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Evidencia 4: Resumen ?Product

distribution: the basics?


AÑO 2020
Technical Vocabulary


1. a small-town bakery (una panadería de pueblo)

a small-town bakery it has a spectacular quezo cake

2. eBay powersellerheavy machinery manufacturer godos ( Powerseller de eBay

fabricante de maquinaria pesada) (NOUN)—(sustantivo)
powersellerheavy machinery has forklift service

3. striking a balance budgetary (lograr un equilibrio restricciones


the commercial proposal would be a good tool to achieve a balance

budgetary restrictions

4. constraints (limitaciones) : Acción de establecer o fijar los límites de algo

in english: Action of establishing or setting the limits of something

the truck has schedule constraints on holidays

deeply (profundamente): En extremo, en gran medida

5. customers (clientes): Persona que utiliza los servicios de un profesional o de una
empresa, especialmente la que lo hace regularmente.
In english: Person who uses the services of a professional or a company,
especially one who does so regularly
Persona que compra en un establecimiento comercial o público, especialmente
la que lo hace regularmente.
In english: Person who buys in a commercial or public establishment,
especially one who does so regularly

6. unimpressed (no impresionado ) : the cargo boss not impressed

7. (impresionados) : Causar impresión o una alteración en el ánimo de una persona,

Modes of transport

Road transport (transporte por carretera) : es aquel desplazamiento realizado en una

carretera abierta al público con un vehículo

In english: is that movement made on a road open to the public with a vehicle

The merchandise would take longer to transport it by road

Rail transport (transporte ferroviario) : es un sistema de transporte de personas y
mercancías guiado sobre una vía férrea.

In english: is a guided transport system for people and goods on a railroad track

The merchandise would take longer to transport it by road

Aircraft (aeronave): Vehículo con o sin motor capaz de navegar por el aire.

In english: Vehicle with or without a motor capable of navigating through the air

We have an aircraft of the fleet for technical revision

Liner vessels (buques de línea) : los buques mercantes de línea regular son
generalmente buques que transportan únicamente contenedores cargados con las
mercancías de los remitentes

In english: liner merchant ships are generally ships that carry only containers
loaded with senders' godos

Liner vessels arrive on Monday morning

fixed routes ( rutas fijas) : camino determinado que va de un sentido a otro  

In english : determined path that goes from one direction to another

which of the fixed routes are the fastest

fixed schedules (horarios fijos) : variable es una modalidad que se suele aplicar en empresas
grandes o en centros de trabajo situados, por ejemplo, en las grandes ciudades y en muchas
ocasiones es una medida de conciliación laboral para familias con hijos

In english : Variable is a modality that is usually applied in large companies or in

work centers located, for example, in large cities and in many cases it is a
measure of work-life balance for families with children

our deliveries for clients handle fixed schedules

Tramp vessels (buque de carga): Un buque de carga es un tipo de nave o barco

utilizado para transportar mercancías, bienes y materiales desde un puerto a otro

In english : A cargo ship is a type of ship or ship used to transport goods, goods
and materials from one port to another

Tramp glasses is black with red

Courier (mensajero): Persona que tiene por oficio realizar un servicio que consiste
en ir a recoger una carta o paquete a quien se lo requiere y seguidamente llevarlo y
entregarlo a su destinatario

In english : Person whose job is to perform a service that consists of going to

pick up a letter or package from whom it is required and then take it and deliver it
to its recipient

the courier has vacation in January

Voyage (viaje): Trayecto de una parte a otra, en especial transportando una carga

Lorry (camión): Vehículo automóvil grande y potente, que está constituido por una
cabina en la que va el conductor y una gran caja o depósito y que está destinado al
transporte de carga pesada por carretera

