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Project Level 4

Final Report

Psychological Crisis of freshmen in IBD

Name: Lê Vân Hà

Class: I14A7 Instructor: Mrs. Thanh Huyen

Part I : Introduction.........................................................................................................2
1.1 Background information:..........................................................................................2
1.2 Rationale:.................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Purpose:.................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Scope and limitation:................................................................................................4
1.5 Research Questions:..................................................................................................4
1.6 Research Methodology:............................................................................................5
1.7 Report Structure:.......................................................................................................5
Part II: Literature review................................................................................................6
Part III: Research Design................................................................................................9
Part IV: Data analysis and Findings.............................................................................10
4.1 The awareness of IBD students about Psychological crisis:....................................10
4.2 The main causes of psychological crisis of new students in IBD............................11
4.3. The negative effects of overbalance in psychology of IBD freshmen....................15
4.4.Solutions how to reduce their problems and control their mentality when studying
in IBD........................................................................................................................... 17
Part V: Conclusion and Recommendations.................................................................20
References..................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix....................................................................................................................... 22

Tables of Figures
Figure 4.1 Percentages of IBD students know about the psychological crisis...............11
Figure 4.2: Research of IBD students’ attitudes toward high school.............................12
Figure 4.3: IBD students’ responses to the notice of changes in sentiment ...................13
Figure 4.4: Results of IBD students’ Reactions to The learning environment and
relationships in IBD.......................................................................................................13
Figure 4.5: Percentages of IBD students’ point of view about the causes of..................15
Figure 4.6: Different repercussions of psychological crisis...........................................17
Figure 4.7: IBD students’ valuation the impact of psychological crisis.........................18
Figure 4.8: Percentages of IBD students’ choices of various solutions.........................19

Part I : Introduction
1.1 Background information:

Psychology is a reflection of things and phenomena of the objective world.

Recently, psychology is a relatively new category for many people. However, a lot
of people are interested in this domain and begin to study about it. Psychology not
only helps people to unravel all their emotional status within themselves but also
helps them to understand more about their behaviors and personality. Psychology
is very diverse and full of potential. Everyone has different psychological states,
always constant in space or time. Therefore, many people cannot fully understand
about their psychological states.
In particular, abnormal psychology is what most people usually think of
when they hear the word “Psychology”. Psychological crisis, also known as
psychological disorder is an extremely serious and remarkable problem today. For
freshmen, they become a student at University because of their passionate and
hope that they will have more excited experience at school. However, studying in
university causes a lot of pressure and difficulties. Psychological crisis is expressed
by human emotions and behaviors. This will lead to unpredictable consequences
for each freshman. Some students are bored with their school and want to play
truant, other students feel being isolated and become lose confidence in
themselves. The above things are all the consequences that the psychological crisis
caused and behind that may exist many other consequences. It is an extraordinary
point that people need to be aware of and learn more about them. So for freshmen
in IBD, what the situation of psychological crisis are and do they really know how
to control their problems?

1.2 Rationale:

I conduct this research because I realized that some freshmen in IBD have
many problems with their psychology and still do not know how to balance it
properly in their life. For students who have just entered University, they always
need to confront with a lot of difficult issues such as surroundings, relationships or
learning pressure. Therefore, psychological crisis occurs in many students in IBD
in particular and generally in some universities. For instance, for one student spent
3 years to study at high school and he was too familiar with it, it will be very
difficult for him to adapt and get used to the new environment at University. For
some introverted people, they will take a few months or even from 1 year to 2
years to get used to. In addition to barriers to adaptation and relationships, learning
in a new environment has also become a difficult problem. It is being depressed for
students to go to University but cannot orient their careers and what they are going
to study. As a result, this creates a lot of pressure that makes students
psychologically confused. That is the psychological crisis in freshmen and my
research will answer and explain to IBD students about this question.
I choose to study about “psychological crisis” with a desire to change IBD
students’ minds, help them understand more about their difficulties at school. This
study will not only provide IBD students some solutions to control their feelings
but also help me comprehend more about myself.

