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An International Peer Reviewed Journal

Vol.3, Spl.Issue 2, 2016


N.Shalini Jayanthi 1, R. Vijay Kumar 2
(Lecturer in English,Andhra Loyola College,Vijayawada-500008)
(Lecturer in English,Andhra Loyola College,Vijayawada-500008)

N.Shalini Jayanthi
Today science, information and technology (ICT) have left their
impact on every aspect of human life. Most of the significant developments
that one can observe today can be attributed to the impact of science and
technology. As technology has created a change in all aspects of society, it is
also changing our expectations of what students must learn in order to
function in the new world. Even in education sector, we witness that
technological advancement and innovations have made a visible impact and
R.Vijay Kumar
have changed a scenario. The word ‘ICT’ includes any communication device
such as computer, mobile phones, radio, television, satellite system etc. Now
the role and use of technology as a tool for teaching of English language is
increasing as educators have understood its ability to create both
independent and collaborative learning environment in which students can
learn English with much ease. Traditional methods of imparting higher
education have become less motivating. Here, technology plays an important
role in creating innovation and motivation for the learners. This paper will
address modern technology as Information and Communication
Technologies, which has become possible in our communities since the
availability of computers.

Keywords: English language teaching and learning, ICT tools, ICT, Role of ICT,
Science & technology.

© Copyright VEDA Publication

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal


The breakthrough of Information and TECHNOLOGIES IN ELT
Communication Technologies (ICTs) has utterly Nowadays, teachers of English around the
shaped our modern life. ICT is the term that is world prefer some form of communicative teaching
currently used worldwide to describe new and learning, rather than the traditional methods of
technologies which depend mainly on computers ELT which dominate the teacher-centered approach
nowadays. Even the traditional technologies such as and neglect the student‟ communication skills. The
radio, television and telephone are considered as teacher-centered approach depends mainly on the
ICTs. learner’s memory and did not care about the
The United Nations Development Program authentic use of language. Although, a successful EFL
me (UNDP, 2003) defines ICTs as: teacher is not necessarily restricted to one method or
Basically information-handling tools- a another, the ICTs have changed the pace of teaching
varied set of goods, applications and services that are strategies to suit the goals of his materials and the
used to produce, store, process, distribute and needs of his students. On the other hand ICTs have
exchange information. They include the ‘old' ICTs of given the students, many opportunities to practice
radio, television and telephone, and the ‘new’ ICTs of English in and out the classroom. With the help of the
computers, satellite and wireless technology and the modern technologies they have time and freedom to
Internet. These different tools are now able to work understand, reflect and analyze what have been
together, and combine to form our `networked exposed to. Moreover, the ICTs put forward an
world' a massive infrastructure of interconnected influential base for efficient education. Now, we need
telephone services, standardized computing the modern technologies for a better blended
hardware, the internet, radio and television, which method of delivery to create apt teaching techniques
reaches into every corner of the globe”. to enhance the process of learning English language.
THE POWER OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE ICTs are very motivating, because they help the
We are teaching English and learning learners to learn the language which is carefully
English, but why do we want to teach English, in designed to meet the prescribed goals.
contrast with other foreign languages? The given THE IMPACTS OF ICTS ON ELT
answer is that English is the most widespread No doubt, motivation is the cornerstone in
language in the world. It is difficult to guess exactly the process of acquiring or learning a foreign
how many English speakers there are. However, language; therefore, learners usually have a positive
according to estimation, there are more than attitude toward computers. Even though, the
350,000,000 native English speakers and more than modern technologies are double-edged sword, their
400,000,000 speakers of English as a second language advantages are acknowledgeable over its pitfalls. No
or foreign language. English Language Teaching (ELT) doubt, they have significant, positive impacts on ELT,
importance is in its steady progress via many means the following are some them:
of modern communication technologies and A.Availability of Materials
inventions. Graddol (2000) states that in the year ICTs are very stimulating because of the
2000 there were about a billion English learners but availability of the learning materials, whether it is
in the year 2010 the number will be doubled. computer-based, in the web or on CDs; therefore, the
Moreover he indicates that over 80% of information student can learn at his own pace with a very patient
which is loaded on the internet is the English tutor (the machine). Meanwhile, the use of online
language. telecommunications for teaching and learning via the
computer in the classroom across the world will
consolidate the improvement of different academic
skills. The availability of images, animation, audio and
video clips they help much more in presenting and
practicing new language.
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An International Peer Reviewed Journal

