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Nama : I Made Dauh Mahardika

NIM : 2004551285

Paragraph 1 : Argumentasi bahwa Indonesia sebagai negara yang menganut Civil Law System,
mampu mengimplementasikan hukum internasional dan menaati sumber-sumber hukum
Indonesia is a country that adheres to the Civil Law System, this can be proven from the
source of law in Indonesia which is written law, namely Pancasila, from the source of law
Pancasila it is further translated into written law in the form of UUD 1945 which is the basis of
law in Indonesia, the legal basis here means that UUD 1945 becomes the benchmark in making
and implementing laws in Indonesia. Law in Indonesia is also acted by the legislative (DPR,
DPD, DPRD) and the government. If Indonesia want makes a new law, it will first acted by the
legislative body and must be approved by the government. The goal of the Indonesian state is
very much in accordance with the objectives of international law, the objective of international
law, namely to ensure world security and peace, in the preamble of UUD 1945 paragraph-4
Indonesian state as well have the same ideal "participate in implementing world order based on
independence, eternal peace and social justice." Indonesia also plays an active role in
international activities such as participating in resolving conflicts in Middle Eastern states. In
accordance with international law, Indonesia has never provided a support to a state that uses war
as a national policy and uses violence in the interests of territorial integrity and politics,
Indonesia's geopolitical conditions also do not threaten international security and order.
Indonesia is still actively conducting international agreements (treaties) such as the agreement
with Vietnam on culture and law in 2011, an agreement with Japan on health in October 2020, an
agreement with a Japanese oil and gas corporation in the fields of human resource development,
coal mining, and safety technology in February 2020. Indonesia has been able to implement
international law and comply with international legal sources.
Paragraph 2 : Pendapat saya pribadi mengenai bagaimana seharusnya (idealnya) perusahaan-
perusahaan multinasional melakukan aktifitas bisnisnya di Indonesia.
Recently many multinational corporations are coming to Indonesia. This provides
positive things such as new jobs, additional franchise taxes from multinational corporations, and
usually bringing new knowledge and technology to the state, but in fact there are still many
negative impacts such as cases of bloody disputes that occurred in the land of Papua between
indigenous Papuans who feel as original landowners as marginalized people in their own land,
with one of the multinational corporations operating in the Papua area, namely PT. Freeport
Indonesia. The conflicting residents demanded the closure of PT. Freeport Indonesia because it is
considered not providing fair benefits for local residents. In my opinion, ideally, multinational
corporation in Indonesia should follow the applicable law, the government should also make
strong rules in the fields of human rights, employment and foreign investment so that incidents
like in Papua do not occur again. Multinational corporations should not only looking for benefits
from Indonesia, but also participate in the country's development efforts. In terms of the
environment many multinational corporations demaging the environment like the multinational
corporation Mitshubishi and ShowaChemicals on years 1976-1979 contaminated the environmet
and hectares of fish ponds and people rice fields in Tugu Rejo village, Randugarut, Semarang ,
multinational corporations should pay attention to the environment, not only damaging but also
repairing the demage in the process of production, or not demaging the environment at all. And
the stock of multinational corporations should be owned more by local parties.

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