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Quiz 1: Multiple Choice Questions

___ 1. The smallest living unit is a ___.

a. Proton c. cell
b. Molecule d. tissue

___ 2. All cells come from preexisting cells.

a. True b. False

___ 3. All living organisms are multicellular.

a. True b. False

___ 4. A large cell has more surface area to volume than a small cell.

a. True b. False

___ 5. The surface area of a cell ____.

a. Must be large enough to c. Must be of adequate size to

allow adequate nutrients to allow for waste disposal
enter d. All of the above.
b. May be increased by
modifications of the plasma

___ 6. The smallest cells are ____.

a. Viruses c. animal
b. bacterial d. plant

___ 7. The magnification capability of a transmission electron microscope is much

greater than that of a light microscope.

a. True b. False

___ 8. Bacterial cells are easily seen without a microscope.

a. True b. False

___ 9. Which of the following is NOT a feature of bacterial cells?

a. Cell wall c. ribosomes

b. Plasma membrane nucleus
___ 10. Photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) contain ___.

a. Chloroplasts c. Mitochondira
b. Thylakoids d. Centrioles

___ 11. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, which mean that they lack a nucleus.

a. True b. False

___ 12. Bacterial cells do not contain DNA.

a. True b. False

___ 13. Protein synthesis in a bacterial cell is done by ___.

a. Ribosomes c. flagella
b. centrioles d. thylakoids

___ 14. Motile bacteria move by means of ___.

a. Cilia c. flagella
b. plasmids d. pseudopods

___ 15. The DNA of bacteria is located in the ___.

a. Nucleoid c. Ribosomes
b. Mitochondria d. nucleolus

___ 16. Bacterial cells may have accessory rings of DNA called plasmids.

a. True b. False

___ 17. The regulation of molecule movement in and out of the cell is done by the ____.

a. Capsule c. Cell wall

b. Plasma membrane d. Nucleoid

___ 18. In photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria) the light-sensitive pigments are found
in chloroplasts.

a. True b. False

___ 19. The outermost boundary of prokaryotic cells is their ____.

a. Plasma membrane c. Cytoplasm

b. Nuclear envelope d. Cell wall
___ 20. The simple structure of bacteria limits where they can live and what material they
can use for energy.

a. True b. False

___ 21. The DNA of eukaryotic cells is contained within a true nucleus.

a. True b. False

___ 22. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum has attached ribosomes.

a. True b. False

___ 23. The organized lattice of protein filaments inside the eukaryotic cell is known as
the ___.

a. Cytoskeleton c. RER
b. Cell wall d. Golgi apparatus

___ 24. Which of the following is found only in plant cells?

a. Ribosomes c. Centrioles
b. Mitochondria d. Chloroplasts
___ 25. The post office could be used as an analogy for the ____ because of its
processing, packaging, and distribution functions.

a. Plasma membrane c. Chloroplast

b. Golgi apparatus d. Nucleolus

___ 26. Which of the following has a cell wall?

a. Plant cell c. Animal cell

b. Bacterial cell d. Both A and B

___ 27. The contents of an animal cell are separated from its environment by the ___.

a. Plasma membrane c. Nuclear envelope

b. Cell wall d. SER

___ 28. The cell wall of a plant cell cannot be distinguished from the cell wall of a
bacterial cell.

a. True b. False

___ 29. The endosymbiotic hypothesis attempts to explain ____.

a. The origin of chloroplasts c. How photosynthesis occurs

and mitochondria d. The differences between
b. How cells reproduce plant and animal cells

___ 30. Which of the following supports the endosymbiotic hypothesis?

a. The shape and size of c. Mitochondrial and

mitochondria and chloroplast ribosomes
chloroplasts are similar to resemble those bacteria
bacteria’s d. All of the above
b. Mitochondrial and
chloroplast DNA is a
circular loop like that of

___ 31. Some scientists believe that mitochondria and chloroplasts may have been
bacteria that were engulfed by a larger cell.

