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Journal of Cultural Heritage 11 (2010) 228–232

Case study

Characterization and origin of weathering crusts on Kylin carved-stone,

Kylin countryside, Nanjing – A case study
Feigao Xu a,b , Jian Tang a , Shixiang Gao a,∗
a State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, 22, Hankou Road, Nanjing 210093, China
b College of Science, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China

Received 4 November 2008; accepted 29 July 2009

Available online 4 January 2010

To evaluate the effects of the environment pollution on weathering of outdoor stone artifacts in Kylin countryside, Nanjing, a Kylin carved-stone
was studied accordingly to the observable decay pattern on its surface. Different samples were collected either from the deteriorated areas or from
the sound stone substrate. The samples were characterized by IR, XRD, XRF, SEM, IC and ICP techniques. Gypsum, kaolinite, calcium oxalate
and phosphate together with an high content of heavy metals and soil particulates are mainly located on sheltered or partially exposed areas, while
an extensive network of parallel fissures is mainly developed on surfaces directly exposed to rainwater. Furthermore, an extensive colonization by
lichen is affecting a wide surface of the carved-stone, which is strongly adherent to the surface. The obtained results show that the deterioration is
mainly due to the atmospheric pollutants and its extent is strongly dependent on the surface exposition to the environment.
© 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Kylin carved-stone; Weathering crusts; Rusty-yellow crusts; Washed-out surface; Black crust

1. Introduction tryside, Nanjing, were built in six dynasties (317–589 AD) and
belonged to historic cultural heritage of national importance.
Air pollution is an important factor affecting the weathering The current state of preservation of these stone artifacts is very
process of building stones used in historical buildings and mon- bad as the stone surfaces are severely weathered (Fig. 1). The
uments [1–3]. Formation of crusts is a common phenomenon stone surface is partially lost due to rainwater erosion, lichen and
observed on the surface of outdoor carved-stones. In polluted small grass grow in some cracks, and many black and yellow
environment, two kinds of crusts are usually developed on cal- incrustations are found on western flank and belly, respectively.
careous rocks; the so-called “white” and “black” crusts [4]. Different samples, collected from sound and weathered areas,
White crusts are formed through the dissolution of gypsum and were subjected to a detailed analytical investigation. The compo-
the reprecipitation of calcite on the surfaces exposed to the direct sitions of the samples were studied, and the relationship between
action of rainwater. On the other hand, black crusts are developed identified deterioration products and air pollution was analyzed.
by gypsum formation on sheltered surfaces due to SO2 -polluted The deterioration causes of carved-stone are also explored in
atmosphere. Various colors of crusts are formed due to the type of order to safeguard these Kylin carved-stones against further
the environmental attack (industrial polluted atmosphere, types deterioration.
of total suspended particles, etc.) and the lithotypes of the stone
substrate [5]. 2. The studied area
As a result of increasing population and industrialization in
recent decades, Nanjing, China, has faced some environmental Nanjing is a metropolitan city in the east of China. It has a
pollution problems. Outdoor Kylin carved-stones in Kylin coun- temperate climate. The yearly average temperature is 15.7 ◦ C
(monthly maximum of 40 ◦ C in July and minimum of −10 ◦ C
in January).
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 02 58 35 96 48 2; fax: +86 02 58 37 07 30 4. The yearly average rainfall amounts to 1106 mm and the sun
E-mail address: (S. Gao). exposure is about 2152 h per year. The average relative humidity

1296-2074/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
F. Xu et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 11 (2010) 228–232 229

Fig. 1. The weathering Kylin: (a) whole, (b) part.