1.3 Purpose:

There are 4 main goals that I want to achieve through my research. First of
all, the purpose of this paper is to understand what the mentality and the
psychology crisis is. Secondly, this study will find out the causes of having
difficulties in IBD freshmen’ psychology. In addition, the study also explores the
impact of psychology crisis on IBD students and discovers why they need to
control sentiment. Thereby, I can point out some solutions to help IBD students
control their emotions. Through this research, students in IBD can renovate their
minds and reduce their mentality problems. From there, every student in IBD will
have better view of every aspect of their life.

1.4 Scope and limitation:

This study conducts research with IBD students of Intake 14 Autumn from
I14A1 to I14A8. I choose them because they study in the same school and have a
similar age as me so it is very easy for me to survey them. In addition, I understand
that some IBD students could not balance their state. Maybe they are too stressful
in studies at school and they may also be in trouble with their relationships. So this
research is limited to freshmen in IBD and will analyze many details about their
emotional mentality.
Timeframe: 21 April 2019 to 27 April 2019

1.5 Research Questions:

1. What is “Psychological crisis ” and the awareness of IBD students about

this problem?
2. What are the main causes of psychological crisis of new students in IBD?
3. How can psychological crisis affect negatively to IBD freshmen
4. What solutions can be given for first-year students to control their
sentiment and reduce their difficulties in IBD ?

1.6 Research Methodology:

There are 2 methods that I use in my examination:

 Primary data: My data starts with analysis of surveys in 100
IBD students. There is a questionnaire which was written and
sent in google form so that people can take part in the survey
much easier. All answers have been collected and this data
thwould be illustrated in charts and tables in this paper.
 Secondary data: The information of this topic has been searched
from the Internet, books, newspapers and previous researches.
This kind of data will contribute to strengthen the reliability and
the completeness of the research.

1.7 Report Structure:

There are 5 main parts in this research: Introduction, Literature review,

Research Design, Findings and Conclusion. The first part is to introduce about the
psychology and psychological crisis and find out the purpose to do this research
and methods to survey. The second part is literature review, which is analyse the
evaluation of the available literature in this research. In addition, research design
uses to decribe the process of conducting this survey. The fourth part represented
the awareness of IBD freshmen, the cause and effects of psychological crisis and
pointed out some solutions to help IBD first-year students control their emotions.
And the last one is to conclude this survey and suggest the best ways to do for IBD

Part II: Literature review

Recently, psychology is a relatively new category for many people.

