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NIM : 200140088
Conjunction Quiz

Ifentify the correct coordinating conjunction.

1. It was a warm day. We took off our jackets.

 It was a warm day so we took off our jackets

2. Tell the truth. I will punish you.

 Tell the truth or I will punish you.

3. I studied for the test. I got a poor grade.

 I studied for the test but I got a poor grade.

4. I like candy. I like chocolate.

 I like candy and I like chocolate.

5. He was an extravagant person. He did not spend all his money.

 He was an extravagant person but He did not spend all his money.

6. I ate a lot. I am still hungry.

 I ate a lot but I am still hungry.

7. His pen was broken. He couldn’t write with it.

 His pen was broken so He couldn’t write with it.

8. I like to sleep. I don’t like to nap.

 I like to sleep but I don’t like to nap.

9. I went there. I was told to go there

 I went there for I was told to go there

10. She felt ill. She went to bed

 She felt ill so she went to bed
NIM : 200140088
I . Fill in the blanks using the appropriate conjunction

1. My dad and I are going fishing this afternoon.

2. The old man doesn’t have much money but he always seems to have nice
3. Either we are going to win or they are going to win.
4. I don’t have much so time hurry up!
5. He wasn’t a popular king and all of his country men hated him.
6. I want to get there early so we should leave soon.
7. It doesn’t matter whether they get the job or not.
8. We don’t like red so do I like blue.
9. I ran after the cat but could not catch her.
10. We played very well yet we still lost the game.

Test 1. Coordinating Conjunction

1. Do you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream better?

2. I have to go to work at six, so I’m waking up at four.
3. I was on time, but everyone else was late.
4. Nadia doesn’t like to drive so she take the bus everywhere.
5. Our trip to the museum was interesting, and there were several new artifact
on display.
NIM : 200140088
Task. 1 Mengembangkan Kalimat

1. Buku saya sangat bagus.

 My book is very good
2. Buku merah adik saya sangat bagus.
 My sister's book is very good
3. Beberapa buku adik saya, seperti yang merah dan yang putih, sangat
bagus dan menarik
 Some of my sister's book, like the red and white one, are very good
and very interesting
4. 2 dari buku-buku sekolah adik saya, seperti yang merah dan yang putih
diatas meja itu, tidak bagus apalagi menarik.
 Two of my sister's book school, like the red and white, are neither
good nor interesting.
5. Hanya ada 2 buah dari buku-buku bacaan adik saya yang paling kecil,
seperti buku dengan sampul merah dan putih di pojok meja itu, tidak
bagus namun sangat penting.
 Only two of my youngest sister's textbook, like the red covered and
white in the corner, are not good but very important

Task. 2 Mengembangkan Kalimat

1. Kayla menulis di kertas.

 Kayla writes on the paper
2. Kayla sedang menulis sesutau di kertas putih milik saya.
 Kayla is writing something on my white paper
3. Kayla tidak sedang menulis apapun di kertas putih yang berikan
kepadanya kemarin, tetapi dia sedang menulis dikertas miliknya sendiri
 Kayla is not writing anything on the white paper that i gave yesterday,
but instead she is writing on her own paper.
4. Kemarin, Kayla sedang menulis apa yang sedang dia rasakan diatas
kertas putih yang kusam yang saya berikan kepadanya kemarin.
NIM : 200140088
 Yesterday, kayla wrote what she felt on the white dull paper that i
gave yesterday
5. Kayla sudah sehat. Sekarang dia sedang menulis pengalaman
berkesannya mengunjungi salah satu sekolah di desa tetangga minggu
 Kayla is healthy. Now she is writing her memorable moment when
she visited one of the neighborhood school last week

Task. 3 Mengembangkan Kalimat

1. Kami menonton televisi di rumah.

 We are watching tv in the house
2. Kami sering menonton acara talk show itu di televisi di rumah kami.
 We often watch talkshow in the television in our house
3. Kami sekeluarga sering menonton acara talk show politik di salah satu
stasiun televisi swasta terkenal di rumah kami.
 We often watch politic talkshow in one of the famous private tv in our
4. Beberapa waktu lalu, keluarga kami menonton acara talk show cara
memasak masakan nusantara di salah satu stasiun televisi swasta terkenal
di Negara kami.
 Some time ago, our family watched talkshow about how to cook local
food in one of the famous private tv in our country
5. Karena hobiku adalah menonton, aku jadi terbiasa menonton .banyak
acara termasuk menonton acara talk show cara memasak yang
sebenarnya lebih cocok untuk wanita.
 Because my hobby is watching, i used to watch a lot of shows include
cooking talkshow which are more suitable for women.