is 72% in winter and 81% in summer. The daily average value of Thin cross-sections from the fragments of crusts col-
SO2 and NOx concentrations in the atmosphere is 0.05–0.06 and lected were prepared for observation using scanning electron
0.13 mg m−3 , respectively [6]. Kylin carved-stone is situated on microscope (SEM) (Hitachi model S-3400N II), operated at
the Eastern countryside of Nanjing city near a high traffic road. accelerating voltage of 25 kV.
A major industrial area is located 20 km north of Nanjing. To qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate the contents of
the ions coming from water-soluble salts, 100 mg of crushed
3. Materials and methods samples were solubilized with 100 ml of deionized water. After
filtering on a Millipore filter (0.45 ␮m pore size), the solutions
3.1. Sample collection and sample preparation were analyzed using a Dionex 1000 ion chromatograph (IC)
and an J-A1100 inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrom-
Samples of original rock and crusts were collected from dif- eter (Jarrell-Ash Corporation, America), for the anions and the
ferent parts of Kylin carved-stone (Table 1), according to: cations, respectively.
The bulk densities of the crusts were determined using an
• the decay pattern and the damage levels, assessed through immersion method based on Christian [7]. After weighing the
macroscopic observation; air-dried crusts samples, they were allowed to saturate with a
• the orientation of the Kylin carved-stone; low-viscosity kerosene. Excess kerosene was removed with fil-
• the degree of sheltering from rainwater. ter paper and the crusts were then suspended in a measuring
cylinder of water placed on a balance to obtain the volume by
3.2. Analytical methods displacement of water. The bulk density was calculated from the
weight of the air-dried sample and the volume of the sample.
Mineralogy of original rock and crusts were determined with
X-ray diffraction (XRD) (X’TRA, ARL, Switzerland) using Cu 4. Results and discussion
Ka radiation with a scanning rate of 1◦ min−1 from 10 to 80◦
(2␪). The wavelength is selected as 1.54056 A (Cu). 4.1. Chemical analysis of the weathering crusts
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) results were finished on ARL-9800
(ARL, Switzerland). This spectrometer is equipped with a Rh- FTIR spectra of sample A2 and sample A3 are shown in
X-ray tube working at 60 kV, and also has the following different Figs. 2 and 3. Fig. 2 shows that the characteristic absorption
analyzing crystals: LiF 220, LiF 200, Ge, PET and LTAP. For peaks of CaCO3 is at 1798, 1424, 874, 711 cm−1 , the character-
pellet preparation, a sample intake of 0.4 g was weighed in a filter istic absorption peaks of, CO3 -apatite [(Ca5 (PO4 )3 )2 CO3 ] is at
paper support and pressed. The X-ray spectra were accumulated 565, 604, 1040 cm−1 and the characteristic absorption peaks of
during 3000 s and analysed using the QuantAS software. gypsum is at 672, 1623, 3408 cm−1 [8–10]. FTIR spectra of sam-
Infrared spectra were recorded employing a Nicolet Nexus ple A3 (Fig. 3) shows that the characteristic absorption peaks of
870 FTIR spectrometer. A small amount of original rock or crust quartz is at 469, 1081 cm−1 , the characteristic absorption peaks
samples were mixed with KBr and pressed into pellets, then of calcium oxalate is at 778, 1648 cm−1 , and the characteris-
scanned from 4000 to 400 cm−1 . tic absorption peaks of kaolinite [Al2 (Si2 O5 )(OH)4 ] is at 1032,
Table 1
3619, 3694 cm−1 [9–11]. Infrared spectroscopy of sample A4
Description of the samples. shows that it has a similar composition to sample A3 .
The results of infrared spectroscopy are also confirmed by
Sample no. Type Location
XRD analysis (Table 2) which provides information on the
A1 Original rock Base crystalline components. The original rock (A1 ) contains calcite
A2 Rusty-yellow crust Abdomen and quartz, while gypsum has been identified in rusty-yellow
A3 Washed-out surface Eastern flank exposed to northern winds
A4 Black crust Western flank exposed to eastern winds
material (A2 ). According to Juan Luis and Miguel [12] and in
A5 Light-red crust Fractured sample in gap consideration of the high average relative humidity and rainwater
in the Nanjing area, the most probable process of crust forma-
230 F. Xu et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 11 (2010) 228–232

Table 3
Samples components detected with XRFS (%).
Elements A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

CaO 47.2 34.9 41.1 9.14 28.6

SiO2 1.79 20.9 13.2 20.3 23.5
Al2 O3 0.819 4.38 5.30 7.68 11.7
K2 O 0.200 0.581 1.26 1.27 2.86
Fe2 O3 0.155 1.44 0.959 2.07 5.58
MgO 0.481 1.22 0.642 1.10 0.957
F 0.323 0.433 — — 0.251
SO3 0.0720 2.89 0.364 0.961 0.614
TiO2 0.0240 0.168 0.239 0.362 0.655
P2 O5 0.0320 11.7 0.114 0.384 0.305
SrO 0.0910 0.0390 0.0590 0.0069 0.153
MnO 0.00920 0.219 0.0220 0.0840 0.0310
Cl 0.0100 0.141 0.0180 0.0120 —
ZnO 0.00310 0.0600 0.00710 0.0420 0.0150
Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of sample A2 . C, calcite (1798, 1424, 874, 711 cm−1 ); V2 O5 — — 0.00410 0.0100 0.0140
G, gypsum (672, 1623, 3408 cm−1 ); A, CO3 -apatite (565, 604, 1040 cm−1 ); Q, Cr2 O3 — — — 0.0100 0.0110
quartz (469 cm−1 ). CuO 0.00230 0.0120 — 0.0098 —
LOI 48.8 20.7 36.7 56.3 24.8
Total 100 100 100 100 100