However, a lot of people are interested in this domain and begin to study about it.
Psychology not only helps people to unravel all their emotional status within
themselves but also helps them to understand more about their behaviors and
personality. Psychology allows people to learn about how the body works with the
brain. This can help us make the right decisions for specific situations. Many
people have known psychology but they have not had a chance to learn about it.
They think that the emotional sentiment of each person is influenced by
themselves, but in fact, people need to learn how to control it as well as prevent
bad effects in life. It is influenced by many factors and how people must control it
well. For IBD students, emotional sentiment may have a huge impact on their life
as well as their learning process.
In psychology, emotions are seen as a complex feeling state that leads to
physical and psychological changes that affect people's thinking and behaviors.
Emotions connect to psychological phenomena, such as temperament, personality,
mood, and motivation. According to author David G. Meyers, human emotions
relate to "physiological stimulation, expressive behavior, and conscious
experience". Followed by the naturalist Charles Darwin, he suggested that
emotions develop because they adapt and allow humans and animals to survive and
reproduce. For examples, the feeling of Love and affection leads people to find
partners and reproduce, or Fear forces people to fight or flee from dangers.
(Kendra Cherry, 2019)
As per Oscar Wilde, the nineteenth-century British dramatist and mind,
summarized this keen sense when he wrote: “A sentimentalist is a person who
wishes to have a luxury that is not a bargain.” Psychologists feel that feeling, or
over the top sweetness, is a protective response. It is a wall against admitting more
painful emotions, especially anger, shame or grief. About 150 years ago, the
British began to add a twisted word to the word. They start using affection to
describe outrageous feelings, particularly feelings that don't have a premise as a
general rule. (Douglas Todd, 2012 )
When it comes to psychology, the state of psychological crisis is also a very
worthy issue for everyone. Psychological crisis is not a pathology but it is a
psychological state in humans when affected by many factors. Living away from
home, not knowing where to start and not clearly defining the learning target will
make first-year students very easy to fall into crisis, or even fall.
The Edu2review website believes that freshmen have many "shocks" when
their living environments change and economic pressures arise. Psychological
stress, depression and frustration came back. In particular, linguistic factors are
always become the biggest barrier for students from different regions.
( Edu2review, 2018) Moreover, in the learning environment in IBD, students must
be familiar with the international environment. The use of the second language is
English will become more difficult and may lead to psychological crisis.
Daniel Goleman is a famous American psychologist and writer. A large
portion of his compositions expound on the impedance and the connection between
feelings, work limit and leadership. "Emotional intelligence"(2014), one of his
extremely famous books has stated that: "Anyone can become angry - that is very
easy to happen. However, to be angry with the right person, at the right level, at the
right time, for good reasons and expressing anger properly - is not easy. " This
book explains precisely the impact of emotions on our daily life, sometimes
helping you, but sometimes distracting you. It also emphasizes the role of
emotions, helping us to use the right emotions to create positive results and to
blame adverse situations. ( Daniel,2014 )
This paper not only presents the awareness of freshmen in IBD about
psychological crisis but also studies their impact on IBD students. The research
will help them find out the main causes of this state. Since then, I can offer the best
solutions to help IBD students easily control their behavior as well as their
emotional psychology. The two main methods that I use in my research paper are
to create some survey questions for IBD students to collect proof of authenticity,
along with the method is to use the information searched from the Internet, books,
and newspapers.

Part III: Research Design

This research found out the psychological crisis of freshmen in IBD by using
two research tools: questionnaire and collecting data from the Internet. The
questionnaire were sent to 100 students in first year of IBD. At first, this study was
expended to include all students from IBD. However, it was very difficult to divide
students into 4 groups : first year, second years, third years and last year students.
Hence, this study was limited to freshmen in IBD with a target to search for their
psychological difficulties.
The primary data were collected from questionnaire. This questionnaire was
written in google form so that people can take part in the survey much easier.
There are 4 parts were included in this topic: the awareness of IBD students, the
reasons why freshmen felt difficult in psychology, the effects of this problems and
point out some solutions to control their state. Before sharing this questionnaire for
IBD students, a list of information was collected on the Internet and some websites
wrote about psychology. Most of questions on this survey were based on
trustworthy online newspapers and data from the research of a few psychologist.
After that, the questionnaire was sent to 100 IBD freshmen by Facebook and their
email. That questions were only focused on freshmen in IBD student intake I14 in
IBD so all information received by this survey would be very accurate.
Furthermore, student intake I14 in IBD has just studied in this school for one year
so they can exactly know about their feeling when they study in a new school.
After being collected, the answers were checked and selected carefully.
There are 2 main steps were taken during the analyzing data from the survey. On
the first step, all answers from 100 students will be collected thoroughly and
illustrated in tables and charts. After that, the information searching from reliable
newspapers and some dependable websites will become the instance of this study.
In brief, the analyzing data was accumulated to complete the process of
sending this survey about psychological crisis of IBD freshmen.

Part IV: Data analysis and Findings

It is a fact that freshmen are mostly students who are undergoing the
transition of learning environment from high school to university along with
adapting to many differences in the different aspects like the content of knowledge,
teaching methods and relationships. University students, in general, come from
many different regions with their living standard as well as economic status have
many difficulties compared to the city. These differences can cause psychological
issues, making students easily discouraged and give up since they are struggle with
keeping up with studying at the university.
Therefore, a survey of 100 IBD students' understanding of psychological
crisis has been conducted. Based on the survey, the finding information will
indicate how well IBD students understand about the psychological crisis. Another
thing is that this study will try to unravel the main causes of the crisis in IBD
freshman psychology. Finally, the research will represent the effects of
psychological crisis on IBD students and suggest some solutions to help IBD
students control their emotions.
4.1 The awareness of IBD students about Psychological crisis:

