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Lecturer : Dr. Muhammad Taridi, M.Pd

Group Members :
1. M. Safalah Madya Praja / 202022059
2. Silvi / 202022006
3. Rini Anggraini / 202022038
4. Rospaneli Syamsir / 202022039


Task 1 :

Fitness Room :

“From the main gate, go through the car park then turn left, go along this hallway to the last room. The
room is full of sports equipment”

Receptionist :

“From the main gate, go straight through the car park then turn left, the room is in front of entrance ”

Art Studio :

“From the main gate, go straight through the car park then turn left, until you find an entrance, then
you turn left, the room is full of art”
Car Park :

“From the main gate, go straight until you find cars. Car park is there”
Task 2 :

1. Visitor : Excuse me, Could you tell me how to get to maternity unit?

Nurse : Turn left until you find toilet, then turn right and you’l see nurse station. The maternity
room is on the left nurse station.
2. Visitor : Excuse me, Could you tell me how to get to canteen from nurse station in ICU?

Nurse : Walk ahead and go downstairs to the 1 st floor, go along this hallway, the canteen is just
across from the NSI II room.

3. Visitor : Excuse me, Can you tell me where is toilet?

Nurse : Turn right, from the entrance toilet is the third room from the left next to dispensary.

4. Visitor : Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the lift?

Nurse : Turn right and go ahead until the end of the hallway, the lift is next to laboratory and
operation room.

5. Visitor : Excuse me, Could you tell me how to get to pediatric ward?

Nurse : Turn left and then take the first turn on the right, go upstairs to the 2 nd floor, turn right until
you find toilet, the pediatric ward is on the left side of toilet.

6. Visitor : Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the children playground?

Nurse : The children playground is just across from the waiting room.

7. Visitor : Excuse me, Can you tell me where is the ICU?

Nurse : Turn right then take the first turn on the left, go along and then go upstairs to the 2 nd floor.
From the stairs turn left, the ICU is at the opposite of the physiotheraphy room and next to

8. Visitor : Excuse me, Can you tell me where is the Entrance to the Class 1?

Nurse : Go along this hallway until you find the lift, turn left and then take the first turn on the left,
class 1 is just opposite the canteen next to class 2.

9. Visitor : Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the laboratory?

Nurse : Turn left until you find the stairs the go downstairs to 1st floor, walk ahead and tak second
turn to the right, go along this hallway, laboratory is next to the lift and radiology unit.

10. Visitor : Excuse me, I’m looking for admission. How can I get there ?

Nurse : Turn right until you find the lift, admission is just across the operation room

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