—, not detected; LOI, loss on ignition.

In the black crust collected from the Western side of the statue
(A4 ), it has been identified an high content of quartz in compar-
ison to calcite, the main component of the stone substrate (A1 ),
together with calcium oxalate. This indicates that the deterio-
ration process can be related to the growth of microorganisms
such as lichen on the surface of the stone, whose secretion of
oxalic acid is responsible for the enhanced calcite dissolution
and subsequent calcium oxalate formation [9,13].
The X-ray fluorescence analysis of compositions (Table 3)
Fig. 3. FTIR spectra of sample A3 . C, calcite (1798, 1424, 874, 711 cm−1 ); showed significant difference among samples from different
Q, quartz (469, 1081 cm−1 ); O, oxalate calcium (778, 1648 cm−1 ); K, kaolinite parts of the carved-stone. Ratio of MCaO to MMgO greater than
(1032, 3619, 3694 cm−1 ). 50.1 shows that the original rock belongs to limestone [14].
The sample (A2 ) collected from a sheltered position in the
tion on stone substrate is the absorption of sulphur dioxide in abdomen, has the following characteristics compared with orig-
rainwater, liquid atmospheric aerosols or moist film supported inal rock:
on a stone surface, where it is oxidized to form a sulphuric
acid solution that dissolves the calcium carbonate by gypsum
• the amount of SiO2 , Al2 O3 and Fe2 O3 (20.9, 4.38 and 1.44%,
respectively) are much higher than that in the original rock
Kaolinite has been identified on a stone flake collected from
(1.79, 0.819 and 0.155%). The relative enrichment of Si, Al
a washed-out surface (A3 ). Its presence can be related to cal-
and Fe might be derived from the deposition of wind-borne
cite dissolution, which is strongly enhanced by its exposition to
particles [9,15] since the Kylin carved-stone is near a road
rainwater and Northern winds in comparison to other side of the
with much traffic (the average value of TSP concentration in
artifact. The deposition of wind-born soil dust on the surface
the atmosphere is 2.1 mg m−3 near the Kylin carved-stone)
may also be a source of kaolinite.
• the amount of SO3 is 2.89% which is higher than that in
Table 2 the original rock (0.0720%). Rich-S is originated from SO2
Relative abundance of salts from analysis of XRD.
emitted by anthropogenic sources like combustion of fossil
Sample Calcite Quartz Gypsum Kaolinite Calcium oxalate fuels, automobile emissions, foundries and smelters;
A1 +++ + — — — • the amount of P2 O5 is 11.7% which is higher than that
A2 +++ ++ + — — measured either in the original rock (0.032%) or in other dete-
A3 +++ ++ — + — riorated areas. The yellow material was characterized by the
A4 ++ +++ — — + presence of apatite, mostly as carbonate-apatite. High content
A5 +++ ++ — — —
of phosphate salts are often originated by natural conversion
+++, very abundant; ++, abundant; +, present; —, not detected. of biogenic aerosols [17,18], although it cannot be excluded
F. Xu et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 11 (2010) 228–232 231

Table 4
Ion content of soluble salts in samples (data in mg/100 mg).
Specimen Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ NO3 − SO4 2− Cl−

A1 0.01900 0.008200 0.009800 0.9390 — — —

A2 0.04600 0.09100 0.02400 2.430 0.1409 1.205 0.1532
A3 0.1770 0.01800 0.03500 1.200 0.07788 0.1601 0.09978
A4 0.06230 0.07500 0.01490 1.081 0.07164 0.1793 0.08187

—, not detected.

