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Solomon P. Lozada National High School

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
2nd Quarter – Week 3


Infer literary meaning from literal language based on usage. (EN12Lit-Id-26)

Objectives: At the end of the week, students are expected to:

 Determine the definition and function of literary language (Figurative and
 Infer the literary meaning from the literal language based on how it is used;
 Craft a significant piece that would represent the value of literary language.

Key Concepts:

Literal and Figurative Language- is a distinction within some fields of language analysis.
Literal Language- refers to words that do not deviate from their defined meaning. To be
literal is to mean what you say.
Non-literal or figurative language-refers to words, and group of words, that exaggerate or
alter the usual meanings of the component words. To be figurative is to not mean what you
say but imply something else.
Literary meaning- is the meaning of a word associated with the use of a literary device.
These literary devices include “Symbolism”, “Figures of Speech” and “Sensory
Images” or “Imagery”.

Literal is a real, and Figurative is an imaginary

A literal usage is the normal meaning of the words, it maintains a consistent meaning
regardless of the context, with the intended meaning correspond exactly the meaning of the
individual words. Figurative use of language is the use of words or phrases is a manner
where the literal meaning of the words is not true od does not make sense, but implies a
non-literal meaning which does make sense or that could be true.

Figurative language can be found in poetry where the writing appeals to the senses.
Figurative language can make you look at the word differently; it can heighten your senses.
It compares two things in such a bit surprising. Figurative language can take multiple forms
such as smile or metaphor. Merriam - webster's Encyclopedia of literature says that
figurative language can be classified in five understatement, figures of sounds, verbal
games, and errors.

Figurative Language does not always mean what is being said or read, but serves to
make It more interesting.

Figurative Language and Rhetorical Devices

 Figures of Speech
 Sounds
 Other Rhetorical Devices
Figures of Speech
 SMILE- An explicit comparison (using like or as): “Her lips are like rose.”
 METAPHOR- A word or phrase denoting one kind of object or idea used in
place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (“the ship
ploughs the sea.”) the metaphor is general an implicit comparison ( doesn’t
use like or as): “Her lips are roses.”
 SYNECDOCHE- substituting a part for a whole or a part. “Fifty sail” for “fifty
ships”. “The smiling year” for spring
 METONYMY- substituting the name of something for its attribute or whatever it
is associated with (“crown” for king).
 PERIPHRASIS- substituting a descriptive phrase made up of a concrete
adjective and abstract noun, for a precise word: “fringed curtains of thine eye”
 PERSONIFICATION- attributing animation to something inamate (a grieving
nation”). Treating a thing or abstract quality as thought it were a person.
 OXYMORON- is a figure of speech in which a pair of opposite or contradictory
terms is used together for emphasis, deliberate combination of seemingly
contradictory words (helpful bureaucrat: bittersweet, organized chaos, same
 ONOMATOPOEIA- the concordance of sounds and meaning. The use words
that sound like what they mean, such as “his,” “buzz,” “slam,” “boom”, Snap,
Crackle, pop.”
 ASSONANCE: recurrent vowel sounds, the repetition of vowel sounds to
create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences, and together with
alliteration and consonance serves as one of the building blocks of verse .
assonance is a rhyme, the identity of which depends merely on the vowel
sounds. Thus, an assonance is merely a syllabic resemblance.
 ALLITERATION-recurrent consonant sounds , frequently but not exclusively at
beginning of words sometimes repetition of initial consonant sounds (
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 30: sessions, sweet, silent, summon, things , past.
 PUN- deliberate confusion of words based upon similarity of sounds
( waist/waste).
 MALAPROPISM- unconscious pun; confusing “ adious” for “anerous”
 WORDPLAY- a serious pun, as when a dying man says “tomorrow you shall
find me a grave man,”
 PARONOMASIA- wordplay based upon similar rather than identical sounds

(1)Padre Faura Witnesses the Execution of Rizal
By Danton Remoto

I stand on the roof And on this day

Of the Ateneo Municipal, With the year beginning to turn
Shivering Salt stings my eyes.
On this December morning I see Pepe,

Months ago, A blur

Pepe came to me Between the soldiers
In the Observatory. With their Mausers raised
I thought we would talk And the early Morning’s

Philippine Literature in the 21st Century (2001 up to the present)

This body of literature includes digital writings, graphic novels, textual, hypertext, and
other emerging literary genres at present.