Everyone has different psychological statements, always constant in space or

time. Hence, IBD students cannot fully understand about their states and do not
really know what psychological crisis is. According to the American Psychological
Association, psychology is a study of the mind, how it works and how it affects
behavior. Cognitive, forensic, social and developmental psychology are forms of
Crisis is a state of imbalance in sentimental and rational activity when a
person has to deal with an unexpected event or face with a transition phase in a
highly challenging development. According to Vietnamese dictionary,
psychological crisis is a disorder, loss of balance due to many conflicts that have
not been resolved.

1Figure 4.1 Percentages of IBD students know about the psychological crisis.

As illustrated in “Chart 4.1”, most IBD students have known about the
psychological crisis. The number of people who know about the psychological
crisis accounted for more than half of the survey participants (58%). On the other
hand, up to 18 % of students have never heard of the psychological crisis. These
students might be vague about their psychological condition and may not even
know that they have problems with psychological obstacles. There are also some
students who have just heard and have little knowledge about it, these students
account for a quarter of the total number of respondents (24%).

4.2 The main causes of psychological crisis of new students in IBD

 The status of psychology crisis in IBD students

When students have just graduated from high school and entered a new
learning environment, they will probably encounter a lot of confusions and

2Figure 4.2: Research of IBD students’ attitudes toward high school

When freshmen were asked about their feelings when they were in high
school, most of the students answered that they were very excited and had good
memories at school. According to “Figure 4.2”, these students account for 59% of
the total participants who take part in the survey. On the other hand, nearly 40%
students do not feel interested in high school. 28 out of 100 students feel extremely
depressed and do not want to go to school. In particular, more than 11% students
have shown great concern about their academic learning and future in high school
learning environment. Perhaps this is because of anxiety and discouragement that
make students no longer have a happy and meaningful high school’s memories as
they once wanted.
So the question is “Can those feelings change positively or not? And how does it

3Figure 4.3: IBD students’ responses to the notice of changes in sentiment .

From the answers of IBD students about the emotional change of every
graduated student, we can see that most of the answers stated that their sentiment
were somewhat different than before, which take up approximately 62% of the
total. Nevertheless, about 17% of students do not feel anything changed after
graduation and studying in a new environment. Perhaps for some people, their
emotions do not change because they always feel happy and excited. Apart from
those students, there are few number of people still feel depressed from when they
study at school and this state happens again when they enter university. Figure 4.3
indicates that 21% of students still felt hesitant about their psychological problems.
These students may still feel uncertain and does not know how they would make a
difference in the years beyond.

4Figure 4.4: Results of IBD students’ Reactions to The learning environment and
relationships in IBD.

In the survey of 100 first-year students in IBD, exactly 50% of students were
interested in their studying environment and relationships in IBD. For them,
perhaps IBD has left a lot of impression and also has a very dynamic and creative
learning environment for students to have a strong attachment. However, 15% of
students feel reluctant to depend on anyone. They always study and work
according to their own tastes, neither feel happy nor feel depressed. This result is
similar to a number of other students who feel like they are isolated. For first-year
university students, being isolated will impact the psychology of that person very
seriously. This stage happens for many different reasons. However, the main
reason might be attributed to the feeling of difficult adapting to a new
environment. Finally, the remaining 19 students wrote that "I feel depressed with
the learning environment and relationships when I study at IBD."

 The reason why freshmen in IBD have many difficulties in their

When someone have just experienced 3 years in high school with lots of
emotions and memorable stories, it is inevitable for each freshman to come across
psychological difficulties. Although half of the students thought that they felt
happy, there still have half of them had different moods when they became a
university student.
As the statistics are reported in the following figure 4.5, a large number of
student are feeling depressed, some other students become isolated and others feel
being independent. Through the survey, many different reasons were given.

