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Rifqi Tri Radifan (31)

Tugas Inggris Minat

1. What is a preposition?
2. How do you differentiate prepositional phrases from prepositions?
3. What is the function of prepositional phrases?
4. What do the prepositional phrases show?
5. Mention the function of the prepositional phrases. Give the examples.

1. Prepositions are a class of words used to express spatial or temporal relations or mark
various semantic roles between a noun or pronoun in a sentence and another word in the
2. Prepositions are words which begin prepositional phrases. And a prepositional phrase is
a group of words containing a preposition, a noun or pronoun object of the preposition,
and any modifiers of the object.
3. Prepositional phrases can help to add detail to a descriptive writing, they can help you
fully understand the sentences that you’re reading, they can help to express different
things in the sentences, show location, direction, time, and show manner/feeling/attitude.
4. Add details to a sentence so that readers can better understand and can imagine the
situation or condition referred to by the sentence.
5. - Show location = my mom put all the unused stuff above the house
- Show direction = The new bookstore is just across my house
- Show time = i fall asleep during english class
- Show manner/feeling/attitude = we lost today but we accepted it with a strong heart

1. There are lots of birds nesting ______.
A. Under the eaves
B. There
C. Now

2. After school, the children played tag _______.

A. At the park
B. Roughly
C. And baseball

3. Come _______ with me.

A. Home
B. Over
C. Into the store

4. _______ the chair sat mouldering in the attic.

A. Sad to say,
B. For one hundred years
C. Incredibly
5. I gave the children pizza _______ pancakes for breakfast today.
A. Instead of
B. Because of
C. Any more

6. We climbed ________the very steep hill.

A. Up
B. Over
C. to

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