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Imagine a world where teachers are replaced by

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

In a world where young people are retreating more and more into virtual unreality, the
teaching profession has become more important than it ever was. It is teaching that keeps it real –
teaching that keeps young people alive. It’s the talk of the town – when you say the word
“future”, you hear “robots”. Artificial intelligence is rapidly growing, and that fear of losing your
job to technology has become very real. With the growth of the artificial intelligence and the
plethora of resources available via apps and websites, teachers are no longer considered the

I think we are very far off from Artificial Intelligence replacing teachers. Along the same
lines that AI won’t be replacing Doctors anytime soon but more assist and help them make better
decisions. AI is here to partner, assist and improve the learning experience for teachers and
students. You’re definitely going to see the learning experience change because of AI. The main
benefit I can see is personalization and tailoring of education material for students.

Technology and teaching can coexist. Use robots as “learning tools” but scratch the belief
that the future of teachers will result in a lack thereof. Intelligence could perhaps be considered
the speed or the complexity level at which you can learn or teach, but how and what you’re
learning is based on the wisdom your teacher brings to the table.

Student: Alexia Maria Cotocea

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