or leav ing the structure to be protected such as pipe
works, cabl e m etallic el em ents, m etal ducts, etc. which m ay carry a part of the lightning

lightning equipotential bonding

bonding to LPS of separated m etallic parts, by di rect conductiv e connections or v ia
surge protectiv e dev ices, to reduce potential dif f erences caused by lightning current

conventional earthing impedance
ratio of the peak v alues of the earth-term ination v oltage and the earth-term ination
current which, in general, do not occur sim ultaneously

LEMP protection measures
m easures taken to protect internal system s against the ef f ects of LEMP

NO T E T his is part of overall lightning protec tion.

magnetic shield
cl osed, m etallic, gri d-l ike or continuous screen env eloping the structure to be protected,
or part of it, used to reduce f ailures of electri cal and electroni c system s

surge protective device
dev ice intended to l im it transient ov erv oltages and div ert surge currents; contains at
least one non linear com ponent
– 14 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

coordinated SPD system
SPDs properly selected, coordinated and installed to f orm a system intended to reduce
f ailures of electri cal and el ectroni c system s

rated impulse withstand voltage
im pulse withstand v oltage assigned by the m anuf acturer to the equipm ent or to a part of
characteri zi ng the specif ied withstand capabi lity of its insulation against ov erv

NO T E For the purpos es of this standard, only withs tand voltage between live c onductors and earth is cons
[IEC 60664-1:2007, def inition 3.9.2] 1

isolating interfaces
dev ices which are capabl e of reducing conducted surges on li nes enteri ng the

NOT E 1 T hes e inc lude is olation tr ans f ormers with earthed s c reen between windings, metal f ree f ibre
optic c ables and opto-is olators .

NOT E 2 Ins ulation withs tand c harac teris tic s of thes e devic es are s uitable f or this applic ation intrins ic ally
or via

4 Lightning current parameters

The lightning current param eters used in the IEC 62305 seri es are giv en in Annex

The tim e f unction of the lightning current to be used f or analysis purposes is giv en
Annex B.

Inf orm ation f or sim ulation of lightning current f or test purposes is giv en in Annex

The basic param eters to be used in laboratori es to sim ulate the ef f ects of lightning on
com ponents are gi v en i n Annex

Inf orm ation on surges due to l ightning at dif f erent installation points is giv en in Annex

5 Damage due to lightning

5.1 Damage to a structure

Lightning af f ecting a structure can cause dam age to the structure i tself and to its
occupants and contents, incl uding f ailure of internal system s. The dam ages and f
ailures m ay also ex tend to the surroundings of the structure and ev en inv olv e the
local env ironm ent. The scal e of this ex tension depends on the characteri stics of the
structure and on the characteri stics of the l ightning f lash.
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 15 –

5.1.1 Effects of lightning on a structure

The m ain characteri stics of structures rel ev ant to lightning ef f ects


- construction (e.g. wood, bri ck, concrete, rei nf orced concrete, steel f ram e

1 Ref erenc es in s quare brac kets ref er to the bibliography.

– 16 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

- f unction (dwell ing house, of f ice, f arm , theatre, hotel, school , hospital, museum ,
church, pri son, departm ent store, bank, f actory, industry plant, sports area);
- occupants and contents (persons and ani m als, presence of com bustible or
non- com bustible m ateri als, ex plosiv e or non-ex plosiv e m ateri als, electri cal and
electroni c system s with l ow or high withstand v oltage);
- connected lines (power lines, telecom m unication lines, pipelines);
- ex isting or prov ided protection m easures (protection m easures to reduce
physical dam age and l if e hazard, protection m easures to reduce f ailure of internal
system s);
- scal e of the ex tension of danger (structure with dif f icul ty of ev acuation or structure
where panic m ay be created, structure dangerous to the surroundings, structure
dangerous to the env ironm ent).

Table 1 reports the ef f ects of lightning on v ari ous types of structures.

T able 1 – Effects of lightning on typical structures

T y pe of structur e according t
Effects of lightning
o function and/or contents

Dwelling-hous e Punc ture of elec tric al ins tallations , f ire and material damage
Damage normally limited to s truc tures expos ed to the point of s trike or to
the lightning c urrent path
Failure of elec tric al and elec tronic equipment and s ys tems ins talled (e.g. T V
s ets , c omputers , modems, telephones , etc .)

Farm building Primary ris k of f ire and hazardous s tep voltages as well as material damage
Sec ondary ris k due to los s of elec tric power, and lif e hazard to lives toc k due
to f ailure of elec tronic c ontrol of ventilation and f ood s upply s ys tems, etc .

T heatre Damage to the elec tric al ins tallations (e.g. elec tric lighting) likely to c
aus e panic
Hotel Sc hool
Failure of f ire alarms res ulting in delayed f ire f ighting meas ures
Department s tore
Sports area

Bank As above, plus problems res ulting f rom los s of c ommunication, f ailure
of c omputers and los s of data
Ins uranc e c ompany
Commerc ial c ompany, etc .

Hos pital As above, plus problems of people in intens ive c are, and the dif f ic ulties
of res c uing immobile people
Nurs ing home
Pris on

Indus try Additional ef f ec ts depending on the c ontents of f ac tories , r anging f rom

minor to unac c eptable damage and los s of produc tion

Museums and arc haeologic al s ite Los s of irr eplac eable c ultural heritage
Churc h

T elec ommunication Unac c eptable los s of s ervic es to the public

Power plants

Firework f ac tory Cons equenc es of f ire and explos ion to the plant and its s urr oundings
Munitions works

Chemic al plant Fire and malf unction of the plant with detrimental c ons equenc es to the loc
al and global environment
Ref inery
Nuc lear plant
Bioc hemic al laboratories and plants
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 17 –

– 16 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

5.1.2 Sources and types of damage to a structure

The l ightning current is the source of dam age. The f ollowing situations shall be taken
into account, depending on the position of the point of stri ke relativ e to the structure

a) S1: f lashes to the structure;

b) S2: f lashes near the structure;
c) S3: f lashes to the lines connected to the structure;
d) S4: f lashes near the lines connected to the structure.

a) Flashes to the structure can cause:

– im m ediate m echani cal damage, f ire and/or ex plosion due to the hot lightning plasm a

arc itself , due to the current resulting in ohm ic heating of conductors (ov er-
heated conductors), or due to the charge resulting in arc erosion (m elted m etal);
– f ire and/or ex plosion tri ggered by sparks caused by ov erv oltages resulting f rom resistiv
e and inductiv e coupl ing and to passage of part of the lightning currents;
– injury to liv ing beings by electri c shock due to step and touch v oltages resulting f
rom resistiv e and inductiv e coupling;
– f ailure or m alf unction of internal system s due to

b) Flashes near the structure can cause:

– f ailure or m alf unction of internal system s due to


c) Flashes to a line connected to the structure can cause:

– f ire and/or ex plosion triggered by sparks due to ov erv oltages and lightning
currents transmitted through the connected l ine;
– injury to liv ing beings by el ectri c shock due to touch v oltages inside the
structure caused by l ightning currents transm itted through t he connected line;
– f ailure or m alf unction of internal system s due to ov erv oltages appeari ng on
connected lines and transmitted to the structure.

d) Flashes near a line connected to the structure can cause:

– f ailure or m alf unction of internal system s due to ov erv oltages induced on

connected lines and transmitted to the structure.

NOT E 1 Malf unc tioning of internal s ys tems is not c overed by the IEC 62305 s eries . Ref erenc e s hould be
made to
IEC 61000-4- 5 .

NO T E 2 Only the s parks carrying lightning c urrent (total or partial) are regarded as able to trigger f

NOT E 3 Lightning f las hes , direc t to or near the inc oming pipelines , do not c aus e damages to the s truc
ture, provided that they are bonded to the equipotential bar of the s truc ture (s ee IEC 62305-3).

As a result, the lightning can cause three basic type of dam age:

- D1: injury to liv ing beings by electri c

- D2: physical dam age (f ire, explosion, m echani cal destruction, chem ical rel ease) due
to lightning current ef f ects, incl uding sparki ng;
- D3: f ailure of internal system s due to
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 17 –

5.2 T ypes of loss

Each type of dam age relev ant to structure to be protected, alone or in com bination
with others, m ay produce dif f erent consequenti al loss. The type of loss that m ay appear
depends on the characteri stics of the structure itself .
– 18 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

For the purposes of IEC 62305, the f ollowing types of loss, which m ay appear as
consequence of dam ages relev ant to structure, are considered:

- L1: loss of hum an lif e (i ncl uding perm anent injury);

- L2: loss of serv ice to the public;
- L3: loss of cul tural heri tage;
- L4: loss of economic v alue (structure, its content, and loss of acti v ity).

NOT E For the purpos es of IEC 62305, only utilities s uc h as gas ,water,T V, T LC and power supply are c ons
idered s ervic e to the public.

Losses of type L1, L2 and L3 may be considered as loss of soci al v alues, whereas a loss of
type L4 m ay be considered as purel y an econom ic l oss.

The rel ationship between source of dam age, type of dam age and loss is reported in Tabl e

T able 2 – Damage and loss relevant to a structure according to

different points of strike of lightning

Point of strike Sour ce of damage T y pe of damage T y pe of loss

D1 L1 , L4 a
Struc ture S1 D2 L1, L2, L3, L4
D3 L1 b , L2, L4

Near a s truc ture S2 D3 L1 b , L2, L4

D1 L1, L4 a
Line c onnec ted to
S3 D2 L1, L2, L3, L4
the structure

D3 L1 b , L2, L4

Near a line S4 D3 L1 b , L2, L4

a Only f or properties where animals may be los t..

b Only f or s truc tures with ris k of explos ion and f or hos pitals or other s truc tures where f ailure of internal s ys
tems immediately endangers human lif e.
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 19 –

Types of loss resulting f rom types of dam age and the corresponding risks are reported i n
Figure 2.

– 20 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
Risk Risk Risk
R1 R2 R3 R4

Loss of Loss of Loss of

Type of Loss of service to cultural economic
loss human life the public heritage values

Injury 1) Injur
Type of to living Failure Failure of to living Failure of
Physical Physical Physical Physical
beings of internal damage internal beings internal
damage damage
damage damage
by electric systems by electric
shock shock

IEC 2613/10

a Only f or hos pitals or other s truc tures where f ailure of internal s ys tems immediately endanger human
lif e.
Only f or properties where animals may be los

Figure 2 – Types of loss and corresponding risks resulting

from different types of damage

6 Need and economic justification for lightning protection

6.1 Need for lightning protection

The need f or the l ightning protection of a structure to be protected i n order to reduce

the loss of soci al v alues L1, L2 and L3 shall be ev aluated.

In order to ev aluate whether or not lightning protection of a structure is needed, a risk

assessm ent in accordance with the procedures contained in IEC 62305-2 shall be m ade.
The f ollowing risks shall be t aken into account, corresponding t o t he types of loss
reported in 5.2:

- R 1 : ri sk of loss or perm anent injury of hum an lif

- R 2 : risk of loss of serv ices to the publi
- R 3 : ri sk of loss of cul tural heri
NOT E 1 Ris k R 4 : ris k of los s of ec onomic values , s hould be as s es s ed whenever the ec onomic jus tif ic
ation of lightning protec tion is c ons idered (s ee 6.2).

Protection against lightning is needed if the ri sk R (R 1 to R 3 ) is hi gher than the tolerabl

e lev el R T

R > RT

In this case, protection m easures shall be adopted in order reduce the ri sk R (R 1 to R 3 ) to

the tolerabl e lev el R T

R £ RT
If m ore than one type of loss could appear, the condition R £ R T shall be satisf ied f or
each type of loss (L1, L2 and L3).

The v alues of tolerabl e ri sk R T where lightning coul d result in the loss of item s of soci
al v alue should be under the responsibility of a com petent national body.

NOT E 2 An authority having juris dic tion may s pec if y the need f or lightning protec tion f or spec if ic applic
ations without requiring a ris k as s es s ment. In thes e cas es , the required lightning protec tion level will be s pec
if ied by the authority having juris dic tion. In s ome cas es , a ris k as s es s ment may be perf ormed as a tec hnique
by which to jus tif y a waiver to thes e r equirements .

