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1. I will host the W.O.W. event on March 11th from 11:30am -12:45pm.

This will be an
interactive event hosted via zoom that will connect roughly 50 GVSU students with
employers from various different fields to inform students of career paths within different
companies and industries. Students will select which employer(s) they would like to
spend the event with and be placed into a breakout room with the employer of their
choice to connect well qualified students with potential employers.

2. I will create an efficient budget with the $500 given by February 9, 2021. This $500
budget will be used to create an eye-catching marketing plan, incorporate food and
beverage for attendees, integrate a powerful theme, and exciting activities throughout
the event. There will also be a 5% contingency fund to ensure that this event does not
go over budget. The activities and food and beverage will be budgeted based on the
assumption that there will be 50 students attending.

3. I will produce a theme that intrigues and provokes students to attend the event by
February 11, 2021. This theme will be incorporated throughout the food and beverage
served, the activities throughout the event, as well as the attire necessary for attendees.
This theme will provoke students to attend the event and share with their friends as well
to increase attendance numbers.

4. I will have an effective mix of different marketing mediums to develop the best marketing
plan by February 16, 2021. The marketing plan that I implement will be budgeted by
February 9, 2021 and will intrigue students to attend. I will use a mix of resources from
the GVSU promotions office to ensure that GVSU students see the advertisements.
Since this event is online and many students are living at home this semester, the
marketing mix will be a unique blend of promotions to reach students living on and off
campus this semester.

5. I will create an innovative way to provide food and beverage within this zoom event by
February 18, 2021. This plan for providing food will be budgeted by February 9, 2021
and will be incorporated within the budget. The purpose of providing food is to gain
attention from students and drive up the attendance numbers as well as encourage more
first and second year students to attend. The food served will also match the theme
chosen and will be incorporated into the marketing plan.

6. I will have a plan by March 1st, 2021 to ensure that 100% of students who register for
class, attend the event. Students will be required to register for the event by March 7th,
2021 11:59pm on Handshake and there will be an option for them to choose which
employer they would like to spend the event with. By March 1st, 2021 I will have a plan in
place to incentivize all students who sign up to attend, or penalize students who sign up
and do not attend.

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