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Chapter 1




Technology is a product of science that made our life easier. Throughout

the century of study people apply technology in different perspectives because

people are curios in many things, it give birth of the countless inventions and

innovations making our life more easier and convenient.

In the field of industries, many products and devices were created

because of technology. One of the device created to address the role in machine

automation is ultrasonic proximity sensor that measure the distance to an object

using ultrasonic sound waves.

Among all the types of proximity sensor, ultrasonic proximity sensor or

ultrasonic sensor is one of the widely used type of sensors nowadays. It has

many applications in industries such as automated factories and process plants.

Due to its significant impact in the industries and workplace. Ultrasonic sensor

gain important role in sustaining accurate data and automatically detect and

calculate the number of the object even if in long range distance. In addition, the

feature of the sensor can be applied in creating a people counter which is

important nowadays in keeping the required number of people in a certain area

or place just to make sure that the number of people in a certain area or place is
capable to handle the number of people to maintain the social distancing in every


In the midst of Covid-19 pandemic, society face big role in monitoring the

required number of a people in certain place to keep observe the social

distancing. Public places such as establishments, building, churches and

markets are top of the list that people would go and gather. This places should

provide the accurate data monitoring of the required number of people in certain

area every time to observe the social distancing which can be observed by daily

counting the number of people in every public places. That people usually see

the entrance and exit in all establishments. There are also assigned to count

people but it can be more easier and accurate when there is a people counter

device to be placed in every entrance and exit which count the number of people

who could go in and out in a particular area and places.

However, due to the inadequacy of the device in the market, people could

rarely see it was used in the public place. There is always an assigned paid

personnel in every entrance to manually count every person every day. There is

a risk of being infected from different person in contact during counting.

In a view of the interest of alleviating this problem and to sustain an

alternative device to used or easy and accurate monitoring of the required

number of people for a certain area or place usually in a public places, the
researcher are motivated to develop an ultrasonic sensor device for alternative

people counter device. The researchers believe that the said device will help in

daily monitoring of the required number of people in a certain area every time.

This would assist in some owner of the establishment and market as well as in

some public places to monitor and control the required number of people in the

area or places. It also help people observe a social distancing as they will see

the real-time number of people who are still allowed inside in a certain area or


In addition to our study the researchers will apply some features to our

device that can help in observing social distancing by notifying the people within

the area which can be more convenient in monitoring the required number of

people in a specified area.

Moreover, the researchers will conduct a study on ultrasonic sensor alarm

device an alternative people counter device to determine if the device is an

effective alternative device to count people in an establishment.


People nowadays enjoy convenient and fulfillment of their life because of

technology. Technology is the product of creative imagination of the researcher

and scientist from their curiosity. That they prove it on the field of science.
One aspect of technology is the use of electricity. It facilitates modern tool

for the country’s development. It is used to power electrical devices, appliances

and equipment for convenient living (Anino,2016).

Ohm’s Law emphasizes that an electric current is formed when a

conductive path is created to allow free electrons to continuously move. This

continues movement of the electrons through the conductors of a circuit is called

a current (Kuphaltdt, 2010). This law stresses that when electrical pressure is

applied in an electric circuit, the electrons in an atom move to another atomic

body, thus, create the flow of electricity. Electrons flow only when the circuits are

closed or completed. The flow is from source through the lines, to the load and

then back to the source (Sayaboc, 2010).

Ohm's law is stated as V = IR, and it is fundamental to all electronics.

Ohm's law can be applied to a single component, to any group of components, or

to a complete circuit. When the current flowing through any portion of a circuit is

known, the voltage dropped across that portion of the circuit obtained by

multiplying the current times the resistance ( Mancini, 2009).

Kirchhoff's voltage law states that the sum of the voltage drops in a series

circuit equals the sum of the voltage sources. Otherwise, the source (or sources)
voltage must be dropped across the passive components. When taking sums

keep in mind that the sum is an algebraic quantity.

Kirchhoff's current law states that the sum of the currents entering a

junction equals the sum of the currents leaving a junction. It makes no difference

if a current flows from a current source, through a component, or through a wire,

because all currents are treated identical.(mancini,2009).

