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The issues, challenges and problems encountered in the telecommunications industry for
Celcom are high Cost Telecommunications, both wireless and cable telecommunications
networks require extensive and high-capacity infrastructure. Maintaining that infrastructure
involves investment, capital and geographical reach that prevents many organizations from
entering the wireless and wireline industries, so it is dominated by a handful of key players.
The telecommunications conglomerate is a regional operation, which subsequently declines
into smaller subsidiaries. Independent telecom providers who want to provide telephone and
wireless services should often partner with these large companies to access and utilize
many pre-built telecommunications infrastructure, such as fixed line or wireless hotspots.
The underlying infrastructure is the basis of high cost telecommunication services. In
addition, telecommunications providers must consider other factors today that drive their
operating expenses. Expensive contracts and high fees: Customers bear the burden of
today's rapid growth in wireless, 5G, telephone and other services. Telecommunications
companies often supplement or increase their operating costs by increasing contract rates or
by increasing the total cost of services.

Failure to provide telecommunication services faster can have an impact on a

telecommunications service organization. While some large companies may have backup
systems during the deletion, most will be on the requirements of workstation, cable and data
signal transmitter, as well as other mechanical and human systems. Phone and internet
capabilities will be temporarily lost if any of these systems are damaged or disrupted. Failure
of coverage can stop work and bring the company to a halt. In commercial business, this
results in the removal of protection for telephone and internet services.

Poor customer service presents the next major telecommunication problem for the
telecommunications business. Poor customer service can have an impact on the company.
one of the problems of bad service to customers in telecommunications companies is Long
customer-service hold or wait times. This is happen when the customer want to call the
service center. they need to wait. they had to wait for the busy line and customers had to
wait a few minutes to get a direct connection to the service center. The service center should
responding to customer service phone calls, emails, online chat boxes and social media
posts, This is because it may interferes with the customer's daily routine.

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