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ENCHEM1L - Assessing Acid and Bases at home with a Red Cabbage PH indicator

Assessing Acid and Bases at home with a

Aqueous Red Cabbage Extracts PH indicator
Debbie I, Dy1, Claire Devvie DC. Concepcion2
1College of Engineering, National University, Manila

Abstract. Acids and bases are some of the most important chemical kinds in chemistry. We use acids and
bases every day at home. We can recognize acid as it makes food and drinks taste sour. If people have ever
tasted sticky or ever felt a liquid that feels slippery like soap, those substances are possibly bases. One way to
assess whether a substance is an acid or a base is to evaluate its pH. pH is the scale used in chemistry to
measure acids and bases. The scale is numbered from 1 to 12. Acids have a pH between about 1 and 6. Bases
have a pH of between 8 and 12. If your pH is at 7, this means that the substance is neutral and is neither an acid
nor a base. Just like we use a thermometer temperature scale to find out if something is hot or cold, we can use
the pH scale to find out if something is an acid or a base. An easy way to do this is to utilize pH paper, which is
a piece of paper with a chemical on it that changes color if it is mixed with acids or bases.
Keywords: Acid; Bases; Red Cabbage; pH; indicator; Red Cabbage Extract

1 Introduction anthocyanin (Buddies, 2012). Flavin is a water-

soluble pigment often present in apple skins, plums,
Acids are solutions that lose hydrogen ions and and grapes. Extremely acidic solutions transform the
appear to taste sour. Some of the most popular indicator into a red color, neutral solutions turn the
household remedies are acids, such as citrus fruit indicator into a purple color, and simple solutions
juices and household vinegar. Bases are solutions turn the indicator into a greenish-yellow color.
that take hydrogen ions out of the solution and into The pH of the solution shows the concentration
themselves, "accepting" them, and typically feel of hydrogen ions (H+) (Peirce, 1998). At a lower pH
slippery (Tunesi, 2019). Bases have a lot of practical the solution contains more hydrogen ions and thus
applications. For example, antacids are used to the solution is acidic. Many reactions in nature
reduce the acidity of your stomach (Knott, 2020). include a rise or decrease in acidity. For example, as
Other bases make household cleaning items useful. CO2 concentrations rise in the atmosphere, larger
quantities are dissolved in the oceans, reacting with
You may use a chemical called an indicator to H2O to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). Carbonic acid
tell whether anything is an acid or a base. The quickly disassociates into bicarbonate(HCO3-) and
indicator changes color when it comes to acid or hydrogen ion (H+).
base. There are several different types of markers,
some of which are liquids and some are
concentrated on small strips of litmus paper. 1.1 Objectives
Indicators can be extracted from a variety of
sources, including the pigment of many plants. Red The purpose of this research is to determine
cabbages, for example, contain an indicator pigment how acidic and basic the various materials
molecule called flavin. commonly found around our house are. Using an
aqueous extract of red cabbage to create a pH
Red cabbage juice contains a natural pH indicator. It can tell whether anything is an acid or a
indicator that changes color depending on the base, and how acidic or basic it is, depending on
acidity of the solution. The pigment in red cabbage how much the color changes. This study also seeks
that induces red color change is called flavin, and to discuss the pH of the various liquids.
ENCHEM1L - Assessing Acid and Bases at home with a Red Cabbage PH indicator

1.2 Significance of the Study 2 Materials and Methodology

Every day, we meet with acids and bases. A This experiment must be carried out through
variety of pH values are present in the human various liquids and processes in order to
body, ranging from highly acidic gastric acids achieve the objectives of this study. mRed
to skin to blood Like tums, a base that is cabbage extracts would be stain clothes and
intended to help neutralize stomach acids of fabrics. Be sure to protect the area in which you
other interest. work with plastic or newspaper. Hand stains
and skin is washed away with warm water and
In line with this, the evaluation of acid, soap. This experiment involves analyzing
bases, and pH plays an important role in our certain potentially toxic household chemicals.
daily lives, which will significantly enable us to
achieve sustainability and protection. 2.1 Materials

This experiment will allow us to understand The materials needed are the following :One
the basic definition of acids and bases. It is also small head of red cabbage, Large measuring
one of the keys to recognizing the various cup, Blender, Chopping knife, Strainer Coffee
acidity levels of household products and how filters, 2 large glass bowls, Glass or plastic jar ,
this occurred. This can be a starting point for Eye dropper and the 10 Household products to
further studies into understanding the chemical test pH.
structure of other compounds.
2.2 Method/ Procedure
1.3 Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to see 1. Begin by chopping the red cabbage into
whether the materials found in the house is small pieces until you have about 1 cup
either acids or bases. of the chopped cabbage.

Specifically, it will seek an answer to the 2. Put the cabbage into the blender with
following questions : about 1½ cups of water. Blend the water
and cabbage until finely chopped.
1. How did the results from the red
cabbage pH indicator compare to the pH 3. Place a strainer into a glass bowl and
indicator strips? pour some of the cabbage mixture into
1.1 based on color the strainer. Allow the liquid to separate
1.2 based on pH value from the cabbage. The solid cabbage can
be thrown away. Repeat until all of the
2. Why is understanding the pH value of liquid is separated from the cabbage.
liquids is essential ?
4. Store your red cabbage indicator in a
1.4 Scope and Limitation labeled, sealed jar until you are ready to
use it.
This experiment focuses only on the pH
indicator method to see how red cabbage Making your pH paper
extracts change color when combined with a
material. The report only uses 10 different 1. Cut several coffee filters into 2 x 6 cm
liquids that are typically present in the house to strips. Place the strips onto several
see if there is a difference in pH values between sheets of paper towel.
each other. The experiment will not go beyond
further research. 2. Using an eyedropper or turkey baster,
place a few drops of the red cabbage
indicator onto the coffee filter strips in

ENCHEM1L - Assessing Acid and Bases at home with a Red Cabbage PH indicator

order to cover the strips and allow the

pieces to dry before moving onto the
next part. Do not drench the strips
because they will take too long to dry.
Table 1. Observation of the pH level of household

Household Acidic or
Color pH value
Materials Bases

Liquid 1

Liquid 2

Liquid 3


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Buddies, S. (2012, January 26). Cabbage
Chemistry- Finding Acids and Bases.
Retrieved from Bring Science Home.
Knott, D. L. (2020, April 14). Antacids. Retrieved
from Patient:
Peirce, J. J. (1998). Measurement of Water Quality.
Environmental Pollution and Control
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Sur1, F. N., & Sur2, F. M. (2015). Title of the Book.
Quezon: UP Press.
Tunesi, L. (2019, November 13). What are acids
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for Students:

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