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Inotropes and Vasopressors

Definition Recap:

MAP = mean arterial pressure

CO = cardiac output
HR = heart rate
SV = stroke volume
SVR = systemic vascular resistance
EDV = end-diastolic volume

CO = HR x SV

Stroke volume = end-diastolic volume - end-systolic volume (80ml)

Ejection fraction = SV/ EDV (0.67)

Arterial pressure = CO x SVR

MAP estimation = diastolic pressure + 1/3(systolic pressure - diastolic pressure)

Pulse pressure = systolic pressure - diastolic pressure

Frank-Starling law - the stroke volume of the heart increases in response to the volume of blood
entering the heart (end diastolic volume). Note: An increase in myocardial contractility causes an
increase to the stroke volume.

Inotropic: Effects myocardial contractility i.e. +ve inotrope increases force of contraction - causes
an upward and left shift in the Starling curve.

Chronotropic: Effects heart rate i.e. +ve chronotrope increases rate

Dromotropic: Effects conduction speed and therefore rate of electrical impulses

Core receptors:

• Alpha adrenergic receptors -

• Increase systemic vascular resistance.
• Vasoconstriction of coronary arteries, venous constriction, reduced gut motility.
• A1 - smooth muscle contraction.
• A2 - negative feedback inhibits insulin release, NA release.
• Beta adrenergic receptors -
• B1 - Chronotropic/Dromotropic/Inotropic = increased CO, increases renin
secretion, increases ghrelin.
• B2 - Smooth muscle relaxation - bronchi/gi tract. Lipolysis, Anabolism, Insulin
secretion. Skeletal artery dilatation.
• Non-CNS Dopamine receptors -
• Various subtypes
• Vasodilatory, Inotropic
• Vasopressin receptors -
• V1 mediates constriction of vascular smooth muscle.
• V2 water reabsorption by enhancing renal collecting duct permeability.
MRCS Inotropes and Vasopressors

Common Vaso-active Drugs:

Drug Receptor Effect Application Side Effects

Dopamine DA+++ +ve Inotrope. Often 1st Choice Hypotension,

β1++++ Low dose: splanchnic Shock - ventricular
α1+++ vasodilatation, increased Cardiogenic, arrhythmias,
β2++ renal and hepatic flow. Vasodilatory, cardiac/tissue
High dose: symptomatic ischaemia in high
vasoconstriction, bradycardia. doses.
increased SVR

Dobutamine β1+++ +ve Inotrope, weaker Low CO - Tachycardia

β2 ++ chronotrope. Decompensated Increased
α1+ Mild vasodilatation HF, Cardiogenic ventricular
shock. response rate in
patients with
Sepsis-induced atrial fibrillation
myocardial Ventricular
dysfunction, arrhythmias
Symptomatic Cardiac ischemia
bradycardia. Hypertension

Noradrenaline α1++++ Arteriolar Septic shock with Arrhythmias

β1++ vasoconstriction - low SVR Bradycardia
β2+ Increased systemic Peripheral
vascular resistance (digital) ischemia

Adrenaline α1++++ +ve Inotrope and Shock: Ventricular

β1++++ chronotrope Cardiogenic, arrhythmias
β2+++ High doses - septic. Severe
vasoconstriction Cardiac arrest hypertension risk
Bronchospasm/ of cerebral
anaphylaxis hemorrhage
Symptomatic Cardiac ischemia
bradycardia Sudden cardiac

Vasopressin V1, V2 Vasoconstriction, less Shock: Arrhythmias

(antidiuretic direct coronary/cerebral Vasodilatory, Hypertension
hormone) vasoconstriction. Cardiogenic. Decreased CO
Increased systemic Cardiac arrest Cardiac ischemia
vascular resistance. Peripheral
Christopher B. Overgaard, Vladimír Džavík, Contemporary Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. Inotropes and
Vasopressors. Review of Physiology and Clinical Use in Cardiovascular Disease Circulation. 2008; 118: 1047-1056

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