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Session 01

August 31,2020

3:00 p.m.

Theme: “A Home that is a Refuge”

I. Call to Silence

Presider: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Participant: Amen.

II. Opening Prayer

Presider: Father, it is our privilege and joy to praise you. As we sing, let us make a joyful
noise to you. As we pray, may our words and thoughts be a pleasing aroma to you. As we
open your word may we trust in your unfailing promises. Your word holds true, it is living
and active, sharper than a two-edged sword. Open the eyes of our hearts that we may see
you more clearly today.  Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Participant: Amen.

III. Gospel Reading

Presider: A reading from the holy Gospel according to (Psalm 46: 1-4)

“God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble. And so we need not fear
even if the world blows up, and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar
and foam; let the mountains tremble!

There is a river of joy flowing through the City of our God- the sacred home of the God
above all gods.”

Participant: Glory to You, O lord.

IV. Short Commentary

The Gospel Reading we have heard Psalm 46 is a strong biblical passage that reminds us that
even in the face of trouble, God is our refuge and strength. It says God is our refuge and
strength, a very present help in trouble. The reality is that there will be difficult times, but
God promises to be our refuge. When buildings crumbling and our world is shaken. God has
not failed us. He has promised to be with us in the middle of tragedy. We sometimes think
that when we find ourselves in difficult circumstances that God has abandoned us, but this
is not the case. God is with us, and we can "be still" when we face struggles and storms, and
know that our God is God. That does not mean the storm will magically disappear. It means
that God is with us, and we need not be afraid. It means we can take comfort in being in
God's presence, trusting in the promise of eternal life. It means that the creator of the
universe cares about our daily struggles and shares in them with us. 

V. Silent Reflection

Presider: Let us now reflect in silence as we are guided by this question:

 What are your insights from the Gospel Reading?

VI. Sharing

Participant 1:

‘’We must entrust everything to God. We must have a firm trust and increase our faith. In time
of failure we must always ask for his guidance and protection. Always pray to him , be patient
and be thankful.”

Participant 2:

“The lord is our savior in all disaster and in the world any trial that comes into our lives, let us just
trust in the Lord and pray always.”

VII. Lord’s Prayer

Presider: Let us pray the Lord’s Prayer.

All: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it
is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our
debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
VIII. Closing Prayer

Presider: Let us pray our Closing Prayer.

Lord, we thank you for the blessing of reading your word together. We ask that these words of life, truth
and hope would continue to impact us in the week ahead.
May your love and grace follow each of us as we return to our daily lives, refreshed and blessed by you.

We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus.

Participants: Amen.

Presider: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy spirit.

Participants: Amen.

The Participants

Opening Prayer

Presider reads the gospel to the participants

Participants Sharing their of insights about the Gospel Reading

Closing Prayer


The Holy Bible

Personal Reflection

Bible sharing is talking about what God has done brings praise to God. – 1 Chronicles 16:23-25. When we
are sharing the gospel, we are giving praise to God. The purpose of bible sharing is to collectively grasp
an understanding of God through His Word. As we did the bible sharing I realized it was fun while doing
it with my family. Our conversation eased, when they shared their insights about the gospel I noticed
that they have wide knowledge about God.

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