NOT E 3 Detailed inf ormation on ris k as s es s ment and on the proc edure f or s elec tion of protec tion meas
ures is reported in IEC 62305-2.

6.2 Economic justification of lightning protection

Besides the need f or lightning protection f or the structure to be protected, i t m ay be usef

ul to ev aluate the econom ic benef its of prov iding protection m easures in order to reduce
the econom ic loss L4.

In this case, the ri sk R 4 of loss of econom ic v alues should be assessed. The assessm ent
of risk R 4 allows f or the ev aluation of the cost of the econom ic loss with and without
the adopted protection m easures.

Lightning protection is cost ef f ectiv e if the sum of the cost C RL of residual loss in
the presence of protection m easures and the cost C PM of protection m easures is lower than
the cost C L of total loss without protection m easures:

C RL + C PM < C L

NOT E Detailed inf ormation on the evaluation of ec onomic jus tif ic ation of lightning protec tion is reported
IEC 62305-2.

7 Protection measures

7.1 General

Protection m easures m ay be adopted in order to reduce the ri sk accordi ng to the type

of dam age.

7.2 Protection measures to reduce injury of living beings by electric shock

Possible protection m easures incl


– adequate insulation of ex posed conductiv e

– equipotentialization by m eans of a m eshed earthing system
- physical restrictions and warni ng notices;
- lightning equipotential bonding (EB).
NOT E 1 Equipotentialization and an inc reas e of the c ontac t res is tanc e of the ground s urf ac e ins ide and outs
ide the s truc ture may reduc e the lif e hazard ( s ee Claus e 8 of IEC 62305-3:2010).

NO T E 2 Protec tion meas ures are ef f ec tive only in s truc tures protec ted by an
NOT E 3 T he us e of s torm detec tors and the as s oc iated provis ion taken may reduc e the lif e

7.3 Protection measures to reduce physical damage

Protection i s achiev ed by the l ightning protection system (LPS) which incl udes the f
ollowing f eatures:

– air-term ination system

– down-conductor system ;
– earth-term ination system
– lightning equipotential bonding (EB);
– electri cal insulation (and hence separation distance) against the ex ternal
NOT E 1 W hen an LPS is ins talled, equipotentialization is a very important meas ure to reduc e f ire and explos
ion danger and lif e hazard. For more details s ee IEC 62305-3.

NOT E 2 Pr ovis ions limiting the development and propagation of the f ire s uc h as f ireproof c
ompartments , extinguishers , hydrants , f ire alarms and f ire extinguishing installations may reduc e phys ic al

NOT E 3 Protec ted es c ape routes provide protec tion f or pers


7.4 Protection measures to reduce failure of electrical and electronic systems

Possible protection m easures (SPM) incl


· earthing and bonding m easures,

· m agnetic
· line routing,
· isolating interf aces,
· coordinated SPD system .

These m easures m ay be used alone or in com


NOT E 1 W hen sourc e of damage S1 is c ons idered, protec tion meas ures are ef f ec tive only in struc tures
protec ted by an LPS.

NOT E 2 T he us e of s torm detec tors and the as s oc iated provis ion taken may reduc e f ailures of elec tric
al and electronic systems.

7.5 Protection measures selection

The protection m easures l isted in 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 together f orm the ov eral l
lightning protection.

Sel ection of the m ost suitable protection m easures shall be m ade by the designer of
the protection m easures and the owner of the structure to be protected accordi ng to the
type and the am ount of each ki nd of dam age, the techni cal and econom ic aspects
of the dif f erent protection m easures and the results of ri sk assessm ent.

The cri teri a f or ri sk assessm ent and f or selection of the m ost suitable protection m
easures are giv en i n IEC 62305-2.

Protection m easures are ef f ectiv e prov ided that they com ply with the requirem ents
of rel ev ant standards and are able to withstand the stress ex pected in the place of
their installation.

8 Basic criteria for protection of structures

8.1 General

An ideal protection f or structures would be to encl ose the structure to be protected within an
earthed and perf ectly conducting continuous shield of adequate thickness, and to prov ide
adequate bonding, at the entrance point into the shield, of the l ines connected to the

This would prev ent the penetration of lightning current and rel ated electrom agnetic f
ield into the structure to be protected and prev ent dangerous therm al and el
ectrodynam ic ef f ects of current, as well as dangerous sparkings and ov erv oltages for i
nternal system s.

In practice, it is often neither possible nor cost ef f ectiv e to go to such m easures to prov
ide such f ull protection.

Lack of continuity of the shield and/or i ts inadequate thickness allows the lightning current
to penetrate the shield causing:

– physical dam age and lif e

– f ailure of internal system

Protection m easures, adopted to reduce such dam ages and relev ant consequenti al
loss, shall be designed f or the def ined set of lightning current param eters against
which protection i s required (l ightning protection l ev el).

8.2 Lightning protection levels (LPL)

For the purposes of IEC 62305, f our l ightning protection lev els (I to IV) are i ntroduced.
For each LPL, a set of m ax im um and m inim um lightning current param eters is fix ed.

NOT E 1 Pr otec tion agains t lightning whos e maximum and minimum lightning curr ent parameters exc eed
thos e relevant to LPL I needs more ef f ic ient meas ures which s hould be s elec ted and erec ted on an individual bas
is .

NOT E 2 T he probability of oc c urr enc e of lightning with minimum or maximum c urr ent parameters outs ide the
range of values def ined f or LPL I is les s than 2 %.

The m ax im um v alues of lightning current param eters rel ev ant to LPL I shall not
be ex ceeded, with a probabi lity of 99 %. According to the pol ari ty ratio assum ed (see Cl
ause A.2), v alues taken f rom positiv e f lashes will hav e probabi lities below 10 %, whil e
those f rom negativ e f lashes will rem ain below 1 % (see Clause A.3).

The m ax im um v alues of lightning current param eters relev ant to LPL I are reduced to 75
% f or LPL II and to 50 % f or LPL III and IV (l inear f or I, Q and di/dt, but quadratic f or
W/R). The tim e param eters are unchanged.

NOT E 3 Lightning protec tion levels whos e maximum lightning c urr ent parameters are lower than thos e relevant
to LPL IV allow one to c ons ider values of probability of damage higher than thos e pres ented in Annex
B of IEC 62305-2:2010, but not quantif ied and are us ef ul f or better tailoring of protec tion meas ures in order
to avoid unjustif ied c os ts .

The m ax im um v alues of lightning current param eters f or the dif f erent lightning
protection lev els are giv en in Table 3 and are used to design l ightning protection com
ponents (e.g. cross-section of conductors, thickness of m etal sheets, current capabi
lity of SPDs, separation distance against dangerous sparking) and to def ine test param
eters sim ulating the ef f ects of lightning on such com ponents (see Annex D).

The m inim um v alues of lightning current am plitude f or the dif f erent LPL are used to deri
v e the rol ling sphere radi us (see Clause A.4) i n order to def ine the lightning protection
zone LPZ 0B which cannot be reached by direct stri ke (see 8.3 and Figures 3 and 4).
m inim um v alues of lightning current param eters together with the rel ated rol ling
sphere radi us are giv en in Table 4. They are used for positioning of the air-term ination
system and to def ine the lightning protection zone LPZ 0 B (see 8.3).

T able 3 – Maximum values of lightning parameters according to LPL

First positiv e impulse LPL

Cur rent par ameter s Sy mbol Unit I II III IV

Peak c urrent I kA 200 150 100

Impuls e c harge Q S HORT C 100 75 50

Spec if ic energy W /R MJ/W 10 5,6 2,5

T ime parameters T1 / T2 ms / µs 10 / 350

First negativ e impulse LPL

Cur rent par ameter s Sy mbol Unit I II III

Peak c urrent I kA 100 75 50

Average s teepnes s di/dt kA/µs 100 75 50

T ime parameters T1 / T2 µs / µs 1 / 200

Subsequent impulse LPL

Cur rent par ameter s Sy mbol Unit I II III IV

Peak c urrent I kA 50 37,5 25

Average s teepnes s di/dt kA/µs 200 150 100

T ime parameters T1 / T2 µs / µs 0,25 / 100

Long stroke LPL

Cur rent par ameter s Sy mbol Unit I II III IV

Long s troke c harge Q LONG C 200 150 100

T ime parameter T LONG s 0,5

Flash LPL

Cur rent par ameter s Sy mbol Unit I II III IV

Flas h c harge Q FLAS H C 300 225 150

T he us e of this c urrent s hape c onc erns only c alc ulations and not tes ting.

T able 4 – Minimum values of lightning parameters

and related rolling sphere radius corresponding to LPL

Inter ception crit eria LPL

Sy mbol Unit I II III IV

Minimum peak c urr ent I kA 3 5 10 16

Rolling s phere radius r m 20 30 45 60

From the statistical distri butions giv en in Figure A.5, a weighted probabi lity can
be determ ined that the l ightning current param eters are sm aller than the m ax im um v
alues and respectiv ely greater than the m inim um v alues def ined f or each protection lev
el (see Tabl e
T able 5 – Probabilities for the limits of the lightning current parameters

Probability that lightning curr ent parameters

– are s maller than the maximum values def ined in T able 3 0,99 0,98 0,95 0,95

– are greater than the minimum values def ined in T able 4 0,99 0,97 0,91 0,84

The protection m easures speci f ied in IEC 62305-3 and IEC 62305-4 are ef f ectiv e
against lightning whose current param eters are in the range def ined by the LPL assum ed f
or design. Theref ore the ef f ici ency of a protection m easure is assum ed equal to the
probability with which lightning current param eters are inside such range. For param eters
ex ceedi ng thi s range, a residual ri sk of dam age rem ains.

8.3 Lightning protection zones (LPZ)

Protection m easures such as LPS, shielding wires, m agnetic shields and SPD determ
ine lightning protection zones (LPZ).

LPZ downstream of the protection m easure are characteri zed by signif icant reduction
LEMP than that upstream of the LPZ.

W ith respect to the threat of lightning, the f ollowing LPZs are def ined (see Figures 3 and 4):

LPZ 0 A zone where the threat is due to the direct lightning f lash and the f ull lightning
electrom agnetic f ield. The i nternal system s may be subjected to full or partial
lightning surge current;
LPZ 0 B zone protected agai nst direct lightning f lashes but where the threat is the full
lightning electrom agnetic f ield. The internal system s m ay be subjected
to partial lightning surge currents;
LPZ 1 zone where the surge current is li m ited by current shari ng and by
isolating interf aces and/or SPDs at the boundary. Spatial shielding m ay
attenuate the lightning electrom agnetic f ield;
LPZ 2, ..., n zone where the surge current m ay be f urther lim ited by current shari ng
and by isolating interf aces and/or additional SPDs at the boundary. Addi
tional spatial shielding m ay be used to f urther attenuate the
lightning electrom agnetic f ield.

NOT E 1 In general, the higher the number of an individual zone, the lower the elec tromagnetic
environment parameters .

As a general rul e f or protection, the structure to be protected shall be i n an LPZ

whose electrom agnetic characteri stics are com patible with the capabi lity of the
structure to withstand stress causing the dam age to be reduced (physical dam age, f
ailure of electri cal and el ectroni c system s due to ov erv oltages).

NOT E 2 For mos t elec tric al and elec tronic s ys tems and apparatus , inf ormation about withs tand level can
be s upplied by manuf ac turer.



