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Subjects: Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan I

Lecturer: Desy Natalia, M.Pd.

Arranged By:

Group 1

1. Aldi Pratama Jaya 2019.C.11a.1035

2. Alfitra Resti Anggrainie 2019.C.11a.1037
3. Cindra 2019.C.11a.1039
4. Dhea Shintya Putri 2019.C.11a.1040
5. Dina Febrianti 2019.C.11a.1042
6. Era 2019.C.11a.1043
7. Edina 2019.C.11a.1074
8. Irma Riani 2019.C.11a.1045
9. Lara Sinta 2019.C.11a.1047
10. Mantili 2019.C.11a.1050
11. Nurrika Humaira 2019.C.11a.1054
12. Rita Monika D.A. 2019.C.11a.1059
13. Yoyon 2019.C.11a.1072




TAHUN 2019/2020
In Unit 1 discuss about:

1. Talking about nurse and responsibility and duty

2. Introducing units in hospitals and general-medical terms


The following are duties of a nurse:

1. Perform physical exams and health histories

2. Provide health promotion, counseling and education
3. Administer medication, wound care and numerous other personalized
4. Interpret patient information and make critical decision about needed actions
5. Coordinate care, in collaboration with a wide array of healthcare professionals
6. Personnel like LPNs and nurse aides
7. Conduct research in support of improved practice and patient outcomes
8. Assess, observe, and record the patient’s behavior and the need for restraint
9. Apply a last resort
10. Get written and order and consent is hospital policy
11. Communicate with patient and the family
12. Coordinate with physicians and other healthcare professional for creating and
evaluating customized care plans
13. Provide emotional and psychological support of the patient and the families
14. Create harmonious and environment
15. Diagnosing the disease by analyzing patient’s symptoms and taking required
action for his/her recovery
16. Carry out the requisite treatments and medications
17. Check the stock on a regular basis for maintaining the inventory level, and
placing orders if required
18. Change patient’s medication as indicated by the conditions and responses
19. Adhere with the protocols, norms, rules and regulations in order to maintain
complete medical records
20. Maintain hygienic and safe working environment in compliance with the
healthcare procedures
21. Conduct research for improving the nursing practice and healthcare outcomes
22. Discussing treatment with pharmacist and physiciants in the critical cases
23. Provide necessary guidance on health maintenance and disease prevention

1. Units in Hospitals

Accident and emergency Kecelakaan dan emergensi

Admission Department Tempat pendaftaran pasien
Ambulatory Units Unit rawat jalan
Anesthetics Unit anestesi
Breast screening Unit skrining payudara
Cardiac Medical Surgical Unit Ruang perawatan penyakit
Central Sterile Supply Department Ruang tempat pensterilan alat
atau linen
Community Health Center Puskesmas
Corpse Department Ruang jenazah
Critical Care Perawatan kritis (intensif)
Critical Care Units Unit perawatan kritis
Delivery Room Ruang bersalin
Dentistry Unit Klinik gigi
Dialysis Unit Unit dialisis
Discharge Lounge Ruang pemberhentian
Doctor Lounge Ruang dokter
Ear Nose and Throat THT
Elderly Service Department Ruang perawatan untuk lansia
Emergency Department Ruang emergensi
Emergency Room UGD/IGD
Geriatric Ward Ruang perawatan lansia
Health Insurance Asuransi kesehatan
Hematology/Oncology and Immunology Ruang perawatan imun
Information Center Ruang informasi
Inpatient Rawat inap
Inpatient Units Unit rawat inap
Laboratory Laboratorium
Laundry Department Ruang pencucian linen
Long Stay Patient Department Ruang rawat inap
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Ruang perawatan intensif
Maternity Ward Ruang perawatan ibu melahirkan
Medical Ward Ruang perawatan umum
Mental Illness Hospital Rumah Sakit Jiwa
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Unit perawatan intensif untuk
bayi yang baru lahir
Neurology and Neurosurgical Unit Poli syaraf
Nurse Station/ Nurse Lounge Ruang jaga perawat
Nutrient Department Dapur gizi
Operating Theater Ruang operasi
Orthopedic Ward Ruang perawatan untuk penderita
penyakit tulang
Out Patient Rawat jalan
Outpatient Department Klinik rawat jalan
Pediatric Surgical/Orthopedic Unit Ruang bedah anak
Pediatric Care Center Pusat pelayanan anak
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Ruang perawatan khusus untuk
bayi sampai usia 28 hari
Perinatology Ruang perawatan bayi dengan
masalah kesehatan
Pharmacy Apotek
Polyclinic Poliklinik
Psychiatry Unit Unit psikiatri
Reference Letter Surat rujukan
Renal/Gastroenterology/Endocrinology Unit endokrin
Respiratory Unit Unit respiratori
Surgical Ward Ruang perawatan bedah
Urgent Care Center Pusat pelayanan darurat
X-ray Department Ruang radiologi