5Figure 4.5: Percentages of IBD students’ point of view about the causes of

As can be seen from the figure 4.5, most of these opinions are supported by
IBD students from 50% to 60%. The highest illustration belongs to the opinion
"Do not have good relationships with teachers and friends" at nearly 65%.
However, not any freshman in IBD can create a good relationship with other
people. Entering a completely new environment, nearly everyone will feel
awkward and difficult to communicate. Therefore, 65 IBD students hold the view
that this is the main reason for the psychological crisis in most students.
Also, another cause similar to the first reason is that students feel isolated by
friends and the environment, which occurs 58%. Nonetheless, communication
difficulties do not mean that they will become isolated. In another case, for
instance, when a student tries to get acquainted by a group of student, they do not
accept him and make them feel being abandoned. This creates a very serious
consequence. Sometimes the feeling of isolation will make their thoughts negative
and greatly influence their learning. This situation is also because students are still
too closed and not proactive in building a new relationship. They may not be able
to open your heart to be ready to create a better relationship.
Living in a different environment and having different interests are these two
special reasons supported by more than 50% of IBD students. Almost freshmen in
IBD come from different regions, some friends come from the city, some friends
live in the countryside. Moreover, the living standards and economic of each
person are not the same, so they cannot have the same material requirements. Each
student has their own personalities and interests, not just because they are able to
integrate with a group and lose their passion as well as their characteristics.
Homework is a tool to help students remember and review old knowledge
taught in their schools. However, when the amount of exercise is too much,
students cannot be self-directed, where to start and how to do it. The number of
students supporting this idea is 47%. The university has a very different and new
way of learning than in high school, requiring students to have appropriate ways
and methods of learning. Students must self-study and study more materials. Once
students have identified their desired career, but not clearly planning own study, it
is easy to fall into a depressed situation.
As shown by the figure 4.5, the number of students believed that the
pressure from the tests caused psychological crisis is 29%. This opinion is
supported at least in the survey question. Nevertheless, it is also a worrying thing
as more and more students are subjective in studying. Only when the test is nearly
started, students have to review. This has caused many psychological disorders for

4.3. The negative effects of overbalance in psychology of IBD

In recent years, more and more freshmen suffer from psychological crisis.
This is a lot of interest in the article and gives a lot of evidence for the
psychological crisis of students.
According to Henriques, mental health survey results from the mid-1980s
indicate that 10 to 15 percent of young adults could have been characterized as

having significant mental health problems. Nowadays, he said the number is
anywhere from 33 to 40 percent.

6Figure 4.6: Different repercussions of psychological crisis.

In general, all opinions pointed out in the survey about the impact of
psychological crisis are supported by 60% of IBD students.
As shown in the table, 55% of the students said that the impact of
psychological crisis caused depression and this result is similar to the idea of
"wanting to hide from school". Feeling depressed, neglecting learning, wanting to
drop out of school, psychology master Nguyen Thi My Linh - a school
psychologist in high schools explains: "University study is just the first step to
reaching the goal. Later career, it requires students to have a sense of self-learning.
Another bad consequence that the psychological crisis brings is students will
have negative thoughts when they are alienated or unable to integrate with the
community. IBD students may often encounter this situation when they cannot
play or get acquainted with anyone in their learning environment. As the reasons
mentioned in Table 4.5, it is inevitable that students will have pessimistic thoughts
and actions.
As is shown by chart 4.6, the number of students supporting the idea of
"Lack of self-confidence" accounted for the highest number, at nearly 60%. Self-
confidence is a necessary thing for every student. This not only helps them show
themselves but also helps them to integrate well with their school.
And the final harm of the disorder in psychology for IBD students is not to
orient the plan (30%). It causes many dangerous affects. University students need
to choose for themselves the best way, the most suitable career to be successful. Of
course when they want to fulfill a dream, the pressure of success is inevitable but if
there is no direction, what is the starting point, what is the end point, it will
becoming a hindrance in student life.

