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Activity 2.

DIRECTION: Create a simple fitness plan following the FITT principle using the
format below. Provide two exercises in each fitness components. Please consider
the rubrics provided below.
Fitness Frequency Intensity Time Type
Cardio and 1. Jumping 1. Jumping 1. Jogging on 1. Walking
weight loss Rope Rope the spot 2.Cycling
2. Jogging 2. Rowing 2.Jumping
Muscular 1. Plank 1. Weight 1. Plank 1. Curl-ups
Strength and 2. Curl-ups Lifting 2. Weight 2. Plank
Endurance 2. Kettlebells Lifting
Flexibility 1. Sit and 1. Sit and 1. Yoga 1. Static
(Stretching) Reach Reach 2. Butterfly Stretching
2. Butterfly 2. Single Leg Stretch 2. Active
Stretch Hip Raise Stretching

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