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NUR201: OSCE Final Exam – Skill 2

Student Name:……………………….......................................ID#...........................................Date:……………….Station:…………

Topic: Assessing the abdomen Awarded Obtained

 Prepare needed equipment (stethoscope and antiseptic wipe, felt-tipped marker, tape measure and ruler, penlight 0.5
or examination light, pen and record form)
 Great the patient, introduce yourself, check ID band, explain the procedure and obtain verbal consent. 0.5
 Excuse visitor, close the door or curtains, have adequate light, and adjust proper room temp. 0.5
 Wash hands and wear procedure gloves if necessary. 0.5
Procedure steps
 Place the patient supine, arms at sides, with small pillows under the head and knees. 1
 Inspect the size, shape, symmetry, and condition of the abdominal skin. 1
 Observe abdominal movements including respirations, pulsations, and peristalsis. 1
 Inspect the umbilicus for position, shape, color, and discharge. 1
 Auscultate bowel sounds in all four quadrants, and the aorta for bruits. 1
 Palpate all four quadrants for tenderness, guarding, and masses. Inspect for rebound tenderness. 1
Post care:
 Thank, reassure and reposition the patient. 0.5
 Discard the gloves and wash hands 0.5
 Recording patient’s response and abnormal findings 0.5
 Reporting abnormal findings 0.5
Total grade 10

Instructor's Comment:

Student's Mark:……………………../10………………….. Pass:…………………… Fail:……………..

Instructor's Name:………………………………… Signature:………………………………………………
1 Health assessment Fall 2020

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