 The evidence and specific figures about the impact of psychological crisis to
IBD freshmen

7Figure 4.7: IBD students’ valuation the impact of psychological crisis

The table above shows the degree of impact of psychological crisis on IBD
students. As can be seen from the table, half of the students said that the
psychological crisis caused very thoughtful or very serious consequences (70%).
The majority of other students choose level 3, which occurs 28%. This result
means that they are almost aware of the impact of this situation but have not fully
understood or cared about it.

4.4.Solutions how to reduce their problems and control their

mentality when studying in IBD.

There are many ways to help students escape from their psychological crisis.
More importantly, not everyone is aware enough to apply the most effective
solution. Psychological crisis is not a mental illness but it is a psychological state,
which has a start, a process and the end. For IBD freshmen, if they are in full
possession of their sentiment and behaviors to figure out how to overcome
psychological problems, they can ameliorate this situation.
8Figure 4.8: Percentages of IBD students’ choices of various solutions

It can be seen from the chart, two solutions are voted the most: "Experience
entertainment to reduce stress" and "Take part in some clubs or extracurricular
activities in IBD". These solutions accounts for nearly 75% of supporters. Getting
involved in many recreation activities is a great way to reduce stress as well as
making people to think more positively. After stressful lessons or after each
assignment, students can enjoy relaxing activities such as playing games, listening
to music, watching TV. They will help them forget the tiredness at school. Aside
from entertainment, IBD also has a lot of useful extra-curricular clubs and
activities. Each time students participate in a club or an event, they would gain
several life skills. Students can also have many opportunities to make new friends,
helping themselves not feeling isolated.
Another possible solution is receiving encouragement from relatives and
compliments from friends. Some advices not only help students orient their future,
but also help them find ways to solve the psychological disorder.
According to Table 4.5, 47% of freshmen in IBD stated that they feel
frustrated and worried when they have too many assignments and deadlines.
Therefore, one of the important solutions is that students should learn how to
manage their schedules. A large number of homework needed to complete can
make students feel disoriented and it is difficult for them to start over. On the
contrary, if they can arrange time appropriately then completing them will become
much more easily.
In addition to the solutions given when conducting the survey, there are a
number of other remedies written by IBD freshmen:
 Learn to understand their condition and what they really need so they can
find out their own ways to really deal with their crisis.
 Students in one class should care around not only their group of friend
 Spent some time reading status or stories related to the topic written by other
victims who have suffered the psychological crisis in order to have a broader
command of knowledge as well as learning ways or approaches to help
yourself overcome the crisis and become more mature, not to mention this
can help oneself to form valuable characteristics like self-reliance is a typical

These are solutions that help solve the psychological crisis recommended by
first - year IBD students. Not everyone can adapt to all of these solutions.
However, it is very easy when students can find data place and choose some of the
most effective methods.

This finding have presented the results of the survey, data analysis and some
discussion about the perspective of IBD students towards psychological crisis. It
includes the awareness of IBD students about psychological crisis, the reason why
IBD students have difficulties in their sentiment, the negative effects and solutions
how to control their psychology.

Part V: Conclusion and Recommendations


In summary, most students in IBD have known about psychological crisis.

Some students who have heard about this problem and are interested in learning
about it covered approximately 60% in the chart. However, some of students
have just understand a litter and ignore other students who have this problem.
And another one have never heard about this state which occurs 18%.
With the data I have gathered, I realize that a large number of freshmen felt
excited when they study in high school which covered 60%. 30% students felt
bored and wanted to hide from school. However, when they study at University,
the number of students who feel happy is only 50%. Indeed, when they come to a
new environment, they will probably encounter a lot of difficulties.
There are a lot of different reasons that cause negative effects on sentimental
of each student. First of all, a larger number of students voted for the reason "Do
not have good relationships with teachers and friends" at nearly 65%. Similarly, the
second reason is that students feel isolated by friends and the environment, which
occurs 58%. Thirdly, living in a different environment and having different
interests are also two significant causes supported by a half of IBD students.
Fourthly, maybe 47% IBD students think that homework is too much for them so
they do not have anytime to complete. Last but not least, 29 students on this survey
believed that the pressure from the tests caused psychological crisis.
All of things created on this survey imply effects of psychological crisis on
sentimental of IBD students. At first, psychological crisis make students feel
depressed and want to hide from school. But for a long time, that makes them have
negative thoughts and bad behaviors. Furthermore, the highest number of students
was supporting the idea of "Lack of self-confidence" at nearly 60%. Lastly,
followed by 23 students on this survey, students would be disorient when they do
not determine their target at University. Therefore, when it comes to difficult in
psychology, it can only cause a few insignificant consequences. However, after a
long time, this state can lead to more serious problems, including major depressive