A sensor is a device that receives a signal or stimulus and responds to the

stimulus in the form of an electrical signal. The output signals correspond to

some forms of electrical signal, such as current or voltage. The sensor is a

device that receives different kinds of signal i.e. physical, chemical or biological

signal and converts them into an electric signal. The sensors are classified into

different types based on the applications, input signal, and conversion

mechanism, material used in sensor characteristics such as cost, accuracy or

range ( patel et al, 2020).

In addition, the proximity sensor detects the presence of objects that are

nearly placed without any point of contact. Since there is no contact between the

sensors and sensed object and lack of mechanical parts, these sensors have

long functional life and high reliability. The different types of proximity sensors
are Inductive Proximity sensors, Capacitive Proximity sensors, Ultrasonic

proximity sensors, photoelectric sensors, Hall-effect sensors ( Bhatt, 2011).

Ultrasonic proximity sensor also known as Ultrasonic sensor are among

the example that are anchored on this research. An ultrasonic sensor is an

electronic device that measures the distance of a target object by emitting

ultrasonic sound waves, and converts the reflected sound into an electrical

signal. Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speed of audible sound (i.e. the

sound that humans can hear). Ultrasonic sensors have two main components:

the transmitter (which emits the sound using piezoelectric crystals) and the

receiver (which encounters the sound after it has travelled to and from the target)

(Jost, 2019).

The ultrasonic sensor (or transducer) works on the same principles as a

radar system. An ultrasonic sensor can convert electrical energy into acoustic

waves and vice versa. The acoustic wave signal is an ultrasonic wave traveling

at a frequency above 18kHz. The famous HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor generates

ultrasonic waves at 40kHz frequency. Typically, a microcontroller is used for

communication with an ultrasonic sensor. To begin measuring the distance, the

microcontroller sends a trigger signal to the ultrasonic sensor. The duty cycle of

this trigger signal is 10µS for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. When triggered,

the ultrasonic sensor generates eight acoustic (ultrasonic) wave bursts and

initiates a time counter. As soon as the reflected (echo) signal is received, the

timer stops. The output of the ultrasonic sensor is a high pulse with the same
duration as the time difference between transmitted ultrasonic bursts and the

received echo signal (.Reese, 2019).

The researcher will used an Arduino as a microcontroller. It serves as the

brain of the of the device that will interpret the input data to output user readable

data. Arduino is an open source microcontroller which can be easily

programmed, erased and reprogrammed at any instant of time. Introduced in

2005 the Arduino platform was designed to provide an inexpensive and easy

way for hobbyists, students and professionals to create devices that interact with

their environment using sensors and actuators. Based on simple microcontroller

boards, it is an open source computing platform that is used for constructing and

programming electronic devices. It is also capable of acting as a mini computer

just like other microcontrollers by taking inputs and controlling the outputs for a

variety of electronics devices (Louis, 2016). In the field of education, technology

innovation provides knowledge and information through technological advances,

thus understanding instruction. Learning of students will be developed depending

on the quality of education inputted to them.(Anino,2016)

According to the experiential learning theory John Dewey, learning is “the

process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.

Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming

experience” (Kolb, 1984. It emphasize that, "The educational process is based on

the human experience of movement from difficulty to resolution. After resolution

comes reflection on the movement so that what is learned may be generalized

and used again" (Grosby,1995)

In relation to John Dewey's Theory, the experiential learning consists of a

logical sequence which involves perceiving a problem, followed by its articulation,

the formation of a hypothesis for finding a solution, experimentation to test the

hypothesis, and finally giving reflective consideration to the consequences for


In response to the given statement, the researcher intends to develop,

assemble and asses the Automated Ultrasonic Sensor People Counter Device.

Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SRO4, Arduino Uno, TFT display, Speaker is used

in the people counter device.

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor consists of two ultrasonic

transducers. The one acts as a transmitter which converts electrical signal into

40 KHz ultrasonic sound pulses. The Arduino Uno board is a microcontroller

based . It has 14 digital input/output pins in which 6 can be used as PWM

outputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, an ICSP header, a USB connection, 6

analog inputs, a power jack and a reset button. This contains all the required

support needed for microcontroller. In order to get started, they are simply

connected to a computer with a USB cable or with a AC-to-DC adapter or

battery. The Thin Film Transistor (TFT) is used to display the output that

interpreted by the Arduino. And the speaker is used to notify a message when

the number of people exceed in maximum required.

