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concerning the exchange of students in Poland

within the ‘Happy Maths’ project

Choose one answer in questions numbered 1, 2, 6, 7

More than one answer possible in questions numbered 3, 4, 5

1.I think that my contribution of work during the exchange in Poland was:
A / significant,
B / big,
C / very little.

2. Do you think you improved your English skills:

A / very much,
B / much,
C / not much.

3. I particularly liked the workshops:

A / Arts – posters ‘Europe of the future’,
B/ Mathematical ,
C / Dance,
D / Coin mincing.

4. Which of the activities did you like most?

A/ Cultural visits/trips,
B/ Spending time with my partner/host family,
C/ School activities
D/ Volleyball match
E/ Farewell dinner
F /other /which? ...............................................................................

5. Which of the visited places connected with Polish culture impressed you
the most?
A/Wieliczka Salt Mine
B/ Zakopane
C/ Auschwitz Concentration Camp
D/ Cracow
E/Castles located in the Jurassic region

6. Do you want to keep contact with your Portuguese/Polish partners?

A / yes
B / no

7. Do you want to continue the collaboration within the project?

A / yes
B / no


concerning the exchange of students in Poland
within the ‘Happy Maths’ project

1.How much time have you devoted to the realization of the project
during the exchange in Poland? Ile czasu poświęcił Pan/Pani na
realizację projektu w trakcie wymiany w Polsce?
A / very much (bardzo dużo)
B / much (dużo)
C / not much (niewiele)

2.How positive were the effects of participation of your child in

exchange in Poland? Jak pozytywne były efekty udziału Waszego
dziecka w wymienie w Polsce? Czym więcej gwiazdek, tym wyższa

3.Do you think the participation of your child in the exchange is

useful in practicing her/his English? The more stars you mark, the
higher your assessment will be. Czy udział Pani/Pana dziecka
wwymianie wpłynął pozytywnie na doskonalenie języka
angielskiego? Czym więcej gwiazdek, tym wyższa ocena.

4. Do you think continuation of the project is a good idea? Czy uważa

Pani/Pan, że nalezy kontynuować project?
A / yes (tak)
B / no (nie)
C / no opinion (nie mam zdania)
concerning the exchange of students in Poland
within the ‘Happy Maths’ project

1. I think that my contribution of work during the exchange in Poland was:

Uważam, że mój wkład pracy nad projektem podczas wymiany w Polsce
A / significant,
B / big,
C / very little.

2. To what extent have you improved your English? The more stars, the
higher assessment.
W jakim stopniu udoskonaliłeś swój angielski? Czym więcej gwiazdek,
tym wyższa ocena.

3. In my opinion activities/workshops/cultural visits proposed during the

exchange were attractive and interesting:
Uważam, ze zajecia/warszaty/wizyty kulturowe zaproponowane podczas
wymiany były atrakcyjne i interesujące.
A / yes (tak)
B / no (nie)
C / no opinion (nie mam zdania)

4. I think my participation in the exchange brought beneficial effects. ? The

more stars, the higher assessment.
Uważam, że mój udział w wymianie przyniósł pozytywne efekty. Czym
więcej gwiazdek, tym wyższa ocena.

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