B. Student Attitudes language and support the student-centered concept.

ICTs have positive effects on student Via the computer and the internet the students will
attitudes toward the language teaching and learning. be able to communicate with others in different
Students felt more successful in school, were more places.
motivated to learn and have increased self- Moreover, ICTs help the shy or the quiet
confidence and self-esteem when using computer- students who sometimes abstain from asking
based instruction. This was particularly true when the questions or challenging information to communicate
technology allowed learners to control their own and ask questions. Using modern technologies in the
learning. learning environment has been shown to make
C. Autonomy learning more student-centered and improve the
Students have the opportunity to choose the learning process by stimulating teacher/student
element/s of language which they want to focus on interaction. Furthermore, ICTs enhance collaborative
meeting their learning strategies or learning styles. learning which results in higher self-esteem and
Here, the learner-centered approach is supported by student achievement. They promote critical thinking
these facilities offered by the ICTs while the tradition and student-student interaction.
techniques approaches failed to give such G. ICTs in Self-Assessment
opportunities. The student feels free to practice the The examinations generally test the reading
language without fear from the others at their own and writing skills of the students, totally neglecting
phase and pace. the listening and speaking skills, which are
D. Authenticity indispensable skills for the learners in their future
ICTs provide authentic learning career. The listening capacity can be tested through
environment, because the learner can interact with computer-assisted packages like listening to a
others across the continent are very motivating to dialogue/passage and answering the questions or
the language learners. Confronting such listening to lectures and then answering short
challengeable situations is the touchstone for using questions or true or false statements. It will enhance
the language in authenticity not artificially. The ICTs their talents for taking international tests because
as tools for learning are very motivational; however, many competitive exams follow such a pattern to
they are very attractive and accessible. test the grasping ability of the students.
E. Help Teachers MULTIMEDIA
ICTs help the teacher to prepared, produce, Multimedia as a concept has diverse
store and retrieve their materials easily and swiftly. definitions. Some scholars consider multimedia as
The availability of different rich texts, different devices that combine texts with images. Stemler
topics, quizzes, exercises help in saving the teacher’s (1997) cited in Parveen and Rajesh (2011) considers
time. Despite the opportunities and facilities offered multimedia as devices that incorporate text, graphics,
by the modern technologies in assisting better animations or real video into English lesson. Similarly,
teaching, but they do not replace it. So far, the skillful Chunjian (2009) refers to multimedia as
teacher is the only person who is shouldering the encompassing texts, graphics, image video,
responsibility of delivering and achieving the teaching animation and sounds together and they are dealt
goals. with and controlled through computer. However
F. Student-centered diverse the opinions of scholars on multimedia may
ICTs help the student be exposed to be, the concept refers to computer controlled
language clockwise and definitely they help them to devices that combine sound, images and texts.
write and edit their work in order to produce a well Through multimedia, real life situations are brought
published work. Likewise, computers encourage into the classroom.
students to do extra work outside the classroom, play The application of multimedia in the
language games and, hopefully, gain extra exposure learning and teaching of English creates opportunity
to the language and improve their progress in the for the teacher to bring almost real life situation in to
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the classroom. Multimedia can be used in different for Academic purposes or communication skills at
ways by teachers of English Language in Large entry point. Writing is one of the Language skills
classes.. There are literature books especially taught at the entry point to improve the students’
Shakespearian plays that have videodiscs which proficiency in English being language of Education so
teachers of English Literature use to supplement that they can function well in their fields of study.
their lessons. The problem militating against the use The teacher can utilize power point projector and
of these technologies is not only procuring them but Videodiscs to teach the different writing tasks that
many teachers have limited knowledge of how to use students may be engaged in.. Proper utilization of
them. technologies in the teaching and learning of English
The British Council's ICT in Schools project changes the teacher’s role from transmitter of
(2006) notes that the arrival of the multimedia knowledge as in the traditional classroom to a
computer in the early 1990s was a major consultant.
breakthrough as it enabled text, images, sound and UTILIZING THE INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES
video to be combined in one device and the Email
integration of the four basic skills of listening, The emergence of the internet has
speaking, reading and writing (Davies 2011: Section revolutionalized the humans communicate and do
1) The application of multimedia computers in the things. Many teachers have started to utilize the
teaching of language enabled language teachers to internet to facilitate teaching and learning. Teachers
make the lesson practical and authentic. By of English language are not exceptions. Email can be
combining texts, images, sound and video in one used by a teacher to reach many students at a
device, learners are made to internalize more than distance once the students provide their email
one thing at a time. addresses. The teacher can use email to send
VIDEODICS learning materials to students; give assignment;
A.Teaching literature assess and post the feedback to the students’ email
Videodiscs contain authentic boxes. Through the use of e-mail for instance, the
documentations that if manipulated well by the students interact with their lecturers and friends at a
teacher will facilitate learning and teaching of English distance. By sharing files, students collaborate and
in Large classes. This technology helps the teacher to work together with their lecturers and colleagues. In
bring almost real life situation into the classroom. this way, there is transformation from traditional
Interactive videodiscs are suitable for teaching teacher-centered approach which makes learners
literature. passive receivers to students-centered or democratic
B. Teaching Spoken English approach which makes learners active discoverers
Power point projector is also good for and explorers.
teaching spoken English. Documentation of formal UTILIZING THE WEBSITE FOR TEACHING
speech or debate can be made on CD-ROMS. After ENGLISH
the presentation, the students will be made to watch Website as an internet technology is an
formal speech or debate on certain issue/topic that essential tool that the teaching can use to facilitate
has been documented. This will offer them training in the teaching and learning of English Language in a
public speaking and expressing themselves in English large class. It provides a lot of opportunities for
Language. As an activity, the large class can be teaching and learning. The teacher for instance can
grouped in order to have formal speech presented by combine offline and online teachings in order to
each group or debating teams representing the overcome some of the challenges of teaching and
groups. Doing this will widen the students’ learning in a large. Teachers of English classes can use
vocabulary as well as elaborate sentence structures. the website for different purposes in order to
C. Teaching of writing facilitate the teaching and learning of English
Students of Tertiary institutions where Language. In a large class, distribution of prepared or
English is used as language of Education study English developed learning materials may be difficult as it
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An International Peer Reviewed Journal

