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Table 1.1
C (currency) Although the website does not state when an information was posted as well as not
stating whether the information gets frequent updates, the current topic of wave
behaviour will not require the most current data as the initial concept has been used
for many years.
R (relevance) This website has specific papers on specific topic, this means there are great
amount of detail and information. The level of how the author explains is at the
same level as high school, since this is intended for students and teachers
specifically new teachers, this provides detailed data to help people understand
better. Finally, since this was written by a teacher with 30 years of experience so I
would feel comfortable citing this source in my research paper.
A (authority) The author is Tom Henderson, who is a graduate of the University of Illinois where
he received degrees in chemical engineering. Tom Henderson has been teaching
physics and chemistry since 1989 to now, with 30 years of experience he is
qualified to publish his works and be used as a source.
A (accuracy) The website was reviewed by Emily Pohlonski on a reviewing website called
“Common Sense Education”, apart from her 4 out of 5-star rating 4 other teachers
also gave an average of 4 out of 5 stars rating. She also stated, “Text supports
include highlighted key words that are linked to related tutorials, as well as links to
external websites.” This tells us that in addition to Tom’s knowledge there are other
external sources he verified his data from, therefore the data written on the website
are well filtered. Any of the data written was not in anyway bias nor having any
opinion-based statements.
P (purpose) The purpose of this website is stated in the about section, “The Physics Classroom
is an online, free to use physics website developed primarily for beginning physics
students and their teachers. The website features a variety of sections intended to
support both teachers and students in the tasks of learning and teaching physics.”
Emily stated “there are a wealth of practice problems of various types, including
multiple-choice, matching, passages, and word problems. Students can check their
answers immediately and see explanations of the solutions.”

Table 1.2
Distance between the sound source and the Intensity experienced (Wm-2 )
person (m)
x2 0.00000079056
x3 0.00000035136
x4 0.00000019764
x5 0.00000012649
Graph 1.1

intensity vs distance

intensity (Wm­-2 )

x2 x3 x4 x5
Axis Title

Table 1.3
Intensity experienced (Wm-2 ) Amplitude of the wave (m)
0.00000079056 0.50
0.00000035136 0.33
0.00000019764 0.25
0.00000012649 0.2

Graph 1.2

intensity vs amplitude


amplitude (m)




0 0 0 0
intensity (Wm­-2 )
Table 1.4
Frequency (Hz) Tension of the string (kg.m^-1)
4.33 15
5 20
5.59 25
6.12 30

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