In english : Large and powerful motor vehicle, which consists of a cabin in which
the driver and a large box or tank and is intended to transport heavy cargo by

a bigger truck is needed

Height (altura): Dimensión vertical de un cuerpo en su posición natural o normal

In english : Vertical dimension of a body in its natural or normal position

that row of boxes are very Height

weight (peso): Medida de esta propiedad de los cuerpos

In english : Measurement of this property of bodies

this truck has a lot of weight

Fuerza con que la Tierra atrae a un cuerpo, por acción de la gravedad

length (longitud): Dimensión mayor de una figura plana o de un cuerpo de tres

dimensiones; en general, es notablemente mayor con respecto a las otras dimensiones

In english : Largest dimension of a flat figure or a three-dimensional body; in

general, it is notably higher with respect to the other dimensions

a longer ship is needed

vehicle (vehículo): Aparato con o sin motor que se mueve sobre el suelo, en el agua o el
aire y sirve para transportar cosas o personas, especialmente el de motor que circula
por tierra

in english: Device with or without a motor that moves on the ground, in the water
or in the air and is used to transport things or people, especially the motor that
circulates on land

you already know the engineer's new vehicle

tracking (rastreo): Búsqueda de una persona o cosa siguiendo su rastro o señal

in english: the act or process of following something or someone

you have to track the truck to know where it is going

system (sistema): Conjunto ordenado de normas y procedimientos que regulan el

funcionamiento de un grupo o colectividad

in english: a collection or combination of parts forming a complex or single whole

the hydraulic system of the crane must be repaired

buyer (comprador): nombre masculino y femenino

in english: a person who buys;

the buyer's experience needs to be improved

persona que compra cualquier producto o articulo

seller ( vendedor ): persona Que vende cosas, especialmente si se dedica


in english: one whose job is to sell things.

we must abide the commission of the korean seller

terms (condiciones): Conjunto de circunstancias que determinan el estado de una

persona o una cosa.

In english: (usually specified prenominally) the actual language or mode of

presentation used: he described the project in loose terms

I want you to improve my work terms

trade (comercio): Actividad que consiste en comerciar con productos

in english: he act or process of buying, selling, or exchanging godos

do you know something about foreign trade

insurance (seguro): Que está libre de peligro o riesgo

in english: the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, etc., against loss or
harm in return for payment.

that shipment is insurance

agree (estar de acuerdo): expresión que se utiliza para indicar que una persona entiende y
comparte el parecer de otra

in english: to be of one mind

you agree with my opinion

supplier (proveedor): persona Que provee o abastece a otra persona de lo necesario o

conveniente para un fin determinado.

In english: to furnish (a person, thing, etc.) with what is needed

you already called our supplier

customer (cliente): Persona que compra en un establecimiento comercial o público,

especialmente la que lo hace regularmente

In english: a person who purchases goods or services from another;


Sofia is our best customer

shipping ( envio): Cosa o acción que se envía de un lugar a otro

in english: the act or business of a person or thing that ships goods.

You need to know the date of our last shipping

guidelines (pautas): Norma o modelo que sirve de guía para hacer algo

in english: any guide or indication of a future course of action, or of some course

or set of steps to follow

you read the guidelines of our guidelines

hazardous (peligroso) : Que implica peligro

in english: full of risk; risky; dangerous

this trip is very hazardous

dangerous ( peligroso): persona Que supone un peligro porque puede causar daño o
cometer actos delictivos

in english: full of danger or risk

the wet floor of the boat is too dangerous

reliable ( fiable – de confianza) : cosa Que inspira seguridad. -- persona Que inspira
confianza o es digno de ella

in english: capable of being relied on; always or often dependable in character,

judgment, performance, or result

Maria is our best client for me she is reliable

perishable ítems ( articulos perecederos): Son aquellos que comienzan una

descomposición de forma sencilla.
in english: that may decay or be destroyed

this trip is only for perishable items

Budget ( presupesto): Cálculo anticipado del coste de una obra o un servicio

In english: Businessan estimate of expected income and expenses

You must get the budget for the merchandise that comes from the United States


need (necesidad): Hecho o circunstancia en que alguien o algo es necesario

in english: a necessary duty or obligation

the ship is a very need tool for the movement of our products

needed (necesaria): Que debe ocurrir, hacerse, existir o tenerse para la existencia, la
actividad o el correcto estado o funcionamiento de alguien o algo

in english: a necessary duty or obligation

the crane is a necessary tool

needed (necesaria): [acto] Que es conveniente para la salud.