At 20, the poet Amador T. Daguio wrote “Man of Earth” in 1932. According to Dr. Gemino
Abad, a well-known Filipino poet and critic, “Man of Earth” marks a turning point in Filipino
poetry . Daguio’s poem words in English are reinvented to established a native idiom.

Textula is poetry written and read on a mobile phone. It is popularized by the

playwright Frank Revira, who came to be known as the “Makata sa cellphone.” His works of
textual and other poems are performed in different occasions, such as rallies, school
programs, and contests; published in newspaper; heard on radio; and shred on social media
or through text messaging.

Poetic Terms

Allusion – Using this literary device , the writer refers to a significant person, place, thing, or
idea in culture , history, literature, or politics briefly and indirectly.

Apostrophe – with this literary device, the writer addresses someone or something that is
not present in his work.

End rhyme – this rhyme occurs in the last syllable of verse.

Lyric poetry – This traditional poetry is characterized by its brevity, emotional intensity, and
musical quality.

Example Poem 1

Man of Earth
By Amador T. Daguio

Pliant is the bamboo;

I am man of earth.

They say that from the bamboo
We had our first birth.
Am I of the body,
Or of the green leaf?
Do I have to whisper
My every sin and grief?
If the wind passes by,

Must I stoop, and try

To measure fully
My flexibility?
I might have been the bamboo,
But I will be a man.
Bend me then, O lord,
Bend me if you can.


By Frank Rivera

DIRECTIONS: Discuss intelligently the following questions. Write your answer on the space
1. On your own understanding, what is literature all about?
Merong himala, hindi totoong wala
Ituro ma’y mali, alam nati’y taman
Kahit walang sagot itong pananalangin
Hindi tumitigil ang ating paghiling,

Walang nagturo na tayo’y makibaka

Ngunit sulirani’y ating binabata
Kahit may pangakong lagging

Sa anumang init, handa ring mapaso.

Sa ating puso’y may awit ng pag-asa
Kahit titik nito’y hindi makabisa
Ang katotohana’y lalaging totoo
Basta maniwalang mayroong milgaro

DIRECTIONS: Identify the underlined words being described below.

1. ____________________- Using this literary device, the writer refers to a significant
person, place, thing, or idea in culture , history, literature, or politics briefly and indirectly.
2. ____________________- With this literary device, the writer addresses someone or
something that is not present in his work.
3. ____________________-This rhyme occurs in the last syllables or verses.
4. ____________________- this traditional poetry is characterized by its brevity, emotional
intensity, and musical quality.
5. ____________________- a poem that could be read from a mobile phone.
6. ____________________- Who is the father of Textula?
7.____________________- The medium of instruction during the American occupation was.

DIRECTIONS: In your own words, compare and contrast the two poems and cite their
elements, structures and traditions.

Man of Earth
By Amador T. Daguio

By Frank Rivera


DIRECTIONS: Create a poem with maximum of 3 paragraphs using the elements

and structure of 21st century literature.


Content – 5 pts.

Cohesion and Uniformity – 5 pts

Length – 5 pts

Grammar, Spelling anf Punctation – 5 pts


A. Book

Ma. Letecia Jose Cabana-Basilan, Ph.D. Letra 21st Century Literature in the Philippines
and the world. Intramuros Unlimited books Liberary Services & Publishing Inc.

B. Online sources

Tip: press “shifht and enter: to break URLs without breaking the link.

Answer key

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Poem 1.
1. Allusion - The lyric poem has a varied rhythm Answers may
2. Apostrophe - The poem contains end rhymes Vary
3. End rhyme - The poem contains an allusion to Philippine creation
4 Lyric Poetry myth that tells that the first man and woman came from
5. Textula a bamboo.
6. Frank - The poem uses apostrophe.
Rivera Poem 2
7. English - The poem is a piece of lyric poetry.
- The poem uses what is called Tagalog poetry as
tugmang karaniwan.

Prepared by:
Rutchel T. Martinez

Quality Assured by:

1. Lay-out: Kay Tracey A. Urbiztondo

2. Language: Raejel T. Duran

3. Content: Ruby P. Uriarte

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