that in polluted region, they can be ascribed to the reaction leading to thick encrustations, which are washed-out on surfaces
of stone with phosphorus-bearing pollutants due to phospho- exposed to rainwater. Furthermore, the dissolution and oxidation
rus industry, one of the most rapidly growing industrializing of constituent Fe-containing constituent materials bring to the
economies in China [19]; deposition of yellowish iron oxide, which stains either the stone
• the amount of TiO2 and MnO are 0.168 and 0.219%, respec- or the crusts.
tively. Rich-Ti-Mn is associated with industrial and urban On the unsheltered surfaces, newly formed soluble salts,
emissions [2,20]. The fly-ash particles play an active role in washed-out by water and percolated through the bedding planes
the damage processes affecting stone, since the content of of the stone substrate, create a network of parallel and deep
transition metal oxides contribute to the catalytic oxidation fissures, which increase the stone susceptibility to further dete-
of atmospheric gaseous SO2 and to the sulphation of calcium rioration.
carbonate. Black crusts, mainly composed of quartz, calcite and organic
materials have been identified on areas where microorganisms
XRF measurements performed on sample A4 (Western flank) such as lichens can grow in rainseason and die in dry season,
show SiO2 and CaO contents of 20.3 and 9.14%, respectively, and pollutants from atmospheric dust is deposited on the surface.
and LOI is 56.3%. These data clearly indicate that sample A4 Lichens colonization can enhance or decrease the cohesion of the
has a high content of organic material, which is ascribable to surface. On the one hand, the dense network of hyphae and thalli
macroscopically observable lichen colonization. forms a protective structure against the removal of stone surface.
The high content of Fe, identified on sample A5 , and respon- On the other hand, lichens favor the rock surface weathering
sible of the light red color of the incrustation, may be attributed through the secretion of oxalic acid, which react with CaCO3
to the dissolution and oxidation of constituent Fe-bearing com- of the stone and also their hyphae growth decreases the stone
pounds enhanced by rainwater. cohesion.
As regarding the amounts of soluble salts measured by IC
(Table 4), sulphates are the most abundant ions in comparison
5. Concluding remarks
to chlorides and nitrates, although they all have been identified,
together with K+ , Na+ , Mg2+ on samples collected from deteri-
The influence of heavily polluted atmosphere in the urban
orated surfaces. On sound stone, no anionic species have been
environment results in different weathering patterns, mainly in
identified, thus clearly indicating that the soluble salts belong
the form of crusts. It might be assumed that the analytical results
to atmospheric pollutants rather than to solubilized constituent
of IR, XRD, XRF, SEM, IC and ICP alone are not sufficient to
clarify and interpret the growth mechanisms of crusts. However,
Samples of crusts show a very porous surface by SEM obser-
they do provide valuable information about changes in compo-
vation. The bulk densities of the crusts roughly estimated are in
sitions of crusts and original rock, and the relationship between
the range of 1.2 to 1.6 g cm−3 , much lower than the bulk den-
crusts composition and air pollution.
sity of calcite (2.7 g cm−3 ). The high porosity of the crusts can
The compositions of the crusts collected from areas on the
enhance the deterioration of underneath stone due to its high
carved-stone with different decay patterns show that the dete-
permeability either to water or to atmospheric pollutants.
rioration is mainly due to the atmospheric pollutants and its
extent is strongly dependent on the surface exposition to the
4.2. Mechanisms responsible for the formation of crusts environment. Gypsum, kaolinite, calcium oxalate and phosphate
together with a high content of heavy metals and soil particu-
The mineralogical, textural and physicochemical differences lates are mainly located on sheltered or partially exposed areas,
of the examined crusts suggest that it is unlikely that they have while an extensive network of parallel fissures is mainly devel-
the same origin or the same pattern of development. In Nanjing, oped on surfaces directly exposed to rainwater. Furthermore,
high relative humidity, frequent fogs, sulphur, phosphorus, nitro- an extensive colonization by lichen is affecting a wide surface
gen pollutants, carbonaceous and heavy metal particles favor of the carved-stone, which is strongly adherent to the surface.
the development of gypsum and calcium phosphate and nitrate According to the obtained results, an appropriate conservation
and deposition of airborne particles either on exposed or shel- plan will be developed, that includes the steps of cleaning and
tered areas of the Kylin carved-stone. In consequence of these consolidation, in order to identify the most suitable materials
processes, these deterioration products grow on sheltered areas and methodologies to remove the lichens and the deterioration
232 F. Xu et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 11 (2010) 228–232

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