S3 2
5 s
s S2



4 IEC 2614/10

1 structure S1 f las h to the s truc ture
2 air-termination s ys tem S2 f las h near to the s truc ture
3 down-c onduc tor s ys tem S3 f las h to a line c onnec ted to the s truc ture
4 earth-termination s ys tem S4 f las h near a line c onnec ted to the s truc ture
5 inc oming lines r rolling s phere radius
s s eparation dis tanc e agains t dangerous s

ground level
lightning equipotential bonding by means of SPD
LPZ 0 A direc t f las h, f ull lightning cur rent
LPZ 0 B no direc t f las h, partial lightning or induc ed c urrent

LPZ 1 no direc t f las h, limited lightning or induced c urrent

protec ted volume ins ide LPZ 1 must res pec t s eparation dis tanc e s

Figure 3 – LPZ defined by an LPS (IEC 62305-3)


LPZ 0B 1

SPD ds

r r
S4 ds


IEC 2615/10

1 s truc ture (shield of LPZ 1) S1 f las h to the s truc ture
2 air-termination s ys tem S2 f las h near to the s truc ture
3 down-c onduc tor s ys tem S3 f las h to a line c onnec ted to the s truc ture
4 earth-termination s ys tem S4 f las h near a line c onnec ted to the s truc ture
5 room (s hield of LPZ 2) r rolling s phere radius
6 lines c onnec ted to the s truc ture ds s af ety dis tanc e agains t too high magnetic f

ground level
lightning equipotential bonding by means of SPD
LPZ 0 A direc t f las h, f ull lightning current, f ull magnetic f ield

LPZ 0 B no direc t f las h, partial lightning or induc ed c urrent, f ull magnetic f ield

LPZ 1 no direc t f las h, limited lightning or induc ed c urrent, damped magnetic f ield
LPZ 2 no direc t f las h, induced c urrents , f urther damped magnetic f ield
protec ted volumes inside LPZ 1 and LPZ 2 mus t res pec t s af ety distanc es d s

Figure 4 – LPZ defined by an SPM (IEC 62305-4)

8.4 Protection of structures

8.4.1 Protection to reduce physical damage and life hazard

The structure to be protected shall be i nside an LPZ 0 B or higher. This is achi ev ed

by m eans of a l ightning protection system (LPS).

An LPS consists of both ex ternal and internal lightning protection system s.

The f unctions of the ex ternal LPS

– to intercept a lightning f lash to the structure (with an air-term ination system

– to conduct the lightning current saf ely to earth (with a down-conductor system ),
– to disperse it into the earth (with an earth-term ination system

The f unction of the i nternal LPS is to prev ent dangerous sparking within the structure,
using equipotential bonding or a separation distance, s, (and hence electri cal isolation)
between the LPS com ponents and other electri cal ly conducting elem ents internal to the

Four cl asses of LPS (I, II, III and IV) are def ined as a set of construction rul es, based on
the corresponding LPL. Each set incl udes lev el-dependent (e.g. rol ling sphere radius,
m esh width etc.) and lev el-i ndependent (e.g. cross-sections, m ateri als etc.) construction
rul es.

W here surf ace resistiv ity of the soil outside and of the f loor i nside the structure i s kept
low, lif e hazard due to touch and step v oltages is reduced:

– outside the structure, by insulation of the ex posed conductiv e parts, by

equipotentialization of the soil by m eans of a m eshed earthing system , by warni
ng notices and by physical restrictions;
– inside the structure, by equipotential bonding of lines at entrance poi nt into the

The LPS shall com ply with the requi rem ents of IEC 62305-

8.4.2 Protection to reduce the failure of internal systems

The protection against LEMP to reduce the ri sk of f ailure of internal system s shall lim

– surges due to lightning flashes to the structure resulting from resistiv e and inductiv e
– surges due to lightning f lashes near the structure resulting f rom inductiv e coupl
– surges transmitted by lines connected to the structure due to f lashes to or near the lines,
– m agnetic f ield directly coupl ing with

NOT E Failure of apparatus due to elec tromagnetic f ields direc tly radiated into the equipment is negligible
provided that apparatus c omplies with radio-f requenc y (RF) radiated emis s ion and immunity tes ts def ined by
relevant EMC produc t s tandards (s ee IEC 62305-2 and IEC 62305-4).

The system to be protected shall be located inside an LPZ 1 or hi gher. This is achi ev ed
by m eans of electri cal and electroni c system protection m easures (SPM)
consisting of m agnetic shields attenuating the induci ng m agnetic f ield and/or suitable
routing of wiri ng to reduce the i nduction l oop. Bondi ng shall be prov ided at the
boundaries of an LPZ f or metal parts and system s crossing the boundaries. This bonding
may be accom plished by m eans of bonding conductors or, when necessary, by surge
protectiv e dev ices (SPDs).

The protection m easures f or any LPZ shall com ply wit h IEC 62305-

Ef f ectiv e protection agai nst ov erv oltages, causing f ailures of internal system s, m ay also
be achi ev ed by m eans of isolating interf aces and/or a coordinated SPD system , lim
iting ov erv oltages below the rated im pulse withstand v oltage of the system to be protected.

Isolating i nterf aces and SPDs shall be selected and installed according to the requirem
ents of IEC 62305-4.

Annex A

Parameters of lightning current

A.1 Lightning flashes to earth

Two basic types of f lashes ex


– downward f lashes initiated by a downward leader f rom cl oud to

– upward f lashes initiated by an upward leader f rom an earthed structure to cl

Mostl y downward f lashes occur i n f lat territory, and to lower structures, whereas f or ex
posed and/or higher structures upward f lashes becom e dom inant. W ith ef f ectiv e
height, the probabi lity of a direct stri ke to the structure i ncreases (see IEC 62305-2:2010,
Annex A) and the physical condi tions change.

A l ightning current consists of one or m ore di f f erent


– im pulses with duration less than 2 m s (Figure

– long strokes with duration longer than 2 m s (Figure A.2).

90 %

I 50 %

10 %


IEC 2616/10


O 1
virtual origin

I peak c urr

ent T 1 f ront


T2 time to half value

Figure A.1 – Definitions of impulse current parameters (typically T 2 < 2 ms)


10 % 10 %


IEC 2617/10


T LONG duration time

long s troke c

Figure A.2 – Definitions of long duration stroke parameters

(typically 2 ms < T LONG < 1 s)

Further dif f erentiation of strokes com es from their pol ari ty (positiv e or negativ e) and f
rom their position duri ng the f lash (f irst, subsequent, and superi m posed). The
possible com ponents are shown in Figure A.3 f or downward f lashes and in Figure A.4 f
or upward f lashes.

±i ±i

First short stroke

Long stroke
Positive or negative t Positive or negative t

- i - i

short strokes

Negative t Negative t

IEC 2618/10

Figure A.3 – Possible components of downward flashes

(typical in flat territory and to lower structures)

±i ±i

Long stroke
short strokes
Short stroke

long stroke

Positive or negative t Positive or negative t

–i –i

short strokes

Negative t Negative t


Single long stroke

Positive or negative t IEC 2619/10

Figure A.4 – Possible components of upward flashes

(typical to exposed and/or higher structures)

The additional com ponent in upward f lashes is the f irst long stroke with or without up
to som e ten superi m posed im pulses. But all im pulse current param eters of upward f
lashes are less than those of downward f lashes. A higher long stroke charge of upward f
lashes is not yet conf irm ed. Theref ore the l ightning current param eters of upward f lashes
are considered to be cov ered by the m ax im um v alues gi v en f or downward f
lashes. A m ore precise ev aluation of lightning current param eters and their height
dependency with regard to downward and upward f lashes is under consideration.

A.2 Lightning current parameters

The lightning current param eters in this part of IEC 62305 are based on the results of the
International Counci l on Large Electri cal System s (CIGRE) data gi v en i n Table A.1.
Their statistical distri bution can be assum ed to hav e a logari thm ic norm al distri
bution. The corresponding m ean v alue m and the dispersion σ log are giv en in Table
A.2 and the
distri bution f unction i s shown i n F igure A.5. On t his basis, the probability of occurrence
any v alue of each param eter can be determ

A polari ty ratio of 10 % positiv e and 90 % negati v e f lashes is assum ed. The polari ty ratio
is a f unction of the territory. If no local inf orm ation is av ailable, the ratio giv en herein
should be used.

The v alue of the probabi lity of occurrence of lightning current peak v alues exceedi ng
the prev iously considered is reported i n Table A. 3.
T able A.1 – T abulated values of lightning current parameters taken from CIGRE
(Electra No. 41 or No. 69) [3], [4]

Fixed v alues Values Line in

Parameter T y pe of stroke
for LPL I 95 % 50 % 5% Figur e A.5
a b
a 20 90 Firs t negative s hort 1A+1B
I (kA) 50 4,9 11,8 28,6 Subs equent negative s hort 2
200 4,6 35 250 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle) 3
1,3 7,5 40 Negative f las h 4
300 20 80 350 Pos itive f las h 5
1,1 4,5 20 Firs t negative short 6
Q S HORT (C) 0,22 0,95 4 Subs equent negative short 7
100 2 16 150 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle) 8
6 55 550 Firs t negative short 9
W /R (kJ/W) 0,55 6 52 Subs equent negative short 10
10 000 25 650 15 000 Firs t pos itive s hort 11
9,1 24,3 65 Firs t negative s hort 12
di/dt m ax b
9,9 39,9 161,5 Subs equent negative s hort 13
20 0,2 2,4 32 Firs t pos itive short 14
di/dt 30%/90 % b
200 4,1 20,1 98,5 Subs equent negative s hort 15
Q LONG (C) 200 Long
T LONG (s) 0,5 Long
1,8 5,5 18 Firs t negative short
Front duration
0,22 1,1 4,5 Subs equent negative short
3,5 22 200 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle)
30 75 200 Firs t negative short
Stroke duration
6,5 32 140 Subs equent negative short
25 230 2 000 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle)
T ime interval (ms ) 7 33 150 Multiple negative strokes
0,15 13 1 100 Negative f las h (all)
T otal f las h Negative f las h
31 180 900
duration (ms ) (without s ingle)
14 85 500 Pos itive f las h
T he values of I = 4 kA and I = 20 kA c orres pond to a probability of 98 % and 80 %, res pec tively. --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

Parameters and relevant values reported on Elec tra No. 69.
T able A.2 – Logarithmic normal distribution of lightning current parameters –
Mean m and dispersion σ log calculated from 95 % and 5 % values
from CIGRE (Electra No. 41 or No. 69) [3], [4]
Parameter M ean Dispersion Stroke ty pe Line in
m σ log Figur e A.5
I (kA) (61,1) 0,576 Firs t negative s hort ( 80 %) 1A
33,3 0,263 Firs t negative s hort ( 80 %) 1B
11,8 0,233 Subs equent negative s hort 2

33,9 0,527 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle) 3

Q FLAS H (C) 7,21 0,452 Negative f las h 4

83,7 0,378 Pos itive f las h 5

Q S HORT (C) 4,69 0,383 Firs t negative short 6

0,938 0,383 Subs equent negative short 7

17,3 0,570 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle) 8

W /R (kJ/W) 57,4 0,596 Firs t negative short 9

5,35 0,600 Subs equent negative short 10

612 0,844 Firs t pos itive short 11

di/dt m ax 24,3 0,260 Firs t negative s hort 12
(kA/ms) b
40,0 0,369 Subs equent negative s hort 13

2,53 0,670 Firs t pos itive short 14

di/d t30%/90 % b
20,1 0,420 Subs equent negative s hort 15

Q L ON G (C) 200 Long

T LONG (s) 0,5 Long

Front duration 5,69 0,304 Firs t negative short

0,995 0,398 Subs equent negative short

26,5 0,534 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle)

Stroke duration 77,5 0,250 Firs t negative short

30,2 0,405 Subs equent negative short

224 0,578 Firs t pos itive s hort (s ingle)

T ime interval
32,4 0,405 Multiple negative strokes

T otal f las h 12,8 1,175 Negative f las h (all)

duration (ms )
167 0,445 Negative f las h ( without s ingle)

83,7 0,472 Pos itive f las h


σ log = log(X 16 %
) – log(X 50 %
) where X is the value of parameter.

Parameters and relevant values reported on Elec tra No. 69.
T able A.3 – Values of probability P as function of the lightning current I


0 1

3 0,99

5 0,95

10 0,9

20 0,8

30 0,6

35 0,5

40 0,4

50 0,3

60 0,2

80 0,1

100 0,05

150 0,02

200 0,01

300 0,005

400 0,002

600 0,001

Probability (%)
1A Fixed parameters
8 13

2 9

7 1B
20 12

– 34 –
10 10


10 2 3 4 6 8 101 2 3 4 6 8 102 2 3 4 6 8 103 2 3 4 6 8 104

62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
IEC 2620/10

NO T E For numbering of c urves s ee T ables A.1 and A.2.