verbs (verbos): Clase de palabra con la que se expresan acciones, procesos, estados o
existencia que afectan a las personas o las cosas; tiene variación de tiempo, aspecto,
modo, voz, número y persona y funciona como núcleo del predicado

in english: Grammara member of a class of words that typically express action,

state, or a relation between two things and are often formally distinguished

the correct verb must be used

Strike (golpe): Encuentro más o menos fuerte de dos o más cuerpos, de los cuales al
menos uno está en movimiento, en especial el provocado por una persona que utiliza
su cuerpo, una parte de él o un objeto enviado contra una persona o una cosa

in english: to deal (a blow) to (someone), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer

the crane operator Strike an assistant

Stroke (golpe): Efecto de este encuentro, en especial el daño producido por él, que puede o no
dejar señal y el ruido que produce

Stroken (golpe)

Heavy (pesado): Que pesa mucho o que tiene más peso del que es normal

In englihs: of great weight; hard to lift or carry

that container is very heavy

soft (suave): Que es liso y blando al tacto

In englihs: giving in easily to touch or pressure

Please, that merchandise must be treated verysoft

get (traer): Llevar a una persona o una cosa hasta el lugar en que está quien habla

in english: to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of

Juan can you bring me get boxes

got ( conseguir – obtener ): Llegar a tener cierta cosa que se quiere, se solicita o se

in english: a pt. and pp. Of

Sandra got a promotion

Producir o extraer determinada cosa, generalmente a partir de otra.

gotten ( conseguido – conseguida ): Que está bien hecho o muy logrado

in english: a low, humming sound, as of bees or machinery

sandra gotten some containers

balance (equilibrar): Hacer que una cosa no prevalezca sobre otras, manteniéndolas
proporcionalmente iguales

in english: a state of being steady; equilibrium

a balance is needed in the merchandise

wrong (incorrecto): Que no es acertado o adecuado a determinadas condiciones o

in english: being in error;mistaken;not correct

those data are wrong

Good (bueno): [persona] Que tiene bondad, desde el punto de vista moral

in english: morally excellent;virtuous

my assistant is very good

bad (malo): [persona] Que tiene maldad, desde el punto de vista moral

in english: not good in any manner or degree

my assistant is very bad

Make( hacer): Realizar una actividad que comporta un resultado

in english: to bring into existence by combining material;produce

Juan makes the budget

Made (hecho): Participio irregular de hacer usado también como adjetivo

in english: This word is often used in combination with another word, often a

all this merchandise is made in Colombia

Deeply (profundamente): En extremo, en gran medida

in english: extending far down from the top or Surface

that item is Deeply in the container

Meet (encuentro): Coincidencia o reunión de dos o más personas o cosas en un mismo


in english: to come into the presence of;encounter

today we have a meet by zoom

Met (reunión): Acto en el que se reúnen varias personas

in english: to come into the presence of;encounter

in august there is a met with pfizer clients

Think (pensar): Considerar un asunto con atención y detenimiento, especialmente para

estudiarlo, comprenderlo bien, formarse una opinión sobre ello o tomar una decisión

in english: to have a conscious mind that can reason, remember, and

make decisions

we have to think of a solution

Though (pensar): Formar [una persona] ideas y representaciones de la realidad en su

mente, relacionando unas con otras

In english: in spite of the fact that; although

we have to though of several options

Thought (pensar)

Material (material): De la materia o relacionado con ella

In english: the substance of which something is made

we don't have enough material

Goods (bienes): Conjunto de propiedades o riquezas que pertenecen a una persona o


In english: possessions and personal property

our boss has several goods

Expensive ( costoso ): Que cuesta mucho trabajo, esfuerzo dinero o tiempo

In english: requiring great expense; costing a lot of money

the budget is too expensive

Cheap( barato): Que tiene un precio bajo o cuesta poco dinero.

