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Perla Moreno

[1079 Home Avenue] [Merced], [California] [95341]

T: [(209)261-1305]
E: []
March 29, 2021

3280 R ST
Merced, CA 95348

Dear To Whom It May Concern:

I am interested in the cashier position at my local Target. I am currently a senior at El Capitan High School who is
soon a graduate from there. I believe that the skills and experiences I have learned at school make me an ideal
candidate for this job.

As a student, I have developed strong communication with numbers. What I am saying is that I am great with
numbers and fit in this job. I am also an outstanding student who works very hard and pushes myself to go higher.
Some important skills I follow up on organization and time management. I am a very organized person who likes to
stay ahead of everyone else. Time management is very important to me as well becuase if you don't plan ahead you’ll
be behind. I strongly believe I am a good candidate for this job not because im an amazing person but because I am a
very hard-working person, that will manage her time with work and college.

Thank you for considering me part of this team and this position. If you want to ask any more questions, or you have
any concerns please contact me. My email is ( or my phone number (209) 261 - 1305.


Perla Moreno

Perla Moreno

Enclosure [the word enclosure tells the employer you’ve included other documents such as your resume]

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