Figure A.5 – Cumulative frequency distribution of lightning current parameters (lines through 95 % and 5 % value)

ht International Electrotechnical Commission

d by IHS under license with IEC
oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 35 –

Al l v alues fix ed f or LPL giv en in this standard relate to both downward and upward f

NOT E T he value of lightning parameters is us ually obtained f rom meas urement taken on tall s truc tures . Statis
tic al dis tribution of roughly es timated lightning c urr ent peak values that does not c ons ider the ef f ec t of tall
struc tures is als o available f rom lightning loc ation s ys tems .

A.3 Fixing the maximum lightning current parameters for LPL I

A.3.1 Positive impulse

The m echani cal ef f ects of lightning are rel ated to the peak v alue of the current ( I), and
to the speci f ic energy (W/R). The therm al ef f ects are rel ated to the specif ic energy
(W/R) when resistiv e coupl ing is inv olv ed and to the charge (Q) when arcs dev elop
to the installation. Ov erv oltages and dangerous sparking caused by inductiv e coupling are
related to the av erage steepness (di/dt) of the l ightning current f ront.

Each of the single param eters (I, Q, W/R, di/dt) tend to dom inate each f ailure m echani
sm . This shall be taken i nto account in establishing test procedures.

A.3.2 Positive impulse and long stroke

The v alues of I, Q and W/R related to m echani cal and therm al ef f ects are determ ined f
rom positiv e f lashes (because their 10 % v alues are m uch higher than the
corresponding 1 % v alues of the negativ e f lashes). From Figure A.5 (l ines 3, 5, 8, 11
and 14) the f ollowing v alues with probabi lities below 10 % can be taken:

I = 200 kA
Q FLASH = 300 C
Q SHORT = 100 C
W/R = 10 MJ/W
di/dt = 20 kA/ms

For a f irst positiv e i m pulse according t o F igure A.1, these v alues giv e a f irst approx im
ation f or the front ti m e:

T 1 = I / (di/dt) = 10 ms (T 1 i s of m inor interest)

For an ex ponentially decaying stroke, the f ollowing f orm ulae f or approx im ate charge
and energy v alues apply (T 1 << T 2 ):

Q SHORT = (1/0,7) ´ I ´ T 2
W/R = (1/2) ´ (1/0,7) ´ I 2 ´

These f orm ulae, together with the v alues giv en abov e, l ead to a f irst approx im ation f or
the tim e to hal f v alue:

T 2 = 350 ms

For the long stroke, its charge can be approx im ately calcul ated f rom :


Its durati on tim e, accordi ng to Figure A.2, m ay be estim ated f rom data in Table A.1 as:

T LONG = 0,5 s
– 36 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 37 –

A.3.3 First negative impulse

For som e inductiv e coupl ing ef f ects, the f irst negativ e im pulse leads to the highest i
nduced v oltages, e.g. f or cabl es within cabl e ducts m ade of rei nf orced concrete. From
Figure A.5 (l ines 1 and 12) the f ollowing v alues with probabi lities below 1 % can be taken:

I = 100 kA
di/dt = 100 kA/ms

For a f irst negativ e im pulse accordi ng to Figure A.1 these v alues giv e a first approx im
ation f or its f ront ti m e of :

T 1 = I /( di/dt) = 1,0 ms

Its tim e to half v alue m ay be estim ated f rom the stroke duration of f irst negativ e im

T 2 = 200 ms (T 2 i s of m inor interest).

A.3.4 Subsequent impulse

The m ax im um v alue of av erage steepness di/dt rel ated to t he dangerous sparking

caused by inductiv e coupling i s determ ined f rom subsequent im pulses of negativ e f lashes
(because their 1 % v alues are som ewhat higher than the 1 % v alues f rom f irst negati v e
strokes or the corresponding 10 % v alues of the positiv e f lashes). From Figure A.5 (l ines
2 and 15) the f ollowing v alues with probabi lities below 1 % can be taken:

I = 50 kA
di/dt = 200 kA/ms

For a subsequent im pulse accordi ng to Figure A.1 these v alues giv e a f irst approx im
ation f or its f ront ti m e of :

T 1 = I / (di/dt) = 0,25 ms

Its tim e to half v alue m ay be estim ated f rom the stroke duration of negativ e
subsequent im pulses:

T 2 = 100 ms (T 2 i s of m inor interest).

A.4 Fixing the minimum lightning current parameters

The interception ef f ici ency of an air-term ination system depends on the m inim um
lightning current param eters and on the rel ated rol ling sphere radi us. The geom etri cal
boundary of areas which are protected against direct lightning f lashes can be determ
ined using the rol ling sphere m ethod.

Following the electro-geom etri c m odel, the rol ling sphere radi us r (f inal jum p distance)
is correl ated with the peak v alue of the f irst im pulse current. In an IEEE working
group report , the relation i s giv en as

r = 10 ´ I 0,65 (A.1)

r is the rol ling sphere radi us (m
I is the peak current (kA).

For a giv en rol ling sphere radi us r it can be assum ed that all f lashes with peak v
– 38 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
alues higher than the corresponding m inim um peak v alue I will be intercepted by
natural or
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 39 –

dedicated air term inations. Theref ore, the probabi lity f or the peak v alues of negativ e
and positiv e f irst strokes f rom Figure A.5 (lines 1A and 3) is assum ed to be the i
nterception probabi lity. Taki ng into account the polari ty ratio of 10 % positiv e and
90 % negativ e f lashes, the total interception probabi lity can be calcul ated (see Table 5).

– 40 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

Annex B

Time functions of the lightning current for analysis purposes

The current shapes of

– the f irst positiv e im pulse 10/350 ms,

– the f irst negativ e im pulse 1/200 ms,
– the subsequent negativ e im pulses 0,25/100 ms,

m ay be def ined as:

62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 41 –
I ( t /T1 )1 0
i = ´ ´ exp( -t /T ) (B.1)
k 1+( t /T1 )10 2


I is the peak current;

k is the correction f actor f or the peak
t is the tim e;
T1 is the f ront tim e
T 2 is the tail tim e constant.

For the current shapes of the f irst positiv e im pulse, the f irst negativ e im pulse and
the subsequent negativ e im pulses f or dif f erent LPL, the param eters gi v en in Table B.1
apply. The analytic curv es as f unction of tim e are shown in Figures B.1 to B.6.

T able B.1 – Parameters for Equation (B.1)

First positiv e impulse First negativ e impulse Subsequent negativ e impulse

Parameter s LPL LPL LPL


I (kA) 200 150 100 100 75 50 50 37,5 25

k 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,986 0,986 0,986 0,993 0,993 0,993

T 1 (ms) 19 19 19 1,82 1,82 1,82 0,454 0,454 0,454

T 2 (ms) 485 485 485 285 285 285 143 143 143
100 %

90 %

5 ms

50 %

10 %


T1 t

IEC 2621/10

Figure B.1 – Shape of the current rise of the first positive impulse

100 %

200 ms
50 %
50 %


T2 t
IEC 2622/10

Figure B.2 – Shape of the current tail of the first positive impulse

100 %

90 %

1 ms

50 %

10 %


T1 t

IEC 2623/10

Figure B.3 – Shape of the current rise of the first negative impulse
100 %

50 ms
50 %
50 %



IEC 2624/10

Figure B.4 – Shape of the current tail of the first negative impulse
100 %

90 %

0,2 ms

50 %

10 %


T1 t

IEC 2625/10

Figure B.5 – Shape of the current rise of the subsequent negative impulses

100 %

50 ms
50 %
50 %


T2 t
IEC 2626/10

Figure B.6 – Shape of the current tail of the subsequent negative impulses

The long stroke can be described by a rectangular wav eshape with an av erage current I and
a duration T LONG according to Table 3.

From the anal ytic curv es as f unction of tim e, the am plitude density of the li ghtning
(Figure B.7) can be deriv ed.

Relevant frequency range

for LEMP effects


2 First negative stroke

10 100 kA 1/200 ms

Amplitude density
Subsequent negative stroke 1
50 kA 0,25/100 ms f

–3 f
10 First positive stroke
200 kA 10/350 ms

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 1 1 1 10

Frequency f (Hz)
IEC 2627/10

Figure B.7 – Amplitude density of the lightning current according to LPL I

Annex C

Simulation of the lightning current for test purposes

C.1 General

If a structure is struck by lightning, the l ightning current is distri buted within the structure.
W hen testing i ndiv idual protection m easure com ponents, this must be taken into account
by choosing appropriate test param eters f or each com ponent. To this end, a system
analysis has to be perf orm ed.

C.2 Simulation of the specific energy of the first positive impulse and the
charge of the long stroke

Test param eters are def ined in Tables C.1 and C.2 and an ex am ple test generator i s
shown in Figure C.1. This generator m ay be used to sim ulate the specif ic energy of
the f irst positiv e im pulse com bined with the charge of the long stroke.

The tests m ay be used to assess m echani cal integri ty, f reedom f rom adv erse heati ng
and m elting ef f ects.

The test param eters rel ev ant f or sim ulation of the f irst positiv e i m pulse (peak current I,
the speci f ic energy W/R, and the charge Q SHORT ) are giv en in Table C.1. These param
eters should be obtained in the sam e im pulse. This can be achi ev ed by an approx
im ately
ex ponentially decaying current with T 2 i n the range of 350

The test param eters rel ev ant f or the sim ulation of the long stroke (charge Q LONG
and duration T LONG ) are giv en i n Table C.2.

Depending on the test item and the ex pected dam age m echani sm s, the tests f or the f
irst positiv e im pulse or the long stroke can be appl ied singly or as a com bined test,
where the long stroke f ollows the f irst i m pulse im m ediately. Tests for arc m elting should
be perf orm ed using both polari ties.

NO T E T he f irs t negative impuls e is not to be us ed f or tes t

purpos es .
Start switch
L 100 mH to 300 mH

1,5 W 0,5 s
20 mF Crowbar Test item
160 kV charging
600 V G
voltage UL

R1 » 0,1 W R2

Current generator for Current generator for

the first short stroke the long stroke
IEC 2847/10

NO T E T he values apply to LPL I.

Figure C.1 – Example test generator for the simulation of the specific energy
of the first positive impulse and the charge of the long stroke

T able C.1 – T est parameters of the first positive impulse

LPL T olerance
T est par ameter

Peak c urrent I (kA) 200 150 100 ± 10

Charge Q S HORT (C) 100 75 50 ± 20

Spec if ic energy W /R (MJ/W) 10 5,6 2,5 ± 35

T able C.2 – T est p arameters o f the long stroke

LPL T olerance
T est par ameter

Charge Q LONG (C) 200 150 100 ± 20

Duration T LONG (s) 0,5 0,5 0,5 ± 10

C.3 Simulation of the front current steepness of the impulses

The steepness of the current determ ines the m agnetical ly induced v oltages in
loops installed near conductors carrying l ightning currents.

The current steepness of an i m pulse i s def ined as the rise of the current Δi duri ng ri se
tim e Δt (Figure C.2). The test param eters rel ev ant f or the sim ulation of this current
steepness are giv en in Table C.3. Ex am ple test generators are shown in Figures C.3 and
C.4, (these m ay be used to sim ulate the f ront steepness of a lightning current associ ated
with a di rect lightning stri ke). The sim ulation can be carri ed out f or a f irst positiv e
im pulse and a subsequent negativ e im pulse.
NOT E T his s imulation c overs the f ront cur rent steepnes s of impuls es . T he tail of the c urr ent has no inf
luenc e on this kind of s imulation.

The sim ulation accordi ng to Cl ause C.3 m ay be appl ied i ndependently or in com
bination with the sim ulation according to Cl ause C.2.

For f urther inf orm ation on test param eters sim ulating the ef f ects of lightning on
com ponents, see Annex D.

T able C.3 – T est parameters of the impulses

LPL T olerance
T est par ameter
Firs t pos itive impulse
Δi (kA) 200 150 100 ±10
Δt (ms) 10 10 10 ±20

Subs equent negative impuls es

Δi (kA) 50 37,5 25 ± 10

Δt (ms) 0,25 0,25 0,25 ± 20




IEC 2628/10

Figure C.2 – Definition of the current steepness in accordance with T able C.3
2 mH 0,25 W

9 mH
300 kV
voltage UL 10 mF

0,1 W

Current generator Test item

IEC 2629/10

NO T E T hes e values apply to LPL I.

