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Japanese and
Chinese Traditions
Families all over the world celebrate important events
which help preserve the history and traditions of their
countries. Most of these traditions and practices are
handed down from one generation to the next. Let’s
see how well you can identify a country and the
tradition each family celebrates.
Write Agree if you agree with the given statements.
Write Disagree if you disagree with the statements.
Japanese & Chinese Traditions
Many Japanese traditions stem from their deep roots in religions. Two
main religions dominate the Japanese culture: Buddhism and Shintoism.
Buddhist practices and beliefs in Japan stemmed from practices in China
and were very similar to those in China.

The Japanese Tea Ceremony is a cultural tradition that

originated in China. The tea was considered medicine
that promoted physical and spiritual health and was
consumed for enjoyment purposes primarily. The
spiritual aspect involves harmony between the persons
participating in the ceremony, respect for those
involved in the ceremony, and purity. These three
aspects bring tranquility to those who participate in
the tradition.
Japanese Theater : Noh & Kabuki Drama
Noh drama is rigidly traditional Japanese
drama which in it's present form dates back
to the early 14th century. Noh plays are
short dramas combining music, dance, and
lyrics, with a highly stylized ritualistic
presentation. Kabuki drama combined
elements of no drama and folk theater.
The Japanese New Year Celebration
(January 1-15)
In Japan, the celebration of the New Year is the most significant and
important holiday. During this time they begin the New Year with a clean slate,
spend time with family and friends and prepare for the events of the New Year.
After the cleaning, houses are decorated with straw ropes and pine bough that
is burned in a ceremonial bonfire at the end of the New Year‘s celebration.

Kimono and Yukata are traditional Japanese clothing.

Kimono are made of silk and are usually very
expensive. Nowadays they are worn at formal or
traditional occasions such as funerals, weddings or
tea ceremonies. Only rarely kimono can still be seen
in everyday life. The Yukata, on the other hand, is
more of informal leisure clothing.
Sumo is a Japanese style of wrestling and
Japan's national sport. It originated in ancient
times as a performance to entertain the Shinto
gods. Many rituals with religious background are
still followed today.

Most houses in Japan have tatami mats. Tatami were

originally a luxury item for the nobility. During the Heian
period, when the shinden-zukuri architectural style of
aristocratic residences was consummated, the flooring of
shinden-zukuri palatial rooms were mainly wooden, and
tatami were only used as seating for the highest aristocrats
It is said that prior to the mid-16th century, the ruling
nobility and samurai slept on tatami or woven mats called
goza, while commoners used straw mats or loose straw for
Japanese Haiku started as Hokku, an opening stanza of an orthodox
collaborative linked poem, or renga, and of its later derivative, renku (or
haikai no renga). By the time of Matsuo Bashō (1644–1694), the hokku
had begun to appear as an independent poem, and was also
incorporated in haibun(a combination of prose and hokku), and haiga (a
combination of painting with hokku). In the late 19th century, Masaoka
Shiki (1867–1902) renamed the standalone hokku or

Like the Japanese, Chinese considered tea

as one of their seven basic necessities.
Firewood, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar
were some of the basic needs. Ways of tea
preparation, tasting it and the occasions on
which it is consumed make the Chinese tea
culture unique.
In the beginning, tea was cultivated and used solely as herbal
medicine mostly within temples. Monks began to use tea to teach a
respect for nature, humility and an overall sense of peace and calm.
Today, there are six major aspects to consider when performing a
Chinese Tea Ceremony: attitude of the person performing the
ceremony, tea selection, water selection, tea ware selection,
ambiance and technique.

Children serve tea to their elders as a token of respect.