will waste a lot of time. In addition, there is the [2]. Deetya (1996). Gateways: Information technology in
tendency that the class will be ruddy as students may the learning process, Canberra.
scramble for the materials. The teacher can post the [3]. Feenberg, A. (2002). Transforming technology: A critical
material to his website for the students to download theory revisited. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
for use in the class. However, the students should be [4]. Graddol, D. (2000). The future of English: A guide to
given two or three days to download the materials forecasting the popularity of the English language in the
before conducting the lesson. Website materials for 21st century (2nd Edition). The British Council.
teaching English language may include texts for [5]. Kearns P & Papadopoulos G. (2000). Building a learning
reading such as novels, plays poems etc or samples of and training culture: the experience of five OECD
writing tasks such as letters, essays, memorandums
countries, NCVER, Adelaide.
or emails.
[6]. Taylor, M., C. (2001). The Moment of Complexity:
Emerging Network Culture. Chicago: The University of
The use of ICTs in language teaching has
Chicago Press.
countless benefits. The development in the use of
[7]. UNDP, (2003). Kenya Human Development Report:
ICT, like language lab, videos, satellite broadcast,
Participatory Governance for Human Development
videoconferencing and web seminars have support
the richness and quality of education both on and off
campus. It harnessed several views of scholars which [8]. Yagelski, R. (2005). Computers, literacy and being:

established the fact that ICTs are indispensable tools Teaching with technology for a sustainable future.

that facilitate the teaching and learning of English

Language. The paper has pointed out how [9]. Chunjian, Z (2009). Application of multimedia in English

multimedia technologies such as the videodiscs, CD- Teaching and learning. Journal of Technology for ELT.
ROMS, DVD, and power point projectors can be [10]. Larsen and Stéphan (2005) The impact of ICT on tertiary
applied in the teaching of different aspects of English education: advances and promises Parveen, J.J and
Language such as literature (plays, prose or poems), Rajesh, V (2011). Multimedia in English Language
writing, vocabulary development and grammar. It has Teaching: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Technology
as well highlighted how e-mail, websites and e-library for ELT. Vol.1 N0. 4.
can be utilized by the teacher of English Language to [11]. Robert J. R (1998) Class Size: Does it Really Matter?
facilitate teaching and learning. The study therefore, Vocational Foundation,Inc.
has shown that information and communication [12]. UNC Charlotte Faculty Centre for Teaching (2000) A
technologies encompasses several devices that the Survival Handbook for Teaching Large Classes Wiki
teacher can manipulate appropriate on for a lesson media project (2013) ICT in Education. Retrieved from
being taught to facilitate delivery, learning activities
as well as evaluation. The Distribution of the
knowledge and learning with more flexibility
supports the slogan, “Any space is a learning space.”
Therefore, our schools and universities should be
equipped with computers and internet services not
just tools to learn a language, but they contribute to
different aspects of educational development and
effective learning.

[1]. Castells, M. (1996). The Rise of the Network Society:
The Information Age, Economy, Society and Culture.
Oxford: MA: Blackwell Publishers.

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