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Students name: Samuel Cadena y Luciana Mojica Sanabria Grade: 8B Date: March 1/ 2021

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SCORE/ CRITERIA
0-2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14 INQUIRING AND DESIGNING (I+D)
0-4 5-9 10-13 14-17 18-20 21-22 23-24 PROCESSING AND EVALUATING (P+E)

Title: (2 Marks, I+D) Includes all the relevant variables.

The change of color caused by the type of substance.

Research question: (3 Marks, I+D)

¿How the PH of the substance affect the color of it after putting the cabbage?

Background information:

Acids and bases have several definitions from different perspectives. Nevertheless, they have specific
properties (Table Nº1) that allow them to have several applications in everyday life ( Horner, 2018).

Table Nº1
Specific properties of acids and bases

A property commonly used to determine whether a substance is acidic or basic is the pH. It is a value
calculated from the concentration of H+ in a sample and it has been arranged in a scale to allow the
classification of the substances (Horner, 2018).
Figure Nº 1
pH Scale and some common examples.

To experimentally determine the pH, Chemists can use a pHmeter or a pH indicators. Second ones are
substances that will change their color depending on the pH of the solution (Table Nº2) where they
were added (Horner, 2018).

Table Nº 2
Indicators behavior in different pH.

Besides, when an acid is combined with a base, a neutralization reaction is going to take place
according to the next word equation (Horner, 2018).
acid + base -> a salt + water

It is an example of an exothermic reaction, it means that heat is being generated and transferred to the
surroundings. In this reaction, salt and water are products leading in a pH=7, that’s the reason it is
called neutralization (Horner, 2018).

- To classify common substances according to their pH.

Hypothesis (2 Marks, I+D)

Between more PH, the color of the substance would be clearer.

Variables: (3 Marks, I+D

Independent: Type of substance, Dependent: Change of color, Control: Temperature.

Variables Impact upon the investigation
Independent variable ● By changing this variable,
we will check how pH is
going to vary.
Dependent variable ● This variable is a good
measure to answer the
research question because
it is a property of any
substance no matter its
Control variables
● By controlling this variable
you will assure this is not
going to affect the pH.

Equipment: (3 Marks, I+D)

Item - Brand Uncertainties Amount - quantities

Cooking pot N/A 1
Tools and Materials
(not used to take
Recipients N/A 3
measurements) Spoon N/A 3
Knife N/A 1
Dropper + 0.5 1
Equipment Balance + 0.1 1
(lab instruments to take
measurements) Test tubes + 0.5 3
Cronometer + 0.5 1
Vinegar N/A 100 ml

Water N/A 100 ml
(if applicable) Bicarbonate Sodium N/A 100 ml
Cabbage N/A 10 drops

Before the lab
1. Buy a small piece of purple cabbage.
2. Cut it into smaller pieces. Watch your hands and fingers.
3. Cook them into a cup of water for 10 min.
4. Sieve them and collect the solution. The solid is not going to be used.
5. Pour the solution into a bottle or container.

During the lab (School or home)

1. Pour vinegar into half of the container.
2. Label the container.
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 for the water.
4. Dissolve sodium bicarbonate in water until half of the container.
5. Label the container.
6. Take a picture of the three containers.
7. Add 3 drops of the purple cabbage solution to each container.
8. Mix them up and take a picture of the three containers.
9. Combine the vinegar and sodium bicarbonate solution together in a bigger container.
10. Take a picture.

Safety, Ethical and environmental considerations: (1 Mark, I+D)

The materials used in the experiment are not dangerous for the environment and for this reason at the end
of the experiment they can be thrown down the drain, additionally the leftover materials can be reused
such as what is left of the cabbage can be used in a salad, if we mismanage the materials used, there may be
accidents in the laboratory affecting our safety and health.