People of lower order are supposed to serve tea to people of
higher ranks. This custom is still practiced on formal occasions.
Chinese weddings have certain
traditional customs. As a form of expressing
gratitude, the bride and groom kneel in
front of their parents and offer them tea. In
olden times, drinking the tea offered showed
acceptance of marriage while refusal
represented opposition to the marriage.
Chopsticks are believed to
symbolize kindness and gentleness.
Confucianism taught the Chinese to
abandon knives and forks from the
dining table. So they have their food
cut to bite-size before it comes on the
New Year is one of the most
prominent festivals of the Chinese
calendar. It is about getting together.
Red is believed to abolish bad luck. So
people clothe in red for the New Year
celebration. A long dragon made of
silk; bamboo and paper are carried
along streets.Young men hold the
dragon and dance while carrying the
dragon along. The Dragon dance is an
ancient Chinese tradition. When you
give your gift make sure to wrap it in
red and gold never with white, black
or gray as they symbolize death.
1. Japanese often send money to bereaved friends as an expression of
Justification: ______________________________________________________
2. Number 4 is considered lucky in Japan.
Justification: ______________________________________________________
3. In Japan it is impolite to pour your own drink when eating with others--you
pour your companion's drink and your companion pours yours.
Justification: ______________________________________________________
4. It is a no-no in Japan to pick up your rice or miso soup bowl and hold it under your
chin to keep stuff from falling.
Justification: _____________________________________________________
5. Asians like Filipinos, Chinese and Japanese value family, hard work and their
religion or faith. The benefit of all the members of the family is more important than
the individual. Education of children and their excellence in school is important to
Justification: _____________________________________________________
6. Most Chinese care more about the quality than the packaging of the gift. They will
insist on declining the gift. Furthermore, they will wait until the guests have left to
open the gift.
Justification: _____________________________________________________
7. The Chinese normally embrace each other. Kissing, whether on the cheeks or
on hands, is usually acceptable for the Chinese.
Justification: _____________________________________________________
8. People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all
the food is consumed.
Justification: _____________________________________________________
9. In China, it is a common practice for visitors to tip the tour guide and driver
in recognition of their good service. Hotel bellboy expects your tips as well. It
is not customary to leave tips at hotel or local restaurant as the bill usually
includes 10-15% service charge.
Justification: _____________________________________________________
10. Chinese parents are usually concerned about the discipline of their
children. The parent never gets divorce if the relationship does not work. The
father maintains a strict discipline over the children.
Justification: _____________________________________________________
Literal and
Figurative Language
In speaking, we can express ourselves and our ideas
straightforwardly by using the words or phrases
that we exactly mean. On the other hand, we can
also say it in an imaginative way to create an image
or suggest an idea.
Preliminary Activity:

1. f_ _g i_ 2. _ain_n_ ca_s 3. t_ _ e
the _hr_at and _o_s f_ i_ s
Preliminary Activity:

4. f_s_ _ut of 5. b_sy _s a _e_

_he wa_e_

Literal language is used to mean exactly what is

written. It is simply stating the facts as they are.

For example: ―It was raining a lot, so I rode the bus.

In this example of literal language, the writer means
to explain exactly what is written: that he or she
chose to ride the bus because of the heavy rain.
Figurative language is used to mean something other than what
is written, something symbolic, suggested, or implied. It uses
words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the
literal interpretation. Examples are the idioms or idiomatic
expressions and the different figures of speech such as simile,
metaphor, hyperbole, personification, synecdoche and
For example: It was raining cats and dogs, so I rode the bus. In
this example of figurative language, there were not actually cats
and dogs falling from rain clouds, instead, the rain felt so heavy
and large that it was almost as if small animals were falling from
the sky!
1. Simile - is a comparison of two unlike things using ―”as
or like”. Example: Jamie runs as fast as the wind. Her
cheeks are red like a rose.
2. Metaphor - is an implied comparison of two unlike things
without the use of ―”as or like”.
Example: Her voice is music to his ears. Her eyes were
3. Hyperbole - is a figure of speech (a form of irony) in which
exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect; an extravagant
Example: I am so hungry I could eat a horse. Her brain is the
size of a pea.
4. Personification - is a figure of speech where human qualities
are given to animals, objects or ideas
Example: The flame of the candle danced in the dark. The sun
smiled and chased away the angry clouds.
5. Synecdoche - a figure of speech in which a part is used for the
whole or the whole for a part, the special for the general or the
general for the special
Example: He will bring his wheels to the outing on Saturday. The
hired hands were doing their best to please their boss.
6. Metonymy -is a word or phrase that is used to stand in for
another word.
Example: We must wait to hear from the crown until we make
any further decisions. ( crown - in place of a royal person ) If we
do not fill out the forms properly, the suits will be after us shortly.
( the suits - in place of business people )
7. Idiom - (also called idiomatic expression) is an expression,
word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning.
Example: spill the beans - tell a secret.
―”My three-year-old spilled the beans about the surprise
birthday party we were planning.”
break a leg- something you say to someone you want to wish
luck on.
―”Is tonight your big performance? Break a leg!”
Write DM on the blank if the sentence before the
number is expressing a direct meaning and HM if
there is a hidden or another meaning.
_______1. I‘m so hungry, I could eat a horse.
_______2. He was late to dinner.
_______3. The field is calm and quiet.
_______4. The sky is full of dancing stars.
_______5. I stayed up late last night, I‘m so tired!
1. How did you arrive with your answers?
2. Do you have a clue in identifying sentences
with direct meaning? If so, what is it?
3. Do you have a clue in identifying sentences
with hidden meaning? If so, what is it?
4. Compare the sentences with direct meaning to
the sentences with hidden meaning.