At the end, according to this survey, I have discussed the most three
solutions about how to control sentiment for IBD students. Firstly, people who
have this state can experience some entertainments to reduce stress. Secondly, they
can also take part in some clubs or outdoor activities in IBD. Finally, students
should ask their friends and their family to have more information about
psychological crisis and receive advices from them to decrease this state.
Moreover, this survey has shown a few solutions that brought out by 100 freshmen
in IBD. From that point, freshmen in IBD can have a positive thinking about their
school and their relationships.


Through all the information I received from this survey, I can point out the
reason, the negative consequences and a lot of solutions for IBD freshmen to
overcome their sentiment. This situation will probably lead to many unexpected
results. Thus, choosing the right solution is very important. On this research, I
received 6 main solutions and 3 solutions recommended by 100 freshmen in IBD.
Since then, I can offer the best advice for IBD students to control their feelings and
behaviors. The best solution I want to suggest is that students should take part in
some clubs and outdoor activities in IBD. IBD is an energetic environment for
students who want to make new friends and study life skills. For the freshmen in
IBD, that was the greatest resolution to communicate with a new school.


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 Survey Questionnaire
My name is Le Van Ha from class I14A7, IBD. I am doing this research for my
project which has following the topic: Psychological Crisis of freshmen in IBD.
I want to consult a little bit of your thought about emotional psychology when
you study as a first-year student in IBD. This survey may only take 3-4 minutes
to complete. I hope you can take some time and help me to answer some
questions. Your opinion will give me more information to my research.

Please tick in the box and write down your answer.( Some questions will have
more than one answer if you can see )

1. Would you mind writing down your email?

2. What is your gender?
 Female
 Male
3. Which class are you in?
4. Have you ever heard of psychological crisis ?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe,not much
5. How did you feel when you studied in high school?
 I felt very excited and I have many memories of highschool
 I felt bored and I did not want to study at school
 I was always worried about my learning skills and my future
 Other…
6. After graduating from high school and being a freshman student in IBD,
do you feel that your sentiment has become different from the past?
 Yes
 No
 Maybe,not much
7. How do you feel about your learning environment and your relationships
in IBD?
 Being excited
 Being independent
 Being isolated
 Being bored
 Other…
8. In your view,what are the main causes of psychological crisis in IBD
 Different learning environment
 Different hobbies and interests
 Do not have good relationships with teachers and friends
 Feeling isolated by friends and surroundings
 Too much homework and deadline
 Having examinations stress
 Other…
9. Please assess the impact of psychological crisis on IBD students on a
scale of 1-5 ( 1 is not effective; 5 is very effective )
10.In your point of view, what are the repercussions of psychological crisis?
You may answer more than once.
 Feeling depressed
 Feeling isolated
 Wanting to hide from school
 Having many pessimistic thinking
 Lack of self- confidence
 Disorientation
 Others…
11.Can you guess that how many freshmen in IBD are having problems with
their sentiment?
 Under 10% students
 10%-30%
 30%-60%
 60%-90%
 More than 90%
12.Please select 3 most possible and most effective solutions of
psychological crisis for IBD students according to your point of view?
 Confide with teachers or friends
 Receive encouragement from relatives
 Experience entertainment to reduce stress
 Take part in some Clubs or extracurricular activities in IBD
 Learn how to manage time
 Having a timetable to arrange works easier
 Others
13.Are there any other solutions or suggestions you can think of to disminish
this problem and help IBD students to control their sentiment in the first
year of University?


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