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Soil drought means a shortage of water available to plants, at this stage of

drought heavy rainfall quickly replenishes water resources in the aeration zone.
Droughts come from the lack of the right amount of rainfall at the right time,
plus high temperatures that increase evaporation from the earth's surface, thus
leading to agricultural drought.

Drought is a natural phenomenon that is caused by long periods without

precipitation. Drought can be identified by observing the water level in
reservoirs such as rivers, lakes or reservoirs. We also deal with drought when
the groundwater level drops, which can be observed in the case of home wells.
As a consequence, the phenomenon of drought may dry out the soil, reduce or
completely destroy plant crops, and increase the likelihood of fire.

Drought is a dangerous, disturbing and increasingly common phenomenon.

Drought is a very complex phenomenon and the fight against its effects cannot
be based on only one solution. Here, action is needed on many levels. Drought
problem is increasing in its size. The most severe droughts occurred in 1968–74
and 1980–85 in Africa, in the countries of the Sahel zone. Severe droughts also
affect China and India. In the 1870s, 5 million people died of starvation in the
Dekan plateau in southern India and 9 million people in China.

As a matter of fact, the increased development of drought gives the

opportunities through the expansion and renewal of the coverage of retention
reservoirs and water bodies, or possible water corrections and use of resources
undoubtedly, a very important move towards drought defense. Each of us can
do something to prevent this phenomenon - save water at home, collect
rainwater for watering flowers, drink tap water instead of bottled water. For
people, drought prevention may mean saving electricity which may translate
into hygiene, and thus decrease the risk of spreading dangerous viruses and
bacteria, especially those that cause acute diseases. Non-animal organizations
appeal to help in this difficult time. Many lives can be saved in this way. Lack
of indicators and high water temperatures water deficit in rivers, reservoirs,
wetlands. The effects of droughts are also felt by animals living near our homes.

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