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Teacher Talk

1. How was the volume of your voice? Too loud/About right/Too soft

2. Are you able to vary your volume depending on whether you are talking to individual learners or the
whole group?


3. Was your own use of language accurate? Yes/Mostly/Needs improvement

4. Was your own speech clear? Yes/Mostly/Partially/No

5. Did you resort to inappropriately simplified English at any point?


6. Did you speak to the learners as if they were:

a) normal people, or
b) just students there to be taught?

7. Did you speak to them as if they were children instead of adults?


8. How was the quantity of your Teacher Talking Time (TTT)?

Too much/About right

9. What effect on rapport do you think too much TTT has?


10. One way of minimizing TTT and maximizing learners’ STT while activating more of their
thought/learning processes is to employ the technique of eliciting. Were there any examples of
effective eliciting in your lesson? What were they?

11. Were there any ineffective examples of eliciting from your lesson?

12. Which of the following techniques for eliciting could you use in your next lesson?

a) verbal eliciting
b) eliciting from visuals (pictures/slide/drawing /handout/course book?
c) eliciting from realia (an object)
d) all of the above

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