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ELT Student Teachers’ Perspective of an Effective English Teacher

In this paper, the English teacher's effectiveness has been perceived from the English

teacher students' eyes. “As is both stated by YÖK and the article, teachers have four

competencies which are understanding different English language proficiency levels, knowing

how to make instruction comprehensible through a range of strategies (e.g., using visuals,

gestures, graphic organizers), knowing students' cultural backgrounds and ensuring a welcoming

classroom environment” (Korkmaz, 2011, p.210). What pops up in my head while reading these

competencies was the capabilities of the English language teachers. While having a decent

education, I do not think that we are completely ready when we are graduate since there is still

an ambiguity in expectations from the teacher. We are not experienced in distance learning and

teaching, and the lecture's effectiveness has been decreased dramatically from my point of view.

As the research shows in the result section, most of the young teachers are stressing about how to

motivate students and what is expected from the teacher in these circumstances. I want to take it

from a narrower sense to clarify my standpoint. As an inexperienced English language teacher, I

would find it difficult to motivate my students in face-to-face classes; however, I would develop

various solutions from the experienced teachers and pedagogues. As we are all experiencing a

completely new system in teaching, it is hard to motivate students when we are not able to see,

feel and make an eye contact with them. Hence, it is my main concern in English language

teaching too. Moreover, teaching and studying from the comfort zone drastically decreasing the

quality of the lectures due to the distractions. Lack of focusing and focusing is the characteristics

of generation Z, and in these circumstances, teachers cannot even ensure that students are

following the lecture. In addition to teachers' competence in their field, teachers generally use

the expression method as a teaching method. However, language teaching cannot be carried out
only with this method. However, factors such as crowded classes, lack of time, anxiety about

training subjects, low and different levels of students' readiness, and the need to provide

theoretical information are influential in teachers' use of the method of expression. The question-

and-answer method is one of the most frequently used methods by teachers in order to get

feedback, to enable students to express themselves, and to participate in the course. However, a

question-and-answer method is no longer can be used due to the distance education system. The

method of showing and making knowledge, which ensures the permanence of the knowledge and

makes the subject concrete, is used by fewer teachers. Again, the method of discussion is one of

the less used methods by teachers. Brainstorming techniques, cooperative learning method,

project method, and concept map method are seen as the least used and mostly not preferred by


Knowing the student is as important as the expectations and competency of the teacher.

As a young English learning teacher, I believe that we should consider children's psychological

developments and their psychological needs. In my opinion, every English learning student

should read books about child psychology. Teaching is not just providing information to the

student, but it is also giving space for them to develop their characteristics. Hence, the approach

of the teacher while teaching them the material is essential. I have been reading psychological

books written by Freud, Doğan Cüceloğlu, and Carl Gustav Jung lately to understand and

respond to children's needs while teaching them the subject. From the student's point of view, it

is stated that effective readiness is essential; that is, the psychological state of the students has a

significant effect on language learning. The prerequisite of mental readiness is expressed as

emotional preparation, and it is revealed that motivation is one of the most effective elements in

language learning. Indeed, motivation can be defined as direct energy that unleashes the human
capacity to achieve the goal. To motivate children, I am learning child psychology and working

on my personal traits.

Consequently, this paper's standpoint is exactly matching with my point of view. The

essential elements of being a good and efficient teacher are figuring out how to motivate students

and clearly distinguish competencies and expectations. Especially in this situation where we

cannot meet students at school, motivation and competency play a key role. Hence, I am working

on new ways of motivating people, and the first step is simply understanding their point of view

and meet their needs.



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