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1st Grading

 Components of Physical Fitness Exercise Based Fitness Activity
 Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises

 Basic Squats
FITT and Principles of Training

F.I.T.T – Frequency/ Intensity/Time/ Type
Principles of Training
Execution, Types, & Benefits

 Lunges are a powerful exercise, allowing you to shape and

strengthen almost every muscle in the lower body.
How to perform a Lunge:
Execution, Types, & Benefits

Step 2:  Flex your knees and lower your hips with one leg
Step 1: Stand straight and forward and one leg back and stand back up and return to
start in a split leg position   the starting position.
Points to Remember:
 Your lead knee should not go past your toes as you lower toward the ground.

 Your rear knee should not touch the ground.

 Aim to keep your hips symmetrical (at the same height, without dropping the
hip of your back leg or hiking the hip of your front leg).

 Contract your abdominals during the movement to help keep your trunk

 Your feet should stay hip-width apart during the landing and return.
Targeted Muscles are:
 Lunges are a good exercise for strengthening, sculpting and building several
muscles/muscle groups,

 Quadriceps (or thighs)

 Gluteus maximus (or buttocks)
 Hamstrings
BENEFITS of Lunges: TYPES of Lunges:
 Weight Loss
1. Assisted Lunge 4. Jumping Lunge

 Balance and Stability

2. Stationary Lunge 5. Alternative Weighted Lunge

 Alignment and symmetry

3. Reverse Lunge 6. Weighted Lunge

(Alternating and Walking)

 Safety and Precautions

4. Rear Foot Elevated Lunge
TYPES of Lunges:
Lunges Activity Log
Lunges Activity Log

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