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Chapter 12: The criminal justice system

Issue A: Justice Law

There are two types of crimes. One is the crime is the crime is felony and the other is

misdemeanors. The punishment of these crimes varies with the crime. If the crime is big or is

done repeatedly then the punishment will also be large. If the crime is not big enough then the

punishment can be prison or fine, that depends on the criminal justice system. Misdemeanors are

the small crimes and the prison of these crimes can be of one year in prison or some fine. There

are some crimes for which the punishment can be death penalty too.

Issue B: Policy Making

The policy making for crime is done by the state. The people that are living in the

state want the crimes to decrease and this can be done when strict policies are been made and

harsh punishment is given to criminals. There are various factors that depend on the policy

making for the criminals too. That is the cost of keeping the prisoner in the prison for a long time

is high. There are various numbers of crimes and all the crimes have different punishments.
Issue C: Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of the prisoners is also important. The criminals are punished and sent

behind the bars but when they start rehabilitation their lives change. As they get out of the prison

they try to prove themselves as the part of the society. They are taught some work which they

can do once they get out of the prison. Rehabilitation is important for all they prisoners and there

are a very few chances that the criminal remains criminal.

Issue D: Private and Government Jails

In Taxes state there are different types of jails. These jails have completely different

condition. The government jails are the jails that are finances completely by the government

sectors. The private jails are different than the government jails and these jails are of the private

companies. These private companies have a contract with the government.

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