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The type of research that helps the researcher to clearly formulate the research problem or

objectives is called: Exploratory
Which research strategy is described here? The introduction of planned change on one or
more of the variables; measurement on a small number of variables and control of other
variables. * Experiment

What is a research design? *A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of

Second-hand data, collected for someone else's purposes, is known as . Secondary data

Which of the following is not one of the categories of research design? * Desk

Which type of research methods are designed to elicit responses to predetermined,

standardized questions from many respondents? Quantitative research

Advantages of in-depth interviews over traditional focus groups include all of the following
EXCEPT: deeper insights about underlying motives

In contrast to ____ research, the findings of ____ research cannot be treated as conclusive
and used to recommend a final course of action. Quantitative, Qualitative

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the research

project. *true

There are three main types of research designs employed in marketing research: exploratory,
descriptive, and conclusive. *False

Conclusive research is typically more formal and structured than exploratory research *True

A descriptive design requires a clear specification of the who, what, when, where, why, and
way (the six Ws) of the research. *True

The research design suitable for one country may not be suitable in another country. *True
Which statement is not true about research design? *Research design is undertaken
before developing the approach to the problem.

Research designs may be broadly classified as ________ or ________ *

exploratory; conclusive

Exploratory research is used in all of the following cases except *

selecting the course of action to take in a given situation

The primary objective of ________ is to provide insights into, and an understanding of, the
problem confronting the researcher *Exploratory Research

Joan needs to determine which variables and relationships she should examine further as part
of the research she is conducting for the Flager Truck Company. Joan is about to embark on
what type of research? *Exploratory Research

Which of the objectives below would best represent exploratory research? Provide insights and

If there were a need to isolate key variables and relationships for further examination, it would
be best to perform ________. *Exploratory Research

Which data collection method is used in causal research? Experiments

You work for Innovative Focus, an internationally recognized consulting firm. You are working
on the Waterpik account to help them with finding their next successful product. You are
meeting with the Waterpik marketing professionals tomorrow to conduct a trends meeting to
list and prioritize key consumer wants and needs. You have also scheduled a meeting with the
Waterpik engineers to uncover applicable technologies and the company's internal
competencies. What type of research are you conducting in your meetings with Waterpik.
Exploratory Research

________ is a type of conclusive research that has as its major objective the description of
something usually market characteristics or functions. Descriptive research

Descriptive research, in contrast to exploratory research, is marked by all of the following

except ________ *flexibility
_______ refers to a sample of respondents who have agreed to provide information at
specified intervals over an extended period. *Panel
Exploratory research is typically more formal and structured than conclusive research. * False

Exploratory research differs from conclusive research in conclusive research is: *well defined
and usually has structured questions in the questionnaire

A type of quantitative research that systematically manipulates one or more variables to

determine which variable has a causal effect on another variable is called: Experimental

Marie, a popular clothing company, is planning to introduce a new line of clothing and would
like to compare the pricing of its products with that of its competitors. Which of the following
research techniques would help Marie accomplish this: Descriptive

Which of the following research methods is the most popular type of conclusive research
method that uses a questionnaire to study consumers' attitudes, preferences, behaviours, and
knowledge about products and brands? *Descriptive

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