Figure C.3 – Example test generator for the simulation of the front steepness
of the first positive impulse for large test items

6 mH
10 W

9 mH
3,5 MV
charging 10 nF

0,1 W

“Marx”generator Test item

IEC 2630/10

NO T E T hes e values apply to LPL I.

Figure C.4 – Example test generator for the simulation of the front steepness
of the subsequent negative impulses for large test items

Annex D

Test parameters simulating the effects of lightning on LPS components

D.1 General

Annex D giv es the basic param eters that m ay be used in a l aboratory to sim ulate the ef f
ects of lightning. This annex cov ers al l the com ponents of an LPS subjected to al l or a
m ajor part of the lightning current and m ay be used in conj unction with the standards

specif yi ng the requi rem ents and the tests for each specif ic com ponent.

NOT E Parameters relevant to s ys tem as pec ts (e.g. f or the c oordination of s urge protec tive devic es ) are
not c ons idered in this annex.

D.2 Current parameters relevant to the point of strike

The l ightning current param eters playi ng a rol e i n the physical integri ty of an LPS are
in general the peak current I, the charge Q, the speci f ic energy W/R, the duration T and
the av erage steepness of the current di/dt. Each param eter tends to dom inate a dif f erent f
ailure m echani sm , as analysed i n detail below. The current param eters to be considered f
or tests are com binations of these v alues, selected to represent in laboratory the
actual f ailure m echani sm of the part of the LPS being tested. The criteri a f or the
selection of the outstanding quantities are gi v en i n Cl ause D.5.

Table D.1 records the m ax im um v alues of I, Q, W/R, T and di/dt to be considered f or

tests, as a f unction of the prot ection lev el requi red.
T able D.1 – Summary of the lightning threat parameters to be considered in the
calculation of the test values for the different LPS components and for the different

M ain
Component Lightning thr eat parameters Notes

Eros ion at LPL Q LONG T

attac hment C
point (e.g.
Air-termination thin metal I 200 <1 s (apply
sheets) Q LONG in a
II 150
s ingle shot)
III-IV 100

Ohmic LPL W /R T
heating kJ/W
Dimens ioning
I 10 000 Apply W /R in with IEC 62305-
an adiabatic 3 render tes ting
II 5 600 c onf iguration s uperf luous
Air-termination III-IV 2 500
and down-
c onduc tor Mec hanic LPL Ι W /R
al eff ects kA kJ/W

I 200 10 000
II 150 5 600
III-IV 100 2 500

Combined LPL Ι W /R Τ
eff ects kΑ kJ/W
mec hanic I 200 10 000 <2 ms
Connec ting (apply I
al and arc
c omponents II 150 5 600
ing) and
III-IV 100 2 500 W /R in
a s ingle
puls e)

LPL Dimens ioning us
ually determined
Eros ion at
Earth- I 200 by mec hanic al /
attac hment <1 s (apply
terminations chemical aspects
point II 150 Q LONG in a (corrosion etc.)
III-IV 100 s ingle shot)

LPL I Q S HORT W /R di/dt Apply I, Q S

Combined kA C kJ/W kA/ms HORT
, and W /R
SPDs eff ects in a
c ontaining (thermal, I 200 100 10 000 200 s ingle puls e
s park gaps mec hanic (duration
II 150 75 5 600 150
al and arc T<2 ms); apply
ing) III-IV 100 50 2 500 100 Δi/Δt in a
s eparate puls e
Energy eff Both aspects
ects I 100 need to be
(overload) c hec ked.
II 75
c ontaining III-IV 50
metal-oxide LPL I T
resistor blocks kA Separate tes ts
Dielec tric c an be

ef f ec t I 200 c ons idered

(f las hover/ <2 ms
c rac king) II 150 (apply I in a
s ingle puls
III-IV 100 e)
D.3 Current sharing

The param eters gi v en in the Table D.1 are rel ev ant to the lightning current at the point
of stri ke. In f act, the current f lows to earth through more than one path, as sev eral
down- conductors and natural conductors are norm ally present in an ex ternal LPS. Addi
tionally, dif f erent lines norm ally enter the protected structure (water and gas pi pes,
power and telecom m unication lines, etc.). For the determ ination of the param eters
of the actual current f lowing i n specif ic com ponents of an LPS, the sharing of the current
has to be taken into account. Pref erabl y, current am plitude and shape through a com
ponent at a specif ic location of the LPS should be ev aluated. W here an indiv idual ev
aluation is not possible, the current param eters m ay be assessed by m eans of the f ollowing

For the ev aluation of the current shari ng within the ex ternal LPS, the conf iguration factor
k c (see Annex C of IEC 62305-3:2010) m ay be adopted. This f actor prov ides an estim
ate of the share of the lightning current f lowing i n down-conductors of the ex ternal
LPS under
worst-case conditions.

For the ev aluation of the current shari ng in presence of ex ternal conductiv e parts and
power and telecom m unication lines connected to the protected structure, the approx im ate
v alues of k e and k’ e considered in Annex E m ay be adopted.

The abov e-descri bed approach is applicabl e f or the ev aluation of the peak v alue of
the current f lowing in one particul ar path to earth. The cal cul ation of the other param
eters of the current is carried out as f ollows:
Ip =k ´ I (D.1)

Qp =k ´Q (D.2)

W / R )p = k 2 ´( W / R (D.3)

æ di ö æ di ö
ç ¸ =k ´ ç ¸ (D.4)
è dt ø p è dt ø

xp is the v alue of the quantity considered (peak current I p , charge Q p , speci f ic
(W/R) p , current steepness (di/dt) p ) relev ant to a particul ar pat h to eart h "p";
x is the v alue of the quantity considered (peak current I, charge Q, speci f ic
(W/R), current steepness (di/dt)) rel ev ant to the total lightning current;
k is the current shari ng f
- kc f or ex ternal LPS (see Annex C of IEC 62305-3:2010);
- k e, k’ e in the presence of ex ternal conductiv e parts and power and
telecom m unication lines enteri ng the protected structure
(see Annex E).

D.4 Effects of lightning current causing possible damage

D.4.1 T hermal effects

Therm al ef f ects linked with l ightning current are rel ev ant to the resistiv e heating caused
by the ci rculation of an el ectri c current f lowing through t he resistance of a conductor or
into an LPS. Therm al ef f ects are also rel ev ant to the heat generated in the root of the
arcs at the attachm ent point and in all the isolated parts of an LPS inv olv ed in arc dev
elopm ent (e.g. spark gaps). --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
D.4.1.1 Resistive heating

Resisti v e heating takes place in any com ponent of an LPS carrying a signif icant part of
the lightning current. The m inim um cross-sectional area of conductors m ust be suf f ici
ent to prev ent ov erheating of the conductors to a l ev el that would present a f ire
hazard to the surroundings. Despite the therm al aspects discussed in D.4.1, the m echani
cal withstand and durabi lity criteri a hav e to be considered f or parts exposed to atm ospheri
c conditions and/or corrosion. The ev aluation of conductor heating due to lightning current
f low is som etim es necessary when probl em s can ari se because of the risk of personal
injury and of f ire or ex plosion dam ages.

Guidance is gi v en below to ev aluate the tem perature rise of conductors subjected to

the f low of a l ightning current.

An anal ytical approach i s presented as f


The instantaneous power dissipated as heat in a conductor due to an el ectri cal current is
ex pressed as:

P(t) = i (t) × R (D.5)

The therm al energy generated by the com plete lightning pulse is theref ore the ohm

resistance of the lightning path through the LPS com ponent considered, m ultiplied by the
speci f ic energy of the pulse. This therm al energy is ex pressed in units of Joul es (J)
W att´seconds (W
W =R´ òi (t) ´ dt

In a lightning di scharge, the hi gh specif ic energy phases of the l ightning f lash are too
short in duration f or any heat generated in the structure to be dispersed signi f
icantly. The phenom enon i s theref ore to be considered adiabatic.

The tem perature of the conductors of the LPS can be ev aluated as f


é W ù
1ê ´ a ´ r0 ú
q - q 0 = êexp( R ) - 1ú (D.7)
aê 2
q ´ g´ ú
êë Cw úû

Characteri stic v alues of the physical param eters reported i n Equation (D.7), f or dif f
erent m ateri als used in the LPS are recorder i n Table D.2 where
q-q0 is the tem perature ri se of the conductors (K);
a is the tem perature coef f ici ent of the resistance (1/K);
W/R is the speci f ic energy of the current im pulse (J/W);

r0 is the speci f ic ohm ic resistance of the conductor at am bient tem perature ( Wm );
q is the cross-sectional area of the conductor (m 2 );
g is the m ateri al density (kg/m 3 );
Cw is the thermal capacity (J/kgK);
Cs is the latent heat of m elti ng (J/kg);
qs is the m elting tem perature (°C).
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 53 –

T able D.2 – Physical characteristics of typical materials used in LPS components

M aterial
Aluminium M ild steel Copper Stainless steel a

r 0 (Wm) 29 ´ 10 –9 120 ´ 10 –9 17,8 ´ 10 –9 700 ´ 10 –9

a (1/K) 4,0 ´ 10 –3 6,5 ´ 10 –3 3,92 ´ 10 –3 0,8 ´ 10 –3

g (kg/m ) 3
2 700 7 700 8 920 8 000
q s (°C) 658 1 530 1 080 1 500
C s (J /kg) 397 ´ 10 3 272 ´ 10 3 209 ´ 10 3 –
Cw (J /kgK) 908 469 385 500
Aus tenitic non-magnetic .

Table D.3 reports, as an ex am ple of application of this equati on, the tem perature ri se
of conductors m ade of dif f erent m ateri als, as a f unction of the W/R and of the
conductor cross-sectional area.

T able D.3 – T emperature rise for conductors of different sections as a function of W/R

M aterial

Cross- Aluminium M ild steel Copper Stainless steel a

section W/R W/R W/R W/R

2,5 5,6 10 2,5 5,6 10 2,5 5,6 10 2,5 5,6 10

4 – – – – – – – – – – – –

10 564 – – – – – 169 542 – – – –

16 146 454 – 1 120 – – 56 143 309 – – –

25 52 132 283 211 913 – 22 51 98 940 – –

50 12 28 52 37 96 211 5 12 22 190 460 940

100 3 7 12 9 20 37 1 3 5 45 100 190

Aus tenitic non-magnetic .

The typi cal lightning stroke is characteri zed by a short duration stroke (tim e to half v alue
of a f ew 100 ms) and high current peak v alue. Under these ci rcum stances, the ski n ef
f ect should also be taken into consideration. Howev er, in most of the practical cases linked
with LPS com ponents, the m ateri al characteri stics (dynam ic m agnetic perm eability of
the LPS conductor) and the geom etri cal conf igurations (cross-sectional area of the LPS
conductor) reduce the contri bution of the ski n ef f ect to the tem perature ri se of the
conductor to negligible lev els.

The com ponent of the lightning f lash m ost rel ev ant to this heating m echani sm is the f
irst return stroke.
D.4.1.2 Attachment point thermal damage

Attachm ent point therm al dam age can be observ ed on al l com ponents of an LPS on
which an arc dev elopm ent takes place, i.e. air-term ination system s, spark gaps, etc.

Materi al m elting and erosion can occur at the attachm ent point. In f act, in the arc root
area there is a large therm al input f rom the arc root itself , as well as a concentration of
ohm ic heating due to the high current densities. Most of the therm al energy i s generated at
or v ery
– 52 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 53 –

cl ose to the surf ace of the m etal. The heat generated in the im m ediate root area is
in ex cess of that which can be absorbed into the m etal by conduction and the ex cess
is irradiated or lost in m elting or v apori zi ng of m etal. The sev eri ty of the process is
linked to the current am plitude and to the duration.

D. General

Sev eral theoretical m odels hav e been dev eloped f or t he cal cul ation of therm al ef f
ects on m etal surf aces at the attachm ent point of a lightning channel . For sake of sim
plici ty, this standard will report only the anode-or-cathode v oltage drop m odel. The
application of this m odel is particul arl y ef f ectiv e f or thin m etal ski ns. In al l cases, it giv
es conserv ativ e results as it postulates that all the energy injected i n the l ightning attachm
ent point is used to melt or v apori ze conductor m ateri al, neglecting the heat dif f usion
within the m etal. Other models introduce the dependence of the l ightning attachm ent point
dam age on the duration of the current im pulse.