Task. 4 Kembangkanlah Kalimat dibawah ini

1. Para siswa belajar di kelas.

(the students are studying in the classroom)
NIM : 200140088
 Kemarin siswa kelas 12 jurusan IPA belajar matematika untuk
persiapan ujian di ruang kelas lantai dua dengan raut wajah yang
terlihat kelelahan
(yesterday 12th graders who majors in science studied math in the
second floor classroom to prepare for the test with a tired look on their
2. Kami membeli buku di supermarket.
(We buy a book at the supermarket.)
 Nanti sore setelah pulang sekolah saya dan teman-teman saya akan
membeli buku novel untuk tugas sekolah kami di supermarket dan
pergi dengan berjalan kaki karena jaraknya dekat dengan sekolah
(this afternoon after school my friends and I will going to buy a novel
for my school homework to supermarket and go on foot because it’s
close to our school)
3. Adik saya berjalan ke sekolah setiap hari.
(my brother walks to school ever day)
 ada sekolah dasar di dekat rumah saya,adik terkecil saya yang masih
kelas 4 bersekolah disana dan dia selalu bangun pagi karena dia pergi
ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki Bersama teman-temannya setiap hari.
(there is an elementary school near my house,my youngest brother
who are in the 4th grade goes to that school ,and he always wake up
early for going to school on foot with his friends every day)

4. Saya pulang dari sekolah.

(I went home from school)
 Setelah pelajaran matematika saya dan teman di kelas 12 ipa akan
pulang dari sekolah dan kami akan pulang Bersama naik angkutan
(after math class, me and friends who are in the 12th grade of science
majors will go home together by public transportation)
5. Indonesia adalah Negara yang besar.
(Indonesia is a big country)
NIM : 200140088
 Saya adalah warga Indonesia yang wilayahnya terdapat di asia ,
merupakan negara yang besar terdiri dari pulau dan dataran tinggi
yang indah seperti Bali contohnya.
(I am an Indonesian citizen whose territory is in Asia , which is a
large country consisting of beautiful islands and highlands like Bali
for example)
6. Pulpen saya baru.
(my pen is new)
 Ketika menulis teks Bahasa inggris pulpen saya habis,jadi saya harus
pergi ke toko buku untuk membeli pulpen baru karena tugasnya harus
segera dikumpulkan malam ini
(when writing English text my pen runs out, so I have to go to the
bookstore to buy a new pen because the assignment must be submitted
7. Ini adalah laptop teman saya.
(this is my friend’s laptop)
 Saya dan teman saya mengerjakan tugas kelompok di rumah saya
menggunakan laptop baru teman saya yang dia beli kemarin , karena
laptop dia rusak dan tidak bisa digunakan .
(me and my friend did a group assignment at home using my friend’s
new laptop that she bought yesterday, because her laptop was broken
and unusable)
8. Saya suka makan mie.
(I like to eat noodles)
 Saya dan kakak saya pergi ke tempat makan setelah menonton film di
bioskop dan saya memesan mie karena saya suka mie padahal mie itu
tidak sehat apabila sering dikonsumsi sedangkan kakak saya memesan
ayam goreng.
(me and my sister went to a food stall after watching a movie at the
cinema and I ordered noodles because I like noodles even thought
noodles are not healthy when consumed frequently meanwhile my
sister ordered fried chiken)
9. Teman saya duduk di samping saya.
(my friend sits beside me)
NIM : 200140088
 Saya sedang menunggu bus di halte untuk pergi ke sekolah kemudian
bertemu dengan teman saya yang membawa buku dan mengenakan
jaket putih dan duduk di samping saya lalu dia menyapa saya
(I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop to go to school then met my
friend who was carrying a book and wearing a white jacket and sat
beside me then she greeted me)
10. Orang tua saya adalah pahlawan sejati saya
(my parents are my real heroes)
 Saya dan orang tua saya sangat dekat,ketika saya membutuhkan
bantuan mereka selalu ada, saya bangga memiliki orang tua seperti
mereka, dan bagi saya orang tua saya adalah pahlawan sejati bagi
(me and my parents are very close, when I need help they are always
there , I am proud to have parents like them,and for me my parents are
real heroes to me)

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