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Feb 8, 2021

NAME ___MARINEL E. MIRAS__ DATE___02/08//2021____

SCORE_________ SUBJECT - SECTION___A____

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of your choice on the blanks provided before each number.

_C_1. Which among the following groups of organisms are not considered cells?
A. bacteria B. Fungi C. Viruses D. Algae
_B_2. What is NOT TRUE about PROKARYOTES?
A. A cell wall is usually present and is chemically complex.
B. DNA associated with histones.
C. Cell division occurs by binary fission
D. Ribosomes are the smaller size 70S
_C 3. What is NOT TRUE about EUKARYOTES?
A. Divides by mitosis
B. Cell wall if present, is chemically simple.
C. Larger size 80S ribosome located in organelles.
D. Absence of extrachromosomal plasmid.
_B_4. Uncapsulated bacteria are the most dangerous.
A. True C. False
_A_5. What is TRUE of Gram + cell wall?
A. Consists of many layers of peptidoglycan connected by amino acid bridges.
B. Comprised of a low percentage of peptidoglycans.
C. Lipoteichoic acid and teichoic acid are found.
D. Produce exotoxins.
_B_6. What is located adjacent to the exterior peptidoglycan layer in Gram – cell walls?
A. Lipid A.
B. Lipopolysaccharide layer (LPS layer)
C. Fimbriae
D. Periplasmic space
_B_7. The lipid portion of the LPS layer contains an endotoxin substance called ______.
a. Lipopolysaccharide layer (LPS layer) c. Small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASPS)
b. Lipid A d. periplasmic space
_B_8. Rod-shaped bacilli, if they occur singly, they belong to the Genus _______.
a. Clostridium. c. Corynebacterium.
b. Bacillus. d. Escherichia.
_D_9. The following are examples of Gram + bacteria EXCEPT ______.
a. Staphylococcus aureus. c. Streptococcus pneumoniae.
b. Corynebacterium diptheriae. d. Bordetella pertussis.
_D_10. The following are examples of Gram – bacteria EXCEPT _____.
a. Neisseria gonorrhea. c. Klebsiella pneumoniae.
b. Haemophilus influenzae. d. Bacillus subtilis.
_D_11. What contributes to an endospores’ resistance?
A. Lipid A C. Periplasmic space
B. Fimbriae D. Strong spore coat

_A_12. Short attachment pili are called _______.

A. Fimbriae B. Sex pili C. Flagella D. Vegetative cells
_A_13. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
A. Glycocalyx-adherence C. membrane-DNA synthesis
B. Pili- reproduction D. cell wall-protection
_C_14. Vacuoles are membrane-enclosed derived from the _______ and through _________.
a. lysosomes, exocytosis. c. Golgi bodies, endocytosis.
b. ribosomes, endocytosis. d. peroxisomes, exocytosis.
_A_15. Protein synthesis and transport occur on ________, while lipid synthesis occur on _____.
a. Rough ER, Smooth ER. c. Golgi bodies, Smooth ER.
b. Smooth ER, Rough ER. d. Golgi bodies, Rough ER.
_C_16. The process of endospore formation is called ________, and the return of an endospore to its vegetative
state is referred to as _______.
a. sporulation, transformation. c. sporulation, germination.
b. transformation, sporulation. d. germination, sporulation.
_D_17. Plasmids are important to the genetics of many bacteria because _______.
a. they are inherited from one generation to the next.
b. allows bacteria to metabolize various different chemicals.
c. they can render bacteria drug-resistant.
d. All of the above
_A_18. The most commonly encountered bacteria are roughly spherical. In microbiological term this is known as
a. coccus. c. spiral.
b. bacillus. d. pleomorphic.
_D_19. A bacillus bacterium with a single flagellum at each end is described as _______.
a. peritrichous. c. lophotrichous.
b. amphitrichous. d. monotrichous.
_C_20. Which of the following is NOT true about capsules and slime layers?
a. They consist of a secreted material lying outside of the bacterial cell wall.
b. They can prevent desiccation of bacterial cells.
c. They are required for bacteria to grow normally in culture.
d. They help bacteria resist phagocytosis by macrophages.
_A_21. A scraping of material from a person’s tooth revealed many bacteria found on the tooth surface. Such
bacteria remain attached to the tooth surface by structures called ______.
a. pili. b. anchoring junctions. c. mitochondria. d. flagella.
_A_22. When a cell is deprived of oxygen, its lysosomes tend to burst and release their contents into the cell. (This
statement is true). As a result of this, that cell would be expected to ______.
a. undergo self-digestion and die. c. produce replacement lysosomes.
b. produce additional endoplasmic reticulum (ER). d. recycle damaged cells.
_D_23. The bacterial endospore is resistant to heat and drying due to the presence of _____.
a. teichoic acid. c. mycolic acid.
b. muramic acid. d. dipicolinic acid.
_D_24. Which of the following contain enzymes used by bacteria to break down large molecules into smaller, easy
to transport molecules?
a. Cell wall c. Outer membrane
b. Cell membrane d. Periplasmic space
_B_25. _______ acts as the functional catalogue of the mitochondria in bacteria.
a. capsule c. cell membrane
b. nucleoid d. outer membrane

Match differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. (10 points)


_B_1. Reproduce by meiosis a. Prokaryotic cell

_A_2. With 70S ribosomes b. Eukaryotic cell
_A_3. Do not have membrane-bound organelles
_B_4. DNA associated with histones
_B_5. Has true nucleus surrounded by nuclear membrane
_B_6. With 80S ribosomes
_A_7. Mostly unicellular
_B_8. > 5 µm in diameter
_A_9. cytoskeleton absent
_A_10. Mesosome functions as mitochondria and Golgi complex

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