D. Anode-or-cathode voltage drop model

The energy input W at the arc root is assum ed as gi v en by the anode/cathode v oltage
u a,c m ultiplied by the charge Q of the l ightning

¥ ¥
W = ò u a, c (t )–i (52t ) –dt = u a, c i (t ) 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
0 0

As u a,c i s f airl y constant in t he current range considered here, the charge of the
lightning current (Q) i s prim ari ly responsible f or the energy conv ersion in the arc root.

The anode-or-cathode v oltage drop u a,c has a v alue of a few tens of v


A sim plif ied approach assum es that all of the energy dev eloped at the arc root is used
only f or m elting. Equation (D.9) uses this assum ption but l eads to an ov eresti m ate of the
m elted v olum e.

ua,c ´ Q 1
V= ´ (D.9)
g C w ´ (q s - q u ) +

V is the v olum e of m etal m elted (m
3 );

u a,c is the anode-or-cathode v oltage drop (assum ed as constant) (V);

Q is the charge of the l ightning current (C);
g is the m ateri al density (kg/m
3 );

Cw is the thermal capacity (J/kgK);

qs is the m elting tem perature (°C);
qu is the am bient tem perature
Cs is the latent heat of m elti ng

Characteri stic v alues of the physical param eters reported in this equati on, f or dif f
erent m ateri als used in an LPS, are recorded in Table D.2.

Basical ly, the charge to be considered is the sum of the charge of the return stroke and the --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

lightning continuing current. Laboratory ex peri ence has rev ealed that the ef f ects of
the return stroke charge are of m inor im portance when com pared to the ef f ects
of the continuing current.
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 55 –

Mechanical ef f ects caused by the lightning current depend on the am plitude and
the duration of the current as well as on the el astic characteri stics of the af f ected m
echani cal structure. Mechanical ef f ects also depend on the f ri ction f orces acti ng between
parts of the LPS in contact with one another, where rel ev ant.

D.4.2.1 Magnetic interaction

Magnetic f orces occur between two current-carryi ng conductors or, i f only one
current- carrying conductor ex ists, where i t f orm s a corner or a loop.

W hen a current f lows through a ci rcuit, the am plitude of the electrodynam ic f

orces dev eloped at the v ari ous positions of the circuit depend on both the am plitude
of the lightning current and the geom etri cal conf iguration of the ci rcuit. The m echani cal
ef f ect of these f orces, howev er, depends not onl y on their am plitude but also on the
general f orm of the current, its durati on, as well as on the geom etri cal conf iguration of the

D. Electrodynamic forces

El ectrodynam ic f orces dev eloped by a current, i, f lowing i n a conductor hav ing l ong
parallel sections of length l and distance d (l ong and sm all loop), as shown in Figure
D.1, can be approx im ately cal cul ated using the f ollowing equation:
mo – 54l – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
2 -7 2
F (t ) = ´ i (t ) ´ = 2 ´ 10 ´ i (t ) (D.10)
D.4.2 Mechanical effects´
2p d d

F(t) is the electrodynam ic f orce (N);
i is the current (A);
mo is the m agnetic perm eability of f ree space (v acuum ) (4p ´ 10 –7 H/m );
l is the length of conductors (m );
d is the di stance between the strai ght paral lel sections of the conductor (m ).


i or –i

IEC 2631/10

Figure D.1 – General arrangement of two conductors

for the calculation of electrodynamic force
In an LPS an ex am ple is giv en by a sym m etri c corner arrangem ent of conductors, f orm
ing an angle of 90°, with a clam p positioned in the v ici nity of the corner as shown in Fi gure
D.2. The diagram of the stresses f or this conf iguration i s reported i n Figure D.3. The ax ial
f orce on the hori zontal conductor tends to pull the conductor out of the cl am p. The
num eri cal v alue of the f orce along the hori zontal conductor, consideri ng a peak current
v alue of 100 kA and a l ength of a v ertical conductor of 0,5 m , is shown in Figure D.4.

IEC 2632/10

Figure D.2 – T ypical conductor arrangement in an LPS

IEC 2633/10

Figure D.3 – Diagram of the stresses F for the configuration of Figure D.2

F¢ (kN/m)

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
l (m)
IEC 263 4/10

NO T E T he peak c urrent value is 100 kA and the length of the vertic al c onductor is 0,5 m.
– 56 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

Figure D.4 – Force per unit length F’ along the horizontal conductor of Figure D.2

D. Effects of electrodynamic forces

In term s of am plitude of applied f orce, the instantaneous v alue of the electrodynam ic f

orce F(t) i s proportional to the square of the instantaneous current i(t) 2 . In term s of the
stress dev elopm ent within the m echani cal LPS structure, ex pressed by the product of
the elastic def orm ation d (t) and the elastic constant k of the LPS structure, two ef f
ects should be
considered. The natural m echani cal f requency (l inked with the el astic behav iour of the
LPS structure) and the perm anent def orm ation of the LPS structure (l inked with i ts
plastic behav iour) are the m ost im portant param eters. Moreov er, in m any cases the ef f
ect of the f ri ction f orces within the structure are also of signif icant im portance.

The am plitude of the v ibrations of the el astic LPS structure, caused by an el ectrodynam
ic f orce dev eloped by the lightning current, can be ev aluated by m eans of second
order dif f erential equations; the key f actor is the ratio between the duration of the current
im pulse and the period of natural m echani cal osci llation of the LPS structure. The typi cal
condi tion encountered in LPS applications consists of natural osci llation peri ods of the
structure m uch longer than that of the appl ied f orce (duration of the l ightning current im
pulse). In this case the m ax im um m echani cal stress occurs af ter the cessation of the
current im pulse and has a peak v alue that rem ains lower than that of the applied f orce.
In m ost cases, m ax im um m echani cal stress can be neglected.

Pl astic def orm ation occurs when the tensile stress exceeds the el astic lim it of the m ateri
al. If the m ateri al com posing the LPS structure is sof t, f or ex am ple alum inium or
annealed copper, the electrodynam ic f orces can def orm the conductors in corners and
loops. LPS com ponents should theref ore be designed to withstand these forces and to
show essentially an elastic behav iour.

The total m echani cal stress applied to the LPS structure depends on the ti m e integral of
the applied f orce and theref ore on the speci f ic energy associ ated with the current i m
pulse. It also depends on the shape of the current im pulse and its duration (com pared
with the peri od of natural osci llation of the structure). Al l these inf luenci ng param
eters m ust theref ore be taken into account duri ng testing.

D.4.2.2 Acoustic shock wave damage

W hen a lightning current f lows i n an arc a shock wav e is produced. The sev eri ty of
the shock is dependent upon the peak current v alue and the rate of ri se of the current.

In general, the dam age due to the acoustic shock wav e i s insignif icant on m etal parts of
LPS but can cause dam age to surroundi ng i tem

D.4.3 Combined effects

In practice, both therm al and m echani cal ef f ects occur sim ultaneously. If the heating of
the m ateri al of the com ponents (rods, clam ps, etc.) i s suf f ici ent to soften the m ateri
als, m uch greater dam age can occur than otherwise. In ex trem e cases, the
conductor coul d ex plosiv ely f use and cause considerabl e dam age to the surroundi ng
structure. If the cross- section of the m etal is suf f ici ent to saf ely handle the ov eral l
action, only m echani cal integri ty need be checked.

D.4.4 Sparking

Sparki ng is generally im portant only in f lam m able env ironm ents or in the presence
of com bustible m ateri als. In m ost practical cases, sparking is not im portant f or
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 57 –
LPS com ponents.
– 58 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

Two dif f erent types of sparking can occur, i.e. therm al sparking and v oltage sparki
ng. Therm al sparking occurs when a v ery high current is f orced to cross a joint between
two conducting m ateri als. Most therm al sparking occur near the edges i nside a joint
if the interf ace pressure is too low; this is due pri m ari ly to high current density and
inadequate interf ace pressure. The i ntensity of the therm al sparking i s linked to the specif
ic energy and theref ore, the m ost critical phase of the l ightning i s the f irst return stroke.
Vol tage sparking occurs where the current is f orced to take conv oluted paths, e.g.
inside a joint, if the v oltage induced in such a loop ex ceeds the breakdown v oltage
between the m etal parts. The induced v oltage is proportional to the self inductance m
ultiplied by the steepness of the lightning current. The m ost critical lightning com ponent f or
v oltage sparki ng i s theref ore the subsequent negativ e stroke.

D.5 LPS components, relevant problems and test parameters

D.5.1 General

Lightning protection system s are m ade of sev eral dif f erent com ponents, each hav ing
a speci f ic f unction within the system . The nature of the com ponents and the speci f ic
stresses to which they are subjected, requi re speci al consideration when setting up
laboratory tests to check their perf orm ance.

D.5.2 Air termination

Ef f ects on air-term ination system s ari se f rom both m echani cal and therm al ef f ects
(as discussed below in D.5.3, but noting that a high proportion of the lightning current wil l f
low in an air-term ination conductor which is struck) and also, in som e cases, arc
erosion ef f ects, particul arl y in natural LPS com ponents such as thi n m etal roof or wall
skins (where puncture or ex cessiv e rear surf ace tem perature rise m ay occur) and
suspended conductors.

For arc erosion ef f ects, two m ain t est param eters should be considered, i.e. the charge
of the l ong duration current and i ts duration.

The charge gov erns the energy input at the arc root. In particul ar, long duration strokes

appear to be the m ost sev ere f or this eff ect whilst short duration strokes can be neglected.

The duration of the current has an im portant role in the heat transf er phenom ena into
the m ateri al. The duration of the current applied during the tests should be com parabl e to
those of long duration strokes (0,5 s to 1 s).

D.5.3 Down-conductors

Ef f ects on down-conductors caused by lightning can be div ided into two m ain categori

– therm al ef f ects due to resistiv e

– m echani cal ef f ects linked with the m agnetic interaction where the lightning current
is shared by conductors positioned in the v ici nity of one another or when the
current changes di rection (bends or connections between conductors positioned at a giv
en angle with respect to one another).

In m ost cases, these two ef f ects act independently f rom each other and separate
laboratory tests can be carried out to check each ef f ect f rom the other. This approach can
be adopted in all cases in which the heating dev eloped by the lightning current f low does
not m odif y substantially the m echani cal characteri stics.

D.5.3.1 Resistive heating

Calcul ations and m easurem ents rel ating to the heati ng of conductors of dif f erent
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 59 –
cross- sections and m ateri als due to lightning current f lowing along a conductor hav
e been published by sev eral authors. The m ain results in term s of plots and f orm
ulae are
– 60 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

sum m ari zed in D.4.1.1. No l aboratory test is theref ore necessary, in general , to check
the behav iour of a conductor with respect to tem perature rise.

In all cases f or which a laboratory test is required, the f ollowing considerations shall be
taken into account:

– the m ain test param eters to be considered are the speci f ic energy and the im
pulse current duration;
– the speci f ic energy gov erns the tem perature ri se due to the Joul e heating caused
by the f low of the l ightning current. Num eri cal v alues to be considered are those
relev ant to the f irst stroke. Conserv ativ e data are obtained by consideri ng positiv e
– the im pulse current duration has a deci siv e inf luence on the heat ex change
process with respect to the am bient condi tions surrounding the considered conductor.
In m ost cases the duration of the im pulse current is so short that the heating
process can be considered to be adiabatic.

D.5.3.2 Mechanical effects

As discussed in D.4.2.1, m echani cal interactions are dev eloped between

conductors carrying l ightning current. The f orce i s proportional to the product of the
currents f lowing in the conductors (or to the square of the current i f a single bent conductor
is considered) and is li nked with the inv erse of the distance between the conductors.