In english: costing very little; inexpensive

the budget is too cheap

Products (productos): Cosa producida natural o artificialmente, o resultado de un trabajo

u operación

In english: a thing produced by labor

this client handles several products

Want ( querer): Tener el deseo, la voluntad o la intención de hacer, poseer o lograr algo.

In english: to feel a need for (or to);wish or desire;feel inclined;long for

I want to be number one in this company

wanted (querer): Se usa para preguntar cortésmente a una persona si puede hacer lo
que se expresa.

In english: to feel a need for (or to);wish or desire;feel inclined;long for

he wanted more clients

Consider (considerar): Reflexionar con atención y detenimiento para formar una opinión
sobre algo.

In english: to think carefully or seriously about

He consider the time change for delivery

Considered (considerar ): Juzgar o tener un juicio u opinión sobre una persona o una

In english: resulting from careful thought

she considers that ana is a good worker

Come (vengo) . Es una conjugación del verbo venir.

In english: to approach or move toward someone or something

I'm come from work

Came(vino): pretérito indicativo para tercera persona

In english: to approach or move toward someone or something

she came late to work

Pay (pagar): Dar a alguien el dinero que se le debe o le corresponde:

In english: o settle (a debt, etc.) by handing over money or goods, or by doing


must be pay to the forklift

Paid (pagado): Satisfecho, ufano de alguna cosa:

In english: a pt. and pp. Of

freight must be paid

Have (tengo) : Poseer una cosa o disfrutar de ella:

In english: to possess;own;hold for use;contain

I have very little property

Has (tiene): Poseer una cosa o disfrutar de ella

In english: a low, humming sound, as of bees or machinery

they Has a lot of time in the company Had(tenia) : Contener o comprender en sí

tiempo pasado

Depend (depende): Estar conexo o condicionado por algo para existir o tener lugar:

In english: to rely for support, maintenance, help, etc

our deliveries depend on good weather

Depended (depende)

In english: to be conditioned or contingent

our Depended are on time

Size ( tamaño): Conjunto de las dimensiones físicas de una cosa material, por las
cuales tiene mayor o menor volumen

In english: the physical dimensions, largeness, or extent of anything

that ship has a colossal size

Work (trabajo): Ocupación que ejerce habitualmente una persona a cambio de un


In english: the use of effort or action to produce or accomplish something

logistics management gives a good work

Worked (trabajado): Elaborado con minuciosidad y cuidado

In english: the use of effort or action to produce or accomplish something

susan elaborates a detailed worked

Worked (trabajó): Cosa hecha trabajando; especialmente obra artística, intelectual,

científica o técnica.

In english: a task or something to do or be done

Victor does a good Worked with the forklift

Apply (aplicar): Poner una cosa sobre otra o en contacto con otra de modo que quede
adherida o fijada o que ejerza alguna acción.

In english: to make use of as relevant or suitable

Esteban Apply his knowledge in logistics

Applies (aplica): Poner una cosa sobre otra.

In english: to make use of as relevant or suitable

our brand is applies with red paint

Applied (aplicado): [persona] Que pone esfuerzo, interés y constancia en la realización
de un trabajo o en el desarrollo de una actividad,

In english: to make use of as relevant or suitable

the signage is applied with fluorescent paint


Friendly (amigable): [persona] Que se comporta dando muestras de amabilidad y


In english: characteristic of or appropriate to a friend

vanessa is very friendly in my work group

Forget (olvidar): Perder la memoria o el recuerdo de una cosa

In english: to leave behind unintentionally

this delivery is hard to forget

Forgot (olvidó): Hecho de no recordar algo concreto.

In english: to stop thinking of deliberately

I forgot the next delivery date

Forgotten (olvidado): Dejar de retener algo en la memoria:

In english: Stop holding something in memory

Susan forgot the budgotten

Passenger (pasajero): Que pasa pronto o dura poco --- aparece también en las
siguientes entradas

In english: a person who is traveling in an automobile, bus, train, airplane, or

other conveyance, esp. one who is not the driver, pilot, or the like
stress is a passenger feeling

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