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Adjectives :
Smart, beautiful, ugly, tall, short, fat, slim, skinny, lazy, diligent,
old, young etc.
1. My mother is beautiful
2. Rudy is fat
3. They are diligent students.
4. I’m young
• Verbs :
• Walk, run, study, cook, eat, sleep, take a bath, do homework,
sweep, clean, watch, go, etc
• 1. I always go to school on foot
• 2. My mother cooks in the kitchen everymorning
• 3. They often sleep in my house
• 4. She doesn’t sweep the classroom
Membuat teks
• Ibuku bernama Roichana. Dia seorang ibu yang rajin. Setiap
pagi, ia selalu membersihkan rumah. Aku selalu
• Ibuku memiliki rambut lurus yang panjang. Kulitnya putih dan
ia memiliki hidung yang mancung. Aku sangat menyayanginya.
My mother’s name is Roichana. She is a
diligent mother. Every morning, she always
cleans the house. I always help her.

My mother has long straight hair. Her skin

is fair, and she has a sharp nose. I love her
very much.

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