The usual situation in which a v isible ef f ect can occur is when a conductor f orm s a loop
or is bent. W hen such a conductor carri es the lightning current, it will be subjected
to a m echani cal f orce which tri es to ex tend the loop and to strai ghten the corner and
thus to bend it outward. The m agnitude of this f orce is proportional to the square of the
current am plitude. A cl ear distinction should be m ade, howev er, between the el
ectrodynam ic f orce, which is proportional to the square of the current am plitude, and the
corresponding stress dependent on the elastic characteri stics of the m echani cal
LPS structure. For LPS structures of rel ativ ely low natural f requencies, the stress
dev eloped within the LPS structure would be considerabl y lower than the
electrodynam ic f orce. In this case, no laboratory test is necessary to check the m
echani cal behav iour of a conductor bent at a ri ght-angl e as long as the cross-sectional
areas of the present standard requi rem ents are f ulf illed.

In all cases f or which a l aboratory test is requi red (especially f or sof t m ateri als),
the f ollowing considerations should be taken into account. Three param eters of the f irst
return stroke are to be considered: the duration, the speci f ic energy of the im pulse current
and, i n the case of ri gid system s, the am plitude of the current.

The duration of the im pulse current, com pared with the peri od of the natural m echani
cal osci llation of the LPS structure, gov erns the type of m echani cal response of the
system in term s of displacem ent:

– If the duration of the im pulse is m uch shorter than the peri od of natural m echani
cal osci llation of the LPS structure (norm al case f or LPS structures stressed by
lightning im pulses), the m ass and elastici ty of the system prev ents it f rom being
displaced appreciably and the rel ev ant m echani cal stress i s essentially rel ated to
the specif ic energy of the current im pulse. The peak v alue of the i m pulse current
has a lim ited ef f ect.
– If the durati on of the im pulse is com parabl e with or higher than the peri od of
natural m echani cal osci llation of the structure, the di splacem ent of the system is m ore
sensitiv e to the shape of the appl ied stress. In this case, the peak v alue of the
current im pulse and its speci f ic energy needs to be reproduced duri ng the test.

The speci f ic energy of the im pulse current gov erns the stress causing the el astic and
plastic def orm ation of the LPS structure. Num eri cal v alues to be considered are those rel
ev ant to the f irst stroke.
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 61 –

The m ax im um v alues of the im pulse current gov ern the length of the m ax im
um displacem ent of the LPS structure, in case of ri gid system s hav ing hi gh natural osci
llation f requencies. Num eri cal v alues to be considered are those rel ev ant to the f irst

D.5.3.3 Connecting components

Connecting com ponents bet ween adjacent conductors of an LPS are possible poi nts
of m echani cal and therm al weakness where v ery high stresses occur.

In the case of a connector placed in such a m anner as to make the conductor f ollow a right
angle, the m ain ef f ects of the stresses are linked with m echani cal f orces which tend
to strai ghten the conductor set and ov ercom e the f ri ction f orces between the
connecting com ponent and the conductors, thus pull ing the connection apart. The dev
elopm ent of arcs at the points of contact of the di f f erent parts is possible. Moreov er,
the heating ef f ect caused by the concentration of current ov er small contact surf aces has
a notable ef f ect.

Laboratory tests hav e shown that it is dif f icul t to separate each ef f ect f rom the others as
a com plex synergism takes pl ace. Mechanical strength is af f ected by local m elting of the
area of contact. Relativ e displacem ents between parts of the connection com ponents
prom ote the dev elopm ent of arcs and the consequenti al intense heat generation.

In the absence of a v alid m odel, laboratory tests should be conduct ed in such a way as
to represent as closely as possible the appropriate param eters of the lightning current in
the m ost critical situation, i.e. the appropriate param eters of the lightning current shall
be applied by m eans of a single el ectri cal test.

Three param eters should be considered in this case: the peak v alue, the specif ic
energy and the duration of the i m pulse current.

The m ax im um v alues of the im pulse current gov ern the max im um f orce, or, i f and af ter
the electrodynam ic pulling f orce ex ceeds the f ri ction f orce, the length of the m
ax im um displacem ent of the LPS structure. Num eri cal v alues to be considered are those
rel ev ant t o the f irst stroke. Conserv ativ e data are obtained by consideri ng positiv e

The speci f ic energy of the current im pulse gov erns the heating at contact surf aces
where the current is concentrated ov er small areas. Num eri cal v alues to be considered

are those rel ev ant to the f irst stroke. Conserv ativ e data are obtained by consideri ng
positiv e strokes.

The duration of the im pulse current gov erns the m ax im um displacem ent of the
structure af ter f ri ction f orces are ex ceeded and has an im portant rol e i n the heat transf er
phenomena into the material.

D.5.3.4 Earth-termination

The real probl em s with earth-term ination electrodes are linked with chem ical corrosion
and m echani cal dam age caused by f orces other than el ectrodynam ic f orces. In practical
cases, erosion of the earth electrode at the arc root is of m inor i m portance. It is, howev
er, to be considered that, contrary to air-term inations, a typi cal LPS has sev eral earth-
term inations. The lightning current will be shared between sev eral earthing electrodes,
thus causing less im portant ef f ects at the arc root. Two m ain test param eters should be
considered in thi s case:

– the charge gov erns the energy input at the arc root. In particul ar, the contri bution of
the f irst stroke can be neglected since long duration strokes appear to be the most sev
ere f or this com ponent;
– 62 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
– the duration of the current i m pulse has an im portant role in the heat transf
er phenom ena into the m ateri al. The duration of the current im pulses applied duri ng
the testing should be com parabl e to those of long duration strokes (0,5 s to 1s).
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 63 –

D.6 Surge protective device (SPD)

D.6.1 General

The ef f ects of the stress on an SPD caused by lightning depend on the type of
considered, with particul ar ref erence to the presence or absence of a gap.

D.6.2 SPD containing spark gaps

Ef f ects on spark gaps caused by lightning can be div ided into two m ajor categori

– the erosion of the gap electrodes by heating, m elting and v apori zi ng of materi
– the m echani cal stress caused by the shock wav e of the

It is ex trem ely dif f icul t to i nv estigate separately these ef f ects, as both are l inked with
the m ain l ightning current param eters by m eans of com plex rel ationships.

For spark gaps, laboratory tests shall be conducted i n such a way as to represent as cl osely
as possible the appropriate param eters of the lightning current in the m ost cri tical
situation, i.e. all the appropriate param eters of the lightning current shall be applied by m
eans of a single electri cal stress.

Fiv e param eters shall be considered in this case: the peak v alue, the charge, the
duration, the specif ic energy and the rate of ri se of the im pulse current.

The current peak v alue gov erns the sev eri ty of the shockwav e. Num eri cal v alues to
be considered are those rel ev ant to the f irst stroke. Conserv ativ e data are
obtained by consideri ng positiv e strokes.

The charge gov erns the energy input in the arc. The energy in the arc will heat up, m elt and
possibly v apori ze part of the electrode m ateri al at the attachm ent point of the

arc. Num eri cal v alues to be considered are those relev ant to the whole li ghtning flash.
Howev er, the charge of the long duration current can be neglected in m any cases,
depending on the conf iguration of the power supply system (TN, TT or IT).

The duration of the i m pulse current gov erns the heat transf er phenom ena i nto the m ass
of the electrode and the resulting propagation of the m elt f ront.

The speci f ic energy of the current im pulse gov erns the self -m agnetic com pression of
the arc and the physics of the electrode plasm a jets dev eloped at the interf ace between
the electrode surf ace and the arc (which can bl ow out a signif icant am ount of m olten
materi al). Num eri cal v alues to be considered are those rel ev ant to the f irst stroke.
Conserv ativ e data are obtained by consideri ng positiv e strokes.

NOT E For s park gaps us ed on power s upply s ys tems , the pos s ible power f requenc y f ollow c urr ent
amplitude c ons titutes an important s tres s f ac tor, which must be taken into c ons ideration.

D.6.3 SPD containing metal-oxide varistors

Stress to m etal-ox ide v ari stors caused by lightning can be div ided i nto two main
categories: ov erl oad and f lashov er. Each category is characteri zed by f ailure m odes
generated by dif f erent phenom ena and gov erned by dif f erent param eters. The f ailure
of a m etal-ox ide SPD is linked with its weakest characteri stics and theref ore it is
unlikel y that synergism between di f f erent f atal stresses can occur. It appears, theref ore,
to be acceptable to carry out separate tests to check the behav iour under each f ailure m
– 64 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)
ode condi tion.

Ov erl oads are caused by an am ount of absorbed energy ex ceedi ng the capabilities of
the dev ice. The ex cessiv e energy considered here is rel ated to the lightning stress
itself .
62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E) – 65 –

Howev er, f or SPDs i nstalled on power supply system s, the f ollow current injected in
the dev ice by the power system im m ediately af ter the cessation of the lightning current f
low can also play an im portant rol e in the f atal dam age of the SPD. Finally, an SPD can
be f atally dam aged by therm al instability under the applied v oltage rel ated to
the negativ e tem perature coef f ici ent of the v olt-am pere characteri stics of the resistors.
For the ov erl oad sim ulation of m etal-ox ide v ari stors, one m ain param eter i s to be
considered: the charge.

The charge gov erns the energy input into the m etal-ox ide resistor block, consideri ng as
a constant the residual v oltage of the m etal-ox ide resistor block. Num eri cal v alues to
be considered are those relev ant to the l ightning f lash.

Flashov ers and cracking are caused by the am plitude of current im pulses exceedi ng
the capabi lities of the resistors. This f ailure m ode is generally ev idenced by an ex
ternal f lashov er along the col lar, som etim es penetrating into the resistor bl ock causing a
crack or a hol e perpendicul ar to the collar. The f ailure is m ainly linked with a dielectri c
col lapse of the collar of the resistor block.

For the sim ulation of this lightning phenom enon, two m ain param eters should
be considered: the m ax im um v alue and the duration of the im pulse current.

The m ax im um v alue of the i m pulse current determ ines, through the corresponding l ev el
of residual v oltage, whether the m ax im um dielectri c strength on the resistor col
lar is ex ceeded. Num eri cal v alues to be considered are those rel ev ant to the f
irst stroke. Conserv ativ e data are obtained by consideri ng positiv e strokes.

The duration of the im pulse current gov erns the duration of application of the di electri
c stress on the resistor col lar.

D.7 Summary of the test parameters to be adopted in testing LPS


Table D.1 sum m ari zes the m ost critical aspects of each LPS com ponent duri ng
the perf orm ance of its f unction and giv es the param eters of the lightning current
to be reproduced in l aboratory tests.

The num eri cal v alues giv en in Table D.1 are rel ev ant to the l ightning param eters
of im portance at the poi nt of stri ke.

Test v alues should be cal cul ated consideri ng the current shari ng which can be expressed
by m eans of the current shari ng f actor, as discussed in Clause D.3.

The num eri cal v alues of the param eters to be used during the tests can theref ore
be cal cul ated on the base of the data gi v en i n Table D.1, applyi ng the reduction f actors
linked with current shari ng, as expressed by the f orm ulae reported in Clause D.3.
– 66 – 62305-1 Ó IEC:2010(E)

Annex E

Surges due to lightning at different installation points

E.1 Overview

For dim ensioning of conductors, SPDs and apparatus, the threat due to surges at the
particul ar installation point of these com ponents should be determ ined. Surges can ari
se f rom (partial) l ightning currents and f rom induction ef f ects into installation loops. The
threat due to these surges m ust be lower than the withstand l ev els of the com
ponents used (def ined by adequate tests as necessary).

E.2 Surges due to flashes to the structure (source of damage S1)

E.2.1 Surges flowing through external conductive parts and lines connected to the

W hen conducted to earth, the lightning current is di v ided between the earth-term
ination system , the ex ternal conductiv e parts and the l ines, directly or v ia SPDs connected
to them .