In order to generate the ultrasound we need to set the Trigger Pin on a

High State for 10 µs. That will send out an 8 cycle sonic burst which will travel at

the speed sound and it will be received in the Echo Pin. The Echo Pin will output

the time in microseconds the sound wave traveled.

For the programming code, first we need to define the Trigger Pin and

Echo Pin that connected to Arduino board. In this project EchoPin is attached to

D2 and TrigPin to D3. Then define variables for the distance (int) and duration


The researcher believes that the assembly of the Ultrasonic People

Counter Device is beneficial in helping in observing social distancing in our

society. Moreover, this will give the students a knowledge and function of

ultrasonic sensor.

On the other hand, the legal views that support the conduct of this study

are clearly stipulated in the 1987 Philippine Constitution Article XIV, section 10

which states that:

Science and technology are essential for national development and progress. The State

shall give priority to research and development, invention, innovation, and their utilization; and to

science and technology education, training, and services. It shall support indigenous, appropriate,

and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, and their application to the country’s

productive systems and national life.

Therefore, the state shall promote the creation of new ideas that will

develop into new and quality products..

Further more, in Republic Act (RA) No. 11293 otherwise known as the

“Philippine Innovation Act” was signed by President Rodrigo R. Duterte on April

17, 2019. The law mandates the creation of the National Innovation Council

(NIC) that will steer the whole-of-government coordination and collaboration and

to remove the fragmentation in the country’s innovation governance. And

promulgating the implementing rules add regulations of RA 11293 which the rule

stated the definition of terms:

Academic or educational innovative programs refer to significant

improvements on the delivery and production of knowledge, skills, programs and

curricula, research infrastructure, access to quality education among others in

order to produce the human talents and capital needed to compete in the global

knowledge economy as well as find solutions to national social development and

economic issues.
Figure 1.Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Ohm’s Law
Electric current is formed when a Article XIV
conductive... Sec.10- The State shall give
(Kuphaltdt, 2010)
priority to research and development,
Experiential Learning Theory of John invention, innovation, and their
(Kolb,, 2005)
(Philippine Constitution, 1987)
Kirchhoff's voltage Law
Kirchhoff's Current Law RA 11923
(Mancini, 2011) Philippine Innovation Act The law
mandates the creation of the National
Innovation Council

Ultrasonic Sensor Device: An alternative People Counter Device

Performane as gadget

Acceptability Level

Action Plan

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study were to develop an alternative ultrasonic

people counter device to access the accuracy of daily of daily people counter

device as monitoring of required number people in a specified area. This will

conducted in Bohol Island State University, Calape Campus in the Academic

year 2020-2021.

Specifically, it sought to establish answers to the following questions:

1. What is the description of the alternative people counter device in terms of:

1.1 preparation

1.2.1 arduino design

1.2.2 people counter device diagram.

1.3 tools, materials and costs.

1.4.1 assembly.

1.4.2 operation.

1.5 parts and function.

2. What is the performance level of the alternative people counter device in terms


2.1 simulations of automatic sequential operation

2.2 function operation

3. What is the level of effectiveness of the alternative people counter device in

terms of:

3.1 helping to observe social distancing monitoring the required number of

people allowed in a specific area.

4. Is there a significant difference in the manually count from alternative people

counter device?

5. What is the acceptability level of the alternative people counter device by the

Electrical Technology students and the instructors in terms of:

5.1 performance as a people counter

5.2 convenience of use

5.3 accurateness

5.4 assembly of parts

5.5 cost

6. What plan of action should be proposed after testing and having gathered the

findings and results of the study?

Null Hyphothesis

There is no significant difference between the manually count from

alternative people counter device.

Significance of the Study

This study provide new information and knowledge to all:

Electrical Technology and Electrical Students. This study helps the electrical

students broaden their knowledge on sensor device, function, principles and

develop their knowledge in intallation and connection of the ultrasonic sensor

device for people counter device.