a. True b. False

___ 32. Chromatin contains ____.

a. DNA c. RNA
b. Protein d. All of the above

___ 33. All types of ____ are produced in the nucleus.

a. Proteins c. RNA
b. Carbohydrates d. Lipids

___ 34. The ___ participates in ribosome synthesis and is found in the nucleus

a. Plasma membrane c. Golgi apparatus

b. SER d. Nucleolus

___ 35. The nuclear envelope does not allow anything to enter or exit the nucleus.

a. True b. False

___ 36. Ribosomes are found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

a. True b. True

___ 37. Ribosomes are found ___.

a. Within the cytosol c. In the nucleus

b. Attached to endoplasmic d. Both A and B
___ 38. Ribosomes ____.

a. Synthesize proteins c. Synthesize lipids

b. Contain the DNA d. Store hydrolytic enzymes

___ 39. Which of the following is a function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

a. Steroid synthesis c. Enzyme synthesis

b. Solar energy absorption d. ATP synthesis

___ 40. Proteins are modified, sorted and packaged by the ____.

a. Plasma membrane c. Golgi apparatus

b. Mitochondria d. SER

___ 41. Plant cells are supported by their cell wall and a central vacuole.

a. True b. False

___ 42. Bacteria that are engulfed by a white blood cell will be destroyed by hydrolytic
enzymes inside ___.

a. Ribosomes c. Chloroplasts
b. Lysosomes d. centrioles

___ 43. A plant’s leaf cell can be distinguished from other cells by the large number of
___ it contains.

a. Chloroplasts c. Nuclei
b. Centrioles d. Plasmids

___ 44. Chloroplasts will be found in ___.

a. Plant cells c. Animal cells

b. Algal cells d. Both A and B

___ 45. Solar energy is used to synthesize carbohydrates in the mitochondria.

a. True b. False

___ 46. Chlorophyll, the pigment that captures the sun’s energy, is found in the ___.

a. Stroma c. Cristae
b. Thylakoids d. Matrix

___ 47. The energy in carbohydrates is transformed into ATP in the ____.
a. Mitochondria c. Golgi apparatus
b. Nucleus d. Chloroplasts

___ 48. Skeletal muscle cells will have a large number of ___ due to their high demand
for energy.

a. Chloroplasts c. Flagella
b. Lysosomes d. Mitochondria

___ 49. The large surface area needed for the participants in cellular respiration is
provided by the ___ of the mitochondria.

a. Stroma c. Cristae
b. Thylakoids d. Matrix

___ 50. Plant and algal cells have chloroplasts and mitochondria.

a. True b. False

___ 51. Our bones and muscles are comparable to a cell’s ___.

a. Nucleus c. Cytoskeleton
b. Plasma membrane d. Lysosomes

___ 52. Mitochondria are able to synthesize some of the proteins needed for cellular
respiration with their own DNA and ribosomes.

a. True b. False

___ 53. Sperm cells move by means of ____.

a. Flagella c. Pseudopods
b. Cilia d. Actin filaments

___ 54. Debris that is trapped in mucus is moved away from the lungs toward the throat
by ___.

a. Flagella c. Pseudopods
b. Cilia d. Actin filaments

___ 55. Plant and fungal cells contain centrioles.

a. True b. False

___ 56. The cytoskeleton of the cell functions to ___.

a. Maintain cell shape c. Allow organelles to move

b. Anchor organelles d. All of the above

___ 57. Actin filaments interact with motor molecules to create movement of the cell.

a. True b. False

___ 58. Which of the following will NOT be found in abundance in insulin producing
pancreas cell?

a. RER c. Chloroplasts
b. Golgi apparatus d. Ribosomes

___ 59. Prokaryotes are the least adaptable and least successful forms of life on earth.

a. True b. False

___ 60. Prokaryotic cells are highly compartmentalized.

a. True b. False

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