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1.A wedding with no proper project management is a mess.

Uncontrolled surprises will happen ruining

the ceremony. This in return affects every participant of the wedding such as the host, bride and groom,
vendors such as the people renting the hall or providing the food and also the guest. For the host the
unmanaged ceremony will make them to have a performance below their capacity plus the unmanaged
time also will cause them to be left idle without performing on the stage, which makes the ceremony
boring and also the allocated budget for them is lost without any use. For the bride and groom it will
make them not to be on time which cause them to be humiliated and also not enjoy their special day.
The money they spent will be lost in vein. The late arrival will cause them skip programs they have
planned to make. For Vendors such as the people renting the hall or providing the food has no loose for
them except the idle time spent in the hall and also the return of the food without being eaten but in
some cases since the hall is rented in time interval unmanaged time of the ceremony will cause overlap
on the other persons who rented the hall so it will cause them a conflict. For the guest it will cause
them loose their patience and leave the hall. And also unmanaged food serving will cause them not to
be served well. It has an all rounded effect not to have a wedding that has no proper project

2.A construction project which is done without project management leads to failure of the project. The
construction Project cannot be completed on time there will be a delay which in turn affects the
allocated budget to be extended from the expected price. The poor management of materials in the
construction of the project makes unusual accumulation of waste which directly affects the economy of
the projects. And also the improper management makes the quality of the work below the required
standard which will cause structural failures. Unmanaged construction projects gives a chance for theft
since it is not controlled properly.

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