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Name : Sukma Melati

Npm :1106180023

Prodi/Angkatan :Pend. Bahasa Inggris/2018

Class : Introduction to Linguistic

Human Language and Animal Language

Synchronic Linguistics According to Big Indonesian Dictionary:

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, Synchronic means all things related to events that
occur in a limited period.”

So, the synchronic linguistics is a subdiscipline of linguistics which studies/examines the

structure of a language or some languages for a certain period of time and its study is more
focused on the structure of the language rather than its development.

Definition of Synchronic Linguistics According To Experts:

1. Ferdinand de Saussure, the word synchronic comes from Greek, those are syn = with
and khronos =time, period. Synchronic linguistics is learning a language at a certain
period of time.
2. Abdul Chaer, synchronic linguistics studies language in a limited period.
3. Harimurti Kridalaksana, synchronic linguistics is the study of linguistics languages
concerned with events occurring within a limited period, and does not involve the
historical development of language forms whose meanings are similar or similar to
other forms.

The Characteristics of Synchronic Linguistics:

There are three main characteristics of synchronic linguistics, those are:

1. In terms of time, synchronic linguistics examines language at a particular time,

specialized and limited.
2. It is descriptive, the existence of language depiction is at a certain time.
3. It is horizontal, because there is no comparison of languages from time to time.
Examples of Synchronic Linguistics

Some examples of synchronic linguistics, those are:

a. Study of Sundanese during the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom.

b. Examine the use of Malay in the colonial period.
c. Investigate Indonesian after the youth oath.
d. Studying pre-independence Indonesian.
e. Investigating Javanese during the Dutch colonial period.

Examples of Synchronic Linguistics

f. Study Indonesian after the youth oath, Ejaan van Ophuijsen. At the beginning of the 20 th
century there was a split in the standard form of Malay writing. In 1901, Indonesian
used the Van Ophuijsen spelling. The grammar guideline which became known as the
spelling of van Ophuijsen was officially recognized by the colonial government in 1901.
The characteristics of this spelling are:
1) The letter i to distinguish between the letter i as a suffix and therefore must be
voiced separately with diphthong like mulai with ramai. Also used to write the
letter y as in SoerabaIa
2) The letter j is for writing words jang (yang), pajah (payah), sajang (saying)
3) The word oe for writing the words goeroe (guru), itoe (itu), and oemoer (umur).
4) Diacritical marks, such as commas and tram marks, for writing the words
ma’moer (makmur), ta’ (tak), pa’ (pak).
5) The word which can be rewritten with the number 2 as in anak2 (anak-anak),
jalan2 (jalan-jalan).

The Purpose of Synchronic Linguistics

a. To describe the elements of language found in the language studied.

b. To find out the form or structure of language in a certain period of time.

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