If IF = k e ´ I (E.1)

is the part of the l ightning current rel ev ant to each ex ternal conductiv e part or line, then
the current shari ng f actor k e depends on:

– the num ber of paral lel

– their conv entional earthing im pedance f or underground parts, or their earth resistance,
where ov erhead parts connect to underground, f or ov erhead parts;
– the conv entional earthing im pedance of the earth-term ination system
62305-1 IEC:2010(E) installation k e =
Ó underground
· f or – 67 – (E.2)
Z1 + Z ´ (n1 + n ´
) Z

· f or ov erhead ke = (E.3)
installation Z
Z 2 + Z ´ (n 2 + n1 ´ )
Z is the conv entional earthing im pedance of the earth-term ination system ;
Z 1 is the conv entional earthing im pedance of the external parts or lines (Table E.1) runni
ng underground;
Z 2 is the earth resistance of the earthing arrangem ent connecting the ov erhead line to
ground. If the earth resistance of the earthing poi nt is not known, the v alue of Z 1 shown
in Table E.1 m ay be used (where the resistiv ity i s relev ant to the earthing point).
NOT E 1 T his value is as s umed in the above f ormula to be the s ame f or eac h earthing point. If this is not the c
as e, more c omplex equations need to be us ed.

n 1 is the ov eral l num ber of ex ternal parts or lines running underground;

n 2 is the ov eral l num ber of ex ternal parts or li nes runni ng ov erhead;
I is the lightning current rel ev ant to the lightning protection lev el (LPL) considered.
Assum ing as a first approx im ation that one half of the lightning current f lows in the
earth- term ination system and that Z 2 = Z 1 , the v alue of k e m ay be ev aluated f or an
ex ternal conductiv e part or line by:

k e = 0,5 / (n 1 +n 2 ) (E.4)

If enteri ng lines (e.g. el ectri cal and tel ecom m unication lines) are unshielded or not routed

m etal condui t, each of the n' conductors of the line carri es an equal part of the
lightning current
k ’ e = k e / n' (E.5)

n’ bei ng the total num ber of

For shielded lines bonded at the entrance, the v alues of current shari ng f actor k ’e f or
each of the n' conductors of a shiel ded line are giv en by:

k ’ e = k e ´ R S / (n’ ´ R S + R C ) (E.6)

R S is the ohm ic resistance per unit length of shield;
R C is the ohm ic resistance per unit length of i nner conductor.

NOT E 2 T his f ormula may underes timate the role of the shield in diverting lightning c urr ent due to
mutual induc tanc e between c ore and s hield.

T able E.1 – Conventional earthing impedance values Z and Z 1

according to the resistivity of the soil

Conv entional eart hing impedance related to the ty pe of

r Z1 a LPS b
Wm W Z

£100 8 4 4 4

200 11 6 6 6

500 16 10 10 10

1 000 22 10 15 20

2 000 28 10 15 40

3 000 35 10 15 60

NOT E Values reported in this table ref er to the c onventional earthing impedanc e of a buried c onduc tor
under impulse c ondition (10/350 ms ).
Values ref erred to external parts length over 100 m. For length of external parts lower than 100 m in high
res is tivity s oil (> 500 Wm) values of Z 1 c ould be doubled.
Earthing s ys tem c omplying with 5.4 of IEC 62305-3:2010.

E.2.2 Factors influencing the sharing of the lightning current in power lines

For detailed calcul ations, sev eral f actors can i nf luence the am plitude and the shape of
such surges:

· the cabl e length can inf luence current shari ng and shape characteri stics due to the L/R
· dif f erent im pedances of neutral and phase conductors can inf luence current shari
ng am ong line conductors;

NOT E 1 For example, if the neutral (N) c onduc tor has multiple earths , the lower impedanc e of N c
ompared with phas e c onduc tors L 1 , L 2 , and L 3 c ould res ult in 50 % of the c urr ent f lowing through the N c
onduc tor with
the remaining 50 % being s hared by the other 3 phas e c onduc tors (17 % eac h). If N, L 1 , L 2 , and L 3 have the
s ame impedanc e, eac h c onductor will carry approximately 25 % of the c urrent.

· dif f erent transf orm er im pedances can inf luence current shari ng (this ef f ect is
negligible, if the transf orm er i s protected by SPDs bypassing its im pedance);
· the rel ation between the conv entional earthing resistances of the transf orm er and
the item s on the load side can inf luence current shari ng (the lower the transf
orm er im pedance, the higher i s the surge current f lowing into the low v oltage system );
· paral lel consum ers cause a reduction of the ef f ectiv e im pedance of the low v
oltage system ; this may i ncrease the partial lightning current f lowing into this system .
NO T E 2 Ref er to Annex D of IEC 62305-4:2010 f or more inf

E.3 Surges relevant to lines connected to the structure

E.3.1 Surges due to flashes to lines (source of damage S3)

For direct lightning f lashes to connected l ines, partitioning of the l ightning current in
both directions of the line and the breakdown of insulation should be taken i nto account.

The selection of the I i mp v alue can be based on v alues giv en in Tabl es E.2 and E.3 f or
low- v oltage system s and Table E.3 f or telecom m unication system s where the pref erred
v alues of I i mp are associ ated with the lightning prot ection lev el (LPL).

T able E.2 – Expected surge overcurrents due to lightning flashes

on low-voltage systems

Low-v oltage sy stems

Direct and indir ect flashes Flash near Flash to the

to the serv ice the structure a structure a
LPL Sour ce of damage S3 Sour ce of damage S4 Sour ce of damage S2 Sour ce of damage S1
(class) (dir ect flash) b (indirect f lash) c (induced curr ent) (induced curr ent)
Curr ent shape: Curr ent shape: Curr ent shape: d Curr ent shape: d
10/350 m s 8/20 m s 8/20 m s 8/20 m s
kA kA kA kA
III - IV 5 2,5 0,1 5

II 7,5 3,75 0,15 7,5

I 10 5 0,2 10

NOT E All values ref er to eac h line c onduc tor.

Loop c onductors routing and dis tanc e f rom inducing c urrent af f ec t the values of expec ted s urge overc urrents .
Values in T able E.2 r ef er to s hort- c irc uited, uns hielded loop c onductors with dif f erent routing in large buildings (
loop area in the order of 50 m , width = 5 m), 1 m apart f rom the s truc ture wall, ins ide an uns hielded s truc ture or
with LPS ( k c = 0,5). For other loop and s truc ture c harac teris tic s , values s hould be multiplied by f ac tors K S1 , K S 2
K S 3 (s ee Claus e B.4 of IEC 62305-2:2010).
Values relevant to the c as e of the s trike to the las t pole of the line c los e to the c onsumer and multic onduc tor
(three phas e + neutral) line.
Values ref err ed to overhead lines . For buried lines values c an be halved.
Loop induc tanc e and res is tanc e af f ec t the s hape of the induc ed c urr ent. W here the loop res is tanc e is
negligible, the s hape 10/350 ms s hould be as s umed. T his is the c as e where a s witc hing type SPD is ins talled in
T able E.3 – Expected surge overcurrents due to lightning flashes
on telecommunication systems

T elecommunication sy stems a
Direct and indir ect flashes Flash near Flash to the
to the serv ice the structure b structure b
LPL Sour ce of damage S3 Sour ce of damage S4 Sour ce of damage S2 Sour ce of damage S1
(class) (dir ect flash) c (indirect f lash) d (induced curr ent) (induced curr ent)
Curr ent shape: Curr ent shape: Curr ent shape Curr ent shape:
10/350 m s 8/20 m s 8/20 m s 8/20m s
kA kA kA kA

III - IV 1 0,035 0,1 5

II 1,5 0,085 0,15 7,5

I 2 0,160 0,2 10

NOT E All values ref er to eac h line c onduc tor.

a [6]
Ref er to IT U- T Rec ommendation K.67 f or more inf ormation.
Loop c onductors routing and dis tanc e f rom inducing c urrent af f ec t the values of expec ted s urge overc urrents
. Values in T able E.3 r ef er to s hort- c irc uited, uns hielded loop c onductors with dif f erent routing in large buildings
( loop
area in the order of 50 m , width = 5 m), 1 m apart f rom the s truc ture wall, ins ide an uns hielded s truc ture or
building with LPS ( k c = 0,5). For other loop and s truc ture c harac teris tic s , values s hould be multiplied by f ac tors
KS 1 , KS 2 , KS 3
(s ee Claus e B.4 of IEC 62305-2:2010).
Values ref erred to uns hielded lines with many pairs . For an uns hielded drop wire, values could be 5 times higher.

For shielded l ines, the v alues of the ov ercurrents giv en i n Table E.2 can be reduced by
a f actor of 0,5.

NOT E It is as s umed that the res is tanc e of the s hield is approximately equal to the res is tanc e of all line c
onduc tors in parallel.

E.3.2 Surges due to flashes near the lines (source of damage S4)

Surges f rom f lashes near lines hav e energi es m uch lower than those associ ated
with f lashes to lines (source of dam age S3).

Ex pected ov ercurrents, associ ated with a specif ic l ightning protection lev el (LPL) are giv
en in Tables E.2 and E.3.

For shielded lines the v alues of ov ercurrents giv en in Tables E.2 and E.3 can be reduced by
a f actor 0,5.

E.4 Surges due to induction effects (source of damage S1 or S2)

E.4.1 General

Surges due to induction ef f ects f rom m agnetic f ields, generated either f rom nearby l
ightning f lashes (source S2) or f rom lightning current f lowing in the ex ternal LPS or
the spatial shield of LPZ 1 (source S1) hav e a typi cal current shape of 8/20 ms. Such
surges are to be considered cl ose to or at the term inal of apparatus inside LPZ 1 and at the
boundary of LPZ
E.4.2 Surges inside an unshielded LPZ 1

Inside an unshielded LPZ 1 (e.g. protected only by an ex ternal LPS according to IEC 62305-
3 with m esh width greater than 5 m ) rel ativ ely high surges are to be ex pected due to
the induction ef f ects f rom the undam ped m agnetic f ield.

Ex pected ov ercurrents, associ ated with a specif ic l ightning protection lev el (LPL) are giv
en in Tables E.2 and E.3.

E.4.3 Surges inside shielded LPZs

Inside LPZs with ef f ectiv e spatial shielding (requiri ng m esh width bel ow 5 m accordi ng
to Annex A of IEC 62305-4:2011), the generation of surges due to induction ef f ects f
rom m agnetic f ields is strongl y reduced. In such cases the surges are m uch lower than
those giv en in E.4.2.

Inside LPZ 1 the induction ef f ects are lower due t o the dam ping ef f ect of its spatial shield.

Inside LPZ 2 the surges are f urther reduced due to the cascaded ef f ect of both

shields of LPZ 1 and LPZ 2.

E.5 General information relating to SPDs

The use of SPDs depends on their withstand capabi lity, cl assif ied in IEC 61643-1 f
or power and i n IEC 61643-21 f or telecom m unication system s.

SPDs to be used accordi ng to their i nstallation position are as

a) At the line entrance into the structure (at the boundary of LPZ 1, e.g. at the m ain
distri bution board MB):
· SPD tested with I i mp (typi cal current shape 10/350), e.g. SPD tested accordi ng to
Class I;
· SPD tested with I n (typi cal current shape 8/20), e.g. SPD tested accordi ng to Class II.
b) Close to the apparatus to be protected (at the boundary of LPZ 2 and higher, e.g. at a
secondary di stri bution board SB, or at a socket outlet SA):
· SPD tested with I i mp (typi cal current shape 10/350), e.g. SPD tested accordi ng to
Class I f or power SPDs);
· SPD tested with I n (typi cal current shape 8/20), e.g. SPD tested according to Cl ass
· SPD tested with a com bination wav e (typi cal current current shape 8/20), e.g. SPD
tested according to Class III.

[1] IEC 60664-1:2007, Insulation coordination for equipment within low -voltage systems –
Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests

[2] IEC 61000-4-5, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-5: Testing and
measurement techniques – Surge immunity test

[3] BERGER K., ANDERSON R.B., KRÖNINGER H., Parameters of lightning flashes.
CIGRE Electra No 41 (1975), p. 23 – 37

[4] ANDERSON R.B., ERIKSSON A.J., Lightning parameters for engineering application.
CIGRE Electra No 69 (1980), p. 65 – 102

[5] IEEE working group report, Estimating lightning performance of transmission lines-
Analytical models. IEEE Transactions on Power Del iv ery, Vol um e 8, n. 3, Jul y 1993

[6] ITU-T Recom m endation K.67, Expected surges on telecommunications and signalling
networks due to lightning

[7] IEC 61643-1, Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 1: Surge protective devices
connected to low-voltage power distribution systems – Requirements and tests

[8] IEC 61643-21 Low-voltage surge protective devices – Part 21: Surge protective
devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks – Performance
requirements and testing methods


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