Results: (10 Marks, P+E)

The results in our experiment were: in the first glass we mixed 100 ml of vinegar together with 10 drops of
cabbage resulting in a light fluorescent pink color, in the second glass we mixed half a tablespoon of
bicarbonate diluted with 100 ml of water together with 10 drops of cabbage giving as reported a bluish
green color, in the third glass we mix 100 ml of water together with 10 drops of cabbage resulting in a pink
color with hints of purple/ purple, finally in the fourth glass we mix half the glass of vinegar together with
the other half of the glass of bicarbonate resulting in a color purple with gas particles.

The type of substance Formula Colour of the substance

Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium bicarbonate + cabbage bluish green
Vinegar Vinegar + cabbage solution Light fluorescent pink
Water Water + cabbage solution Pink with hints of purple/ purple
Vinegar with sodium bicarbonate Vinegar + sodium bicarbonate Purple with gas particles

Analysis:(4 Marks, P+E)

The analysis of our results are, in the first glass, which is the mixture of vinegar with the cabbage, the result
was a light fluorescent pink color, with this we can conclude that it is an acid since according to the given
table it is seen that the PH of the acids are from orange to pink, in the second glass that contains the
mixture of bicarbonate with cabbage gave us bluish green color as a result, this is because the bicarbonate
is a base, in the third glass that contains the mixture of water and cabbage resulting, in the case of Samuel a
color purple, and in the case of Luciana a color pink with hints of purple, since the water is neutral, finally in
the last glass, which is the mixture of vinegar with bicarbonate, results in a color purple with gas particles,
since we mix a base and an acid.

Discussion:(4 Marks, P+E)

Our hypothesis is Between more PH, the color of the substance would be clearer. The answer to this
hypothesis is that it was incorrect since the objective of the experiment was not to see the shades of the
substances, the objective was to determine the color change of the substance depending on whether it is
acid or base. The results of our experiment were different because in the glass that contains the water with
cabbage, in the case of Luciana the glass stay with drops of vinegar and the glass of Samuel does not, so for
this reason the color of both glasses were different.

Conclusions:(2 Marks, P+E)

In response to the research question, we can say that the cabbage solution reacts in a different way
depending on the PH contained in the different substances (vinegar, water, bicarbonate), that is why the
result of each mixture acquires a different color. To conclude we can say that the substance generated with
the cabbage effectively influences the change in color of the other substances used, since each one has a
different PH and when mixed with the cabbage, this PH modifies its color, resulting in the different mixtures
have a purple hue, a green hue and a pink hue depending on the initial PH of each of them, as seen in the
results obtained according to the attached table. According to the results obtained, Finally, the objective
was fulfilled in this experiment since it was possible to see the change of the tones in each substance.

Evaluation, improvements and next steps: (2 Marks, P+E)

Luciana Mojica.
In my experiment I did things according to the instructions and with the required materials, my mistake was
that when I started the experiment I confused the water with the vinegar, that's why I put the bicarbonate
in the vinegar instead of putting it in the water, after I started again, I washed the glasses and this time I put
the bicarbonate in the glass with water, at the end of the experiment I realized that the glass that contained
the water was pink with touches of purple when it had to be only purple, this It happened because I washed
the glasses badly and the glass that contained the water was left with some traces of vinegar, so it was of a
different color. With this error I learned that for the next experiment I must wash all the implements I use
well. Finally, as we already know how the experiment is carried out for the next time we try it, we could do
it with more types of substances, such as lemon juice, white vinegar, natural yogurt, etc.

Samuel Cadena.
I found it to be quite an interesting experiment, thanks to the fact that I liked how the color change of the
three substances was appreciated. The truth is that there is nothing to improve, everything turned out
perfect. One of the steps that can be carried out later to make the experiment better would be to take the
pH of each substance.


Luciana Mojica Self-assessment.

Parameter (Answer until cycle 4) Yes No

Class participation X

Use of the camera X

Have you learned? X

Respect X

Samuel Cadena Self-assessment.

Parameter (Answer until cycle 4) Yes No

Class participation X

Use of the camera X

Have you learned? X

Respect X

● Horner, G. (2018). MYP chemistry a concept-based approach: 4 & 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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