2. Professionals in Hospital
Administrative Staff Staff administrasi
Ambulance Care Assistants Asisten perawatan ambulans
Ambulance Technician Teknisi ambulan
Anaesthetists Dokter anestesi
Art Therapists Dokter terapi seni
Audiologists Ahli audiologi
Biomedical Scientists Ilmuwan biomedis
Cardiac Physiologists Ahli fisiologi jantung
Cardiographers Ahli kardiografi
Cardiologists Dokter spesialis jantung
Catering Staff Staf katering
Chaplains Rohaniawan
Children’s Nurses Perawat untuk pasien anak-anak
Clinical Biochemists Dokter spesialis bio-kimia klinis
Clinical Cytogeneticists Dokter spesialis penyakit genetic
Clinical Immunologists Dokter spesialis daya tahan tubuh
Clinical Microbiologists Dokter spesialis mikrobiologi
Communications (PR) Managers Staf bagian Hubungan Masyarakat
Computing Staff Staf komputer
Counselors Penasihat untuk pasien
Cervical Cytologists Ahli analisis gejala penyakit kanker
Dental Staff Staf rumah sakit gigi, gigi buatan,
kepala gigi, dan pegangan untuk gigi
Dentist Dokter gigi
Dietitians Dokter ahli gizi dan diet
Doctors Dokter
Emergency Medical Despatchers Staf yang bekerja untuk panggilan
pelayanan ambulans
Estates and Facilities Manager Pengelola pelaksanaan harian yang
bertugas memberikan keamanan dan
kenyamanan rumah sakit
Finance Managers Pengelola keuangan
Gardeners Tukang kebun
General Managers Manajer umum
Gyinaecologists Dokter spesialis kandungan dan
sistem reproduksi wanita
Hand Therapists Terapis untuk tangan yang terluka
Health Records Staff Staf pengelola riwayat kesehatan
Health Support Workers Staf yang memberikan dukungan
Health Visitors Perawat untuk bayi dan anak
dibawah 5 tahun
Housekeepers Pelaksana harian rumah tangga
rumah sakit
Human Resource (HR) Managers HRD rumah sakit
Laboratory Staff Staf laboratorium
Learning Disability Nurses Perawat untuk penderita kesulitan
Library Staff Staf perpustakaan
Laundry Services Pelayanan laundri
Health Service Managers Manajer pelayanan kesehatan
Medical Secretaries Sekretaris medis
Mental Health Nurses Perawat untuk penderita kesehatan
Midwives Bidan
Molecular Geneticists Dokter spesialis genetik (DNA)
Neurosurgeons Dokter bedah syaraf
Nurses Perawat
Nursing Assistants Asisten perawat
Nursery Staff Staf perawat untuk anak dibawah 5
Obstetricians Dokter kandungan
Opthalmologists Dokter mata
Optometrists Ahli pemeriksaan mata/kacamata
Orthoptists Dokter ahli masalah mata
Orthodontic Dokter bedah mulut
Orthopedic Dokter spesialis tulang, trauma, dan
Orthotists Dokter spesialis kesehatan kaki
Paediatricians Dokter spesialis anak
Paramedics Paramedis
Pathologists Dokter penyakit dalam (patologis)
Pharmacists Apoteker
Pharmacy technicians Teknisi yang membantu menyiapkan
dan menyimpan obat (tekhnisi
Phlebotomists Analis yang bertugas mengambil
sampel darah dan mengujinya di
Physotherapists Ahli pengobatan badan
Podiatrists and chiropodists Ahli penyakit kaki
Porters Petugas yang bertugas memidahkan
pasien dan alat-alat medis
Prosthetists Dokter spesialis pembuatan kaki
Psychiatrists Psikiater
Psychologists Psikolog
Psychotherapists Ahli psikoterapi
Radiographers Ahli radiografi yang bertugas
mencetak gambar radiologi dan
menginterpretasikan hasilnya.
Radiologists Ahli radiologi
Respiratory physiology technicians Teknisi fisiologi pernafasan
Speech and language therapists Ahli terapi berbicara
Sterile services managers Manajer pelayanan sterilisasi
peralatan medis
Stores staff Staf pergudangan rumah sakit
Surgeons Dokter bedah
Ward clerks Petugas rumah sakit
Ward managers Manajer petugas rumah sakit

Article A Nurse Practitioner

A Nurse Practitioner is a type of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. It takes

a great deal of time, education, experience, and dedication to become a nurse of this
sort. Like other nurses, nurse practitioners work to help accommodate and care for
patients in healthcare setting. Nurse practitioners have much more responsibility than
other types of nurses. In fact, they are often in charge of supervising nursing
professionals such as Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses. They are also
able to actively participate more in their patients care due to their increase clinical
knowledge and patients care tecniques.
Nurse Practitioners can also spesialize in certain areas, much like physicians.
Other areas that nurse practitioners might specialize in include obstertrics,
gynecology, neurology, and anesthesiology.

Make a Simple Conversation

Example :

Nurse: Good morning miss Anna, I am nurse Cathrine.

Patient: Good morning nurse.

Nurse: How was today? Did you sleep well.

Patient: Not really, Nurse. I had a slight headache last night.

Nurse: Hmmm, did you take your medicine las night?

Patient: Yes, but I woke up last night and I coldn’t go to sleep.

Nurse: Ok, I will check your blood preasure now and measure your temperature.

Patient: Ok nurse. Will the doctor come today?

Nurse: Yes he will come at 11 am. Ok, we are done, you will have breakfast in 15

Patient: Thank you nurse

Nurse: You’re welcome miss Anna.

Make a Simple Conversation Between Two People One Of Them Is a Nurse

Example 2 :


Nurse: Good morning sir, how are you feeling now?
Patient: Good Morning, I am feeling better than before.
Nurse: That’s really great. You look hale and hearty.
Patient: I just want to know that have you changed my medicine because you gave
me only two medicines in the morning.
Nurse: Yes, seeing the steady improvement in your health, we have reduced your
dosage. And that medicine will be given to you only at night.
Patient: I am a touch relieved after hearing this.
Nurse: You have a blood test right now.
Patient: Blood test for what?
Nurse: To check the level your hemoglobin.
Patient: OK and will that be done empty stomach?
Nurse: Yes, it will done empty stomach.
Patient: What will I get in breakfast after the test?
Nurse: Today you will get oats along with a cup of milk.
Patient: That’s so bland and boring. Can’t you jazz it up a little?
Nurse: Hilarious! Don’t worry you will get a healthy and sumptuous lunch.
Patient: That’s perfect.

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