For the Community. This study would help them acquire a new alternative way

of monitoring the required number of people in every places.

For the Students. This would help them gain additional knowledge in the field of

electrical and industrial technology specifically of the operation principle of the

people counter device on counting people.

Future Researcher. This study would serve as their guide and basis for future

development when conducting and performing a similar study and likewise for
community innovation to impart knowledge about the use of ultrasonic sensor in

making alternative people counter device.



This study will use the experimental and descriptive survey method to

determine the acceptability of the Ultrasonic Sensor Device An alternative People

Counter Device. Researchers also will use questionnaires to be given to the

respondents with supplemented with observation guide. Researchers also will

use questionnaires to be given to the respondent This was used to assess the

performance level and obtain the valuable information for the acceptability level

of Ultrasonic Sensor Device An alternative People Counter Device.

Participants and Environment

This study will be conducted in the Municipality of Calape and Tubigon,

Bohol. The researchers will choose thirty-two (32) respondents, eight (8) Food

technology student, eight (8) Food technology instructors, six (6) Bohol Province

Institute teachers, five (5) Calape National High School teachers, and five (5)

Salus Institute of Technology teachers.


The researcher formulated a questionnaire, and the observation guide as

tools in gathering the data to assess the effectiveness and validated the

performance of the counting sensor. The acceptability questionnaire was used to

measure the acceptability of the counting sensor.. The questionnaire was

composed of items about performance, convenience of use, accurateness,

assembly of parts, and costs.



1. Permission to Conduct the Study

The researchers will ask permission from the Campus Director and the

Dean of the College of Technology and Allied Sciences to conduct the study

inside and outside the campus. Upon approval, the researcher started the

preparation of the materials/equipment to be used.

2. Preparations of Materials and Tools

The researcher listed the materials needed for the assembly, based on

the plan and diagram of the counting sensor. The researcher made a canvass of

the materials to secure the affordability and quality. Then after, all materials and

supplies were gathered and secured.

3. Procedure of Assembly

The researcher finalized the plan and the schematic wiring diagram of the

counting sensor. After the approval of the thesis adviser, the researcher hired a

technical expert in assembling the fixture. When it was finished the researcher

made the installation of devices and wiring connections. After the installation, the

counter sensor was tested to see if it is installed properly and functioned

according to the desired operation.

4. Administration of questionnaire for the acceptability level.

To determine the level of effectiveness of the counting as an alternative

counting device and to check the level of performance, the researcher distributed

the questionnaires to the respondents for them to answer. The researcher

monitored the development to gather the results which were exceptionally

essential for the validity of the study.

5. Analyzing and interpreting the test results.

The researcher tallied the gathered data, and tabulated it using a

statistical treatment to obtain the appropriate analysis and interpretation.

6. Conclusions and Recommendation

After having analyzed and interpreted the data, the researcher formulated

the summary, conclusion and recommendation based from the results of the


Statistical Treatment

To determine the acceptability level of the Ultrasonic Sensor Device: An

alternative People Counter Device, researchers will be using arithmetic weighted
mean method.

x́ =

x́ = respondent’s mean acceptability
x = respondent’s acceptability level of the product

n = number of indicators for acceptability

After getting the weighted mean, the researcher interpreted the result
using the following scale:

Range Scale Interpretation

3.41–4.00 4 Very High (VH) The sensor is highly acceptable
2.61-3.40 3 High (H) The sensor is acceptable
1.81-2.60 2 Average (A) The sensor is slightly acceptable
1.00-1.80 1 Poor (P) The sensor is unacceptable

Definition of Terms

Ultrasonic Sensor- Measures distance by using ultrasonic waves. Sensor Head

emits an ultrasonic wave and receives the wave reflected back from target.

Sensors measure the distance to the target by measuring the time between the

emission and reception.

Arduino Uno- is an open- source electronic platform based one easy to use

hardware and software. It is able to read inputs and turn into outputs.

Accurate data- is one of the components of data quality. It refers to whether the

data values stored for an object are the correct values.

Acceptability- It is a quality of the counting sensor that is suitable to the needs

of the people.
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