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Digital Figure Sculpture - Male Full Figure

Assignment - Torso Measurements (cm)


1 overall height 180
2 midpoint of the body - top of the head to pubic symphysis 90
2.a ASIS to clavicle 49
2.b pubic symphysis to suprasternal notch (pit of neck) 59
3 length of the ulna - olecranon to styloid process 29
4 humerus - lateral epicondyle to acromion process 33
5 metacarpals to end of third finger 19
6 wrist width 6.5
7 hand width 9
8 suprasternal notch to acromion (width of one shoulder) 23
9 acromion to acromion 42
10 epigastric depression to suprasternal notch (pit of neck) 16.5
11 narrowest point of waist 30
12 anterior axillary fold 38
13 posterior axillary fold 38
14 ASIS to ASIS 24.5
15 ASIS to pubic sympysis 15
16 widest point on hips 34
17 greater trochanter to greater trochanter 31.5
18 PSIS to PSIS 11
19 ASIS to PSIS 19
20 spine of the scapula (lateral acromion to medial border) 17
21 height of scapula (from spine to inferior edge) 15
22 7th CV to 12th TV (cervical and thoracic vertebrea) 31
23 PSIS to gluteal fold 22
24 nipple to nipple 22
25 inferior margin of pec/breast to clavicle 20.5
26 greater trochanter to bottom of lateral condyle of femur 41.5
27 ASIS to ground 97
28 knee width across condyles of femur 11
29 ankle width across malleoli 8
30 tibial tuberosity to distal end of tibia 35
31 calcaneus to end of 1st toe 28
32 width of foot (across heads of 1st to 5th metatarsals) 11.5
33 lateral width of neck (widest point) 13
34 suprasternal notch to 7th CV 14.5
Digital Figure Sculpture - Male Full Figure

1 chin to hariline 21
2 antritragus to antitragus (AT - the front notch of the ear) 14.5
3 AT to top of head 18
4 AT to chin 14.5
5 AT to tip of nose 15
6 AT to bottom of nose 13
7 root to bottom of nose 5.5
8 bottom of nose to chin 9
9 root of nose to back of head (occipital protuberance) 20.5
10 width of eyes (between lateral canthi) 9
11 width between zygomatic arches (widest point) 14.5
12 space between eye (medial canthi) 3
13 width of mouth 5
14 lateral cantus to center of part of the lips 9.5
15 root of nose to part of lips 8.2
16 height of ear 7
17 nostril width (outside) 4.5
18 bottom of chin to top of head 26.5
19 neck front to back (at hyoid) 12.5
20 AT to hyoid bone 12.5

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