Based from the discussion of the

lesson and the activities given,
differentiate literal language and
figurative language.
Tell whether the underlined phrase in each number used
literal or figurative language.Write L on the space before the
number if literal and F if figurative.
_______1.Cathy‘s favorite snack is bread and butter.
_______2. I worked as a bartender for a year, and it
was the tips that were my bread and butter.
_______3.This assignment is a piece of cake.
_______4.I saw him yesterday because we rode in the
same boat.
_______5.She's always complaining that she doesn't
have enough money, but we're all in the same boat.
_______6. Her eyes are as blue as the sky.
_______7. The sky is blue for the weather is fine.
_______8. The young lady is beautiful like a fairy.
_______9. The baby slept in lap of its mother.
_______10. I looked for Mary and Samantha at the
bus station.

a question raised for inquiry, consideration, or

solution; a matter or situation regarded as
unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt
with and overcome.

■ the act of solving a problem, question; a

means of solving a problem or dealing with a
difficult situation.
Preliminary Activity
Write It, Share It, Solve It !

■ The students will find a partner whom they feel

that they are comfortable working with. In a sheet
of paper, each pair will write 2 problems that they
encounter in their life, whether about self, family,
school, love life and others. Then they will
exchange their papers to think of pieces of advice
that they can give to each one of them. They will
have the pair sharing for 5 minutes.
In order to identify the problem and solution structure in a
text, the reader needs to look for signal words and phrases
such as:
Problem Solution
The dilemma is Challenges
Issue Proposed solution
To solve this Difficulties
To address this Resolve
One answer is
Direction: Choose the solution for each of the following problems below. Choose
from the options inside the box. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space before the number.
______1. Sue loves to eat apples, but lost her two front teeth.
______2. Kylie wanted to ride her bike, but when she went to get on it there was
a flat tire.
______3.Rose was going on a field trip to the planetarium, but didn't know
anything about the stars.
______4. Kate needs to go to the store for milk, but it is raining.
______5. Megan forgot her lunch at home.
Task 2: Underline the problem and encircle the
solutions presented in the paragraph below.
How to Relieve Exam Anxiety
There are certain things which students can do if they suffer from
exam anxiety. To begin with, they should get a good night‘s sleep the
day before the exam. If they sleep well, they will be able to concentrate
and do well in the exam . If not, this will cause more stress and
anxiety. The second effective solution is to change their poor study
habits. If they start to study one day before the exam, this will cause
worry and stress. However, if they change such habits and start to
study regularly, this will give them confidence before and during the
exam. The last thing they should do is to think positive. When they
think positive, they will get rid of all their fears and worries. For
example, visualizing themselves as a student who has a high mark
before the exam can make them feel better. In summary, getting a
good night‘s sleep, changing their poor study habits and thinking
positive are effective solutions to deal with exam anxiety.
Analysis: Read this paragraph and see how the signal
words were applied
Weightlessness in Space
Astronauts face many problems in space caused by weightlessness.
One of these problems is floating around the cabin. To solve this
problem, astronauts wear shoes that are coated with a special
adhesive. This adhesive sticks to the floor of the cabin. Serving
food is another problem. It won't stay put on the table! Experts
solved this problem by putting food and drinks in pouches and
tubes. It only needs to be mixed with water. Weightlessness also
causes problems when an astronaut tries to work. The simple task
of turning a wrench or a doorknob can be difficult. Since there is no
gravity to keep him down, when he exerts a force in one direction,
the opposite force may flip him over completely. To solve this
problem, he must be very careful about how much force he uses to
do these simple tasks. Here on earth, life is much simpler, thanks
to gravity.
Task 3

Write a Problem-Solution essay on the following

topics: Be guided by the criteria below.
A. Nowadays many people have access to computers on a
wide basis and a large number of children play
computer games.
Guide Question: What are the negative impacts of playing
computer games and what can be done to
minimize the bad effects?
B. Students low academic performance is one of the
problems encountered by youth nowadays.
Guide Question: What are the things that affect the
students‘ academic performance and how can the
students themselves address the problem?

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